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Hamlin Garland Archives
Hamlin Garland •ï¿½133 Items / 44 Books, 72 Articles, 4 Reviews, 9 Poems
The Captain of the Gray Horse Troop (1901)
A Novel
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Novel Notes (2 Reviews)
    The Captain of the Gray Horse Troop, by Hamlin Garland
    1. The Captain of the Gray Horse Troop by Hamlin Garland
    2. The Vultures by Henry Seton Merriman
    The Bookman, March 1903, p. 101
  2. Books and Writers
    The Fiction of the Season (9 Reviews)
    The Valley of Decision, by Edith Wharton
    1. The Valley of Decision by Edith Wharton
    2. The Rescue by Anne Douglas Sedgwick
    3. The Lady Paramount by Henry Harland
    4. The Captain of the Gray Horse Troop by Hamlin Garland
    5. Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall by Charles Major
    6. The Thrall of Leif the Lucky by Ottilie Liljencrantz
    7. The Battle-Ground by Ellen Glasgow
    8. None But the Brave--- by Hamblen Sears
    9. Hezekiah's Wives by Lillie Hamilton French
    The Outlook, May 24, 1902, pp. 209-216
  3. [+]
    Books of the Week (30 Reviews)
    The Authorship of the Book of Deuteronomy, by J.W. McGarvey
    1. The Authorship of the Book of Deuteronomy by J.W. McGarvey
    2. The Author's Year Book for 1902 by W.E. Price
    3. The Beau's Comedy by Beulah Marie Dix and Carrie A. Harper
    4. The Captain of the Gray Horse Troop by Hamlin Garland
    5. Charlotte by L.B. Walford
    6. The Dark o' the Moon by S.R. Crockett
    7. The Development of Cabinet Government in England by Mary Taylor Blauvelt
    8. Forces in Fiction, and Other Essays by Richard Burton
    9. The Heavenly Vision and Other Sermons by Henry Matthias Booth
    10. A History of Ancient Greek Literature by Harold N. Fowler
    11. How to Get Acquinted with God by Theodore F. Seward
    12. Irrigation in the United States by Frederick Haynes Newell
    13. An Island Cabin by Arthur Henry
    14. The Lady of New Orleans by Marcellus Eugene Thornton
    15. Lewis G. James: The Man and His Work
    16. The Life of John Ruskin by W.G. Collingwood
    17. The Little Brother by Josiah Flynt
    18. Mrs. Seely's Cook-Book by Lida Seely
    19. Monsieur Martin by Wymond Carey
    20. The Land of the Moors by Budgett Meakin
    21. The Moral Law; or, The Theory and Practice of Duty by Edward John Hamilton
    22. The Next Great Awakening by Josiah Strong
    23. Nouvelles Lectures Litteraires by Eugene Bauer and E. de Saint-Etienne
    24. Patriot and Tory by Charles Johnson Noyes
    25. Proceedings of the Webster Centennial of Dartmouth College by Homer Eaton Keyes
    26. The Real Philip Nolan by Edward Everett Hale
    27. Reconstruction and the Constitution, 1866-1876 by John W. Burgess, Ph.D. LL.D.
    28. Rockhaven by Charles Clark Munn
    29. Wild Life of Orchard and Field by Ernest Ingersoll
    30. The Wonders of Mouseland by Edward Earle Childs
    The Outlook, April 12, 1902, pp. 926-930