As I’ve been pointing out for lo these many years now, progressives have lost all interest in recent history (roughly post-Emmett Till) and now obsess about the increasingly distant past.
For example, today when yet another delegation of Mostly Peaceful Protesters broke through a gate and onto private property in St. Louis, a rich couple who have painstakingly restored one of the city’s most magnificent mansions brought their guns out onto their porch to make sure the mob kept moving on past. New York Times editorialist Binyamin Appelbaum immediately explained the antiquarian angle that justifies breaking and entering:
That St. Louis mansion was built by the Budweiser family, which for decades employed few blacks. It sits on a gated street for the most affluent (white) residents of a poor and heavily black city. Point being, the guns aren't new. They just usually don't waive them around.
— Binyamin Appelbaum (@BCAppelbaum) June 29, 2020
“Binyamin Appelbaum is the lead writer on business and economics for the Editorial Board of The New York Times,” so he knows all about the evil “Budweiser family” “waiving” guns around.
I read his mother Diana Muir’s book Reflections in Bullough’s Pond, a Malthusian history of economic development in New England. It’s quite good. I look forward to her next book:
My current project is a book with the working title Nationhood: The Foundation of Democracy.
Nationhood is a pre-condition of liberal democratic government. It is not the only pre-condition for liberal democracy, but it is a pre-condition so fundamental that it has been described by political theorists as a premise, a presumed condition or a tacit assumption in all discussions of liberal democracy. This book argues that we ignore only at our peril the fact that culturally unified nationhood, the bond shared by people who share a language, a literature, a future and a set of ideas, is necessary to liberal democratic government.
The shared culture that we call nationhood has the apparently unique capacity to create a degree of social trust that makes it possible for large populations to enjoy civil liberties and participatory government. Absent nationhood, electoral systems fracture, are manipulated by the wealthy, ratify dictatorship, descend into violence, succumb to military coups, or become paralyzed by ethnic bloc voting.
Meanwhile, Jerry Taylor, the president of the Niskanen Center think tank, is fantasizing about how he would have gone all Lawrence Taylor on the homeowners:
Who Jerry Taylor wishes he were the brother of:
Who Jerry Taylor really is the brother of:
So, Binnie got his brains from his father?
The McCloskeys are personal injury attorneys. Hardly sympathetic types (based on their profession), and it is not clear anyone was threatening to walk on their lawn since the protestors were going to the mayor’s house. Seems more like a publicity/political stunt.
Appelbaum is also an idiot. There is no “Budweiser” family, there is the Busch family and they have been in the bad graces of beer lovers for a long time. Real Budweiser is brewed in Budweis, Bohemia (now known as České Budějovice, Czechia) with over 700 years of tradition behind it. American “Budweiser” is a much crappier beer first brewed by Adolphus Busch in 1874. That would be fine, except for later attempts by Anheuser-Busch to appropriate and use the Budweiser name worldwide and foist their swill on ignorant foreigners.
The beauty of modern America is that there is so much to despise on both sides of the political divide.
A terrible story involving BudweiserReplies: @Anonymous
The thing I dislike most about the black takeover of American cities is the glorious pre 1945 residential architecture of the cities and the hideousness and horrible awful floor plans of post 1945 suburban houses. And they’re getting worse and worse as the years go on. I don’t mean mansions or middle class pre 1945 houses. Even the 1,000 sq ft 2 bedroom bungalows and apartments or 800 sq flats are infinitely more attractive easier to keep clean easier to furnish and decorate easier to raise kids in and just all around better than any house built after 1945.
The blacks drove us out of the cities by force fear and terrorism. We lost the great parks museums libraries shopping in small businesses instead of chain stores clubs associations public transportation and all the amenities of city life.Replies: @Steve Sailer, @Achmed E. Newman, @Anonymous, @Anon
You seem to dislike the McCloskeys because they live in a house built with Budweiser beer money. Or because they’re Whites who defended themselves from a black mob. You must be an anti White liberal or antifa rioter.Replies: @Peter Akuleyev
They both have their origins in Bavarian pale lager, a version of which was developed into pilsner called by the German name "Urquell" meaning something like "original source". The Czechs copy this with a translated version called "Staropromen" (old spring). "Real" Budweiser couldn't have existed for 700 years because pale lager wasn't invented until the mid 1800s by the German Gabriel Sedlmayr. Sure beer was being brewed in Budějovice for centuries, it was being brewed all over Europe for centuries obviously. Wine has been made in Czechia for centuries also, but no one is clamoring to buy it or "steal" their brand names.
Adolphus Busch himself wasn't a brewer, his family was beer and wine wholesalers, he started working for this Bavarian style brewery and eventually took it over and built it into an empire. Both Budweiser and Budvar have their roots in mid 19th century Baravian breweries and the pale lager developed at the time, as do the famous Czech pilsners. Was the original Budweiser an inferior beer to what was being made in Bohemia? Who knows, but it was probably similar, being similar in provenance.
In case you've never been to České Budějovice, it's a town full of Czechs, the Germans who created and innovated there are long gone. In fact, AB was probably closer to it's Bavarian roots for longer than Budvar. The Czechs of course, want to take all the credit.
