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James Brodrick Archives
James Brodrick •ï¿½5 Books
A Procession of Saints (1949)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Catholic International News (Review)
    A Procession of Saints, by James Brodrick
    1. A Procession of Saints by James Brodrick
    Commonweal, June 17, 1949, p. 254
  2. [+]
    The New Religious Books (98 Reviews)
    The Bible and Human Rights, by Kathleen Walker MacArthur
    1. The Bible and Human Rights by Kathleen Walker MacArthur
    2. The Church's Ministry in Our Time by Henry Knox Sherrill
    3. Civilization and Religious Values by Henry D.A. Major
    4. God's Underground by Father George and Gretta Palmer
    5. Man's Disorder and God's Design
    6. New Dawn in Japan by Everett F. Briggs
    7. Recovery of Man by Frank Russell Barry
    8. Religion and Education Under the Constitution by James M. O'Neill
    9. Religious Liberty by Cecil Northcott
    10. Remaking the World by Frank N.D. Buchman
    11. Sermons for the New Age by Sam Nader
    12. You Can Change the World! by James Keller
    13. And the Third Day... by Herbert Grierson
    14. The Bells of Heaven by Christopher Bick
    15. From the Nile to the Waters of the Damascus by William Arndt
    16. Golden Legends by Samuel Cummings
    17. I, Paul by Lester A. Wolf
    18. Late Have I Loved Thee by Ethel Mannin
    19. The Passion of the Infant Christ by Caryll Houselander
    20. The Adventure of Prayer by Donald James Campbell
    21. The Audacity of Faith by Allan A. Hunter
    22. The Common Ventures of Life by David Elton Trueblood
    23. A Guide to Confident Living by Norman Vincent Peale
    24. Guideposts by Norman Vincent Peale
    25. How Religion Helps by Albert W. Palmer
    26. Human Adventures in Happy Living by William LeRoy Stidger
    27. Peace of Soul by Fulton J. Sheen
    28. The Reawakening of the Christian Faith by Bernard E. Meland
    29. Secular Illusion or Christian Realism? by D.R. Davies
    30. Triumphant Personality by Robert Clyde Yarbrough
    31. You, and Thousands Like You by Owen Francis Dudley
    32. You Live After Death by Harold Morrow Sherman
    33. C. S. Lewis: Apostle to the Skeptics by Chad Walsh
    34. The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
    35. The Greatest Story Ever Told by Fulton Oursler
    36. Jesus, Son of Man by George Simpson Duncan
    37. John England, American Christopher by Dorothy Fremont Grant
    38. Lincoln and the Bible by Clarence Edward Noble Macartney
    39. The Next Thing by Katherine Burton
    40. A Procession of Saints by James Brodrick
    41. The Quest of the Historical Jesus by Albert Schweitzer
    42. Saint Paul: Envoy of Grace by Robert Sencourt
    43. This Is Luther: A Character Study by Ewald M. Plass
    44. A Child's Garden of Bible Stories by Arthur W. Gross
    45. A Child's Garden of Prayer by Herman W. Gockel and Edward J. Saleska
    46. In Bible Days by Gertrude Hartman
    47. The Mass for Boys and Girls by Joseph A. Dunney
    48. Tell Me About Prayer by Mary Alice Jones
    49. Vital Facts of Life for Young People by Carl H. Harman and Edward Marquardt
    50. Young Christians at Work by T. Otto Nall and Bert H. Davis
    51. Youth Asks About Religion by Jack Finegan
    52. Authorized Daily Prayer Book by Joseph H. Hertz
    53. Basic Writings of Saint Augustine by Whitney J. Oates and Saint Augustine
    54. Doors Into Life Through Five Devotional Classics by Douglas Van Steere
    55. The English New Testament by Luther A. Weigle
    56. The Ethics of Israel by Israel H. Weisfeld
    57. Everyman's Talmud by Abraham Cohen
    58. Judaism in Theory and Practice by Beryl D. Cohon
    59. Learning to Pray with the Church by Verney L. Johnstone
    60. The Lord's Prayer in the Bible by Harry George Moss
    61. The Lord's Supper by Harold E. Fey
    62. Preface to the Bible by Gerard J. Rooney
    63. A Faith for You by Brooke Peters Church
    64. The Emergence of a World Christian Community by Kenneth Scott Latourette
    65. Getting the Faith You Need by James Gordon Gilkey
    66. The History of the Primitive Church by Jules Lebreton and Jacques Zeiller
    67. How Came Our Faith by W.A.L. Elmslie
    68. A Popular History of the Catholic Church by Philip Hughes
    69. The Purpose of the Gospels by Ernest F. Scott
    70. Quakers in the Modern World by William Wistar Comfort
    71. Religion by Nathaniel Micklem
    72. Sacred History by Henri Daniel-Rops
    73. The Teaching of the Catholic Church by George D. Smith
    74. These Also Believe by Charles S. Braden
    75. Barbara Celarent by Thomas Gilby
    76. Creed or Chaos? by Dorothy L. Sayers
    77. Faith and History by Reinhold Niebuhr
    78. The Great Books: A Christian Appraisal by Harold C. Gardiner
    79. Kierkegaard's Philosophy of Religion by Reidar Thomte
    80. Man's Destiny in Eternity by Arthur H. Compton
    81. Our Inheritance of Salvation by Charles Gordon Brownville
    82. Philosophy of Religion by Fulton J. Sheen
    83. The Road to Reason by Pierre Lecomte du Nouy
    84. Seeds of Contemplation by Thomas Merton
    85. Sermons and Discourses by John Henry Newman
    86. Sermons of Goodwill by Guy E. Shipler
    87. The Seven Ways of Sorrow by Alvin E. Wagner and William G. Polack
    88. Something to Stand On by Lewis L. Dunnington
    89. The Stimulus of Christ by Garfield B. Oxman
    90. Things that Matter by Charles Henry Brent
    91. Voices of Liberalism II
    92. The Way, the Truth, the Life by John Scholte Nollen
    93. The Weakness of God by Luke O'Donnell
    94. Art and Religion by Von Ogden Vogt
    95. The Church-School Teacher's Job by Mildred O. Moody Eakin and Frank Eakin
    96. De La Salle by William J. Battersby
    97. Fourteen Plays for the Church by Kai Jurgensen and Robert Schenkkan
    98. Twenty Centuries of Catholic Church Music by Erwin Esser Nemmers
    The Saturday Review, February 19, 1949, pp. 31-33