The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Galaxy Science Fiction Archives
Galaxy Science Fiction •ï¿½30 Years, 250 Issues, 2,814 Articles, 43,007pp
Galaxy's Five Star Shelf
On the Beach, by Nevil Shute
Galaxy Science Fiction, March 1958, pp. 119-123
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1950s = 10 Years, 104 Issues, 1,099 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1950 = 3 Issues, 35 Articles
      1. [+]
        Issues of 1951 = 12 Issues, 105 Articles
        1. [+]
          Issues of 1952 = 12 Issues, 122 Articles
          1. [+]
            Issues of 1953 = 12 Issues, 134 Articles
            1. [+]
              Issues of 1954 = 12 Issues, 133 Articles
              1. [+]
                Issues of 1955 = 11 Issues, 120 Articles
                1. [+]
                  Issues of 1956 = 12 Issues, 125 Articles
                  1. [+]
                    Issues of 1957 = 12 Issues, 125 Articles
                    1. [+]
                      Issues of 1958 = 12 Issues, 126 Articles
                      1. [+]
                        January 1958 Issue = 10 Articles
                        1. Editor's Page by H.L. Gold, pp. 4-7
                        2. The Knights of Arthur by Frederik Pohl, pp. 8-46
                        3. The Hated by Paul Elohr, pp. 47-57
                        4. Science Department: For Your Information by Willy Ley, pp. 58-69
                        5. Rex and Mr. Rejilla by Gordon R. Dickson, pp. 70-87
                        6. Kill Me With Kindness by Richard Wilson, pp. 88-102
                        7. Forecast, p. 103
                        8. [+]
                          Galaxy's Five Star Shelf by Floyd C. Gale, pp. 104-107 - 7 Reviews
                          1. The Seedling Stars by James Blish
                          2. A Key to the Stars by R. van der Riet Woolley
                          3. Discovery of the Universe by Gerard de Vaucouleurs
                          4. The Green Odyssey by Philip Jose Farmer
                          5. The Inexplicable Sky by Arthur Constance
                          6. Star Born by Andre Norton
                          7. The Modern Universe by Raymond A. Lyttleton
                        9. The World That Couldn't Be by Clifford D. Simak, pp. 108-146
                        10. Cover offering Seasons Greetings to Our Readers by Emsh
                      2. [+]
                        February 1958 Issue = 12 Articles
                        1. Editor's Page by H.L. Gold, pp. 4-7
                        2. The Rule of the Door by Lloyd Biggle, Jr., pp. 8-36
                        3. The Big Bounce by Walter S. Tevis, pp. 37-46
                        4. Science Department: For Your Information by Willy Ley, pp. 47-59
                        5. The Repairman by Harry Harrison, pp. 60-72
                        6. Forecast, p. 73
                        7. Bread Overhead by Fritz Leiber, pp. 74-89
                        8. The Blue Tower by Evelyn E. Smith, pp. 90-103
                        9. [+]
                          Galaxy's Five Star Shelf by Floyd C. Gale, pp. 104-107 - 8 Reviews
                          1. Take Me to Your President by Leonard Wibberley
                          2. Dahlak by Gianni Roghi and F. Baschieri
                          3. Beyond the Five Senses by Eileen J. Garrett
                          4. High-Speed Flight by E. Ower and J.L. Nayler
                          5. Guided Weapons by Eric Burgess
                          6. The Last Secrets of the Earth by Bernard Busson and Gerard Leroy
                          7. The Isotope Man by Charles Eric Maine
                          8. The Journal of a Scientician by Piero Modigliani
                        10. Traders Risk by Roger Dee, pp. 108-121
                        11. Graveyard of Dreams by H. Beam Piper, pp. 122-146
                        12. Cover showing Traffic Jam on Rhea by Pederson
                      3. [+]
                        March 1958 Issue = 10 Articles
                        1. Editor's Page by H.L. Gold, pp. 4-5
                        2. The Big Time by Fritz Leiber, pp. 6-57
                        3. My Fair Planet by Evelyn E. Smith, pp. 58-72
                        4. Science Department: For Your Information by Willy Ley, pp. 73-85
                        5. Spare the Rod by Lloyd Biggle, Jr., pp. 86-106
                        6. The Ethnical Way by Joseph Farrell, pp. 107-117
                        7. Forecast, p. 118
                        8. [+]
                          Galaxy's Five Star Shelf by Floyd C. Gale, pp. 119-123 - 6 Reviews
                          1. On the Beach by Nevil Shute
                          2. High Vacuum by Charles Eric Maine
                          3. The Making of a Moon by Arthur C. Clarke
                          4. Man Into Space by Hermann Oberth
                          5. Frank Kelly Freas: A Portfolio by Frank Kelly Freas
                          6. Two Sought Adventure by Fritz Leiber
                        9. A Feast of Demons by William Morrison, pp. 124-146
                        10. Cover showing Manned space station by Dember
                      4. [+]
                        April 1958 Issue = 11 Articles
                        1. Editor's Page by H.L. Gold, pp. 4-5
                        2. The Sitters by Clifford D. Simak, pp. 6-30
