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Albert Edwards Archives
Albert Edwards •ï¿½27 Items / 23 Articles, 4 Books
Panama: The Canal, the Country and the People (1911)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Books of Travel (9 Reviews)
    Through China on Foot, by Edwin J. Dingle
    1. Through China on Foot by Edwin J. Dingle
    2. Panama: The Canal, the Country and the People by Albert Edwards
    3. A Woman's World-Tour in a Motor by Harriet White Fisher
    4. The Coming China by Joseph King Goodrich
    5. The Great Plateau of Northern Rhodesia by Cullen Gouldsbury and Hubert Sheane
    6. Down North on the Labrador by Wilfred T. Grenfell
    7. Trekking the Great Thirst by Arnold W. Hodson
    8. Surface Japan by Don C. Seitz
    9. The Arctic Prairies by Ernest Thompson Seton
    The Literary Digest, March 2, 1912, pp. 432-436
  2. [+]
    Books Talked About (13 Reviews)
    The Amazing Adventures of Letitia Carberry, by Mary Roberts Rinehart
    1. The Amazing Adventures of Letitia Carberry by Mary Roberts Rinehart
    2. Where Half the World Is Waking Up by Clarence Hamilton Poe
    3. The Golden Silence by C.N. Williamson and A.M. Williamson
    4. Martin Luther: The Man and His Work by Arthur Cushman McGiffert
    5. The Grip of Fear by Maurice Level
    6. Joan of the Tower by Warwick Deeping
    7. A Likely Story by William De Morgan
    8. Panama: The Canal, the Country and the People by Albert Edwards
    9. The Unofficial Honeymoon by Dolf Wyllarde
    10. The Sick-a-Bed Lady by Eleanor Hallowell Abbott
    11. Vagabond Journeys by Percival Pollard
    12. South Sea Tales by Jack London
    13. Hard Labor, and Other Poems by John Carter
    McClure's Magazine, March 1912, pp. 601-602
  3. [+]
    The New Books (26 Reviews)
    Franz Liszt, by James Huneker
    1. Franz Liszt by James Huneker
    2. The Individualization of Punishment by Raymond Saleilles
    3. Problems in Railway Regulation by Henry S. Haines
    4. Their Majesties as I Knew Them by Xavier Paoli
    5. Peggy Stewart by Gabrielle E. Jackson
    6. The Brownings: Their Life and Art by Lilian Whiting
    7. Recollections Grave and Gay by Mrs. Burton Harrison
    8. The Third Miss Wenderby by Mabel Barnes-Grundy
    9. The Story of Coventry by Mary Dormer Harris
    10. The Life of Charles Dickens by John Forster
    11. The Danger Zone of Europe by H. Charles Woods
    12. Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
    13. George Inness: The Man and His Art by Elliott Daingerfield
    14. Garibaldi and the Making of Italy by George Macaulay Trevelyan
    15. Making Both Ends Meet by Sue Ainslie Clark and Edith Wyatt
    16. The Leading Facts of New Mexican History by Ralph Emerson Twitchell
    17. Upon the Inheritance of Acquired Characters by Eugenio Rignano
    18. The Land We Live In by Overton W. Price
    19. The First Book of World Law by Raymond L. Bridgman
    20. Spiritism and Psychology by Theodore Flournoy
    21. Panama: The Canal, the Country and the People by Albert Edwards
    22. The Germans by I.A.R. Wylie
    23. The New Italy by Federico Garlanda
    24. Modern Thought and Traditional Faith by George Preston Mains
    25. The Greek Commonwealth by Alfred E. Zimmern
    26. Hellenistic Athens by William Scott Ferguson
    The Outlook, December 9, 1911, pp. 877-883