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John B. Dunlop Archives
John B. Dunlop •ï¿½21 Items / 7 Books, 9 Articles, 5 Reviews
The New Russian Revolutionaries (1976)
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Published Reviews
  1. Review Article
    Russian Nationalism and the Cold War (6 Reviews)
    The New Russian Revolutionaries, by John B. Dunlop
    1. The New Russian Revolutionaries by John B. Dunlop
    2. The Russian New Right by Alexander Yanov
    3. The Faces of Contemporary Russian Nationalism by John B. Dunlop
    4. The Russian Challenge and the Year 2000 by Alexander Yanov
    5. Russian Nationalism: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow by Stephen K. Carter
    6. Black Hundred by Walter Laqueur
    The American Historical Review, February 1994, pp. 155-171
  2. [+]
    Perspectives on Communist Totalitarianism (7 Reviews)
    To Build a Castle, by Vladimir Bukovsky
    1. To Build a Castle by Vladimir Bukovsky
    2. The New Russian Revolutionaries by John B. Dunlop
    3. Social Deviance in Eastern Europe by Ivan Volgyes
    4. Dissent in Poland
    5. Praxis by Gerson S. Sher
    6. Opposition and Dissent in Contemporary China by Peter R. Moody, Jr.
    7. Deviance and Social Control in Chinese Society by Amy Auerbacher Wilson and Sidney Leonard Greenblatt, ...
    Problems of Communism, September 1980, pp. 68-73