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Madison J. Cawein Archives
Madison J. Cawein •ï¿½134 Items / 31 Books, 30 Articles, 73 Poems
Kentucky Poems (1902)
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Published Reviews
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    Books of the Week (46 Reviews)
    The Alcotts in Harvard, by Annie M.L. Clark
    1. The Alcotts in Harvard by Annie M.L. Clark
    2. The American Cotton Industry by Thomas M. Young
    3. The American Merchant Marine by Winthrop L. Marvin
    4. Avery by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
    5. Barnaby Lee by John Bennett
    6. The Burges Letters by Edna Lyall
    7. Dulvercombe Water by Harold Vallings
    8. Concerning Polly and Some Others by Helen M. Winslow
    9. The Conquest of Rome by Matilde Serao
    10. The Conquest of the Air by John Alexander
    11. Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology by James Mark Baldwin
    12. Dream Days by Kenneth Grahame
    13. The Earth and the Fullness Thereof by Peter Rosegger
    14. The First Christmas by Lew Wallace
    15. A Forest Orchid, and Other Stories by Ella Higginson
    16. The Government of Maine by William MacDonald
    17. Grimm Tales Made Gay by Guy Wetmore Carryl
    18. The Heritage by Burton Egbert Stevenson
    19. The Homely Virtues by Ian Maclaren
    20. How to Live by Edward Everett Hale
    21. The Hurdy-Gurdy by Laura E. Richards
    22. In Kings' Byways by Stanley J. Weyman
    23. In the Green Forest by Katharine Pyle
    24. In the Morning Glow by Roy Rolfe Gilson
    25. Istar of Babylon by Margaret Horton Potter
    26. John Mackenzie, South African Missionary and Statesman by William Douglas Mackenzie
    27. Kentucky Poems by Madison Cawein
    28. Kotto: Being Japanese Curios with Sundry Cobwebs by Lafcadio Hearn
    29. Labberton's Universal History by Robert H. Labberton
    30. The Land of the Latins by Ashton Rollins Willard
    31. The Last American by J.A. Mitchell
    32. The Library of Literary Criticism of English and American Authors by Charles Wells Moulton
    33. The Lord Protector by S. Levett-Yeats
    34. A Maker of the New Orient, Samuel Robbins Brown by William Elliot Griffis
    35. Moth and Rust, and Other Stories by Mary Cholmondeley
    36. Mozart by Eustace J. Breakspeare
    37. Pickett's Gap by Homer Greene
    38. The Primrose and Darwinism by A Field Naturalist
    39. Some Ethical Phases of the Labor Question by Carroll D. Wright
    40. The Speronara by Alexandre Dumas
    41. Stage Confidences by Clara Morris
    42. The Success of Mark Wyngate by Una L. Silberrad
    43. Tangled Up in Beulah Land by J.P. Mowbray
    44. Tudor and Stuart Love Songs by J. Potter Briscoe
    45. What a Girl Can Make and Do by Lina Beard and Adelia B. Beard
    46. Winslow Plain by Sarah P. McLean Greene
    The Outlook, November 15, 1902, pp. 653-660