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Alexander Black Archives
Alexander Black •ï¿½43 Items / 16 Books, 25 Articles, 1 Poem
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    Books of the Week (38 Reviews)
    Backlog Studies, by Charles Dudley Warner
    1. Backlog Studies by Charles Dudley Warner
    2. Barrack-Room Ballads by Rudyard Kipling
    3. In Blue and White by Elbridge S. Brooks
    4. Bohemian Paris of To-Day by William C. Morrow
    5. The Brahmins' Treasure, or Colonel Thorndyde's Secret by George A. Henty
    6. Lectures on Calvinism by Abraham Kuyper
    7. Captain Kodak by Alexander Black
    8. The Circle of a Century by Mrs. Burton Harrison
    9. The Attraction of the Cross by John Angell James
    10. The Dear Irish Girl by Katharine Tynan
    11. Dorothy and Her Friends by Ellen Olney Kirk
    12. The Education of Mr. Pipp by C.D. Gibson
    13. Fables in Slang by George Ade
    14. Fife and Drum at Louisbourg by J. MacDonald Oxley
    15. The Story of the Fishes by James Newton Baskett
    16. A Flower of the Wilderness by A.G. Plympton
    17. The Adventures of a Freshman by Jesse Lynch Williams
    18. The Half-Back by Ralph Henry Barbour
    19. The Hostess of To-Day by Linda Hull Larned
    20. The Island; or, An Adventure of a Person of Quality by Richard Whiteing
    21. The Island Impossible by Harriet Morgan
    22. Laos Folk-Lore of Farther India by Katherine Neville Fleeson
    23. The Little Fig-Tree Stories by Mary Hallock Foote
    24. Madam Mary of the Zoo by Lily F. Wesselhoeft
    25. Max and Moritz by Wilhelm Busch
    26. My Father and I by Countess Puliga
    27. My Lady Frivol by Rosa Nouchette Carey
    28. The Nabob by Alphonse Daudet
    29. One of Those Coincidences and Ten Other Stories by Julian Hawthorne
    30. Outside of Things by Alice Ward Bailey
    31. Philosophic Nuggets by Jeanne G. Pennington
    32. Plish and Plum by Wilhelm Busch
    33. The Puritan Republic of the Massachusetts Bay in New England by Daniel Wait Howe
    34. The Log of a Sea-Waif by Frank T. Bullen
    35. The Splendid Porsenna by Mrs. Hugh Fraser
    36. Sunbeams and Moonbeams by Louise R. Baker
    37. A Widower and Some Spinsters by Maria Louise Pool
    38. The Young Master of Hyson Hall by Frank R. Stockton
    The Outlook, November 18, 1899, pp. 694-696