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Richard Dohrman Archives
Richard Dohrman •ï¿½4 Books
For Innocents Only (1960)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Inner Truth and Outer Man (Review)
    For Innocents Only, by Richard Dohrman
    1. For Innocents Only by Richard Dohrman
    The Saturday Review, October 22, 1960, p. 17
  2. [+]
    Reader's Choice (10 Reviews)
    The Metamorphosis of the Gods, by Andre Malraux
    1. The Metamorphosis of the Gods by Andre Malraux
    2. Looking at Pictures by Kenneth Clark
    3. Masterpieces of Greek Art by Raymond V. Schoder
    4. Rome for Ourselves by Aubrey Menen
    5. Shadows on the Grass by Isak Dinesen
    6. For Innocents Only by Richard Dohrman
    7. A Monkey in Winter by Antoine Blondin
    8. Shakespeare's Progress by Frank O'Connor
    9. The Sabres of Paradise by Lesley Blanch
    10. The Weans by Robert Nathan
    The Atlantic Monthly, November 1960, pp. 150-161