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Peter J. Chelkowski Archives
Peter J. Chelkowski •ï¿½3 Items / 2 Books, 1 Review
Ideology and Power in the Middle East (1988)
Studies in Honor of George Lenczowski
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Published Reviews
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    Recent Books on International Relations (8 Reviews)
    The Middle East
    1. The Eagle and the Lion by James A. Bill
    2. The U.S. Press and Iran by William A. Dorman and Mansour Farhang
    3. Ideology and Power in the Middle East by Peter J. Chelkowski and Robert J. Pranger
    4. The Soviet American Competition in the Middle East by Steven L. Spiegel, Mark A. Heller, and Jacob Goldberg, ...
    5. U.S. Policy on Jerusalem by Yossi Feintuch
    6. Toward Arab-Israeli Peace by William B. Quandt
    7. Secret Exodus by Claire Safran
    8. Class and Power in Sudan by Tim Niblock
    Foreign Affairs, Summer 1988, pp. 1134-1135