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Robin L. Bidwell Archives
Robin L. Bidwell •ï¿½1 Book
The Two Yemens (1982)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Comparative and Other Area Studies (Review)
    The Two Yemens, by Robin L. Bidwell
    1. The Two Yemens by Robin L. Bidwell
    American Political Science Review, December 1984, p. 1130
  2. [+]
    The Middle East (5 Reviews)
    The Oil Price Revolution, by Steven A. Schneider
    1. The Oil Price Revolution by Steven A. Schneider
    2. Iraq: The Contemporary State by Tim Niblock
    3. The Two Yemens by Robin L. Bidwell
    4. From Trucial States to United Arab Emirates by Frauke Heard-Bey
    5. The Military as an Instrument of U.S. Policy in Southwest Asia by Maxwell Orme Johnson
    Orbis, Spring 1984, pp. 201-212
  3. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (9 Reviews)
    The Middle East
    1. The Redemption of the Unwanted by Abram L. Sachar
    2. The Politics of Indecision by Dan Tschirgi
    3. Sadat and Begin by Melvin A. Friedlander
    4. After the Palestine-Israel War by Khalil Nakhleh and Clifford A. Wright
    5. The Israeli Army, 1948-73 by Edward Luttwak and Dan Horowitz
    6. Autumn of Fury by Mohammed Heikal
    7. The Egypt of Nasser and Sadat by John Waterbury
    8. The Islamic Struggle in Syria by Umar F. Abd-Allah
    9. The Two Yemens by Robin L. Bidwell
    Foreign Affairs, Fall 1983, pp. 224-225