Is modern Budvar a better beer than Budweiser? Yes. But the idea that the Czech version is some 700 year old classic original that was stolen by this evil American is idiotic, but the shallow accepted version by most beer experts who read about it for five minutes.Replies: @Twinkie, @yarro
BTW it's beyond obnoxious the lack of empathy you just showed for the people whose home was surrounded by an angry mob, in a cultural climate and city where murder and arson are commonplace. Your lack of compassion for your fellow human beings disgusts me. I'm sure you'd be totally fine with it if the mob came to your house. Because you're such a good guy.Replies: @Peter Akuleyev
They are getting piled on by the right because they obviously don't know how to use their weapons.
And they're getting piled on by you, the most completely useless commenter on this site, because American Budweiser is a slightly worse beer than the Czech original.Replies: @Stan Adams, @Art Deco
Affirmative. Politically, I'm an orphan.
And here I thought it was only young White women victimized by black criminals the MEN OF UNZ hated. Now you even hate and criticize a White man who did exactly what all of you have been posting and fantasizing about for decades.
And if the rioters had invaded their home and injured or killed them; we all know what the comments would have been.
“ should have had guns should have had this or that shotgun or rifle”. “ Should carry a handgun even in the house and yard. “”Keep guns in each bedroom kitchen and next to all doors. “
Then lots of advice about sniping and shooting situational awareness, military combat tactics, including blast away while they’re on the public sidewalk and be charged with murder.
This is 2 Whites, one a man not a White woman you guys hate so much who did exactly what you guys fantasize about and it’s nothing but nitpicking criticism and even about their house and yard
Maybe you all work for Soros. I’m the only pro White commenter on the site.
Off Topic. For those of you who advocate retreat to rural areas to get away from blacks here’s an article in the latest issue of communist magazine Mother Jones. “ Whites own 98% of rural land. black farmers demand their share”
That could get really bad. BLM DNC and the rest could send busloads of antifa and BLM to farms kill the family and declare the farm a black farm. Often in rural areas the nearest cop is 40 miles away. The south, Illinois Wisconsin and Minnesota would be invaded first. They have big black liberal cities and farms. Plenty of blacks and liberals to attack the farmers.
And then what, especially on a livestock farm? Hilarity would ensue. They’d be afraid of the cows pigs sheep and even the chickens Imagine blacks and antifa attempting to operate the machinery in a milking barn. Cows are very placid and docile until their udders start hurting then they get real ornery. Lots of farmers have their own boars. Blacks are afraid of all animals
The article shows these riots are well organized events directed by the elite. I can’t remember any riots that went on more than about 5 days. Or any riots that invaded small towns like and suburbs like Santa Monica and Beverly Hills Ca.
And now the communist rag Mother Jones advocates driving Whites off their farms. S Africa Zimbabwe every African country The name should be changed to Harriet Tubman or Kashima Sawant because Mother Jones was White and horror of horrors was a labor union organizer for the loathsome deplorable White working class.
Wallow in your hatred and disdain of the McCloskeys, guys. And continue your fantasies about using your rifles to defend your homes against the ravening hordes.Replies: @Hippopotamusdrome, @Kronos, @BenKenobi, @tyrone, @YetAnotherAnon, @anon
Comment Text Irrelevant. This sentence is both unfactual and irrational. The words before "since" have been disproven, and the words after "since" don't follow from the words before "since." The city officials are now going to investigate *them.* Some publicity stunt. Talk about over-interpreting. I like a contrarian POV - I provide many of them here. But this is not contrarian. It's perverse.
They were overtly threatened by the mob.
His father Paul seems pretty smart:
His maternal grandfather was a nuclear engineer and then pretty much invented much of the technology used in the recycling business:
His brother Yoni Appelbaum is a big shot at The Atlantic.
One hundred years ago, nay, fifty, the children would have been keen to emphasise their mother's genetic and social influence, even to the extent of changing their surname.
Now they do the opposite and proudly spell their given names in the Hebraic fashion so often used today in Israel.
The power shift could hardly be more clearly spelled out.Replies: @Jake, @Anonymous
Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm … there are a couple ways to translate Stamm if you don’t mind playing around with the context.
Appelbaum is also an idiot. There is no "Budweiser" family, there is the Busch family and they have been in the bad graces of beer lovers for a long time. Real Budweiser is brewed in Budweis, Bohemia (now known as České Budějovice, Czechia) with over 700 years of tradition behind it. American "Budweiser" is a much crappier beer first brewed by Adolphus Busch in 1874. That would be fine, except for later attempts by Anheuser-Busch to appropriate and use the Budweiser name worldwide and foist their swill on ignorant foreigners.
The beauty of modern America is that there is so much to despise on both sides of the political divide.Replies: @The Alarmist, @(((They))) Live, @Alden, @Alden, @Thoughts, @Jan Banan, @Anon, @vinteuil, @SunBakedSuburb, @International Jew, @Kyle, @Alden, @Jane Plain, @Hibernian
The slogan of Budvar is “The beer of kings.”
Binyamin Appelbaum = BLM be a pain up in my a**
The McCloskeys are personal injury attorneys
Maybe they take the famous Shakespearian quotation as a warning.