                        3. Garth and the Visitor by L.J. Stecher, pp. 31-40
                        4. Science Department: For Your Information by Willy Ley, pp. 41-55
                        5. First Man by Clyde Brown, pp. 56-75
                        6. The Eel by Miriam Allen deFord, pp. 76-84
                        7. [+]
                          Galaxy's Five Star Shelf by Floyd C. Gale, pp. 85-87 - 7 Reviews
                          1. Rockets, Missiles, and Space Travel by Willy Ley
                          2. Sea Siege by Andre Norton
                          3. Radiation by Jack Schubert and Ralph E. Lapp
                          4. Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury
                          5. Modern Applied Photography by George Alan Jones
                          6. The Next Fifty Billion Years by Kenneth Heuer
                          7. People Minus X by Raymond Z. Gallun
                        8. Forecast, p. 88
                        9. Old Rambling House by Frank Herbert, pp. 89-97
                        10. The Big Time by Fritz Leiber, pp. 98-146
                        11. Cover showing Cutaway of Moon Rocket engine by Dember
                      5. [+]
                        May 1958 Issue = 11 Articles
                        1. Editor's Page by H.L. Gold, pp. 4-5
                        2. Never Come Midnight by Christopher Grimm, pp. 6-48
                        3. Or All the Seas With Oysters by Avram Davidson, pp. 49-58
                        4. Science Department: For Your Information by Willy Ley, pp. 59-68
                        5. Pick a Crime by Richard R. Smith, pp. 69-83
                        6. Bridle Shower by Lloyd Biggle, Jr., pp. 84-103
                        7. The Voice of the Diaphragm by Richard Wilson, pp. 104-114
                        8. Forecast, p. 115
                        9. [+]
                          Galaxy's Five Star Shelf by Floyd C. Gale, pp. 116-119 - 10 Reviews
                          1. The Third Level by Jack Finney
                          2. Occam's Razor by David Duncan
                          3. S-F '57: The Year's Greatest Science Fiction and Fantasy by Judith Merril
                          4. Earthman's Burden by Poul Anderson and Gordon Dickson
                          5. The Mysterious Machine by Glen Dines
                          6. Rusty's Space Ship by Evelyn Sibley Lampman
                          7. Mysteries of Science by John Rowland
                          8. Hidden World by Stanton A. Coblentz
                          9. Twice in Time by Manly Wade Wellman
                          10. The Man Who Reached the Moon, and Other Poems by Roscoe Fleming
                        10. The Iron Chancellor by Robert Silverberg, pp. 120-146
                        11. Cover showing Interplantary vessels approaching Mars by Pederson
                      6. [+]
                        June 1958 Issue = 11 Articles
                        1. Editor's Page by H.L. Gold, pp. 2-5
                        2. Mars By Moonlight by Paul Flehr, pp. 6-44
                        3. The Last Letter by Fritz Leiber, pp. 45-55
                        4. Forecast, p. 56
                        5. Science Department: For Your Information by Willy Ley, pp. 57-67
                        6. The Gentlest Unpeople by Frederik Pohl, pp. 68-87
                        7. The Gun Without a Bang by Finn O'Donnevan, pp. 88-96
                        8. [+]
                          Galaxy's Five Star Shelf by Floyd C. Gale, pp. 97-100 - 8 Reviews
                          1. Earth Is Room Enough by Isaac Asimov
                          2. Theories of the Universe by Milton K. Munitz
                          3. Doomsday Morning by C.L. Moore
                          4. The Sun by Giorgio Abetti
                          5. Through a Glass Darkly by Kathleen Norris
                          6. Introducing Astronomy by J.B. Sidgwick
                          7. Vanguard to Venus by Jeffery Lloyd Castle
                          8. Constructing an Astronomical Telescope by G. Matthewson
                        9. Perfect Answer by L.J. Stecher, Jr., pp. 101-111
                        10. The Minimum Man by Robert Sheckley, pp. 112-146
                        11. Cover by Pederson
                      7. [+]
                        July 1958 Issue = 11 Articles
                        1. Editor's Page by H.L. Gold, pp. 2-5
                        2. The Back of Our Heads by Stephen Barr, pp. 6-43
                        3. We Never Mention Aunt Nora by Paul Flehr, pp. 44-53
                        4. Forecast, p. 54
                        5. Science Department: For Your Information by Willy Ley, pp. 55-64
                        6. Man in a Quandary by L.J. Stecher, Jr., pp. 65-73
                        7. Bullet With His Name by Fritz Leiber, pp. 74-105
                        8. [+]
                          Galaxy's Five Star Shelf by Floyd C. Gale, pp. 106-109 - 9 Reviews
                          1. Those Idiots from Earth by Richard Wilson
                          2. The Living Past by Ivar Lissner
                          3. And There Was Light by Rudolf Thiel
                          4. They'd Rather Be Right by Mark Clifton and Frank Riley
                          5. The Immense Journey by Loren Eiseley
                          6. Man: His First Million Years by Ashley Montagu
