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Edward Behr Archives
Edward Behr •ï¿½17 Items / 6 Books, 10 Articles, 1 Visual
The Algerian Problem (1962)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Book in the News (Review)
    The Algerian Problem, by Edward Behr
    1. The Algerian Problem by Edward Behr
    The Saturday Review, February 3, 1962, p. 18
  2. [+]
    Background to Plastique (2 Reviews)
    The Algerian Problem, by Edward Behr
    1. The Algerian Problem by Edward Behr
    2. The Struggle for Algeria by Joseph Kraft
    The Nation, February 24, 1962, pp. 178-179
  3. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (11 Reviews)
    1. Africa: The Politics of Independence by Immanuel Wallerstein
    2. The African Nations and World Solidarity by Mamadou Dia
    3. Africa and the West by Arnold Rivkin
    4. The Colonial Reckoning by Margery F. Perham
    5. African Field Reports, 1951-1961 by Edwin S. Munger
    6. The Algerian Problem by Edward Behr
    7. France and Algeria: Complementary Enemies by Germaine Tillion
    8. The Kenyatta Election: Kenya 1960-1961 by George Bennett and Carl G. Rosberg
    9. An African Economy by Hugh Fearn
    10. In the Ngombe Tradition by Alvin W. Wolfe
    11. Portugal's Stand in Africa by Adriano Moreira
    Foreign Affairs, July 1962, pp. 676-677