“The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers”
Clearly, in a well ordered society that should be adapted to: “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the left-wing lawyers”.
If I lived on an affluent, gated, private street, the McCloskeys are the type of people I'd like to have in the first house past the gate: willing to risk their lives against a crowd who would otherwise probably have cheerfully bypassed their house. Now they Streisand Effected themselves and their house. Antifa will not forget nor forgive. But it sure took some pressure off the Mayor, their neighbor.
Appelbaum is also an idiot. There is no "Budweiser" family, there is the Busch family and they have been in the bad graces of beer lovers for a long time. Real Budweiser is brewed in Budweis, Bohemia (now known as České Budějovice, Czechia) with over 700 years of tradition behind it. American "Budweiser" is a much crappier beer first brewed by Adolphus Busch in 1874. That would be fine, except for later attempts by Anheuser-Busch to appropriate and use the Budweiser name worldwide and foist their swill on ignorant foreigners.
The beauty of modern America is that there is so much to despise on both sides of the political divide.Replies: @The Alarmist, @(((They))) Live, @Alden, @Alden, @Thoughts, @Jan Banan, @Anon, @vinteuil, @SunBakedSuburb, @International Jew, @Kyle, @Alden, @Jane Plain, @Hibernian
A terrible story involving Budweiser
The assimilated liberal, though not to our new norms: born with some cut-rate imitation of a classic American surname (“Karter”) to a Greek-American nuclear engineer and “environmental engineer,” with the other half a WASP from old Old Lyme (her mother was nicknamed the exceedingly Bush Family-ish “Bunt”)–now married to the Brooklyn-born Stuyvesant grad slash Columbia professor. One of those “every other family member has a Wikipedia article” situations, with “Muir” tucked in to cement her status as… well, in the current quagmire, a civic nationalist with plausible deniability.
Let’s battle-test a random sentence from her website:
“Nationhood is a pre-condition of liberal democratic government.”
Liberal democracies are a pretty new thing, but there are examples of liberal democracies holding up decently well despite being cobbled together from separate nations (see: the UK). One might argue that the USA is likewise cobbled together from separate nations, with old and new tensions the result. If pressed, would she condone or even advocate radical devolution? How “liberal” is the liberal democratic order if something resembling comity is only achievable through various forms of compulsion, up to and including new restrictions on freedom of expression and accepted media?
Yeah, the UK is holding together very well. /sReplies: @martin_2, @yanouz
Apply a little actual thought:
The UK was formed by "cobbling" a couple "separate nations" of very closely related peoples, sharing reasonably common language and culture on to a much larger successful nation. By the time the governance was reasonably "democratic" the joint "British" nation was extremely successful nation state and identity. (People like being part of a winner.)
Now that the UK actually is a cobble of various peoples, and the "British" nation/identity is no longer a world striding winner, but pissed upon as "imperialist", "colonialist", "racist" ... in fact the whole project does have issues and could be not long for this world.
America was never a cobble of separate nations. It was created with a clear Anglo-Protestant core--of a few different strands. The founding then layered on a new "American" identity and follow on groups--racially and culturally similar--were expected to assimilate to this "American" identity.
The problem of the large racially, culturally distinct black population was never resolved. And other non-European peoples were kept at reasonably low--essentially insignificant--levels.
And again, now in the wake of mass immigration and minoritarianism denigrating the actual American identity/nation ... there is no common nation anymore. And we no longer have democratic governance that actually rules the nation. Nor do we have our historica Anglo-Saxon-American liberties.
I'd say your examples support her basic thesis pretty darn well. When you have a real nation--a common people and culture, and ergo high social trust--then you can have actual democracy with high liberty. When that erodes, you end up with a bossy, thuggish super-state telling people what they can and can not do, what they can and can not say in order manage/suppress ethnic trouble.Replies: @Art Deco, @yanouz
Yes, the spelling is the most egregious thing here. “Waive” is one thing, but his own freaking first name? He deserves an ass full of buckshot just for the spelling errors.
(Aren’t tweets reviewed by editors or something?)
Binyamin (בִּנְיָמִין) is straight-up Heeb that was Anglicised to 'Benjamin'.
Actually... thinking about that: you have a point, since it's actually pronounced Vinyamin (Heeb has no 'B' sound, which is weird since it ends with a B).
A lot of people think that the 'Ys' in Heeb names (Yakov, Yoshua, Yonatan) is because Yiddish is a swamp[1] version of German, so it turns Js into Ys. Not so - even though shtetl-dwellers were illiterate and spelt shit phonetically.
Fun fact: his brother's name is Yonatan (shortened to Yoni, which hits the ear weirdly on two counts: in Hindi it means vagina; in regional aboriginal languages in Central Australia means 'rock'). I like RockVulva as a nickname.
Likewise, their sister is Avigail (V instead of B, see?).
As Gilad Atzmon explained in a very very good talk ("The Cognitive Elite of Jewish History"), a very large proportion of the population of the Pale of Settlement were as dumb as a bag of dumb rocks. The cognitive elite fled to Western Europe in the mid-1800s, and the very smartest among them integrated and largely de-Heebed. So by 1951 it made all the sense in the world for Mr and Mrs Appelbaum to name their boy Paul Stuart.
