The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Ethel Cook Eliot Archives
Ethel Cook Eliot •ï¿½15 Items / 11 Books, 1 Article, 2 Reviews
Waul and Dyke, Inc (1926)
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Published Reviews
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    The New Books (24 Reviews)
    1. The Door with Seven Locks by Edgar Wallace
    2. Sabbatical Year by George Shively
    3. Royal Highness by Thomas Mann
    4. The Women of the Family by Margaret Culkin Banning
    5. A Daughter of Pan by Cornelia Stratton Parker
    6. The Flame of Courage by George Gibbs
    7. Waul and Dyke, Inc by Ethel Cook Eliot
    8. Into the Void by Florence Converse
    9. Dry Martini by John Thomas
    10. Jumping Meridians by Linton Wells and Nels Leroy Jorgensen
    11. Adventure Isle by George Allan England
    12. Ann's Crime by R.T.M. Scott
    13. Prydehurst by Hammel Johnson
    14. The Spite of Heaven by Oliver Onions
    15. The Veil of Glamour by Clive Arden
    16. The White Wolf by Max Brand
    17. The Avenger by John Goodwin
    18. The Detective's Holiday by Charles Barry
    19. Word of Honour by H.C. McNeile
    20. Tentacles by Martha Kinross
    21. By Candlelight by Gertrude Knevels
    22. River of Strangers by Frank Parker Day
    23. The Green Lacquer Pavilion by Helen Beauclerk
    24. Spring Sorrel by Mrs. Douglas Pulleyne
    The Saturday Review, October 16, 1926, p. 213