The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Famous Fantastic Mysteries Archives
Famous Fantastic Mysteries •ï¿½15 Years, 80 Issues, 506 Articles, 10,431pp
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1930s = 1 Year, 3 Issues, 24 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1939 = 3 Issues, 24 Articles
      1. [+]
        September 1939 Issue = 7 Articles
        1. The Moon Pool by A. Merritt, pp. 2-26
        2. Space Station No. 1 by Manly Wade Wellman, pp. 27-36
        3. The Whimpus by Tod Robbins, pp. 37-62
        4. Karpen the Jew by Robert Neal Leath, pp. 63-74
        5. The Girl in the Golden Atom by Ray Cummings, pp. 75-99
        6. The Witch-Makers by Donald Wandrei, pp. 100-117
        7. Blind Man's Buff by J.U. Giesy, pp. 118-130
      2. [+]
        November 1939 Issue = 10 Articles
        1. The Conquest of the Moon Pool by A. Merritt, pp. 6-30
        2. The World in the Balance by J.P. Marshall, pp. 32-38
        3. The Moon Metal by Garrett P. Serviss, pp. 40-74
        4. The Man with the Glass Heart by George Allan England, pp. 75-81
        5. Almost Immortal by Austin Hall, pp. 82-108
        6. Fruit of the Forbidden Tree by Leslie Burton Blades, pp. 109-117
        7. The Radiant Enemies by R.F. Starzl, pp. 118-124
        8. Golden Atlantis by Richard Butler Glaenzer, p. 31
        9. The Editor's Page, p. 39
        10. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 125-130
      3. [+]
        December 1939 Issue = 7 Articles
        1. The Radio Man by Ralph Milne Farley, pp. 6-27
        2. The Diminishing Draft by Waldemar Kaempffert, pp. 28-41
        3. The Lord of Death by Homer Eon Flint, pp. 42-77
        4. Lights by Philip Fisher, pp. 78-83
        5. The Conquest of the Moon Pool by A. Merritt, pp. 84-109
        6. Who Is Charles Avison? by Edison Tesla Marshall, pp. 110-117
        7. The Gravity Experiment by J.U. Giesy, pp. 118-130
  2. [+]
    Issues of the 1940s = 10 Years, 58 Issues, 364 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1940 = 8 Issues, 65 Articles
      1. [+]
        January 1940 Issue = 9 Articles
        1. On the Brink of 2000 by Garret Smith, pp. 6-36
        2. Behind the Curtain by Francis Stevens, pp. 37-42
        3. The Radio Man by Ralph Milne Farley, pp. 43-64
        4. The Red Germ of Courage by R.F. Starzl, pp. 65-77
        5. An Astral Gentleman by Robert Wilbur Lull and Lillian M. Ainsworth, pp. 80-87
        6. The Conquest of the Moon Pool by A. Merritt, pp. 88-119
        7. The "V" Force by Fred C. Smale, pp. 120-126
        8. Weird Travel Tales by Bob Davis, pp. 78-79
        9. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 127-130
      2. [+]
        February 1940 Issue = 8 Articles
        1. The Man Who Saved the Earth by Austin Hall, pp. 6-32
        2. The Sky Woman by Charles B. Stilson, pp. 33-47
        3. The Conquest of the Moon Pool by A. Merritt, pp. 48-69
        4. Son of the Stars by Eando Binder, pp. 70-79
        5. The Radio Man by Ralph Milne Farley, pp. 80-110
        6. The Kiss of Death by Laura Withrow, pp. 111-115
        7. The Plunge of the "Knupfen" by Leonard Grover, pp. 116-125
        8. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 126-130
      3. [+]
        March 1940 Issue = 9 Articles
        1. The Blind Spot by Austin Hall and Homer Eon Flint, pp. 6-40
        2. The Planet Juggler by J. George Frederick, pp. 42-68
        3. Bomb from Beranga by Harry Walton, pp. 69-81
        4. The Conquest of the Moon Pool by A. Merritt, pp. 82-107
        5. The Belated Tears of Louis Marcel by Perley Poore Sheehan, pp. 108-112
        6. A Place of Monsters by Thomas P. Byron, pp. 113-123
        7. The Editor's Page, p. 41
        8. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 124-130
        9. Cover Illustration, "Fantasy" by Virgil Finlay
      4. [+]
        April 1940 Issue = 9 Articles
        1. The Devil of the Western Sea by Philip M. Fisher, pp. 6-33
        2. The Blind Spot by Austin Hall and Homer Eon Flint, pp. 34-63
        3. The Beast Plants by H. Thompson Rich, pp. 66-77
        4. The Conquest of the Moon Pool by A. Merritt, pp. 78-111
