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George Earle Buckle Archives
George Earle Buckle •ï¿½9 Books
The Letters of Queen Victoria (1932)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Historical Works of the Year (6 Reviews)
    England Under Queen Anne, Vol. II, by George Macaulay Trevelyan
    1. England Under Queen Anne, Vol. II by George Macaulay Trevelyan
    2. The Letters of Queen Victoria by G.E. Buckle and Queen Victoria
    3. Julius Caesar by John Buchan
    4. The Revolt of the Netherlands, 1555-1609 by Pieter Geyl
    5. The Jacobite Movement: The First Phase, 1688-1716 by Charles Petrie
    6. Metternich by Arthur Herman#2
    The Bookman (U.K.), December 1932, p. 176