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L. Cope Cornford Archives
L. Cope Cornford •ï¿½13 Items / 11 Books, 2 Articles
Essay-Writing for Schools (1903)
A Practical Exposition of the Principles of This Form of Composition ... Desi...
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    Books of the Week (37 Reviews)
    Backgrounds of Literature, by Hamilton Wright Mabie
    1. Backgrounds of Literature by Hamilton Wright Mabie
    2. The Bible and Babylon by Eduard Koenig
    3. The Biblical Encyclopedia by James Comper Gray and George Moulton Adams
    4. Blake Redding: A Boy of To-Day by Natalie Rice Clark
    5. Bret Harte by Henry Walcott Boynton
    6. The Coventry Boy by Forrest Crissey
    7. Essay-Writing for Schools by L. Cope Cornford
    8. Ferns: A Manual for the Northeastern States by Campbell E. Waters
    9. The Finger of God by Thomas Henry Wright
    10. The Golden Fetich by Eden Phillpotts
    11. The Harvesters by Aubrey Lanston
    12. Hesper by Hamlin Garland
    13. In African Forest and Jungle by Paul Du Chaillu
    14. An Inland Voyage by Robert Louis Stevenson
    15. The Jesuits in Great Britain by Walter Walsh
    16. Joy and Power by Henry van Dyke
    17. A Lieutenant Under Washington by Everett Tomlinson
    18. Maisie and Her Dog Snip in Fairyland by Bennet Musson
    19. Making a Start by Tudor Jenks
    20. My Old Maid's Corner by Lillie Hamilton French
    21. Old Quebec: The Fortress of New France by Gilbert Parker and Claude G. Bryan
    22. On the Threshold of Central Africa by Franco Coillard
    23. On the We-a Trail by Caroline Brown
    24. Over the Border by Robert Barr
    25. Phoenixiana, or Sketches and Burlesques by John Phoenix
    26. The Poems of Alice and Phoebe Cary by Katharine Lee Bates, Alice Cary, and Phoebe Cary, ...
    27. Protean Papers by William Dudley Foulke
    28. The Relentless City by E.F. Benson
    29. The Reminiscences of an Astronomer by Simon Newcomb
    30. Saint Paul and the Ante-Nicene Church by Stewart Means
    31. In Search of a Siberian Klondike by Washington B. Vanderlip and Homer B. Hulbert
    32. The Strife of the Sea by T. Jenkins Hains
    33. The Surprising Adventures of the Man in the Moon by Ray M. Steward
    34. Tittlebat Titmouse by Cyrus T. Brady and Samuel Warren
    35. The Unreformed House of Commons by Edward Porritt and Annie G. Porritt
    36. The Ultimate Moment by William R. Lighton
    37. With Flintlock and Fife by Everett T. Tomlinson
    The Outlook, November 7, 1903, pp. 607-614