        5. Fire Gas by Stanton A. Coblentz, pp. 113-123
        6. Weird Travel Tales by Bob Davis, pp. 64-65
        7. Austin Hall, p. 112
        8. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 124-130
        9. Cover illustration for "The Beast Plants" by Frank R. Paul
      5. [+]
        May 1940 Issue = 11 Articles
        1. Sunken Cities by Douglas Newton, pp. 6-28
        2. Three Lines of Old French by A. Merritt, pp. 31-43
        3. The Blind Spot by Austin Hall and Homer Eon Flint, pp. 46-74
        4. Raiders of the Air by Hubert Kelley and Fred T. Barton, pp. 75-77
        5. Pegasus by Henry Kuttner, pp. 78-86
        6. A World of Indexed Numbers by Will McMorrow, pp. 87-113
        7. Finis by Frank Lillie Pollock, pp. 116-122
        8. The Editors' Page, pp. 29-30
        9. A. Merritt, pp. 44-45
        10. Yesterday's Futurama, pp. 114-115
        11. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 123-130
      6. [+]
        August 1940 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. Dawn and Darkness by George Allan England, pp. 6-78
        2. The Rebel Soul by Austin Hall, pp. 80-116
        3. Half Past Twelve In Eternity by Robert W. Sneddon, pp. 118-120
        4. George Allan England, p. 79
        5. The Editors' Page, p. 117
        6. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 121-130
      7. [+]
        October 1940 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. The Face In the Abyss by A. Merritt, pp. 6-65
        2. Fungus Isle by Philip M. Fisher, pp. 67-99
        3. Out of the Dark by Amabel Redman, pp. 100-106
        4. For A. Merritt: "The Face in the Abyss" by Robert W. Lowndes, p. 66
        5. The Editors' page, p. 107
        6. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 108-114
      8. [+]
        December 1940 Issue = 7 Articles
        1. The Sun-Makers by Will McMorrow, pp. 6-54
        2. The Other Man's Blood by Ray Cummings, pp. 56-87
        3. The Sleep of Ages by Stuart Martin, pp. 88-98
        4. The Woman of Ice by Robert W. Lowndes, p. 55
        5. The Devil's Bodyguard by Clyde Irvine, pp. 99-103
        6. Will McMorrow---Autobiography, p. 104
        7. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 105-114
    2. [+]
      Issues of 1941 = 6 Issues, 29 Articles
      1. [+]
        February 1941 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. The Spot of Life by Austin Hall, pp. 6-83
        2. The Ship of Silent Men by Philip M. Fisher, pp. 87-107
        3. Hall and Flint by Phil Richards, pp. 84-85
        4. The Editor's Page, p. 86
        5. The People of the Pit by Robert W. Lowndes, p. 108
        6. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 109-114
      2. [+]
        April 1941 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. Claimed by Francis Stevens, pp. 6-71
        2. Venus Or Earth? by Will McMorrow, pp. 72-98
        3. The Editors' Page, p. 100
        4. Evolution by Langdon Smith, pp. 101-103
        5. Nyaghoggua by Robert W. Lowndes, p. 99
        6. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 104-114
      3. [+]
        June 1941 Issue = 4 Articles
        1. Beyond the Great Oblivion by George Allan England, pp. 6-105
        2. John Ovington Returns by Max Brand, pp. 106-116
        3. The Whereabouts of Mr. Moses Bailey by James B. Nevin, pp. 117-124
        4. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 125-130
      4. [+]
        August 1941 Issue = 4 Articles
        1. The Metal Monster by A. Merritt, pp. 6-117
        2. Afraid of His Shadow by Dorothy Donnell Calhoun, pp. 118-121
        3. Through the Time Glass by Stanton A. Coblentz, pp. 122-123
        4. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 124-130
      5. [+]
        October 1941 Issue = 5 Articles
        1. Palos of the Dog Star Pack by J.U. Giesy, pp. 6-97
        2. The Colour Out of Space by H.P. Lovecraft, pp. 98-114
        3. Out of the Desert by L. Patrick Greene, pp. 116-125
        4. For Howard Phillips Lovecraft by Robert W. Lowndes, p. 115
        5. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 126-130
      6. [+]
