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Brian W. Aldiss Archives
Brian W. Aldiss •ï¿½150 Items / 65 Books, 79 Articles, 3 Reviews, 3 Poems
Bow Down to Kill / The Dark Destroyers (1960)
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Published Reviews
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    The Reference Library (10 Reviews)
    A Surfeit of Classics
    1. Beyond the Planet Earth by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
    2. The Barsac Mission by Jules Verne
    3. The Journey of Niels Klim to the World Underground by Ludvig Holberg
    4. Invisible Men by Basil Davenport
    5. New Stories from "The Twilight Zone" by Rod Serling
    6. A Decade of Fantasy and Science Fiction by Robert P. Mills
    7. The Intelligent Man's Guide to Science by Isaac Asimov
    8. Lost in Space / Earth's Last Fortress by George O. Smith and A.E. van Vogt
    9. Bow Down to Kill / The Dark Destroyers by Brian W. Aldiss and Manly Wade Wellman
    10. Drunkard's Walk by Frederik Pohl
    Analog/Astounding Science Fiction, May 1961, pp. 161-170