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Jim Corbett Archives
Jim Corbett •ï¿½7 Items / 6 Books, 1 Review
Jungle Lore (1953)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Tiger Hunter's Boyhood (Review)
    Jungle Lore, by Jim Corbett
    1. Jungle Lore by Jim Corbett
    The Nation, October 17, 1953, p. 316
  2. [+]
    Jungle Jim Again (Review)
    Jungle Lore, by Jim Corbett
    1. Jungle Lore by Jim Corbett
    The Saturday Review, January 23, 1954, p. 68
  3. [+]
    Briefly Noted (10 Reviews)
    1. The Temper of Western Europe by C. Crane Brinton
    2. America Day by Day by Simone de Beauvoir
    3. The Adventures of John Wetherell by C.S. Forester
    4. Jungle Lore by Jim Corbett
    5. The Great Corinthian by Doris Leslie
    6. The Big Tree of Mexico by John R. Skeaping
    7. The Oxford Book of English Talk by James Sutherland
    8. Accents on Opera by Boris Goldovsky
    9. Music as an Art by Herbert Weinstock
    10. Curtain Time by Lloyd R. Morris
    The New Yorker, December 12, 1953, pp. 180-186
  4. [+]
    New Books (18 Reviews)
    The Offshore Light, by Pamela Frankau
    1. The Offshore Light by Pamela Frankau
    2. Lord Vanity by Samuel Shellabarger
    3. The Enchanted Cup by Dorothy J. Roberts
    4. The Palm Wine Drinkard by Amos Tutuola
    5. In the Castle of My Skin by George Lamming
    6. Jungle Lore by Jim Corbett
    7. All Done from Memory by Osbert Lancaster
    8. The Best Humor from Punch by William Cole
    9. The Best of H.T. Webster by H.T. Webster
    10. The Tattooed Sailor, and Other Cartoons from France by Andre Francois
    11. Ideas and Places: The Golden Horizon by Cyril Connolly
    12. By Land and by Sea by Samuel Eliot Morison
    13. Conquest of the Moon by Wernher von Braun, Fred Whipple, Willy Ley, and Cornelius Ryan, ...
    14. The Sky Block by Steve Frazee
    15. Jutland Cottage by Angela Thirkell
    16. A Handful of Blackberries by Ignazio Silone
    17. Mandrake Root by Frederic Wakeman
    18. A Sunset Touch by Howard Spring
    The Harpers Monthly, November 1953, pp. 94-101
  5. [+]
    India, Pakistan and the East (26 Reviews)
    The Art and Architecture of India, by Benjamin Rowland
    1. The Art and Architecture of India by Benjamin Rowland
    2. Asia and the West by Maurice Zinkin
    3. Caste in Modern Ceylon by Bryce Ryan
    4. Come, My Beloved by Pearl S. Buck
    5. The Dedicated by Lizelle Reymond
    6. The Economic Development of Ceylon
    7. The Financial Expert by R.K. Narayan
    8. Grateful to Life and Death by R.K. Narayan
    9. Free India in Asia by Werner Levi
    10. The Great Peace by Raja Hutheesing
    11. The Hidden Land by Ursula Graham Bower
    12. India and the Awakening East by Eleanor Roosevelt
    13. India, Pakistan, and the West by T.G. Percival Spear
    14. Jungle Lore by Jim Corbett
    15. Mahatma Gandhi by Haridas T. Muzumdar
    16. The Mask of a Lion by A.T.W. Simeons
    17. Music for Mohini by Bhabani Bhattacharya
    18. My India by Jim Corbett
    19. Nationalism and Revolution in Indonesia by George McTurnan Kahin
    20. Search After Sunrise by Vera Brittain
    21. Six Days in Marapore by Paul Scott
    22. Southeast Asia in the Coming World by Philip Warren Thayer
    23. Tigerland and South Sea by Olle Strandberg
    24. The United States and India and Pakistan by W. Norman Brown
    25. Videhi by Charles L. Holden
    26. Who Speaks for Man? by Norman Cousins
    The Saturday Review, December 12, 1953, pp. 56-64