        December 1941 Issue = 4 Articles
        1. The Afterglow by George Allan England, pp. 6-95
        2. The Lost Garden by Max Brand, pp. 96-108
        3. Crimes of the Year 2000 by Ray Cummings, pp. 109-119
        4. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 120-130
    3. [+]
      Issues of 1942 = 9 Issues, 39 Articles
      1. [+]
        February 1942 Issue = 3 Articles
        1. The Citadel of Fear by Francis Stevens, pp. 6-123
        2. The Super-Race by Stanton A. Coblentz, p. 124
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 125-130
      2. [+]
        April 1942 Issue = 3 Articles
        1. The Radio Planet by Ralph Milne Farley, pp. 6-109
        2. An Unnatural Feud by Norman Douglas, pp. 110-120
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 121-130
      3. [+]
        June 1942 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. Publishers' Announcement, pp. 1-5
        2. Burn, Witch, Burn! by A. Merritt, pp. 6-95
        3. Beyond the Pole by Philip M. Fisher, pp. 96-122
        4. Fishhead by Irvin S. Cobb, pp. 123-128
        5. Crimes of the Year 2000: No. 2 by Ray Cummings, pp. 129-138
        6. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 139-146
      4. [+]
        July 1942 Issue = 4 Articles
        1. Polaris---of the Snows by Charles B. Stilson, pp. 6-77
        2. Serapion by Francis Stevens, pp. 78-133
        3. A. Merritt on Modern Witchcraft, pp. 134-136
        4. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 137-146
      5. [+]
        August 1942 Issue = 5 Articles
        1. Creep, Shadow! by A. Merritt, pp. 6-113
        2. A Roman Resurrection by Lee Meriwether, pp. 115-129
        3. The Outcast by E.F. Benson, pp. 130-140
        4. Atlantis by Guy Wetmore Carryl, p. 114
        5. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 141-146
      6. [+]
        September 1942 Issue = 5 Articles
        1. A Brand New World by Ray Cummings, pp. 6-112
        2. Wild Wullie, the Waster by Tod Robbins, pp. 114-128
        3. The Horla by Guy de Maupassant, pp. 129-137
        4. Ariel's Song from "The Tempest", p. 113
        5. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 138-146
      7. [+]
        October 1942 Issue = 3 Articles
        1. The Elixir of Hate by George Allan England, pp. 6-82
        2. Into the Infinite by Austin Hall, pp. 83-138
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 139-146
      8. [+]
        November 1942 Issue = 4 Articles
        1. The Mouthpiece of Zitu by J.U. Giesy, pp. 6-106
        2. Into the Infinite by Austin Hall, pp. 107-132
        3. The Demoiselle D'Ys by Robert W. Chambers, pp. 133-140
        4. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 141-146
      9. [+]
        December 1942 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. The Golden City by Ralph Milne Farley, pp. 6-81
        2. Into the Infinite by Austin Hall, pp. 84-133
        3. The Editor's Page, p. 83
        4. Atlantis by John James Meehan, p. 82
        5. To a Comet by William Ross Lee, pp. 134-135
        6. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 136-146
    4. [+]
      Issues of 1943 = 4 Issues, 28 Articles
      1. [+]
        March 1943 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-11
        2. Ark of Fire by John Hawkins, pp. 12-100
        3. In the Next Issue, pp. 101-110
        4. The New Finlay Portfolio, pp. 111-112
        5. The Editor's Page, p. 113
        6. Into the Infinite by Austin Hall, pp. 114-148
      2. [+]
        April 1943 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. The Wanderer's Necklace by H. Rider Haggard, pp. 12-90
        2. The Espadrilles by Margaret St. Clair, pp. 94-116
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-11
        4. In the Next Issue, p. 91
        5. On the Rim of Space by Stanton A. Coblentz, pp. 92-93
        6. Cover by Lawrence
      3. [+]
        September 1943 Issue = 8 Articles
        1. The Iron Star by John Taine, pp. 8-58
        2. Doorway Into Time by C.L. Moore, pp. 116-126
        3. The Yellow Sign by Robert W. Chambers, pp. 130-148
        4. Dwellers in the Mirage by Nanek, pp. 128-129
