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Lucas Cleeve Archives
Lucas Cleeve •ï¿½7 Books
The Foolkiller (1904)
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Published Reviews
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    Notes On New Books (18 Reviews)
    The Great Reconciler, by Beatrice May Butt
    1. The Great Reconciler by Beatrice May Butt
    2. Leonardo da Vinci by Edward McCurdy
    3. Silent Strings by Sarah Doudney
    4. Nature's Comedian by William Edward Norris
    5. The Melpomene Papers by Annette Furness
    6. London at School by Hugh B. Philpott
    7. The Foolkiller by Lucas Cleeve
    8. The Countess of Montenoy by John Strange Winter
    9. Eldorado by Robert Cromie
    10. Sally of Missouri by R.E. Young
    11. The Homebuilders by Karl Edwin Harriman
    12. From the Restoration of 1660 to the Revolution of 1688 by John Brown
    13. A Dictionary of Names, Nicknames and Surnames of Persons, Places and Things by Edward Latham
    14. Two Loves by Curtis Yorke
    15. The Wisdom of Folly by Cosmo Hamilton
    16. The Letters of John Hus by Herbert B. Workman, R. Martin Pope, and John Hus, ...
    17. A Moorland Princess by A.G. Folliott-Stokes
    18. Songs and Sonnets by Eva Dobell
    The Bookman (U.K.), July 1904, pp. 144-145