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Justus Miles Forman Archives
Justus Miles Forman •ï¿½53 Items / 13 Books, 40 Articles
The Soul of Gold, or Monsigny (1903)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    The Single Idea and Some Recent Books (9 Reviews)
    The Millionaire's Son, by Anna Robeson Brown Burr
    1. The Millionaire's Son by Anna Robeson Brown Burr
    2. The Law of Life by Anna McClure Sholl
    3. The Silver Poppy by Arthur Stringer
    4. A Doctor of Philosophy by Cyrus Townsend Brady
    5. Eleanor Dayton by Nathaniel W. Stephenson
    6. The Soul of Gold, or Monsigny by Justus Miles Forman
    7. The Fortunes of Fifi by Molly Elliot Seawell
    8. April Princess by Constance Smedley
    9. A Parish of Two by Henry Goelet McVickar and Percy Collins
    The Bookman, October 1903, pp. 162-167
  2. [+]
    Books of the Week (19 Reviews)
    American Railway Transportation, by Emory R. Johnson
    1. American Railway Transportation by Emory R. Johnson
    2. Berlin and Its Environs by Karl Baedeker
    3. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Numbers by George Buchanan Gray
    4. The Diary of John Evelyn Esq., F.R.S. by William Bray and John Evelyn
    5. France and the United States by Jules Cambon
    6. French Music in the XIXth Century by Arthur Hervey
    7. The Soul of Gold, or Monsigny by Justus Miles Forman
    8. Practical Journalism by Edwin L. Shuman
    9. The Promotion of the Admiral, and Other Sea Comedies by Morley Roberts
    10. The Recovery and Restatement of the Gospel by Loran David Osborn
    11. The Red Triangle by Arthur Morrison
    12. The Religious Sense in Its Scientific Aspect by Greville MacDonald
    13. The Rhine from Rotterdam to Constance by Karl Baedeker
    14. Ritschlianism: Expository and Critical Essays by James Orr
    15. Schumann by Annie W. Patterson
    16. The Silver Poppy by Arthur Stringer
    17. Songs of Dreams by Ethel Clifford
    18. The Story of Kennett by Bayard Taylor
    19. The Story of Notation by Charles Francis Abdy Williams
    The Outlook, September 12, 1903, pp. 135-138