        5. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-7
        6. In the Next Isseu, pp. 59-114
        7. The Editor's Page, p. 115
        8. The Second Finlay Portfolio, p. 127
      4. [+]
        December 1943 Issue = 8 Articles
        1. Three Go Back by J. Leslie Mitchell, pp. 8-92
        2. The Derelict by William Hope Hodgson, pp. 94-107
        3. The Mask by Robert W. Chambers, pp. 109-119
        4. King of the Gray Spaces by Ray Bradbury, pp. 120-132
        5. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-7
        6. In the Next Issue, p. 93
        7. The Editor's Page, p. 108
        8. The Second Finlay Portfolio, pp. 133-148
    5. [+]
      Issues of 1944 = 3 Issues, 19 Articles
      1. [+]
        March 1944 Issue = 7 Articles
        1. The Man Who Was Thursday (A Nightmare) by G.K. Chesterton, pp. 8-85
        2. The Ghost Pirates by William Hope Hodgson, pp. 88-94
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-7
        4. In the Next Issue, pp. 119-148
        5. A. Merritt---A Tribute, pp. 86-87
        6. The Second Finlay Portfolio, pp. 95-118
        7. Cover by Lawrence
      2. [+]
        June 1944 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. The Greatest Adventure by John Taine, pp. 8-86
        2. The Wendigo by Algernon Blackwood, pp. 90-132
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-7
        4. In the Next Issue, p. 87
        5. The Editor's Page, pp. 88-89
        6. Cover by Lawrence
      3. [+]
        September 1944 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. The Day of the Brown Horde by Richard Tooker, pp. 8-106
        2. The Postman of Otford by Lord Dunsany, pp. 108-110
        3. The Novel of the White Powder by Arthur Machen, pp. 111-132
        4. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-7
        5. In the Next Issue, p. 107
        6. Cover by Lawrence
    6. [+]
      Issues of 1945 = 4 Issues, 24 Articles
      1. [+]
        March 1945 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. The Machine Stops by Wayland Smith, pp. 8-102
        2. Before I Wake... by Henry Kuttner, pp. 106-132
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-7
        4. In the Next Issue, pp. 103-104
        5. The New Lawrence Portfolio, p. 105
        6. Cover by Lawrence
      2. [+]
        June 1945 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. The Boats of the Glen Carrig by William Hope Hodgson, pp. 10-76
        2. Evan a Worm by J.S. Bradford, pp. 78-116
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-9
        4. The New Lawrence Portfolio, p. 77
        5. In the Next Issue, pp. 117-132
        6. Cover by Lawrence
      3. [+]
        September 1945 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. Phra the Phoenician by Edwin Lester Arnold, pp. 8-110
        2. Heaven Only Knows by Joe Archibald, pp. 112-116
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-7
        4. The New Lawrence Portfolio, p. 111
        5. In the Next Issue, pp. 117-132
        6. Cover by Lawrence
      4. [+]
        December 1945 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. The Ancient Allan by H. Rider Haggard, pp. 10-107
        2. The Hashish Man by Lord Dunsany, pp. 108-110
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-9
        4. In the Next Issue, pp. 111-112
        5. The New Lawrence Portfolio, pp. 113-132
        6. Cover by Lawrence
    7. [+]
      Issues of 1946 = 6 Issues, 35 Articles
      1. [+]
        February 1946 Issue = 5 Articles
        1. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-9
        2. Before the Dawn by John Taine, pp. 10-54
        3. In the Next Issue, pp. 55-65
        4. The House of the Secret by Claude Farrere, pp. 66-132
        5. Cover by Lawrence
      2. [+]
        April 1946 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. The Island of Captain Sparrow by S. Fowler Wright, pp. 10-86
        2. The Willows by Algernon Blackwood, pp. 90-115
        3. Roderick's Story by E.F. Benson, pp. 116-132
        4. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-9
        5. In the Next Issue, pp. 87-89
