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Jonathan D. Aronson Archives
Jonathan D. Aronson •ï¿½11 Items / 4 Books, 2 Articles, 5 Reviews
Debt and the Less Developed Countries (1979)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    Debt and the Less Developed Countries, by Jonathan David Aronson
    1. Debt and the Less Developed Countries by Jonathan David Aronson
    Political Science Quarterly, Fall 1980, p. 536
  2. [+]
    The Less Developed Countries and the International Monetary System (11 Reviews)
    The Postwar International Money Crisis, by Victor E. Argy
    1. The Postwar International Money Crisis by Victor E. Argy
    2. Debt and the Less Developed Countries by Jonathan David Aronson
    3. World Inflation and the Developing Countries by William R. Cline
    4. Developing Country Debt by Lawrence G. Franko and Marilyn J. Seiber
    5. Sterling-Dollar Diplomacy in Current Perspective by Richard N. Gardner
    6. Alternatives to Monetary Disorder by Fred Hirsch, Michael W. Doyle, and Edward L. Morse, ...
    7. Adjustment and Financing in the Developing World by Tony Killick
    8. Financial Issues of the New International Economic Order by A.K. Bhattacharya and Jorge Lozoya
    9. International Financial Corporation by Frances Stewart and Arjun Sengupta
    10. The Political Economy of International Finance by Eugene L. Versluysen
    11. Exchange Rate Rules by John Williamson
    World Politics, October 1983, p. 147
  3. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (16 Reviews)
    General: Economic and Social
    1. The Zero-Sum Society by Lester C. Thurow
    2. Structural Change and Development Policy by Hollis Chenery
    3. Making Foreign Economic Policy by I.M. Destler
    4. Marxism: For and Against by Robert L. Heilbroner
    5. The Lean Years by Richard J. Barnet
    6. Coal--Bridge to the Future by Carroll L. Wilson
    7. Middle East Industrialisation by Louis Turner and James Bedore
    8. Yellowcake: The International Uranium Cartel by June H. Taylor and Michael D. Yokell
    9. Economic Interaction in the Pacific Basin by Lawrence B. Krause and Sueo Sekiguchi
    10. Western Economies in Transition by Irving Leveson and Jimmy W. Wheeler
    11. Policies for Industrial Progress in Developing Countries by John Cody, Helen Hughes, and David Wall
    12. A New International Commodity Regime by Geoffrey Goodwin and James Mayall
    13. Commodities, Finance and Trade by Arjun Sengupta
    14. The New International Economic Order by David B.H. Denoon
    15. Debt and the Less Developed Countries by Jonathan David Aronson
    16. Patterns of Japanese Economic Development by Kazushi Ohkawa, Miyohei Shinohara, and Larry Meissner, ...
    Foreign Affairs, Summer 1980, pp. 1190-1192