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Alec K. Cairncross Archives
Alec K. Cairncross •ï¿½12 Books
Economic Policy for the European Community (1974)
The Way Forward
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Western Europe and Atlantic Community (7 Reviews)
    Economic Policy for the European Community, by Sir Alec Cairncross, Herbert Giersch, an...
    1. Economic Policy for the European Community by Sir Alec Cairncross, Herbert Giersch, and Alexandre Lamfalussy, ...
    2. Europe: Journey to an Unknown Destination by Andrew Shonfield
    3. The Fate of the Atlantic Community by Elliot R. Goodman
    4. The Future of Inter-Bloc Relations in Europe by Louis J. Mensonides and James A. Kuhlman
    5. The Mandarins of Western Europe by Mattei Dogan
    6. The Men Behind the Decisions by Glenda Goldstone Rosenthal
    7. Strategy for the West by Richard B. Foster, Andre Beaufre, and Wynfred Joshua, ...
    Orbis, Fall 1975, pp. 1188-1189
  2. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (15 Reviews)
    General: Economic and Social
    1. Euro-Dollars: The Money-Market Gypsies by Jane Sneddon Little
    2. By Bread Alone by Lester R. Brown and Erik Eckholm
    3. In the Human Interest by Lester R. Brown
    4. Population Dynamics and International Violence by Nazli Choucri
    5. A Time to Choose: America's Energy Future
    6. Mankind at the Turning Point by Mihajlo D. Mesarovic and Eduard Pestel
    7. Membership and Nonmembership in the International Monetary Fund by Joseph Gold
    8. Development in Rich and Poor Countries by Thorkil Kristensen
    9. Bargaining Without Boundaries by Robert J. Flanagan and Arnold R. Weber
    10. Economic Policy for the European Community by Sir Alec Cairncross, Herbert Giersch, and Alexandre Lamfalussy, ...
    11. Public and Private Enterprise in Mixed Economies by Wolfgang G. Friedmann
    12. The Permanent War Economy by Seymour Melman
    13. The Multinational Company in Europe by Michael Z. Brooke and H. Lee Remmers
    14. Strategies for Industrialisation in Developing Countries by Gyorgy Cukor
    15. Economic Development and Planning by Willy Sellekaerts
    Foreign Affairs, April 1975, pp. 584-585