        6. Cover by Lawrence
      3. [+]
        June 1946 Issue = 5 Articles
        1. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-11
        2. The Undying Monster by Jessie Douglas Kerruish, pp. 12-50
        3. In the Next Issue, pp. 51-108
        4. The Novel of the Black Seal by Arthur Machen, pp. 109-132
        5. Cover by Lawrence
      4. [+]
        August 1946 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. The Twenty-Fifth Hour by Herbert Best, pp. 10-90
        2. The Secret of the Growing Gold by Bram Stoker, pp. 116-132
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-9
        4. In the Next Issue, pp. 91-114
        5. The Lawrence Portfolio, p. 115
        6. Cover by Lawrence
      5. [+]
        October 1946 Issue = 7 Articles
        1. The Island of Dr. Moreau by H.G. Wells, pp. 8-54
        2. Third Person Singular by Clemence Dane, pp. 64-97
        3. Daemon by C.L. Moore, pp. 98-111
        4. The Burial of the Rats by Bram Stoker, pp. 112-132
        5. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-7
        6. In the Next Issue, pp. 55-63
        7. Cover by Lawrence
      6. [+]
        December 1946 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. Unthinkable by Francis Sibson, pp. 10-100
        2. At the Farmhouse by E.F. Benson, pp. 102-111
        3. And Not in Peace by George Whitley, pp. 112-132
        4. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-9
        5. In the Next Issue, p. 101
        6. Cover by Finlay
    8. [+]
      Issues of 1947 = 6 Issues, 40 Articles
      1. [+]
        February 1947 Issue = 7 Articles
        1. The Star Rover by Jack London, pp. 8-107
        2. The Angry Street---A Bad Dream by G.K. Chesterton, pp. 108-110
        3. The Spectre Spiders by W. James Wintle, pp. 114-132
        4. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-7
        5. In the Next Issue, pp. 111-112
        6. The Lawrence Portfolio, p. 113
        7. Cover by Finlay
      2. [+]
        April 1947 Issue = 7 Articles
        1. Allan and the Ice-Gods by H. Rider Haggard, pp. 6-109
        2. Passeur by Robert W. Chambers, pp. 110-112
        3. Prisoner in Time by V.E. Thiessen, pp. 114-116
        4. In the Next Issue, p. 113
        5. The Lawrence Portfolio, p. 117
        6. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 118-132
        7. Cover by Lawrence
      3. [+]
        June 1947 Issue = 5 Articles
        1. The People of the Ruins by Edward Shanks, pp. 6-114
        2. In the Next Issue, p. 115
        3. Caterpillars by E.F. Benson, pp. 116-120
        4. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 121-130
        5. Cover by Finlay
      4. [+]
        August 1947 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. Minimum Man, or, Time to Be Gone by Andrew Marvell, pp. 6-96
        2. Boomerang by George Whitley, pp. 114-118
        3. In the Next Issue, pp. 97-112
        4. Masters of Fantasy by Neil Austin, p. 113
        5. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 119-132
        6. Cover by Finlay
      5. [+]
        October 1947 Issue = 8 Articles
        1. The City of Wonder by E. Charles Vivian, pp. 6-94
        2. The Day of the Deepies by Murray Leinster, pp. 98-106
        3. Death by Clarence E. Flynn, p. 107
        4. Dark Waters by M. Ludington Cain, pp. 111-132
        5. In the Next Issue, pp. 95-96
        6. Masters of Fantasy by Neil Austin, p. 97
        7. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 108-110
        8. Cover by Lawrence
      6. [+]
        December 1947 Issue = 7 Articles
        1. The Man Who Went Back by Warwick Deeping, pp. 6-100
        2. In the Next Issue, pp. 101-102
        3. Masters of Fantasy by Neil Austin, p. 103
        4. Atlantis' Exile by Cyril Hume, pp. 104-107
        5. The Horror of the Heights by A. Conan Doyle, pp. 108-116
        6. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 117-132
        7. Cover by Finlay
    9. [+]
      Issues of 1948 = 6 Issues, 42 Articles
      1. [+]
        February 1948 Issue = 7 Articles
        1. The Peacemaker by C.S. Forester, pp. 6-72
        2. Planet of Sand by Murray Leinster, pp. 90-112
