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Harold J. Coolidge Archives
Harold J. Coolidge •ï¿½3 Items / 2 Books, 1 Article
Archibald Cary Coolidge: Life and Letters (1932)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Books of American History (Review)
    Archibald Cary Coolidge: Life and Letters, by Harold Jefferson Coolidge and Robert Howa...
    1. Archibald Cary Coolidge: Life and Letters by Harold Jefferson Coolidge and Robert Howard Lord, ...
    The American Historical Review, April 1933, pp. 579-580
  2. [+]
    Book Notes (2 Reviews)
    1. Archibald Cary Coolidge: Life and Letters by Harold Jefferson Coolidge and Robert Howard Lord, ...
    2. George Bernard Shaw: Man of the Century by Archibald Henderson
    The New Republic, November 30, 1932, p. 80
  3. [+]
    Some Recent Books on International Relations (10 Reviews)
    International Relations of the United States
    1. Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States by Charles O. Paullin and John K. Wright
    2. The Nation at War by Peyton C. March
    3. Lonely America by Lothrop Stoddard
    4. Interpretations, 1931-1932 by Walter Lippmann and Allan Nevins
    5. Archibald Cary Coolidge: Life and Letters by Harold Jefferson Coolidge and Robert Howard Lord, ...
    6. Hoover and His Times by Edwin Emerson
    7. Beveridge and the Progressive Era by Claude G. Bowers
    8. America, the Philippines and the Orient by Hilario Camino Moncada
    9. Diplomatic Relations Between the United States and Brazil by Lawrence Francis Hill
    10. Japanese in the United States by Yamato Ichihashi
    Foreign Affairs, January 1933, p. 368
  4. [+]
    Check List of New Books (17 Reviews)
    1. Mary Lincoln, Wife and Widow by Carl Sandburg
    2. Archibald Cary Coolidge: Life and Letters by Harold Jefferson Coolidge and Robert Howard Lord, ...
    3. David Hume by J.Y.T. Greig
    4. Letters of Charles Dickens to the Baroness Burdett-Coutts by Charles C. Osborne and Charles Dickens
    5. The Wife of Rossetti by Violet Hunt
    6. Mary Baker Eddy: The Truth and the Tradition by Ernest Sutherland Bates and John V. Dittemore, ...
    7. Voltaire by Andre Maurois
    8. The Life of Andrew Carnegie by Burton J. Hendrick
    9. The Penns of Pennsylvania and England by Arthur Pound
    10. Forty Years for Labrador by Wilfred Thomason Grenfell
    11. Adventures in Living by Muriel Jaeger
    12. Joe Bailey: The Last Democrat by Sam Hanna Acheson
    13. My Confederate Girlhood by Kate Virginia Cox Logan
    14. Earth Horizon: An Autobiography by Mary Austin
    15. Lee of Virginia by William E. Brooks
    16. William Penn: Quaker and Pioneer by Bonamy Dobree
    17. Carlyle by Louis F. Cazamian
    The American Mercury, February 1933