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A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Stephen Haseler Archives
Stephen Haseler •ï¿½20 Items / 4 Books, 13 Articles, 3 Reviews
The Death of British Democracy (1976)
A Study of Britain's Political Present and Future
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Communism: The English Journey (Special Book Review) (Review)
    The Death of British Democracy, by Stephen Haseler
    1. The Death of British Democracy by Stephen Haseler
    The American Spectator, October 1977, pp. 27-29
  2. [+]
    Laid Out (Review)
    The Death of British Democracy, by Stephen Haseler
    1. The Death of British Democracy by Stephen Haseler
    The New Statesman, May 7, 1976, pp. 609-611
  3. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (11 Reviews)
    General: Political and Legal
    1. The Politics of Attraction by Annette Baker Fox
    2. Japan, America, and the Future World Order by Morton A. Kaplan and Kinhide Mushakoji
    3. U Thant, 1965-1967 by Andrew W. Cordier and Max Harrelson
    4. Prospects for Constitutional Democracy by John H. Hallowell
    5. The Death of British Democracy by Stephen Haseler
    6. The Euro-American System by Ernst-Otto Czempiel and Dankwart A. Rustow
    7. American Labor and European Politics by Roy Godson
    8. Genocide: State Power and Mass Murder by Irving Louis Horowitz
    9. Marine Policy and the Coastal Community by Douglas M. Johnston
    10. International Space Law by A.S. Piradov
    11. The System of the International Organizations of the Communist Countries by Richard Szawlowski
    Foreign Affairs, April 1977, pp. 644-645
  4. [+]
    The Owl & the Water-Beetle (13 Reviews)
    Parliament for the People, by Joe Rogaly
    1. Parliament for the People by Joe Rogaly
    2. The Disillusioned Voter's Guide to Electoral Reform by Christopher Mayhew
    3. The 1975 Referendum by David Butler and Uwe Kitzinger
    4. British Social Democracy by David Howell
    5. The Death of British Democracy by Stephen Haseler
    6. The Labour Party and the Working Class by Tom Forester
    7. The Conservative Opportunity by Robert Blake and John Patten
    8. Contemporary Political Philosophers by Anthony de Crespigny and Kenneth Minogue
    9. Conservatism by Noel O'Sullivan
    10. Liberalism by D.J. Manning
    11. Parties and Party Systems, Vol. I by Giovanni Sartori
    12. A Theory of Party Competition by David Bruce Robertson
    13. The Comparative Study of Political Elites by Robert D. Putnam
    Encounter, January 1977, pp. 74-80