        3. The Lonesome Place by August Derleth, pp. 114-118
        4. In the Next Issue, pp. 73-89
        5. Masters of Fantasy by Neil Austin, p. 113
        6. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 119-132
        7. Cover by Finlay
      2. [+]
        April 1948 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. City of the Dead by Augusta Groner, pp. 8-68
        2. The Messenger by Robert W. Chambers, pp. 102-120
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-7
        4. In the Next Issue, pp. 69-101
        5. Masters of Fantasy by Neil Austin, pp. 121-132
        6. Cover by Lawrence
      3. [+]
        June 1948 Issue = 7 Articles
        1. The Devil's Spoon by Theodora Du Bois, pp. 8-100
        2. The Shadow and the Flash by Jack London, pp. 102-108
        3. Eemanu Grows Up by Leslie A. Croutch, pp. 112-132
        4. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-7
        5. Masters of Fantasy by Neil Austin, p. 101
        6. In the Next Issue, pp. 109-111
        7. Cover by Finlay
      4. [+]
        August 1948 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. The Purple Sapphire by John Taine, pp. 8-112
        2. The Night Before the End of the World by Murray Leinster, pp. 114-118
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-7
        4. Masters of Fantasy by Neil Austin and William Rose Benet, p. 113
        5. In the Next Issue, pp. 119-132
        6. Cover by Lawrence
      5. [+]
        October 1948 Issue = 9 Articles
        1. The Lion's Way by C.T. Stoneham, pp. 10-28
        2. The Women by Ray Bradbury, pp. 104-110
        3. The Human Angle by William Tenn, pp. 112-116
        4. That Low by Theodore Sturgeon, pp. 118-132
        5. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-9
        6. In the Next Issue, pp. 29-103
        7. The Lawrence Portfolio by Lawrence, p. 111
        8. Masters of Fantasy by Neil Austin, p. 117
        9. Cover by Lawrence
      6. [+]
        December 1948 Issue = 7 Articles
        1. Nordenholt's Million by J.J. Connington, pp. 14-74
        2. Let Clarence Do It by Edward S. Sullivan, pp. 112-114
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-11
        4. Masters of Fantasy by Neil Austin, pp. 12-13
        5. In the Next Issue, pp. 75-111
        6. The Lawrence Portfolio by Lawrence, pp. 115-132
        7. Cover by Lawrence
    10. [+]
      Issues of 1949 = 6 Issues, 43 Articles
      1. [+]
        February 1949 Issue = 7 Articles
        1. Angel Island by Inez Haynes Gillmore, pp. 10-88
        2. The Scarlet Plague by Jack London, pp. 92-118
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-9
        4. In the Next Issue, pp. 89-90
        5. Masters of Fantasy by Neil Austin, p. 91
        6. The Lawrence Portfolio, pp. 119-132
        7. Cover by Lawrence
      2. [+]
        April 1949 Issue = 7 Articles
        1. Dian of the Lost Land by Edison Marshall, pp. 8-86
        2. Black Butterflies by Elmer Brown Mason, pp. 88-112
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-7
        4. Masters of Fantasy by Neil Austin, p. 87
        5. In the Next Issue, pp. 113-114
        6. The Lawrence Portfolio, pp. 115-132
        7. Cover by Lawrence
      3. [+]
        June 1949 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. The Purple Cloud by M.P. Shiel, pp. 10-28
        2. Mirror Maze by Stanley Mullen, pp. 114-132
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-9
        4. In the Next Issue, pp. 29-112
        5. Masters of Fantasy by Neil Austin, p. 113
        6. Cover by Lawrence
      4. [+]
        August 1949 Issue = 7 Articles
        1. The Valley of Silent Men by E. Charles Vivian, pp. 8-76
        2. The Counter Charm by Margaret St. Clair, pp. 110-115
        3. In the Next Issue, pp. 77-108
        4. Masters of Fantasy, p. 109
        5. The Three by Burnham Eaton, pp. 116-117
        6. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 118-132
        7. Cover by Lawrence
      5. [+]
        October 1949 Issue = 7 Articles
        1. The Starkenden Quest by Gilbert Collins, pp. 10-90