Smart Jews started re-Heebing when they sniffed the wind and got whiff of the idea that being identifiably Jewish was good for social-climbing.
So Appelbaum - a psychosophaster - strongly stamped his kids with very-identifiable Heeb names so that there was no doubt that his kids pass the halachic bar (the mother converted: they're all members of an OrthoHeeb franchise, albeit a liberal-OrthoHeeb one... WTF does that even mean?)[2]
[1] by "a swamp version of German", I don't mean a version of the language spoken by Swamp Germans (viz., Dutch).
[2] Their mother ("Dede" when she's בֵּין חֲבֵרִים) is a Connecticut white-bread with no obvious halachic (matrilinear) Jewish roots - her mother went to Emma Willard and her mother's obit reads like that of a typically high-functioning-bourgeois-Protestant. Since Dede's a member of Ramath Orah, she obviously converted before Bibi and RockVulva were born (and little Avigail's kiddies will be halachically Heeb even if she mates outside the Tribe).
'Dede' has publications - both with Hubby and without - about Jewish identitarian nonsense... oddly, the ones in JPost and Azure have been 404'd. The Azure one can be found on the Wayback Machine.
Some might find it odd to find authoritative musings on genetics where the two writers are a psychosophaster and a History major... I found it interesting that while generally rejecting genetics as a basis for land claims, they bent over backwards to try and paint the Ashkenazim as having a better genetic claim than the Palestinians. Pilpul.Replies: @kaganovitch, @AnotherDad, @Jack D
Appelbaum is also an idiot. There is no "Budweiser" family, there is the Busch family and they have been in the bad graces of beer lovers for a long time. Real Budweiser is brewed in Budweis, Bohemia (now known as České Budějovice, Czechia) with over 700 years of tradition behind it. American "Budweiser" is a much crappier beer first brewed by Adolphus Busch in 1874. That would be fine, except for later attempts by Anheuser-Busch to appropriate and use the Budweiser name worldwide and foist their swill on ignorant foreigners.
The beauty of modern America is that there is so much to despise on both sides of the political divide.Replies: @The Alarmist, @(((They))) Live, @Alden, @Alden, @Thoughts, @Jan Banan, @Anon, @vinteuil, @SunBakedSuburb, @International Jew, @Kyle, @Alden, @Jane Plain, @Hibernian
Point is that the Busch family made a fortune with Budweiser beer and built a beautiful house with that money, not your dislike of American beer.
The thing I dislike most about the black takeover of American cities is the glorious pre 1945 residential architecture of the cities and the hideousness and horrible awful floor plans of post 1945 suburban houses. And they’re getting worse and worse as the years go on. I don’t mean mansions or middle class pre 1945 houses. Even the 1,000 sq ft 2 bedroom bungalows and apartments or 800 sq flats are infinitely more attractive easier to keep clean easier to furnish and decorate easier to raise kids in and just all around better than any house built after 1945.
The blacks drove us out of the cities by force fear and terrorism. We lost the great parks museums libraries shopping in small businesses instead of chain stores clubs associations public transportation and all the amenities of city life.
On this comment however, I will defer to your residential architectural knowledge and agree in general. Yes, the American cities were great places to be 60 years ago. Most American people can't even IMAGINE that could be the case. The blacks have completely ruined city life for 1/2 a century. As Peak Stupidity wrote in "The current situation in gentrification nation, for your edification" just a day or so before Mr. Sailer's post on the same subject, white (mostly) people have been taking back small parts of some American cities. However, that effort may have been set back another decade or two after these latest riots.
Yes, we've lost a lot. @Alden, @newrouter
You’ve made this good point, the term for which you dub here “Progressive Antiquarianism”, a number of times before, Steve. Maybe some older Boomers who’ve never kept up with the news could believe this type of narrative, but what young person with any common sense would?
You terms got some nice irony in it too. I would like to call it “Van Winklism”, though it’s usually way more than a 20-year gap in history these people conveniently ignore. “3rd-stage Van Winklism”?
Appelbaum is also an idiot. There is no "Budweiser" family, there is the Busch family and they have been in the bad graces of beer lovers for a long time. Real Budweiser is brewed in Budweis, Bohemia (now known as České Budějovice, Czechia) with over 700 years of tradition behind it. American "Budweiser" is a much crappier beer first brewed by Adolphus Busch in 1874. That would be fine, except for later attempts by Anheuser-Busch to appropriate and use the Budweiser name worldwide and foist their swill on ignorant foreigners.
The beauty of modern America is that there is so much to despise on both sides of the political divide.Replies: @The Alarmist, @(((They))) Live, @Alden, @Alden, @Thoughts, @Jan Banan, @Anon, @vinteuil, @SunBakedSuburb, @International Jew, @Kyle, @Alden, @Jane Plain, @Hibernian
Wait till you’re seriously injured and need an attorney to get you some money for your wheelchair, nurses aide every day Uber to endless Dr visits and loss of income due to the fact that you’ll never work again.