                          7. Solomon's Stone by L. Sprague de Camp
                          8. Reason and Chance in Scientific Discovery by Rene Taton
                          9. Star Girl by Henry Winterfeld
                        9. Blank Form by Arthur Sellings, pp. 110-123
                        10. Innocent At Large by Poul Anderson and Karen Anderson, pp. 124-146
                        11. Cover showing first manned satellite by Dember
                      8. [+]
                        August 1958 Issue = 9 Articles
                        1. To Marry Medusa by Theodore Sturgeon, pp. 4-62
                        2. Third Offense by Charles Satterfield, pp. 63-72
                        3. Science Department: For Your Information by Willy Ley, pp. 73-82
                        4. The Trouble With Elmo by Daniel Keyes, pp. 83-95
                        5. Seven Deadly Virtues by Paul Flehr, pp. 96-125
                        6. [+]
                          Galaxy's Five Star Shelf by Floyd C. Gale, pp. 126-129 - 9 Reviews
                          1. Citizen of the Galaxy by Robert A. Heinlein
                          2. A Stir of Echoes by Richard Matheson
                          3. The Space Encyclopaedia
                          4. Wasp by Eric Frank Russell
                          5. Once Around the Sun by Ronald Fraser
                          6. Three Times Infinity by Leo Margulies
                          7. There's Adventure in Chemistry by Julian May
                          8. There's Adventure in Atomic Energy by Julian May
                          9. There's Adventure in Electronics by Julian May
                        7. In Black and White by J.T. McIntosh, pp. 130-143
                        8. Forecast, pp. 144-146
                        9. Cover by Wood
                      9. [+]
                        September 1958 Issue = 11 Articles
                        1. Editor's Page by H.L. Gold, pp. 2-5
                        2. Lastborn by Isaac Asimov, pp. 6-44
                        3. On the Double by Lloyd Biggle, Jr., pp. 45-58
                        4. Science Department: For Your Information by Willy Ley, pp. 59-70
                        5. The Stroke of the Sun by Arthur C. Clarke, pp. 71-77
                        6. From an Unseen Censor by Rosel George Brown, pp. 78-100
                        7. [+]
                          Galaxy's Five Star Shelf by Floyd C. Gale, pp. 101-104 - 10 Reviews
                          1. The Mind Cage by A.E. Van Vogt
                          2. The Ants by Wilhelm Goetsch
                          3. The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Seventh Series by Anthony Boucher
                          4. They Rode in Spaceships by Gavin Gibbons
                          5. Troubled Star by George O. Smith
                          6. Lucky Starr and the Moons of Jupiter by Paul French
                          7. The First Book of Mammals by Margaret Williamson
                          8. The First Book of Archaeology by Nora Benjamin Kubie
                          9. The First Book of Submarines by Joseph B. Icenhower
                          10. The Wonderful World of Energy by Lancelot Hogben
                        8. Personnel Problem by H.L. Gold, pp. 105-115
                        9. Thing of Beauty by Damon Knight, pp. 116-143
                        10. Forecast, pp. 144-146
                        11. Cover showing Preparing Antarctica for Solar Conference by Dember
                      10. [+]
                        October 1958 Issue = 10 Articles
                        1. Editor's Page by H.L. Gold, pp. 2-3
                        2. Time Killer by Robert Sheckley, pp. 4-46
                        3. Paramount Ulj by Avram Davidson, pp. 47-52
                        4. Science Department: For Your Information by Willy Ley, pp. 53-63
                        5. The Wizards of Pung's Corners by Frederik Pohl, pp. 64-93
                        6. Lisbon Cubed by William Tenn, pp. 94-128
                        7. Forecast, p. 129
                        8. [+]
                          Galaxy's Five Star Shelf by Floyd C. Gale, pp. 130-133 - 8 Reviews
                          1. The Midwich Cuckoos by John Wyndham
                          2. Robots and Changelings by Lester del Rey
                          3. The Stars by W. Kruse and W. Dieckvoss
                          4. The Shrouded Planet by Robert Silverberg and Randall Garrett
                          5. The Other Side of the Sky by Arthur C. Clarke
                          6. Only a Trillion by Isaac Asimov
                          7. Out of This World by Murray Leinster
                          8. The Book of Popular Science
                        9. Block That Metaphor by Robert Bloch, pp. 134-146
                        10. Cover showing first landing on Titan by Dember
                      11. [+]
                        November 1958 Issue = 10 Articles
                        1. Editor's Page by H.L. Gold, pp. 2-3
                        2. The Civilization Game by Clifford D. Simak, pp. 4-29
                        3. People Soup by Alan Arkin, pp. 30-36
                        4. Science Department: For Your Information by Willy Ley, pp. 37-51
                        5. Birds of a Feather by Robert Silverberg, pp. 52-73
                        6. [+]
