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R.W. Carlyle Archives
R.W. Carlyle •ï¿½6 Books
A History of Medieval Political Theory in the West, Vol. I (1903)
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Published Reviews
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    Notes on New Books (36 Reviews)
    What We Dream, by Frances Harrod
    1. What We Dream by Frances Harrod
    2. True Eyes and the Whirlwind by Randolph Bedford
    3. The Crimson Dice by G.N. McNain
    4. The Simple Life by Charles Wagner
    5. Li Hung-Chang: His Life and Times by Alicia Helen Neva Little
    6. The Ploughshare and the Sword by E.G. Henham
    7. Personalia by Julian Osgood Field
    8. A History of Medieval Political Theory in the West, Vol. I by R.W. Carlyle and A.J. Carlyle
    9. The Mistress of Bonaventure by Harold Bindloss
    10. Verona's Father by David Christie-Murray
    11. Sir David's Visitors by Sarah Tytler
    12. Les Nouveaux Jugements du President Magnaud by Henry Leyret and Paul Magnaud
    13. The First of Empires by William St. Chad Boscawen
    14. Cherry by Booth Tarkington
    15. Boudoir Critic by Constance Smedley
    16. Old Cape Colony by Mrs. A.F. Trotter
    17. The Tombs of the Popes by Ferdinand Gregorovius
    18. Three Frenchmen in Bengal, or the Commercial Ruin of the French Settlements in 1757 by S.C. Hill
    19. The Haggard Side by John Hutton Balfour Browne
    20. The Stronger Claim by Alice Perrin
    21. Nobody's Baby by Tom Gallon
    22. Nyasaland Under the Foreign Office by Hector Livingston Duff
    23. The Sea Services of the Empire as Fields for Employment by Archibald Greig Cowie
    24. Home Mechanics for Amateurs by George M. Hopkins
    25. Two Sides of the Face by Arthur T. Quiller-Couch
    26. Laura's Legacy by E.H. Strain
    27. Tychiades by Alfred Dickeson
    28. Bird Life in Wild Wales by J.A. Walpole-Bond
    29. The Yellow Holly by Fergus Hume
    30. Dr. Glennies Daughter by B.L. Farjeon
    31. Beauty in Distress by Gertrude Warden
    32. Desborough Mystery by A.M. Diehl
    33. The Chameleon by Clarence Forestier-Walker
    34. The Fields of France by Madame Mary Duclaux
    35. The Life of Saint Mary Magdalen by Valentina Hawtrey
    36. The Fulfilling of the Law by Ellen Ada Smith
    The Bookman (U.K.), December 1903, pp. 152-154