You seem to dislike the McCloskeys because they live in a house built with Budweiser beer money. Or because they’re Whites who defended themselves from a black mob. You must be an anti White liberal or antifa rioter.
I know being a pox on both your houses type is considered uncool, but I find very little to admire in the McCloskeys showboating, sorry. They come off as panicky losers, not strong people.Replies: @anonymous, @Alec Leamas (hard at work), @AnotherDad
The homeowners did NOTHING wrong.
In one video you can see a black protestor with an Even Bigger Gun. And we all know, if a window got smashed the looting would begin.
And we know Binyamin’s motivation…
But what about this Jerry Taylor guy? What’s his motivation?
He looks Satanically homosexual upon first glance
So basically jealous that he isn’t the homeowner with the fancy house and BDSM basement
I’m not seeing how this isn’t going to break down to war…all these people …and I’m talking the White Ones (non-whites never hid their true selves if you hung out with them enough)…are taking their masks off
I think this guy was “discovered” by Ta Nehasi Coates from the comments section.
Could it be that “racist lunatics” is the new circumscription for “people who drop loot when you kill them”?
(Aren't tweets reviewed by editors or something?)Replies: @yanouz, @Kronos, @Kratoklastes
Traditionally, yes, but someone wrote “revued,” and so we got this:
In other words, the IQ has gone down a lot since the nuclear engineer
But seeing what side they are on, that’s a good thing
That couple has the worst gun coordination I’ve ever seen. She repeatedly walks back and forth in front of his rifle barrel. She also waved her gun at the back of his head at least twice. I sure hope he knew how to use that rifle, because I’d wager the wife’s shooting posture and consequent aiming is terrible. Might be a good time to take a shooting class before the election.
(I think she’s brandishing a PPK while he has a AR-15 with the sight-handle.)
The old elite live in Ladue and Clayton or further afield. Given the events of recent months, that "further afield' might end up as "out of state".Replies: @Oo-ee-oo-ah-ah-ting-tang-walla-walla-bing-bang, @Mr. Anon, @Alec Leamas (hard at work), @Hibernian
Every time I do this the advertisement features a black actor. In this case it was a black actor and a white gay actor.
This is your future.Replies: @Mr. Anon, @Fluesterwitz, @Kronos, @AnotherDad
They probably haven't had a whole lot of practice. Hopefully, they'll review the video and conduct themselves more expertly next time.
Appelbaum is also an idiot. There is no "Budweiser" family, there is the Busch family and they have been in the bad graces of beer lovers for a long time. Real Budweiser is brewed in Budweis, Bohemia (now known as České Budějovice, Czechia) with over 700 years of tradition behind it. American "Budweiser" is a much crappier beer first brewed by Adolphus Busch in 1874. That would be fine, except for later attempts by Anheuser-Busch to appropriate and use the Budweiser name worldwide and foist their swill on ignorant foreigners.
The beauty of modern America is that there is so much to despise on both sides of the political divide.Replies: @The Alarmist, @(((They))) Live, @Alden, @Alden, @Thoughts, @Jan Banan, @Anon, @vinteuil, @SunBakedSuburb, @International Jew, @Kyle, @Alden, @Jane Plain, @Hibernian
Not really.
They used their money from their Personal Injury Lawyer Jobs to refurb a historic mansion which is a pretty benign thing to use money on
And we all know that if just one window got smashed….the whole house would be attacked by looters
The crowd was 300 strong, and the crowd was armed
But I guess in this day and age, if you try to defend your property You’re The Bad Guy…and people will look at your life and Find ONE Thing that justifies making you the bad guy
You’re commenting on Steve Sailer and that’s what you just did…you found the One Thing about the couple that justified them being ‘Bad’
That’s FOX NEWS folks. It might as well be the NYTtimes.Replies: @Charlotte
OT: A memorial window in honour of the great scientist and admirable Christian Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher is about to be removed from his old college in Cambridge. He was an evil eugenicist you understand.
The window (which is in fact quite hideous) was installed in 1989: as good a measuring stick as any for the precipitous decline of our public polity and cultural sanity.
Statues and stained glass now, but soon the flesh and blood representatives of the same values and traditions.
Get ready to fight back before you die.
(Aren't tweets reviewed by editors or something?)Replies: @yanouz, @Kronos, @Kratoklastes
That’s a very good question. If a NYT journalist has his/her own twitter account, does the editor have any say if it’s used for news reporting? They must have separate twitter accounts.
Rip van Tillism is the popular progressive assumption that nothing has changed since Emmett Till.
Sure, a greasy factory guy might be in favor of segregation but certainly not a Really Smart academic or a spiffy big brained software guy groovin' in Silicon Valley. They were making their own separate peace (or so they thought).
The thing I dislike most about the black takeover of American cities is the glorious pre 1945 residential architecture of the cities and the hideousness and horrible awful floor plans of post 1945 suburban houses. And they’re getting worse and worse as the years go on. I don’t mean mansions or middle class pre 1945 houses. Even the 1,000 sq ft 2 bedroom bungalows and apartments or 800 sq flats are infinitely more attractive easier to keep clean easier to furnish and decorate easier to raise kids in and just all around better than any house built after 1945.
