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Daniel Cady Eaton Archives
Daniel Cady Eaton •ï¿½6 Items / 5 Books, 1 Article
A Handbook of Modern French Sculpture (1913)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Art (Review)
    A Handbook of Modern French Sculpture, by D. Cady Eaton
    1. A Handbook of Modern French Sculpture by D. Cady Eaton
    The Nation, October 9, 1913, p. 344
  2. [+]
    A Modern Saint (17 Reviews)
    African Camp Fires, by Stewart Edward White
    1. African Camp Fires by Stewart Edward White
    2. Along France's River of Romance, the Loire by Douglas Goldring
    3. Along Germany's River of Romance, the Moselle by Charles Tower
    4. One Hundred Years of Peace by Henry Cabot Lodge
    5. Out of the Dark by Helen Keller
    6. Beyond the Old Frontier by George Bird Grinnell
    7. Circe's Daughter by Priscilla Craven
    8. The Way Home by Basil King
    9. The Business of Life by Robert W. Chambers
    10. The Works of Gilbert Parker by Gilbert Parker
    11. History of the Discovery and Conquest of Costa Rica by Ricardo Fernandez Guardia
    12. A Handbook of Modern French Sculpture by D. Cady Eaton
    13. Harper's Aircraft Book by A. Hyatt Verrill
    14. The Message of Greek Art by H.H. Powers
    15. The Belief in Personal Immortality by Edmund S.P. Haynes
    16. Comrades from Other Lands by Leila Allen Dimock
    17. Greek Imperialism by William Scott Ferguson
    The Outlook, October 11, 1913, pp. 328-330