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William E. Hart Archives
William E. Hart •ï¿½2 Books
Hitler's Generals (1940)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    There Will Always Be a Brauchitsch (3 Reviews)
    German Radio Propaganda, by Ernst Kris and Hans Speier
    1. German Radio Propaganda by Ernst Kris and Hans Speier
    2. The German Army by Herbert Rosinski
    3. Hitler's Generals by W.E. Hart
    Free World, July 1944, pp. 81-82
  2. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (30 Reviews)
    Western Europe
    1. The Gravediggers of France by Andre Geraud
    2. Giraud and the African Scene by G. Ward Price
    3. France Reviews Its Revolutionary Origins by Paul Farmer
    4. Gallic Charter by J.C. Fernand-Laurent
    5. Leon Blum Before His Judges by Leon Blum
    6. Norway Is My Country by Synnove Christensen
    7. The Voice of Norway by Halvdan Koht and Sigmund Skard
    8. Nobel-Prize Donor by Michael Evlanoff
    9. Germany and Europe: A Spiritual Dissension by Benedetto Croce
    10. Via Diplomatic Pouch by Douglas Phillips Miller
    11. Germany: The Last Phase by Gunnar T. Pihl
    12. Stepping Stones to Peace by Felix Langer
    13. Not Nazis But Germans by Dimitri J. Tosevic
    14. Need Germany Survive? by Julius Braunthal
    15. East Prussia by Robert Machray
    16. Prelude to Silence by Arnold Brecht
    17. Hitler's Generals by W.E. Hart
    18. German Radio Propaganda by Ernst Kris and Hans Speier
    19. Hitler's Words by Gordon W. Prange and Adolf Hitler
    20. The German Army by Herbert Rosinski
    21. The Nazi Economic System: Germany's Mobilization for War by Otto Nathan and Milton Fried
    22. Women in Nazi Germany by Katherine Thomas
    23. Christian Counter-Attack by Hugh Martin, Douglas Newton, and Herbert Montague Waddams, ...
    24. The Germans and the Jews by F.R. Bienenfeld
    25. The Case of the German Jews vs. Germany by Hugo Marx
    26. The Development of Modern Italy by Cecil J.S. Sprigge
    27. One Man Alone by Maxwell H.H. Macartney
    28. Towards the New Italy by T.L. Gardini
    29. Behind the Spanish Mask by Lawrence Dundas
    30. Our Oldest Ally by Harry J. Greenwall
    Foreign Affairs, October 1944, pp. 154-156