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Denis Donoghue Archives
Denis Donoghue •ï¿½200 Items / 22 Books, 37 Articles, 141 Reviews
Ferocious Alphabets (1981)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Books/Critical Condition (Review)
    Ferocious Alphabets, by Denis Donoghue
    1. Ferocious Alphabets by Denis Donoghue
    The Atlantic Monthly, July 1981, pp. 83-84
  2. [+]
    Ferocious Alphabets (Review)
    Ferocious Alphabets, by Denis Donoghue
    1. Ferocious Alphabets by Denis Donoghue
    The Hudson Review, Winter 1981, pp. 631-635
  3. [+]
    Literary Criticism, A to Z (Review)
    Ferocious Alphabets, by Denis Donoghue
    1. Ferocious Alphabets by Denis Donoghue
    The New Republic, July 25, 1981, pp. 34-35
  4. [+]
    Wrecking Creation (3 Reviews)
    Ferocious Alphabets, by Denis Donoghue
    1. Ferocious Alphabets by Denis Donoghue
    2. Writers and Friends by Edward Weeks
    3. A Mingled Yarn by Russell A. Fraser
    Chronicles, November 1982, pp. 11-13
  5. [+]
    The Strange World of Post-Structuralism (9 Reviews)
    In Defence of the Imagination, by Helen Gardner
    1. In Defence of the Imagination by Helen Gardner
    2. Ferocious Alphabets by Denis Donoghue
    3. Saving the Text by Geoffrey H. Hartman
    4. Untying the Text by Robert E. Young
    5. The Pursuit of Signs by Jonathan D. Culler
    6. Re-Reading English by Peter Widdowson
    7. A Rhetoric of the Unreal by Christine Brooke-Rose
    8. The Imaginary Library by Alvin B. Kernan
    9. Reading Relations by Bernard Sharratt
    Encounter, June 1982, pp. 57-66