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Van Deren Coke Archives
Van Deren Coke •ï¿½3 Books
The Painter and the Photograph (1972)
From Delacroix to Warhol
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Published Reviews
  1. The Revolving Bookstand
    Art in History (9 Reviews)
    Modern Art and Scientific Thought, by John Adkins Richardson
    1. Modern Art and Scientific Thought by John Adkins Richardson
    2. Edvard Munch by Josef Paul Hodin
    3. Dreamers of Decadence by Philippe Jullian
    4. The Academy and French Painting in the 19th Century by Albert Boime
    5. Gustave Moreau by Jean Paladilhe and Jose Pierre
    6. The Aesthetic Movement by Elizabeth Aslin
    7. Gauguin and the Pont-Aven School by Wladyslawa Jaworska
    8. The Painter and the Photograph by Van Deren Coke
    9. The Attainment of Delacroix by Frank Anderson Trapp
    The American Scholar, Autumn 1972, pp. 660-673