The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Don Freeman Archives
Don Freeman •ï¿½27 Items / 19 Books, 8 Articles
The Turtle and the Dove (1964)
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Published Reviews
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    Books for Young People (12 Reviews)
    Series and Sequels
    1. The Turtle and the Dove by Don Freeman
    2. Peter the Wanderer by Edward Ardizzone
    3. Shetland Ponies by Lilo Hess
    4. Mr. Twitmeyer and the Poodle by Leone Adelson and Lilian Moore
    5. Clancy's Glorious Fourth by Jane Flory
    6. A Monkey's Tale by Nathan Kravetz
    7. O Canada! by Isabel Barclay
    8. Pets: An Illustrated Guide for Animal Lovers by C.B. Colby
    9. Gaelic Ghosts by Sorche Nic Leodhas
    10. Made in Thailand by Margaret Ayer
    11. The Northmen by Thomas Caldecot Chubb
    12. The Romans by Alfred Leo Duggan
    The Saturday Review, July 25, 1964, pp. 34-35