                          Galaxy's Five Star Shelf by Floyd C. Gale, pp. 74-77 - 8 Reviews
                          1. Earthlight by Arthur C. Clarke
                          2. The Survivors by Tom Godwin
                          3. The Best Science Fiction Stories and Novels: Ninth Series by T.E. Dikty
                          4. Spaceways Satellite by Charles Eric Maine
                          5. Man of Earth by Algis Budrys
                          6. H.P. Lovecraft Memorial Symposium by Steve Eisner
                          7. Ten Miles High, Two Miles Deep by Alan Honour
                          8. Rockets Through Space by Lester del Rey
                        7. No Substitutions by Jim Harmon, pp. 78-93
                        8. Time Killer by Robert Sheckley, pp. 94-136
                        9. Forecast, pp. 137-146
                        10. Cover Showing a takeoff from Aldebaran IV by Wenzel
                      12. [+]
                        December 1958 Issue = 10 Articles
                        1. Editor's Page by H.L. Gold, pp. 4-5
                        2. Join Now by Finn O'Donnevan, pp. 6-42
                        3. Forecast, p. 43
                        4. Nightmare With Zeppelins by Frederik Pohl and C.M. Kornbluth, pp. 44-52
                        5. Science Department: For Your Information by Willy Ley, pp. 53-65
                        6. Ullward's Retreat by Jack Vance, pp. 66-89
                        7. The Number of the Beast by Fritz Leiber, pp. 90-99
                        8. [+]
                          Galaxy's Five Star Shelf by Floyd C. Gale, pp. 100-103 - 9 Reviews
                          1. The Black Cloud by Fred Hoyle
                          2. Exploring the Distant Stars by Clyde B. Clason
                          3. The Man Who Couldn't Sleep by Charles Eric Maine
                          4. Satellites and Spaceflight by Eric Burgess
                          5. From the Earth to the Moon and A Trip Around It by Jules Verne
                          6. The Inhabited Universe by Kenneth W. Gatland and Derek D. Dempster
                          7. Journey Through Space by Speedy Williams
                          8. White Land of Adventure by Walter Sullivan
                          9. Exploring Earth and Space by Margaret O. Hyde
                        9. Time Killer by Robert Sheckley, pp. 104-146
                        10. Cover illustrating, in fanciful fashion, The Strange Planet Next Door by Gaughan
                    2. [+]
                      Issues of 1959 = 6 Issues, 74 Articles
                    3. [+]
                      Issues of the 1960s = 10 Years, 67 Issues, 811 Articles
                      1. [+]
                        Issues of 1960 = 6 Issues, 81 Articles
                        1. [+]
                          Issues of 1961 = 6 Issues, 83 Articles
                          1. [+]
                            Issues of 1962 = 6 Issues, 76 Articles
                            1. [+]
                              Issues of 1963 = 5 Issues, 52 Articles
                              1. [+]
                                Issues of 1964 = 6 Issues, 69 Articles
                                1. [+]
                                  Issues of 1965 = 6 Issues, 74 Articles
                                  1. [+]
                                    Issues of 1966 = 6 Issues, 67 Articles
                                    1. [+]
                                      Issues of 1967 = 6 Issues, 72 Articles
                                      1. [+]
                                        Issues of 1968 = 9 Issues, 108 Articles
                                        1. [+]
                                          Issues of 1969 = 11 Issues, 129 Articles
                                        2. [+]
                                          Issues of the 1970s = 10 Years, 79 Issues, 904 Articles
                                          1. [+]
                                            Issues of 1970 = 8 Issues, 81 Articles
                                            1. [+]
                                              Issues of 1971 = 8 Issues, 92 Articles
                                              1. [+]
                                                Issues of 1972 = 5 Issues, 55 Articles
                                                1. [+]
                                                  Issues of 1973 = 8 Issues, 78 Articles
                                                  1. [+]
                                                    Issues of 1974 = 12 Issues, 127 Articles
                                                    1. [+]
                                                      Issues of 1975 = 9 Issues, 115 Articles
                                                      1. [+]
                                                        Issues of 1976 = 9 Issues, 112 Articles
                                                        1. [+]
                                                          Issues of 1977 = 9 Issues, 108 Articles
                                                          1. [+]
                                                            Issues of 1978 = 8 Issues, 95 Articles
                                                            1. [+]
                                                              Issues of 1979 = 3 Issues, 41 Articles