The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
J.F.J. Gillen Archives
J.F.J. Gillen •ï¿½1 Book
State and Local Government in West Germany, 1945-1953 (1953)
With Special Reference to the U.S. Zone and Breman
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Foreign and Comparative Government (7 Reviews)
    Politics in the Age of Peel, by Norman Gash
    1. Politics in the Age of Peel by Norman Gash
    2. The Navy as an Instrument of Policy, 1558-1727 by Herbert W. Richmond and E.A. Hughes
    3. The Temper of Western Europe by C. Crane Brinton
    4. The Government of the Soviet Union by Sant Lal Katare
    5. The Impact of Russian Culture on Soviet Communism by Dinko A. Tomasic
    6. Germany in Power and Eclipse by James K. Pollock and Homer Thomas
    7. State and Local Government in West Germany, 1945-1953 by J.F.J. Gillen
    American Political Science Review, March 1954, p. 250