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R.W. Davies Archives
R.W. Davies •ï¿½20 Items / 12 Books, 2 Articles, 6 Reviews
The Industrialisation of Soviet Russia (1980)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Modern Europe (Review)
    The Industrialisation of Soviet Russia, by R.W. Davies
    1. The Industrialisation of Soviet Russia by R.W. Davies
    The American Historical Review, June 1981, p. 625
  2. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (13 Reviews)
    The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
    1. Stalin's Successors by Seweryn Bialer
    2. Soviet Leadership in Transition by Jerry F. Hough
    3. Prospects of Soviet Power in the 1980s by Christoph Bertram
    4. The Soviet Triangle by Donald R. Shanor
    5. On Soviet Dissent by Roy Medvedev and Piero Ostellino
    6. The Socialist Phenomenon by Igor Schafrevich
    7. The Aging of Communism by Robert G. Wesson
    8. The Industrialisation of Soviet Russia by R.W. Davies
    9. The United States and Russia by Nina N. Bashkina
    10. Socialist Economic Integration by Jozef M. van Brabant
    11. Eurocommunism Between East and West by Vernon V. Aspaturian, Jiri Valenta, and David P. Burke, ...
    12. The Beginnings of Communist Rule in Poland by Antony Polonsky and Boleslaw Drukier
    13. Edvard Kardelj: The Historical Roots of Non-Alignment by Nikolaos A. Stavrou and Edvard Kardelj
    Foreign Affairs, Winter 1980, pp. 440-441