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Eliyahu Ashtor Archives
Eliyahu Ashtor •ï¿½4 Books
The Jews of Moslem Spain (1979)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Medieval (Review)
    The Jews of Moslem Spain, by Eliyahu Ashtor
    1. The Jews of Moslem Spain by Eliyahu Ashtor
    The American Historical Review, June 1980, p. 614
  2. [+]
    Some Books Worth Noting (7 Reviews)
    The First Historians: The Hebrew Bible and History, by Baruch Halpern
    1. The First Historians: The Hebrew Bible and History by Baruch Halpern
    2. The Book of God by Gabriel Josipovici
    3. The King of Children by Betty Jean Lifton
    4. For Whom Do I Toil? by Michael Stanislawski
    5. Jerusalem in the Nineteenth Century by Yehoshua Ben-Arieh
    6. The Jews of Moslem Spain by Eliyahu Ashtor
    7. Children of Circumstances by Moshe Shokeid
    Judaism, Winter 1989, pp. 127-129