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Donald L.M. Blackmer Archives
Donald L.M. Blackmer •ï¿½6 Items / 4 Books, 1 Article, 1 Review
Unity in Diversity (1968)
Italian Communism and the Communist World
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    A Party Outside Politics (3 Reviews)
    Unity in Diversity, by Donald L.M. Blackmer
    1. Unity in Diversity by Donald L.M. Blackmer
    2. Peasant Communism in Southern Italy by Sidney G. Tarrow
    3. The Searchers by Belden H. Paulson and Athos Ricci
    The New York Review of Books, May 8, 1969, pp. 31-35
  2. [+]
    Western Europe and the Atlantic Community (11 Reviews)
    The Berliners, by Walter Henry Nelson
    1. The Berliners by Walter Henry Nelson
    2. The German Atomic Bomb by David J.C. Irving
    3. Intelligence at the Top by Major General Sir Kenneth Strong
    4. On Borrowed Time by Leonard Mosley
    5. Political Parties in Action by Robert T. Holt and John Elliot Turner
    6. Politics in Europe by Arend Lijphart
    7. Room 39 by Donald McLachlan
    8. The Secret War for Europe by Louis E. Hagen
    9. The Unfought Battle by Jon Kimche
    10. Unity in Diversity by Donald L.M. Blackmer
    11. A Political History of Western Europe Since 1945 by Derek W. Urwin
    Orbis, Summer 1969, pp. 648-649
  3. [+]
    Yugoslavia: The Diplomacy of Balance (12 Reviews)
    The Nuclear Revolution in Soviet Military Affairs, by William R. Kintner and Harriet Fa...
    1. The Nuclear Revolution in Soviet Military Affairs by William R. Kintner and Harriet Fast Scott
    2. Russia's Protectorates in Central Asia by Seymour Becker
    3. Historical Consciousness; or The Remembered Past by John Lukacs
    4. Communism and the Yugoslav National Question by Paul Shoup
    5. Contemporary Soviet Government by L.G. Churchward
    6. Allied Intervention in Russia, 1917-1920 by John Bradley
    7. Soviet Naval Strategy by Robert Waring Herrick
    8. The Great Terror by Robert Conquest
    9. Ethnic Minorities in the Soviet Union by Eric Goldhagen
    10. Unity in Diversity by Donald L.M. Blackmer
    11. Communist Party Membership in the U.S.S.R., 1917-1967 by Thomas Henry Rigby
    12. Soviet Works on Southeast Asia by Peter Berton and Alvin Z. Rubinstein
    Current History, April 1969, pp. 213-217
  4. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (16 Reviews)
    Western Europe
    1. The Europe I Saw by Elizabeth Wiskemann
    2. Defense of the Realm by Richard N. Rosecrance
    3. Political Representation and Elections in Britain by Peter G.J. Pulzer
    4. Double Diploma by Piers Dixon
    5. France, De Gaulle, and Europe by Simon Serfaty
    6. France in the Age of the Scientific State by Robert Gilpin
    7. The French by Francois Nourissier
    8. The Army and the Fifth Republic by Orville D. Menard
    9. 1940: The Fall of France~~Nineteen Forty: The Fall of France by Andre Beaufre
    10. Elite Images and Foreign Policy Outcomes by Philip M. Burgess
    11. West Germany: A Contemporary History by Michael Balfour
    12. The Conspiracy Against Hitler in the Twilight War by Harold C. Deutsch
    13. Prelude to Downfall by Saul Friedlander
    14. Unity in Diversity by Donald L.M. Blackmer
    15. The Last Great Cause by Stanley Weintraub
    16. Spain's Iron and Steel Industry by Ronald H. Chilcote
    Foreign Affairs, October 1968, pp. 192-193