The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Russell G. Davis Archives
Russell G. Davis •ï¿½2 Books
Point Four Assignment (1959)
Stories from the Records of Those Who Work in Foreign Fields for the Mutual S...
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Published Reviews
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    Books for Young People (16 Reviews)
    Importance of the Cherry Tree
    1. The Sooner Hound by Harvey Weiss
    2. Adam and the Golden Cock by Alice Dalgliesh
    3. Alaskan Hunter by Florence S. Hayes
    4. Harriet and Her Harmonium by Alan Lomax
    5. The Story of Eleanor Roosevelt by Lorena A. Hickok
    6. The First Book of Pioneers by Walter Havighurst
    7. Steamboats to the West by Edith S. McCall
    8. Old Peppersass by Leonard A. Stevens
    9. The First Transatlantic Cable by Adele Gutman Nathan
    10. American Words by Mitford M. Mathews
    11. The Real Book About Our National Capital by E. John Long
    12. Know Your Government by George E. Ross
    13. The Golden Book of the American Revolution by Fred J. Cook
    14. Point Four Assignment by Russell G. Davis and Brent Ashabranner
    15. The Story of the Revolutionary War by Red Reeder
    16. The War Between the States by Eric Wollencott Barnes
    The Saturday Review, February 20, 1960, pp. 40-46