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David Galula Archives
David Galula •ï¿½1 Book
Counterinsurgency Warfare (1964)
Theory and Practice
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Published Reviews
  1. Reviews
    On Waging Counterinsurgency Warfare (Review)
    Counterinsurgency Warfare, by David Galula
    1. Counterinsurgency Warfare by David Galula
    Orbis, Fall 1964, pp. 686-689
  2. [+]
    Reviews (Review)
    Counterinsurgency Warfare, by David Galula
    1. Counterinsurgency Warfare by David Galula
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1965, pp. 324-325
  3. [+]
    Forgotten Founder (Review)
    Counterinsurgency Warfare, by David Galula
    1. Counterinsurgency Warfare by David Galula
    The Weekly Standard, October 19, 2009, pp. 32-35
  4. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (7 Reviews)
    General: Military, Technical and Scientific
    1. The Great Debate: Theories of Nuclear Strategy by Raymond Aron
    2. Strategy and Conscience by Anatol Rapoport
    3. Counterinsurgency Warfare by David Galula
    4. Limited War and American Defense Policy by Seymour J. Deitchman
    5. American Defense Policy by Wesley W. Posvar
    6. The History of Rocket Technology by Eugene M. Emme
    7. The Scientific Age by Lloyd V. Berkner
    Foreign Affairs, April 1965, p. 539
  5. [+]
    Books on Guerilla Warfare (16 Reviews)
    Fifteen Years Overdue
    1. Conflict in the Shadows by James Eliot Cross
    2. Guerrilla by Charles W. Thayer
    3. Modern Guerrilla Warfare by Franklin Mark Osanka
    4. The Guerrilla---and How to Fight Him by Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Nicholls Greene, ...
    5. People's War, People's Army by Vo Nguyen Giap
    6. Guerrilla Warfare by Ernesto Guevara
    7. On Guerrilla Warfare by Zedong Mao
    8. Vietnam Diary by Richard Tregaskis
    9. Communist Guerrilla Warfare by C. Aubrey Dixon and Otto Heilbrunn
    10. Partisan Warfare by Otto Heilbrunn
    11. Warfare in the Enemy's Rear by Otto Heilbrunn
    12. Counterinsurgency Warfare by David Galula
    13. Guerrillas in the 1960's by Peter Paret and John W. Shy
    14. Counter-Guerrilla Operations by Colonel Napoleon D. Valeriano and Lieutenant Colonel Charles T.R. Bohannan, ...
    15. Lessons from the Huk Campaign in the Philippines by Uldarico S. Baclagon
    16. Guerrilla Communism in Malaya by Lucian W. Pye
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1964, pp. 120-123