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Penelope Farmer Archives
Penelope Farmer •ï¿½4 Books
The Summer Birds (1962)
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Published Reviews
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    Spring Books for Young People (29 Reviews)
    Fairy Tales: A Tradition for Excellence Today
    1. Animals in the Zoo by Feodor Rojankovsky
    2. Did You Ever See? by Walter Einsel
    3. All Sizes of Noises by Karla Kuskin
    4. Mama, I Wish I Was Snow/Child, You'd Be Very Cold by Ruth Krauss
    5. Plop Plop Ploppie by Elizabeth Olds
    6. Jeff and Mr. James' Pond by Esther MacBain Meeks
    7. Good Hunting Little Indian by Peggy Parish
    8. My Garden Grows by Alden A. Watson
    9. The Hare and the Tortoise by Paul Galdone
    10. The Owl and the Pussy Cat by Edward Lear
    11. Like Nothing at All by Aileen Fisher
    12. The Desert People by Ann Nolan Clark
    13. Taro and the Tofu by Masako Matsuno
    14. Hi Tom by Nanda Ward
    15. Dan and the Miranda by Wilson Gage
    16. Martha's Secret Wish by Ella Gibson
    17. One Day in Elizabethan England by G.B. Kirtland
    18. Up from the Sea Came an Island by Hazel Allen
    19. Tammy Climbs Pyramid Mountain by Elizabeth Gillette Baker
    20. Our Lady's Book by Lauren Ford
    21. The Summer Birds by Penelope Farmer
    22. The Magic Jacket by Walter de la Mare
    23. Walter de la Mare by Leonard Clark
    24. A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
    25. Thistle and Thyme by Sorche Nic Leodhas
    26. Bonanza Girl by Patricia Beatty
    27. Automobiles of Yesteryear by Thea Bergere
    28. Madame Ambassador by Anne Guthrie
    29. Modern Discoveries in Archaeology by Robert C. Suggs
    The Saturday Review, May 12, 1962, pp. 31-41