The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
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Ismet Giritli Archives
Ismet Giritli •ï¿½1 Book
Superpowers in the Middle East (1972)
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Published Reviews
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    Moscow and the Middle East (6 Reviews)
    Constraints and Opportunities
    1. Soviet Policy Toward the Middle East Since 1970 by Robert O. Freedman
    2. Superpowers in the Middle East by Ismet Giritli
    3. The Forgotten Friendship by Arnold Krammer
    4. Confrontation: The Middle East and World Politics by Walter Laqueur
    5. The Soviet Union and the Middle East by Ivo J. Lederer and Wayne S. Vucinich
    6. From Encroachment to Involvement by Yaacov Ro'i
    Problems of Communism, May 1976, pp. 74-78