The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Jonathan Arac Archives
Jonathan Arac •ï¿½4 Items / 3 Books, 1 Review
The Yale Critics (1983)
Deconstruction in America
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    Deconstruction in America (7 Reviews)
    The Yale Critics, by Jonathan Arac, Wlad Godzich, and Wallace Martin
    1. The Yale Critics by Jonathan Arac, Wlad Godzich, and Wallace Martin
    2. On Deconstruction by Jonathan Culler
    3. Blindness and Insight by Paul de Man
    4. Deconstructive Criticism: An Advanced Introduction by Vincent B. Leitch
    5. Fiction and Repetition by J. Hillis Miller
    6. Deconstruction: Theory and Practice by Christopher Norris
    7. Marxism and Deconstruction by Michael Ryan
    The New Republic, April 25, 1983, pp. 27-31