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Isaac Asimov Archives
Isaac Asimov •ï¿½1,087 Items / 187 Books, 885 Articles, 8 Reviews, 4 Poems
Breakthroughs in Science (1960)
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Published Reviews
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    Books for Young People (52 Reviews)
    Books Down the Chimney
    1. Lucy and Tom's Day by Shirley Hughes
    2. A Treasury of Little Golden Books by Ellen Lewis Buell
    3. When the Snow Is Blue by Marguerite Dorian
    4. Simpson by Lee Jones
    5. Speaking of Cows, and Other Poems by Kaye Starbird
    6. ABC by Bruno Munari
    7. The First Christmas by Barbara Neustadt
    8. Big Tracks, Little Tracks by Franklyn M. Branley
    9. The American Speller by Barbara Cooney
    10. Moy Moy by Leo Politi
    11. Morris Is a Cowboy, A Policeman and a Baby Sitter by Bernard Wiseman
    12. I Rode the Black Horse Far Away by Ivy O. Eastwick
    13. The Kid by W.T. Cummings
    14. The Shoemaker and the Elves by Adrienne Adams
    15. The Sleeping Beauty by Felix Hoffmann
    16. Baboushka and the Three Kings by Ruth Robbins
    17. A Bird Is Born by Jean M. Guilcher and E. Bosiger
    18. A Butterfly Is Born by J.P. Eckhoudt
    19. Sugar and Spice by Phyllis McGinley
    20. Danny Kaye's Around World Story Book by Danny Kaye
    21. Fairy Tales of India by Barbara Ker Wilson
    22. A Penny a Day by Walter de la Mare
    23. Too Many Dogs by Ramona Dorrel Dupre
    24. Quarterback's Aim by Beman Lord
    25. The Twenty Miracles of Saint Nicolas by Bernarda Bryson
    26. Wonders at Your Feet by Margaret Cosgrove
    27. The Complete Peterkin Papers by Lucretia P. Hale
    28. Heroes of the Western Outposts by Edith S. McCall
    29. McCall' s Golden Do-It Book by Joan Wyckoff
    30. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
    31. There Stand the Giants by Harriett E. Weaver
    32. The Buffalo Are Running by Gus Tavo
    33. My Village in Greece by Sonia Gidal and Tim Gidal
    34. Breakthroughs in Science by Isaac Asimov
    35. Our Names by Eloise Lambert and Mario Pei
    36. Wind Song by Carl Sandburg
    37. Strange Animals, and Their Stories by A. Hyatt Verrill
    38. The Old Testament by Marguerite de Angeli
    39. Science Puzzlers by Martin Gardner
    40. Indian Encounters by Elizabeth Jane Coatsworth
    41. From Stones to Skyscrapers by Thea Bergere
    42. America Grows Up by Gerald W. Johnson
    43. America Moves Forward by Gerald W. Johnson
    44. Robert E. Lee by Jonathan Daniels
    45. The Wonderful World of Transportation by Laurie Lee and David Lambert
    46. Railroads in the Days of Steam by Albert L. McCready and Lawrence W. Sagle
    47. The Lost Canyon of the Navajos by Harry W. Leiser
    48. The Beautiful Friend, and Other Stories by Mary Stolz
    49. The Baby-Sitters Story Book by Mary Furlong Moore and Muriel Fuller
    50. Map Making by Lloyd A. Brown
    51. Journey for a Princess by Margaret Leighton
    52. Horns of Plenty by Jane Annixter and Paul Annixter
    The Saturday Review, December 17, 1960, pp. 34-36