The blacks drove us out of the cities by force fear and terrorism. We lost the great parks museums libraries shopping in small businesses instead of chain stores clubs associations public transportation and all the amenities of city life.Replies: @Steve Sailer, @Achmed E. Newman, @Anonymous, @Anon
Here’s an article about what The Bronx was like before diversity:
Let's battle-test a random sentence from her website:
"Nationhood is a pre-condition of liberal democratic government."
Liberal democracies are a pretty new thing, but there are examples of liberal democracies holding up decently well despite being cobbled together from separate nations (see: the UK). One might argue that the USA is likewise cobbled together from separate nations, with old and new tensions the result. If pressed, would she condone or even advocate radical devolution? How "liberal" is the liberal democratic order if something resembling comity is only achievable through various forms of compulsion, up to and including new restrictions on freedom of expression and accepted media?Replies: @Cloudbuster, @AnotherDad
there are examples of liberal democracies holding up decently well despite being cobbled together from separate nations (see: the UK).
Yeah, the UK is holding together very well. /s
What is this, Reddit?
I said "decently," not perfectly; Scotland and Wales have been stably British for centuries. French and English Canada have hung together for hundreds of years now. Italy and Spain, for all their problems, are similar. Iran and Russia (not the USSR--Russia) are also multiethnic and relatively stable over time.
One of the successes of 19th century nationalism was the creation and reinforcement of singular national identities bridging different cultures. That often means a specific "nation" winning out over the others within the coalition that is the state. Is that a good thing? If it's well-executed, yes. Is it unavoidable? Unless and until the world magically transforms into a collection of Iceland-scale states, apparently so (and I'm sure some intra-Icelandic culture or region feels dominated by some other intra-Icelandic culture or region).
Nations are younger than tribes and older than empires. A good middling unit, but not always the end-all be-all of political, military, or economic organization--especially not for small nations in a world of empires that present themselves as assimilationist enterprises.Replies: @Cloudbuster
Popular Mechanics has joined the fray. Two weeks ago they created a guide on toppling statues that has apparently been consulted by some vandals.
They do the same ‘teehee, we’re not advocating anything, however.’
But the paragraph immediately before that sad disclaimer is:
A since deleted paragraph that advised on how to use liquid nitrogen:
Seems like Popular Mechanics is giddily supporting statue destruction to me. If you support something and want to give advice on not just the safest but the most effect means to do so, unbidden, isn’t that being an advocate?
This is after similar actions by two female academics who went ‘teehee, not advocating anything but here are the best ways to destroy monuments.’
Museum world rallies behind curator investigated for tweets on how to damage bronze statues
Wiseman is black(ish) and "interested in decolonisation and transforming museums to be more inclusive".
I commented on Ms Odent's background (wealthy American married to City banker) and the fact that some wit took her advice and used bleach on the statue of a black playwright (of whom few have heard) here
Appelbaum is also an idiot. There is no "Budweiser" family, there is the Busch family and they have been in the bad graces of beer lovers for a long time. Real Budweiser is brewed in Budweis, Bohemia (now known as České Budějovice, Czechia) with over 700 years of tradition behind it. American "Budweiser" is a much crappier beer first brewed by Adolphus Busch in 1874. That would be fine, except for later attempts by Anheuser-Busch to appropriate and use the Budweiser name worldwide and foist their swill on ignorant foreigners.
The beauty of modern America is that there is so much to despise on both sides of the political divide.Replies: @The Alarmist, @(((They))) Live, @Alden, @Alden, @Thoughts, @Jan Banan, @Anon, @vinteuil, @SunBakedSuburb, @International Jew, @Kyle, @Alden, @Jane Plain, @Hibernian
The actual story of Budweiser and Budvar is more complicated, and not nearly so black and white.
They both have their origins in Bavarian pale lager, a version of which was developed into pilsner called by the German name “Urquell” meaning something like “original source”. The Czechs copy this with a translated version called “Staropromen” (old spring).
“Real” Budweiser couldn’t have existed for 700 years because pale lager wasn’t invented until the mid 1800s by the German Gabriel Sedlmayr. Sure beer was being brewed in Budějovice for centuries, it was being brewed all over Europe for centuries obviously. Wine has been made in Czechia for centuries also, but no one is clamoring to buy it or “steal” their brand names.
Adolphus Busch himself wasn’t a brewer, his family was beer and wine wholesalers, he started working for this Bavarian style brewery and eventually took it over and built it into an empire. Both Budweiser and Budvar have their roots in mid 19th century Baravian breweries and the pale lager developed at the time, as do the famous Czech pilsners. Was the original Budweiser an inferior beer to what was being made in Bohemia? Who knows, but it was probably similar, being similar in provenance.
In case you’ve never been to České Budějovice, it’s a town full of Czechs, the Germans who created and innovated there are long gone. In fact, AB was probably closer to it’s Bavarian roots for longer than Budvar. The Czechs of course, want to take all the credit.
Is modern Budvar a better beer than Budweiser? Yes. But the idea that the Czech version is some 700 year old classic original that was stolen by this evil American is idiotic, but the shallow accepted version by most beer experts who read about it for five minutes.
