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Hilda Doolittle Archives
Hilda Doolittle •ï¿½29 Items / 23 Books, 1 Article, 1 Review, 4 Poems
Palimpsest (1926)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    First Glance (Review)
    Palimpsest, by H.D.
    1. Palimpsest by H.D.
    The Nation, December 22, 1926, p. 668
  2. [+]
    Palimpsest (Review)
    Palimpsest, by H.D.
    1. Palimpsest by H.D.
    The New Republic, February 2, 1927, p. 309
  3. [+]
    From 75 B.C. to 1925 A.D. (Review)
    Palimpsest, by H.D.
    1. Palimpsest by H.D.
    The Saturday Review, January 1, 1927, p. 482
  4. [+]
    The Bookman's Guide to Fiction (70 Reviews)
    1. Trumps
    2. Revelry by Samuel Hopkins Adams
    3. The Green Dolphin by Sara Ware Bassett
    4. Dreams and Delights by L. Adams Beck
    5. Saint Michael's Gold by H. Bedford-Jones
    6. Bison of Clay by Max Begouen
    7. The Prince's Love Affair by A.H. Bennett
    8. Early Autumn by Louis Bromfield
    9. The Magic Flute by Sara Cone Bryant
    10. The Dancing Floor by John Buchan
    11. West of the Moon by Anna Robeson Burr
    12. Her Son's Wife by Dorothy Canfield
    13. The Wolf, the Cat and the Nightingale by Stanley Hart Cauffman
    14. No Ugly Ducklings by George Agnew Chamberlain
    15. In Days That Are Dead by Hugh Charles Clifford
    16. The Black Hunter by James Oliver Curwood
    17. Palimpsest by H.D.
    18. Sorrell and Son by Warwick Deeping
    19. The Kays by Margaret Deland
    20. The Chariot of Fire by Bernard DeVoto
    21. The Sardonic Smile by Ludwig Diehl
    22. An American Tragedy by Theodore Dreiser
    23. The Thibaults by Roger Martin Du Gard
    24. Introduction to Sally by Elizabeth von Arnim
    25. Galahad by John Erskine
    26. The Private Life of Helen of Troy by John Erskine
    27. After Noon by Susan Ertz
    28. Show Boat by Edna Ferber
    29. Power by Lion Feuchtwanger
    30. The Cubical City by Janet Flanner
    31. A Man Could Stand Up by Ford Madox Ford
    32. Ways of Escape by Noel Forrest
    33. Martin Hanner by Kathleen Freeman
    34. Preface to a Life by Zona Gale
    35. The Silver Spoon by John Galsworthy
    36. Labels by A. Hamilton Gibbs
    37. The Romantic Comedians by Ellen Glasgow
    38. The Two Virginities by Herbert S. Gorman
    39. The Widow of Ephesus by Mary Granger
    40. Confession by Cosmo Hamilton
    41. The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
    42. Tampico by Joseph Hergesheimer
    43. Coming Through the Rye by Grace Livingston Hill
    44. Joanna Godden Married, and Other Stories by Sheila Kaye-Smith
    45. Debits and Credits by Rudyard Kipling
    46. The Understanding Heart by Peter B. Kyne
    47. The Big Mogul by Joseph C. Lincoln
    48. Perella by William J. Locke
    49. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes by Anita Loos
    50. Blencarrow by Isabel Mackay
    51. Orange Street by S.P.B. Mais
    52. Gabrielle by William Babington Maxwell
    53. Some Found Adventure by Robert E. McClure
    54. The Fiddler in Barly by Robert Nathan
    55. The Hard-Boiled Virgin by Frances Newman
    56. Hildegarde by Kathleen Norris
    57. Harvey Garrard's Crime by E. Phillips Oppenheim
    58. The Dark Dawn by Martha Ostenso
    59. Bellarion the Fortunate by Rafael Sabatini
    60. The Last Day by Beatrice Kean Seymour
    61. The Coast of Enchantment by Burton E. Stevenson
    62. Our Wiser Sons by Ralph Straus
    63. Tides by Ada Hilt Street and Julian Street
    64. The Dead Ride Hard by Louis Joseph Vance
    65. Nigger Heaven by Carl Van Vechten
    66. Harmer John by Hugh Walpole
    67. The World of William Clissold by H.G. Wells
    68. Beau Geste by Percival Christopher Wren
    69. Beau Sabreur by Percival Christopher Wren
    70. The Orphan Angel by Elinor Wylie
    The Bookman, January 1927, pp. 622-624