The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Marcia Brown Archives
Marcia Brown •ï¿½13 Items / 12 Books, 1 Article
The Little Carousel (1946)
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Published Reviews
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    Books for Young People (17 Reviews)
    Picture Books
    1. The Little Carousel by Marcia Brown
    2. The C-Circus by Elizabeth Hamilton
    3. The Adventures of Phunsi by Alison Mason Kingsbury
    4. What's in the Trunk? by Irena Lorentowicz
    5. Greylock and the Robins by Thomas P. Robinson
    6. At the Top of the House by Albertine Deletaille
    7. The Runaway Shuttle Train by Muriel Fuller
    8. When Grandma Was a Little Girl by Mela Koehler-Broman
    9. Too Many Shoes and Stockings by Irmengarde Eberle
    10. At Daddy's Office by Robert Jay Misch
    11. The Leaky Whale by Laura Johnson
    12. Pedro, the Angel of Olvera Street by Leo Politi
    13. Mr. 2 of Everything by M.S. Klutch
    14. Pancakes for Breakfast by Grace Paull
    15. Pretzel and the Puppies by Margret Rey
    16. The Blowaway Hat by Leone Adelson
    17. Cap'n Dow and the Hole in the Doughnut by Le Grand
    The Saturday Review, November 9, 1946, pp. 42-43