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Piaras Beaslai Archives
Piaras Beaslai •ï¿½1 Book
Michael Collins and the Making of a New Ireland (1926)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    The New Ireland (Review)
    Michael Collins and the Making of a New Ireland, by Piaras Beaslai
    1. Michael Collins and the Making of a New Ireland by Piaras Beaslai
    The Bookman (U.K.), January 1927, p. 229
  2. [+]
    The "Makings" of Michael Collins (Review)
    Michael Collins and the Making of a New Ireland, by Piaras Beaslai
    1. Michael Collins and the Making of a New Ireland by Piaras Beaslai
    The Nation, September 7, 1927, p. 232
  3. [+]
    Michael Collins (Review)
    Michael Collins and the Making of a New Ireland, by Piaras Beaslai
    1. Michael Collins and the Making of a New Ireland by Piaras Beaslai
    The New Republic, October 5, 1927, p. 185
  4. [+]
    A Shelf of Recent Books (3 Reviews)
    Fifteen Minutes a Day
    1. Michael Collins and the Making of a New Ireland by Piaras Beaslai
    2. Italy and Fascismo by Luigi Sturzo
    3. Fascism by Giuseppe Prezzolini
    The Bookman, June 1927, pp. 469-470
  5. [+]
    Some Recent Books on International Relations (13 Reviews)
    The British Commonwealth of Nations
    1. British Documents on the Origins of the War, 1898-1914 by G.P. Gooch and Harold Temperley
    2. The Third British Empire by Alfred E. Zimmern
    3. Labour Party and the Empire by L. Haden Guest
    4. Richard Cobden and Foreign Policy by William Harbutt Dawson
    5. Imperial Defence by Stephen King-Hall
    6. Imperial Defence, 1588-1914 by J.F.C. Fuller
    7. Michael Collins and the Making of a New Ireland by Piaras Beaslai
    8. The New Canada by Joseph E. Rey
    9. Australia White or Yellow? by Fleetwood Chidell
    10. India: Bond or Free? by Annie W. Besant
    11. India and the Earthly Paradise by E. Sylvia Pankhurst
    12. The South Africans by Sarah Gertrude Millin
    13. South Africa from Within by Manfred Nathan
    Foreign Affairs, April 1927, p. 516