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Gordon E. Dean Archives
Gordon E. Dean •ï¿½3 Items / 2 Articles, 1 Book
Report on the Atom (1953)
What You Should Know About the Atomic Energy Program of the United States
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Published Reviews
  1. Books
    Giving Away the Atom (Review)
    Report on the Atom, by Gordon E. Dean
    1. Report on the Atom by Gordon E. Dean
    The Nation, January 9, 1954, pp. 33-34
  2. [+]
    Candor and Security (Review)
    Report on the Atom, by Gordon E. Dean
    1. Report on the Atom by Gordon E. Dean
    The New Republic, October 26, 1953, p. 17
  3. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (13 Reviews)
    General: Political, Military and Legal
    1. The Undeclared War, 1940-1941 by William L. Langer and S. Everett Gleason
    2. The World Between the Wars: From the 1918 Armistice to the Munich Agreement by Quincy Howe
    3. Survey of International Affairs, 1949-1950 by Peter Calvocoressi
    4. Documents on International Affairs, 1949-1950 by Margaret Carlyle
    5. Beyond Containment by William Henry Chamberlin
    6. Report on the Atom by Gordon E. Dean
    7. Truth Is Our Weapon by Edward W. Barrett
    8. Strategy for Survival by John E. Kieffer
    9. From Lenin to Malenkov by Hugh Seton-Watson
    10. European Communism by Franz Borkenau
    11. The Conservative Mind by Russell Kirk
    12. The State the Enemy by Ernest Benn
    13. Aggressive War, An International Crime by Cornelis A. Pompe
    Foreign Affairs, January 1954, pp. 331-332
  4. [+]
    Atoms and Automation (15 Reviews)
    A Check-List
    1. International Bibliography on Atomic Energy
    2. Report on the Atom by Gordon E. Dean
    3. The Atom at Work by Jacob Sacks
    4. Economic Aspects of Atomic Power by Sam H. Schurr and Jacob Marschak
    5. The Science and Engineering of Nuclear Power by Clark D. Goodman
    6. Atomic Energy---Industrial and Legal Problems
    7. Minerals for Atomic Energy by Robert D. Nininger
    8. Sourcebook on Atomic Energy by Samuel Glasstone
    9. Energy in the Future by Palmer Putnam
    10. Atomic Medicine by Charles F. Behrens
    11. Introduction to Nuclear Engineering by Raymond LeRoy Murray
    12. Introduction to Nuclear Engineering by Richard Montgomery Stephenson
    13. Nuclear Reactor Theory by Samuel Glasstone and Milton C. Edlund
    14. Automation by John Diebold
    15. The Design of Switching Circuits by William Keister, Alastair E. Ritchie, and Seth H. Washburn, ...
    The Saturday Review, January 22, 1955, pp. 51-53
  5. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (16 Reviews)
    General: Political, Military and Legal
    1. Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy by Henry A. Kissinger
    2. Report on the Atom by Gordon E. Dean
    3. Atoms and People by Ralph E. Lapp
    4. John Foster Dulles, 1888-1959 by John Robinson Beal
    5. Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy by Carl J. Friedrich and Zbigniew K. Brzezinski
    6. Oriental Despotism: A Comparative Study of Total Power by Karl A. Wittfogel
    7. Diversity of Worlds by Raymond Aron and August Heckscher
    8. The Challenge of Coexistence by Hugh Gaitskell
    9. Federalism and Constitutional Change by William S. Livingston
    10. The Central Blue by John C. Slessor
    11. The Approach to Self-Government by Ivor Jennings
    12. Revolution on East River by James Avery Joyce
    13. Cases on United Nations Law by Louis B. Sohn
    14. Basic Documents of the United Nations by Louis B. Sohn
    15. A Study of History by Arnold J. Toynbee and D.C. Somervell
    16. Documents on American Foreign Relations, 1956 by Paul E. Zinner
    Foreign Affairs, July 1957, pp. 704-705