The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
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Charles Cleek Archives
Charles Cleek •ï¿½1 Book
The Story of Ebird (1938)
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Published Reviews
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    The Children's Bookshop (33 Reviews)
    Virginibus Puerisque
    1. Little Orphan Willie-Mouse by Evelyn M. Chadwick and Lynwood M. Chace
    2. A'Piping Again by Rose Fyleman
    3. Epaminondas and His Auntie by Sara Cone Bryant
    4. My Friend Mr. Leakey by J.B.S. Haldane
    5. The Story of Ebird by Charles Cleek
    6. The Pig that Danced a Jig by Katharine Morse
    7. Ameliaranne Gives a Christmas Party by Constance Heward and S.P. Pearse
    8. The Alphabet of Birds, Bugs and Beasts by Henry B. Kane
    9. Bobbie and Jock and the Mailman by Charles J. Finger
    10. The Golden Spears, and Other Fairy Tales by Edmund Leamy
    11. Mr. Whittle Invents the Airyoplane by J. Andrew White
    12. The Big Goose and the Little White Duck by Meindert DeJong
    13. Saturday Magic by Eleanor Daggett Karsten
    14. Ladies and Gentlemen, Said the Ringmaster by Joan Kahn
    15. The Tooseys by Mabel G. LaRue
    16. Tom Twist by William Allen Butler
    17. Sarah's Idea by Doris Gates
    18. Skyways by Charles Gilbert Hall
    19. More About the Little Old Woman Who Used Her Head by Hope H. Newell
    20. The Flop-Eared Hound by Ellis Credle
    21. Lasius, The Lucky Ant by Nina A. Frey
    22. Yinka-Tu the Yak by Alice Alison Lide
    23. East of the Sun and West of the Moon by Ingri d'Aulaire and Edgar Parin d'Aulaire
    24. The Adventures of Chico by Stacy Woodard
    25. Solita by Grace Moon
    26. Kee-Kee and Company by Mary Brewster Hollister
    27. Mr. Popper's Penguins by Richard Atwater and Florence Atwater
    28. The Four and Lena by Marie Barringer
    29. The Porpoise of Pirate Bay by F. Martin Howard
    30. Huckleberry Island by Agnes Cope Foote
    31. Wapiti Pete, The Story of an Elk by Hal Borland
    32. The Scarlet Oak by Cornelia Meigs
    33. Red Sky Over Rome by Anne D. Kyle
    The Saturday Review, November 19, 1938, pp. 21-23