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E. Boyd Barrett Archives
E. Boyd Barrett •ï¿½22 Items / 10 Books, 6 Articles, 6 Reviews
Shepherds in the Mist (1950)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    The Check List (3 Reviews)
    1. Shepherds in the Mist by E. Boyd Barrett
    2. Secrets of Romanism by Joseph Zacchello
    3. Ins and Outs of Romanism by Joseph John Zacchello
    The American Mercury, March 1950, p. 374
  2. [+]
    The New Religious Books (111 Reviews)
    Christianity After Freud, by Benjamin G. Sanders
    1. Christianity After Freud by Benjamin G. Sanders
    2. Early Christians of the 21st Century by Chad Walsh
    3. The Individual and His Religion by Gordon W. Allport
    4. The Meaning of Human Experience by Leslie Paul
    5. The Open Secret of Christianity by Nathan R. Wood
    6. Psychotherapy and a Christian View of Man by David E. Roberts
    7. Science and Christian Faith by Edward LeRoy Long, Jr.
    8. Truth Unchanged, Unchanging by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
    9. Alter Your Life by Emmet Fox
    10. The Art of Board Membership by Roy Sorenson
    11. The Art of Real Happiness by Norman Vincent Peale and Smiley Blanton
    12. The Church in the World by Richard R. Caemmerer
    13. Creative Personality by Charles Francis Potter
    14. Doorway to a Happy Home by Lulu Snyder Hamilton
    15. Faith Is Power---for You by Daniel A. Poling
    16. Fitting God Into the Picture by Mary Lewis Coakley
    17. Let's Read the Bible by Kenneth Clinton
    18. Make Your Life Worth Living by Grenville Kleiser
    19. On Being Your Best by G. Curtis Jones
    20. The Atoning Life by Henry Sylvester Nash
    21. By Thy Holy Cross by Paul J. Elsner
    22. Easter: Its Story and Meaning by Alan W. Watts
    23. Old Truths for a New Day by Otto A. Geiseman
    24. The Paschal Mystery by Louis Bouyer
    25. A Pictorial Gospel by Eliot Hodgkin
    26. Certainly, I'm a Catholic! by Thomas McDermott
    27. The Living God by Armand Pierhal
    28. Poverty by Pie-Raymond Regamey
    29. Shepherds in the Mist by E. Boyd Barrett
    30. A Unitarian States His Case by Robert W. Sonen
    31. The Voyage to Lourdes by Alexis Carrel
    32. The Best of John A. Hutton by Edgar De Witt Jones and John A. Hutton
    33. The Bible and Modern Belief by Louis Wallis
    34. Catholicism by Henri de Lubac
    35. Christ's Parables for Today by William Ward Ayer
    36. Christianity and Society by Nels F.S. Ferre
    37. Daily Readings from William Temple by Hugh C. Warner and William Temple
    38. The Descent of the Dove by Charles Williams
    39. Exposition of Daniel by Herbert C. Leupold
    40. Freedom and Faith by Samuel Moor Shoemaker
    41. The Great Redemption by Chester Warren Quimby
    42. Growth in Prayer by Constance Garrett
    43. The Higher Happiness by Ralph W. Sockman
    44. Kindling for Revival Fires by J.B. Lawrence
    45. Mr. Jones, Meet the Master by Peter Marshall
    46. Old Wine in New Bottles by Gardiner M. Day
    47. Prayer Works by Austin Pardue
    48. The Reality of the Religious Life by Henry Bett
    49. Signs of Hope in a Century of Despair by Elton Trueblood
    50. Thirty Minutes to Raise the Dead by D.R. Davies
    51. What Are You Living For? by John Sutherland Bonnell
    52. We Live with Our Eyes Open by Hubert Van Zeller
    53. Addressed to Christians by Floyd Hiatt Ross
    54. The Apostolic Fathers by Edgar J. Goodspeed
    55. The Basic Bible
    56. Christianity and History by Herbert Butterfield
    57. Contemporary Thinking About Paul by Thomas S. Kepler
    58. Four Centuries of Scottish Psalmody by Millar Patrick
    59. The Gospel in Hymns by Albert Edward Bailey
    60. Introduction to the Devout Life by Francis de Sales and John K. Ryan
    61. The Jews: Their History, Culture, and Religion by Louis Finkelstein
    62. The Maryknoll Story by Robert B. Considine
    63. The Mass by Bede Lebbe
    64. The Mystery of the Kingdom of God by Albert Schweitzer
    65. The Old Testament in English by Ronald Knox
    66. Our Religious Traditions by Sterling P. Lamprecht
    67. The Private Devotions of Lancelot Andrewes by Lancelot Andrewes and Edmund Venables
    68. Religion and the Rise of Western Culture by Christopher Dawson
    69. Sacraments, Signs and Symbols by W. Norman Pittenger
    70. This Nation Under God by Elbert D. Thomas
    71. Toward the Goal Supreme by Swami Virajananda
    72. Treasury of the Christian Faith by Stanley I. Stuber and Thomas Curtis Clark
    73. When the Church Was Young by Clovis G. Chappell
    74. Zohar, The Book of Splendor by Gershom G. Scholem
    75. Chaminade, Apostle of Mary by Katherine K. Burton
    76. Chapters in a Life of Paul by John Knox
    77. Crucified with Christ by Herbert George Kramer
    78. Doctors Courageous by Edward H. Hume
    79. Eloquent Indian by John Bernard McGloin
    80. Flame Touches Flame by Margaret Cropper
    81. The Great Mantle by Katherine Burton
    82. Storm of Glory by John Beevers
    83. Therese: Saint of a Little Way by Frances Parkinson Keyes
    84. To Heaven Through a Window by John Carr
    85. What Are These Wounds? by Thomas Merton
    86. Always There Is God by Robbie Trent
    87. A First Book About God by Ellen Wales Walpole and Mary Lee Pollock
    88. The Light of the World by Greville Cooke
    89. The Lost Lamp by Sara Jenkins
    90. St. Anne and the Gouty Rector, and Other Plays by Henri Gheon and Henri Brochet
    91. That Darned Minister's Son by Haydn S. Pearson
    92. That Old-Time Religion by Archibald Thomas Robertson
    93. The Tower and the Town by Grace Campbell
    94. Angelic Shepherd by Jan Olav Smit
    95. The Holy Year of Jubilee by Herbert Thurston
    96. Italy by Dore Ogrizek
    97. Pageant of the Popes by John Farrow
    98. A Pilgrim's Guide to Rome by Harry Weedon
    99. Pope Pius XII: Rock of Peace by Lottie Helen Lenn and Mary A. Reardon
    100. Rome: Portrait of the Eternal City by Herbert Bittner and Ernest Nash
    101. Rome by Ludwig Curtius
    102. Rome Today by Agnes Rothery
    103. A Summer in Italy by Sean O'Faolain
    104. The Vatican by Ann Carnahan
    105. As We Ought by Vincent P. McCorry
    106. The Gospel Preacher and His Preaching by Jerome O. Williams
    107. More Than Bread by Frank B. Herzel
    108. Preaching the Miracles of Jesus by Hillyer H. Straton
    109. The Spiritual Life of the Priest by M. Eugene Boylan
    110. That I May See by Leo J. Walter
    111. Vessel of Clay by Leo J. Trese
    The Saturday Review, February 18, 1950, pp. 45-47