The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Samuel J. Hazo Archives
Samuel J. Hazo •ï¿½75 Items / 8 Books, 9 Articles, 12 Reviews, 46 Poems
The Holy Surprise of Right Now (1996)
Selected and New Poems
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Published Reviews
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    Poetry Chronicle (10 Reviews)
    Connecting the Dots, by Maxine Kumin
    1. Connecting the Dots by Maxine Kumin
    2. To the Bone by Sydney Lea
    3. Oils of Evening by G.E. Murray
    4. Now by Judith Baumel
    5. Spring Garden by Fred Chappell
    6. The Holy Surprise of Right Now by Samuel Hazo
    7. The Figured Wheel by Robert Pinsky
    8. Meadowlands by Louise Gluck
    9. Trespasser by R.T. Smith
    10. Work Without Hope by John Burt
    The Hudson Review, Spring 1997, pp. 137-146