Appelbaum is also an idiot. There is no "Budweiser" family, there is the Busch family and they have been in the bad graces of beer lovers for a long time. Real Budweiser is brewed in Budweis, Bohemia (now known as České Budějovice, Czechia) with over 700 years of tradition behind it. American "Budweiser" is a much crappier beer first brewed by Adolphus Busch in 1874. That would be fine, except for later attempts by Anheuser-Busch to appropriate and use the Budweiser name worldwide and foist their swill on ignorant foreigners.
The beauty of modern America is that there is so much to despise on both sides of the political divide.Replies: @The Alarmist, @(((They))) Live, @Alden, @Alden, @Thoughts, @Jan Banan, @Anon, @vinteuil, @SunBakedSuburb, @International Jew, @Kyle, @Alden, @Jane Plain, @Hibernian
Peter Akulyev found yet another thing to get inordinately angry and miserable about: Budweiser! Even though it sits there inertly on the shelf, and one can easily ignore it and never purchase it or drink it without a second thought, he still gets that upset about it. Next up, tables!! LOL You just know Peter could write a 15,000-word seething screed about tables, and how people are not using the right tables from 700 years ago, and how immoral depraved right-wingers are responsible for it. Sounds like a real good way to live man. You sound like a happy person.
BTW it’s beyond obnoxious the lack of empathy you just showed for the people whose home was surrounded by an angry mob, in a cultural climate and city where murder and arson are commonplace. Your lack of compassion for your fellow human beings disgusts me. I’m sure you’d be totally fine with it if the mob came to your house. Because you’re such a good guy.
It’s great that YouTube has these old news specials on The Bronx. I wasn’t around to witness it so it’s great documentation. It’s hard to believe such a prime urban real estate region was destroyed so utterly. It really does reinforce Sonja Trauss‘s definition that:
“gentrification is the revaluation of Black land with it’s correct price.”
Such videos really do help explain the Giuliani cult worship I’ve encountered amongst my parents New York City friends. (I’m surprised neither Giuliani or Bloomberg really tried to incorporate a “Batman” theme into their campaigns. Bloomberg could’ve dressed up as a 5”7 Batman knockoff billionaire while Giuliani could’ve been Commissioner Gordon. (Though the character villain “Two-Face” might be a better fit for Giuliani due to both being high profile prosecutors.)
I guess he could get lessons from Giuliani (who was famously motorboated by #OrangeManBad in 2000; wasn't the first time Rudi went that way).
Pizzagate is more plausible, the longer a person has paid the slightest attention to the degeneracy of the political class. Anyone who votes - for anyone, for whatever reason - is an accomplice.
What if they held a vote and nobody came?Replies: @Kyle
Regarding the climate update you added to your post…
So we’ll be losing the debate on Climate Change as it is rigged?
I don’t believe for a second that two brothers have that different personalities or opinions.
I know enough brothers…
I’ve moved my husband to the right (or he chose me as wife because I’m on the right…chicken or the egg?) whereas his brothers are all Pure-Bred Antifa types. My husband will never be Right Right…he’s comfortably a silent center right now…When he reads Steve by his own volition I consider that a win.
Genes are powerful, and brothers will never be that different. You’re never going to have a Steve Sailer reader have an Antifa brother. Not. Going. To. Happen.
I suspect that the McCloskeys, like the Mayor, and probably everyone else on their street, are registered Democrats. Not that that makes them “bad” people, but it does reemphasize that most of the Mostly Peaceful Riots are a blue-on-blue fight.
If I lived on an affluent, gated, private street, the McCloskeys are the type of people I’d like to have in the first house past the gate: willing to risk their lives against a crowd who would otherwise probably have cheerfully bypassed their house. Now they Streisand Effected themselves and their house. Antifa will not forget nor forgive. But it sure took some pressure off the Mayor, their neighbor.
I dont know. Its more elemental than that, you spend your life building something and a mob of unrelated people appears at your door menacing you and your family.
Meanwhile in Clown World: “Fellow Black People, I’m so appalled!”
‘You cannot fight prejudice with prejudice’: UK Jewish group accuses ‘supposed anti-racist’ BLM of anti-Semitism
Gee, I didn’t see that coming after *that* statement about Palestine.
AFAIK, “UK BLM” is a few dudes with a gofundme account. But … you know what’s worse than rampaging blacks? Yeah. Those guys.
You seem to dislike the McCloskeys because they live in a house built with Budweiser beer money. Or because they’re Whites who defended themselves from a black mob. You must be an anti White liberal or antifa rioter.Replies: @Peter Akuleyev
I love how commenters need to decide “you must be this, you must be that.” I don’t need to fit in any of your little boxes. I remember when conservatives considered personal injury lawyers parasites who generate massive settlements for irresponsible behavior. Another positive about Central Europe, besides the lack of BLM protestors, is the cap on personal liability lawsuits.
I know being a pox on both your houses type is considered uncool, but I find very little to admire in the McCloskeys showboating, sorry. They come off as panicky losers, not strong people.
I think personal injury attorneys are necessary to compensate people for injuries which are the result of the wrongdoing of others. At the margins of cases on both sides there is mischief.