        2. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-7
        3. Popular Films by Ted Palmer, pp. 8-9
        4. In the Next Issue, pp. 91-118
        5. Masters of Fantasy by Neil Austin, pp. 119-120
        6. The New Lawrence Portfolio, pp. 121-132
        7. Cover by Lawrence
      6. [+]
        December 1949 Issue = 9 Articles
        1. Ogden's Strange Story by Edison Marshall, pp. 10-81
        2. No-Man's Land by John Buchan, pp. 82-105
        3. What Was It? by Fitz-James O'Brien, pp. 106-110
        4. Jamieson by Margaret St. Clair, pp. 114-118
        5. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-9
        6. In the Next Issue, pp. 111-112
        7. Masters of Fantasy by Neil Austin, p. 113
        8. The New Lawrence Portfolio, pp. 119-132
        9. Cover by Lawrence
  3. [+]
    Issues of the 1950s = 4 Years, 19 Issues, 118 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1950 = 5 Issues, 31 Articles
      1. [+]
        February 1950 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. Morning Star by H. Rider Haggard, pp. 8-84
        2. Strange Occurrence in Clerkenwell by Arthur Machen, pp. 108-120
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-7
        4. In the Next Issue, pp. 85-107
        5. Masters of Fantasy by Neil Austin, pp. 121-132
        6. Cover by Lawrence
      2. [+]
        April 1950 Issue = 7 Articles
        1. The Secret People by John Beynon, pp. 10-82
        2. Guardian Angel by Arthur C. Clarke, pp. 98-112
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-9
        4. In the Next Issue, pp. 83-97
        5. Masters of Fantasy by Neil Austin, pp. 113-114
        6. After the Atom by Stanton A. Coblentz, pp. 115-132
        7. Cover by Lawrence
      3. [+]
        June 1950 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. The Adventure of Wyndham Smith by S. Fowler Wright, pp. 12-105
        2. Mrs. Amworth by E.F. Benson, pp. 106-113
        3. The Outsider by H.P. Lovecraft, pp. 114-116
        4. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-11
        5. In the Next Issue, pp. 117-132
        6. Cover by Saunders
      4. [+]
        August 1950 Issue = 5 Articles
        1. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-9
        2. The Time Machine by H.G. Wells, pp. 10-53
        3. Donovan's Brain by Curt Siodmak, pp. 54-118
        4. In the Next Issue, pp. 119-132
        5. Cover by Saunders
      5. [+]
        October 1950 Issue = 7 Articles
        1. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-11
        2. The Woman Who Couldn't Die by Arthur Stringer, pp. 12-83
        3. In Planders' Wood by M. Ludington Cain, pp. 84-85
        4. The Weigher of Souls by Andre Maurois, pp. 86-114
        5. In the Next Issue, p. 115
        6. Nor Moon by Night by Peter Cartur, pp. 116-132
        7. Cover by De Soto
    2. [+]
      Issues of 1951 = 6 Issues, 37 Articles
      1. [+]
        January 1951 Issue = 5 Articles
        1. Brood of the Witch-Queen by Sax Rohmer, pp. 2-96
        2. The Disintegration Machine by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, pp. 97-102
        3. In the Next Issue, pp. 103-104
        4. The King of the World by A.E. Coppard, pp. 105-108
        5. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 109-114
      2. [+]
        March 1951 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. The Threshold of Fear by Arthur J. Rees, pp. 2-89
        2. The Music of Erich Zann by H.P. Lovecraft, pp. 90-94
        3. The Dancing-Partner by Jerome K. Jerome, pp. 95-98
        4. Golden Apple by C.H. Liddell, pp. 99-106
        5. In the Next Issue, p. 107
        6. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 108-114
      3. [+]
        May 1951 Issue = 4 Articles
        1. The Slayer of Souls by Robert W. Chambers, pp. 2-94
        2. In the Next Issue, p. 95
        3. Lukundoo by Edward Lucas White, pp. 96-104
        4. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 105-114
      4. [+]
        July 1951 Issue = 5 Articles
        1. The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells, pp. 16-82
        2. Tcheriapin by Sax Rohmer, pp. 98-116
