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Albert Bushnell Hart Archives
Albert Bushnell Hart •ï¿½147 Items / 65 Books, 62 Articles, 18 Reviews
Camps and Firesides of the Revolution (1902)
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Published Reviews
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    Books of the Week (51 Reviews)
    Adam Rush, by Lynn Roby Meekins
    1. Adam Rush by Lynn Roby Meekins
    2. American Merchant Ships and Sailors by Willis J. Abbot
    3. American Municipal Progress by Charles Zueblin
    4. The Anglican Episcopate and the American Colonies by Arthur Lyon Cross
    5. Barbara Ladd by Charles G.D. Roberts
    6. The Boy: How to Help Him Succeed by Nathaniel C. Fowler, Jr.
    7. Camps and Firesides of the Revolution by Albert Bushnell Hart and Mabel Hill
    8. A Century of Jewish Missions by A.E. Thompson
    9. Chatterbox for 1902 by J. Erskine Clarke
    10. A Child's Story of the Life of Christ by Helen Brown Hoyt
    11. Colonel Alexander K. McClure's Recollections of Half a Century by Alexander K. McClure
    12. Coquo and the King's Children by Cornelia Baker
    13. Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell
    14. A Disciple of Plato by Alligood Beach
    15. "Erb" by W. Pett Ridge
    16. Francezka by Molly Elliot Seawell
    17. Girls of the Forest by Mrs. L.T. Meade
    18. Harmonic Analysis by Benjamin Cutter
    19. The Housewives of Edenrise by Florence Popham
    20. The Inevitable by Philip Verrill Mighels
    21. Jethro Bacon and the Weaker Sex by F.J. Stimson
    22. Life, the Interpreter by Phyllis Bottome
    23. Little Masterpieces of Science by George Iles
    24. Little Mistress Good Hope and Other Fairy Tales by Mary Imlay Taylor
    25. Mariella of Out-West by Ella Higginson
    26. The Ministry of the Sunday-School by T. Harwood Pattison
    27. Pascal and the Port Royalists by William Clark
    28. A Plea for Hardy Plants by James Wilkinson Elliott
    29. The Princess Kallisto and Other Tales of the Fairies by William Dana Orcutt
    30. The Psychological Elements of Religious Faith by Charles Carroll Everett and Edward Hale
    31. The Queen of Little Barrymore Street by Gertrude Smith
    32. Recollections of a Player by James Henry Stoddart
    33. The Red House by Edith Nesbit
    34. Roger Drake, Captain of Industry by Henry Kitchell Webster
    35. The Roll-Call of Westminster Abbey by Mrs. A. Murray Smith
    36. The Romany Stone by J.H. Yoxall
    37. The Secret of the Everglades by Bessie Marchant
    38. Seven Roman Statesmen of the Later Republic by Charles W.C. Oman
    39. A Short History of Music by Alfredo Untersteiner
    40. A Song of a Single Note by Amelia Edith Barr
    41. The Sons of Glory by Adolfo Padovan
    42. The Soul of a People by H. Fielding Hall
    43. The Spirit of the Ghetto by Hutchins Hapgood
    44. Stories in Stone from the Roman Forum by Isabel Lovell
    45. Stories of California by Ella M. Sexton
    46. The Story of Athens by Howard Crosby Butler
    47. Sweetbrier and Thistledown by James Newton Baskett
    48. The Taskmasters by George Kibbe Turner
    49. The Tragedy of Pelee by George Kennan
    50. A Treasury of Humorous Poetry by Frederic Lawrence Knowles
    51. A Treatise on Title-Pages by Theodore Low De Vinne
    The Outlook, November 22, 1902, pp. 699-708