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All Years = 169 Issues, 1,773 Articles
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Fantastic Science Fiction •ï¿½
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Esteban Maroto
Fantastic Science Fiction
January 1974
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by Esteban Maroto
Fantastic Science Fiction
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Periodical Authors
Poul Anderson
Piers Anthony
Lloyd Birmingham
Jerome Bixby
Robert Bloch
John Brunner
David R. Bunch
Lin Carter
A. Bertram Chandler
S.E. Cotts
Jack Dann
Avram Davidson
L. Sprague de Camp
Thomas M. Disch
George Alec Effinger
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J.F. Bone
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Tony Boucher
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Richard W. Brown
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Rosel George Brown
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Algis Budrys
B. Alan Burhoe
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Truman Capote
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Terry Carr
Grant Carrington
Thea Carvel
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Raymond Chandler
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Dale Clarke
Stanton A. Coblentz
John Collier
Lawrence C. Connolly
Gregg Conrad
Rupert Conrad
Gerard F. Conway
Glen Cook
Alfred Coppel
Heidi Coquette
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P.F. Costello
Greg Costikyan
Juanita Coulson
James A. Cox
Lee Brown Coye
Kendell F. Crossen
Ray Cummings
John Bernard Daley
Gus Dallas
Arsen Darnay
Franklin M. Davis
Grania Davis
Henri Rene Albert Guy de Maupassant
Richard De Mille
Eric Dean
Roger Dee
Lester del Rey
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Calvin W. Demmon
August W. Derleth
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G. Gordon Dewey
Philip K. Dick
Gordon R. Dickson
Steven Dimeo
John K. Diomede
Susan Doenim
Morris S. Dollens
John Douglas
William S. Doxey
Gardner R. Dozois
David Drake
J.B. Drexel
Gardner R. Dubious
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Roger Ebert
Allan W. Eckert
Jack Egan
Larry Eisenberg
Harlan Ellison
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Louis Este
Dennis Etchison
Dean Evans
Kendall Evans
Jack Faragasso
William E. Fark
Philip Jose Farmer
Vern Fearing
Virgil Finlay
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Michael Fischer
Doris Fiserchia
Harry Fletcher
Charles L. Fontenay
Verge Foray
E.M. Forster
Gardner F. Fox
Janet Fox
Robert Frankenberg
Brian M. Fraser
Frank Freeman
Estelle Frye
H.B. Fyfe
Craig Shaw Gardner
Erle Stanley Gardner
John Gardner
Jack Gaughan
Villiers Gerson
Jon Gerung
Mark S. Geston
Parke Godwin
Tom Godwin
Horace L. Gold
Phyllis Gotlieb
Felix C. Gotschalk
Charles L. Grant
Fulton T. Grant
Austyn Granville
Doris Greenberg
Franklin Long Gregory
William Lindsay Gresham
Leland G. Griffin
Barbara J. Griffith
Darryl R. Groupe
Frank C. Gunderloy
James E. Gunn
John Hagan
Joe Haldeman
Jay Hall
Paul Halpine
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Thelma D. Hamm
L. Taylor Hansen
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Ellis Hart
Ida Helmer
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Walter B. Hendrickson
Frank Herbert
H.B. Hickey
Stephen Hickman
S. Hilary
Bob Hilbreth
John Hillyard
Mike Hinge
Lee Hoffman
J. Hunter Holly
David Horowitz
Robert Hoskins
Robert E. Howard
Roy Huggins
Vsevolod Ivanov
Shirley Jackson
Laurence M. Janifer
E.K. Jarvis
Jeff Jones
K.L. Jones
Raymond F. Jones
George Julius
Michael Kaluta
Wilson Kane
Doris E. Kaye
Gabe Keith
Joseph E. Kelleam
Leo P. Kelley
Lysander Kemp
Morgan Kent
Heinrich Kley
Calvin M. Knox
Cyril M. Kornbluth
Joel Kos
Julian S. Krupa
Henry Kuttner
R.A. Lafferty
Allen Kim Lang
Charles Larson
Philip Latham
Francis Lathrop