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-15
        4. In the Next Issue, pp. 83-97
        5. Cover by Lawrence
      5. [+]
        October 1951 Issue = 8 Articles
        1. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-13
        2. Rebirth by Thomas Calvert McClary, pp. 14-74
        3. In the Next Issue, p. 75
        4. Monsieur Seeks a Wife by Margaret Irwin, pp. 76-89
        5. Golden Atlantis by Richard Butler Glaenzer, pp. 90-91
        6. Nobody's House by A.M. Burrage, pp. 92-97
        7. The Man Who Collected Poe by Robert Bloch, pp. 98-116
        8. Cover by Lawrence
      6. [+]
        December 1951 Issue = 9 Articles
        1. The Gray Mahatma by Talbot Mundy, pp. 12-66
        2. "---And He Built a Crooked House---" by Robert A. Heinlein, pp. 68-77
        3. The Book by Margaret Irwin, pp. 80-87
        4. Pickman's Model by H.P. Lovecraft, pp. 88-95
        5. He Didn't Want Soup by Paul Ernst, pp. 96-116
        6. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-11
        7. In the Next Issue, p. 67
        8. The Spirit Boats by Minna Irving, pp. 78-79
        9. Cover by Lawrence
    3. [+]
      Issues of 1952 = 6 Issues, 34 Articles
      1. [+]
        February 1952 Issue = 5 Articles
        1. The Valley of Eyes Unseen by Gilbert Collins, pp. 16-44
        2. Blight by L. Major Reynolds, pp. 98-116
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-15
        4. In the Next Issue, pp. 45-97
        5. Cover by Lawrence
      2. [+]
        April 1952 Issue = 5 Articles
        1. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-15
        2. The Death Maker by Austin J. Small, pp. 16-94
        3. In the Next Issue, p. 95
        4. The New Sun by J.S. Fletcher, pp. 96-116
        5. Cover by Lawrence
      3. [+]
        June 1952 Issue = 7 Articles
        1. Her Ways Are Death by Jack Mann, pp. 10-88
        2. Gentlemen, Be Seated by Robert Heinlein, pp. 92-97
        3. I'll Take Care of You by Oliver La Farge, pp. 98-116
        4. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-9
        5. In the Next Issue, pp. 89-90
        6. To an Aztec Relic by Paul Wilson, p. 91
        7. Cover by Lawrence
      4. [+]
        August 1952 Issue = 5 Articles
        1. The White Wolf by Franklin Gregory, pp. 12-40
        2. The Green Splotches by T.S. Stribling, pp. 76-116
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-11
        4. In the Next Issue, pp. 41-75
        5. Cover by Saunders
      5. [+]
        October 1952 Issue = 5 Articles
        1. The Bat Flies Low by Sax Rohmer, pp. 12-101
        2. Thus I Refute Beelzy by John Collier, pp. 102-104
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-11
        4. In the Next Issue, pp. 105-116
        5. Cover by Lawrence
      6. [+]
        December 1952 Issue = 7 Articles
        1. Skull-Face by Robert E. Howard, pp. 12-53
        2. Killdozer! by Theodore Sturgeon, pp. 54-85
        3. The Homecoming by Ray Bradbury, pp. 86-93
        4. The Coat by A.E.D. Smith, pp. 94-96
        5. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-11
        6. In the Next Issue, pp. 97-116
        7. Cover by Lawrence
    4. [+]
      Issues of 1953 = 2 Issues, 16 Articles
      1. [+]
        February 1953 Issue = 6 Articles
        1. Full Moon by Talbot Mundy, pp. 10-92
        2. The Eyes of Dromu by Cedric R. Mentiplay, pp. 96-116
        3. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-9
        4. In the Next Issue, p. 93
        5. Ekrerar of Palorae by Louis M. Hobbs, pp. 94-95
        6. Cover by Saunders
      2. [+]
        June 1953 Issue = 10 Articles
        1. Anthem by Ayn Rand, pp. 12-33
        2. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, pp. 36-61
        3. Worms of the Earth by Robert E. Howard, pp. 64-77
        4. Find the Happy Children by Benjamin Ferris, pp. 78-85
        5. Pendulum by Ray Bradbury and Henry Hasse, pp. 86-91
        6. Bernie Goes To Hell by Arthur Dekker Savage, pp. 92-116
        7. The Readers' Viewpoint, pp. 6-11
        8. Dirge by Louis M. Hobbs, pp. 34-35
        9. Haunted Hostel by Emma L'Hommedieu Frost, pp. 62-63
        10. Cover by Lawrence