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A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Winston S. Churchill Archives
Winston S. Churchill •ï¿½162 Items / 67 Articles, 81 Books, 1 Review, 2 Poems, 3 Films
The End of the Beginning (1943)
War Speeches (January-December, 1942)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Pearls of All Prices (Review)
    The End of the Beginning, by Winston Churchill
    1. The End of the Beginning by Winston Churchill
    Commonweal, September 24, 1943, p. 568
  2. [+]
    Diary of a New World Being Born (Review)
    The End of the Beginning, by Winston Churchill
    1. The End of the Beginning by Winston Churchill
    The Saturday Review, August 28, 1943, p. 5
  3. [+]
    A Reader's List (4 Reviews)
    The Hidden Enemy, by Heinz Pol
    1. The Hidden Enemy by Heinz Pol
    2. The End of the Beginning by Winston Churchill
    3. Czechoslovakia in European History by S. Harrison Thomson
    4. The Basic Teachings of the Great Economists by John W. McConnell
    The New Republic, September 27, 1943, pp. 434-438
  4. [+]
    Briefly Noted (6 Reviews)
    1. A Threshold in the Sun by Lloyd R. Morris
    2. Who Could Ask for Anything More! by Kay Swift
    3. The End of the Beginning by Winston Churchill
    4. India's Problem Can Be Solved by DeWitt Mackenzie
    5. Half a World Away by Frances Long
    6. The Heritage of Symbolism by C.M. Bowra
    The New Yorker, August 21, 1943, p. 59
  5. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (14 Reviews)
    The British Commonwealth of Nations
    1. The End of the Beginning by Winston Churchill
    2. Mortal Strife by John Cowper Powys
    3. The Pillars of Security by William H. Beveridge
    4. British Labor and the Beveridge Plan by Frederick Joseph Scheu
    5. Economic Reconstruction by John R. Bellerby
    6. Studies in National Income, 1924-1938 by Arthur Lyon Bowley
    7. Empire in the Changing World by W.K. Hancock
    8. The British Empire: Its Structure and Spirit, 1497-1953 by Eric A. Walker
    9. Studies in the Evolution of Dominion Status by Gwendoline Neuendorff
    10. War and Reconstruction: Some Canadian Issues by A.R.M. Lower and J.F. Parkinson
    11. Subject India by Henry Noel Brailsford
    12. India: The Road to Self-Government, 1908-1940 by John Coatman
    13. India's Problem Can Be Solved by DeWitt Mackenzie
    14. Report on India by T.A. Raman
    Foreign Affairs, January 1944, pp. 338-339