Joseph D. Laven
Ursula K. Le Guin
Stanley R. Lee
Frank Lerner
Frederick Andrew Lerner
Irvin Lester
T.C. Lethbridge
Susan A. Lewin
Brad Linaweaver
Megan Lindholm
Robert Lipsyte
Laurence Littenberg
Brad Long
Frank Belknap Long
H.P. Lovecraft
Kathleen Luckwick
Edward Ludwig
Edward W. Ludwig
Brian Lumley
Howard E. Lyon
C.C. MacApp
J. Munro MacLennan
Phyllis MacLennan
Bill Majeski
Augusto Marin
Winston K. Marks
Esteban Maroto
W.T. Mars
George R.R. Martin
Marcia Martin
Sam Martinez
David Mason
Allan D. Maurer
Elinor Mavor
Dave Mayo
Bruce McAllister
Ken McCullough
Ian McEwan
John J. McGuire
J.T. McIntosh
Paul McLane
Paula McLane
B. Mebane
Wilmon Menard
Jerry Meredith
Judith Merril
Abraham Merritt
Sam Merwin
Michael F.X. Milhaus
Barry P. Miller
J.J. Miller
P. Schuyler Miller
Ron Miller
Del Molarsky
R.A. Montana
Thomas F. Monteleone
Michael Moorcock
L.A.P. Moore
Ward Moore
Dennis More
Dan Morgan
Gray Morrow
Sam Moskowitz
Walter F. Moudy
Glenn Moy
Stanley Mullen
Howard L. Myers
William Nabors
Maggie Nadler
Ray Faraday Nelson
Kris Neville
John Starr Niendorff
Larry Niven
Andre Norton
Alan E. Nourse
Paul Novitski
Albert A. Nuetzell
Kenneth O'Hara
Dennis O'Neil
Israel O'Rourke
Chad Oliver
Bob Olsen
Jennifer H. Orr
Taylor Oughton
Louise Lee Outlaw
Raymond A. Palmer
Frank R. Paul
Richard Peck
John Pederson
Arthur Pendragon
Vincent Perkins
De Persiis
Robert Petillo
Karl T. Pflock
John T. Phillifent
Barye W. Phillips
Robert S. Phillips
John J. Pierce
John R. Pierce
Edgar Allan Poe
Frederik Pohl
John X. Pollard
Richard Powers
Festus Pragnell
Fletcher Pratt
Christopher Priest
Lee Priestley
Louis Priscilla
Bill Pronzini
Joseph F. Pumilia
Dick Purcell
Florence Engel Randall
Rick Raphael
Steve Rasnic
David Redd
David V. Reed
Gustav Rehberger
Mack Reynolds
Jean Richepin
Glenn Ridge
Jesse Roarke
Ralph Robin
Frank M. Robinson
Spider Robinson
Ross Rocklynne
Robert Rohrer
Harry Rolland
Billy Rose
Jim Ross
Randall T. Ross
William Rotsler
Charles W. Runyon
J.J. Russ
Ray Russell
Lee Saber
Fred Saberhagen
James Sallis
William P. Salton
Elizabeth N. Sargent
Colin Saxton
Nathan Schachner
Robin Schaefer
George Schelling
Gordon Schendel
Dan Schilling
James H. Schmitz
Alex Schomburg
Harvey Schreiber
Ernest C. Schroeder
Thomas N. Scortia
Arthur Sellings
James B. Settles
Michael Shaara
Joseph Shallit
Henry Sharp
Richard S. Shaver
Bob Shaw
Charles Sheffield
Jess Shelton
Wilmar H. Shiras
John Shirley
Ralph Sholto
Burt Shonberg
Clifford D. Simak
Vance Simonds
Al Sirois
John T. Sladek
Clark Ashton Smith
Richard Snead
Mickey Spillane
Sherwood Springer
J. Allen St. John
Geoff St. Reynard
Brian M. Stableford
Tom Staicar
Karl Stanley
Raymond Stark
Lou Stathis
Joe Staton
Robert Stearns
Addison Steele
A.J. Steichert
Brad Steiger
Paul Steiner
R.G. Steinhauser
Harold Stevens
Henry Still
Hank Stine
John E. Stith
Richard Stooker
Dave Stover
Eugene Stover
Leon E. Stover
William W. Stuart
Theodore Sturgeon
Dwight V. Swain
Thomas Burnett Swann
Romuold M. Tallip
Charles R. Tanner
William F. Temple
William Tenn
Robert Terrall
Steven Terry
Theodore L. Thomas
Hall Thornton
Dobbin Thorpe
Robert Thurston
James Tiptree
Arthur Tofte
John Toland
W. Lee Tomerlin
Robert E. Toomey
B. Traven
Lisa Tuttle
Edward Uchno
Steven Utley
Sydney J. Van Scyoc
A.E. Van Vogt
Jack Vance
G.L. Vandenburg
Eric Vinicoff
Kurt von Stuckrad
Geoffrey A. Wagner
Karl Edward Wagner
Edgar Wallace
Maurice Walsh
Gordon Walters
Bryce Walton
J.G. Warner
James Lincoln Warren
Evelyn Waugh
Manly Wade Wellman
Wallace West
James White
Robert K. White
Wynne N. Whiteford
George Whitley
Wayne Wightman
Don Wilcox
Robert H. Wilcox
Niall Wilde
Stephen Wilder
Kate Wilhelm
Robert Moore Williams
Jack Williamson
James J.J. Wilson
Richard Wilson
Jody Scott Wood
Cornell Woolrich
John J. Wooster
P.G. Wyal
John Wyndham
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Gyula Zilzer
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