Personal injury attorneys became members of the patron class of the Democratic party, while simultaneously or even prior Republicans offered their corporate donors service in the form of attempting to diminish the value of personal injury lawsuits and protect their donors against liability. For the average man who gets rear ended by a ditzy sixteen year old girl snapchatting behind the wheel I don't know whether these marginal cases are top of mind.
This is about the right of people to defend their property from the--even more parasitic--minoritarian mob. That is fundamental to have a decent prosperous and free nation.Replies: @Jim Don Bob, @Twinkie, @HammerJack
BTW it's beyond obnoxious the lack of empathy you just showed for the people whose home was surrounded by an angry mob, in a cultural climate and city where murder and arson are commonplace. Your lack of compassion for your fellow human beings disgusts me. I'm sure you'd be totally fine with it if the mob came to your house. Because you're such a good guy.Replies: @Peter Akuleyev
Thanks. You don’t seem particularly happy yourself. Sorry about that. Have a Bud Lite.
I mean really. You are going to get that upset about my post? I think people are insane right now. But yes, the historic destruction of white St Louis is a real tragedy, I suppose I should show more understanding. This is a problem with coming from Boston – we just didn’t let blacks destroy our neighborhoods. Makes us less sympathetic to people who wouldn’t stand up for themselves.
Seems a pretty simple question to answer.Replies: @sayless
Frequent traveler to Boston here, and a native of Chicago. The difference between the two cities in how blacks seem to fit into the landscape is quite remarkable. I assume there must be at least one no-go zone in Boston, but I haven’t seen it. Chicago has miles and miles of them.
OTOH, I’ve also never seen such pervasive kneeling/foot washing aesthetics as I did in Cambridge last week, with house after house displaying a professionally printed BLM sign in their front yards.
I started to wonder if there’s a relationship between the two phenomena somehow.Replies: @Steve Sailer
CWE isn’t exactly a right wing part of St. Louis, hasn’t been for longer than I’ve been alive.
Background on this news:
Bezos did not realize that someday they will come for him?
June 6: Jeff Bezos explains his support for Black Lives Matter
1 hour ago: Activists Set Up Guillotine In Front Of Jeff Bezos’s D.C. Home, Call For Amazon To Be Abolished
Bezos: Wake up brother…it’s mob rule right now
Maybe there's hope for the white cult kids after all.Replies: @Kyle
The Appelbaum children are Jewish on their father’s side only. Their mother is half-Greek, half-New York Social Register WASP.
One hundred years ago, nay, fifty, the children would have been keen to emphasise their mother’s genetic and social influence, even to the extent of changing their surname.
Now they do the opposite and proudly spell their given names in the Hebraic fashion so often used today in Israel.
The power shift could hardly be more clearly spelled out.
“We the Free People of Lansing” members directly pointing a firearm on a motorcyclist bystander for revving his engine. There are cops in the background which are standing by allowing this to happen.
No arrest:
A Southern California man captured on camera pointing a loaded AR-15 rifle at a group of advancing protesters has been arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon.
Jacob Daniel Bracken, 38, of Rancho Cucamonga, faces two counts of assault with a deadly weapon related to the incident in Upland on Monday, the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office said.
* not a fact.
(I think she’s brandishing a PPK while he has a AR-15 with the sight-handle.) @Old Palo Altan, @Jane Plain, @Joe Stalin, @Twinkie, @earl hickey, @Colin Wright
So bad is the situation in St Louis that this superb palace (18,000 sq ft and with interiors of unparalleled magnificence) is estimated by sites like Zillow at between $1.5 and 2 million). It’s not even that close to urban decay.
The old elite live in Ladue and Clayton or further afield. Given the events of recent months, that “further afield’ might end up as “out of state”.
In any event, stately places like that Busch family home are much more expensive to build (or restore) than the sales market would yield. It is for this reason that an astute insurance agent will counsel the purchaser of an older property to insure it for "replacement value," which is the cost to rebuild what is there, rather than the market value.
I knew about one such fellow who had purchased a granite affair on the Mainline of Philadelphia for something in the neighborhood of $2 million. His agent persuaded him to insure it for replacement value, and when years later the home suffered a total fire loss the owner received a check for $9 million. He could go down the street, purchase an equivalent home for $2 million, and pocket the difference.
Worshiping these Really Smart Dorks is a problem. Almost to a man, they stab us in the back in their desire to be White Snobs (or Jewish depending on how they identify).
They’re not interesting, they’re traitors.
Almost everything good politically that has happened over the last 200 years has come from some kind of true populism. Everything bad has come from Really Smart guys, especially Ivy League.
Their insufferable, silly ass snob attitude has got to be ridiculed. But what we see from the HBD crowd is a weird submissiveness to them.
“Rip van Tillism” it is, then. Good, this putting our heads together is getting us … somewhere, haha. This comment section is one big think tank, but without very many US Government customers … or, much of a budget, for that matter.
Yeah, the UK is holding together very well. /sReplies: @martin_2, @yanouz
I think he/she is referring to the union of England Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland, not the more modern developments in enrichment.
His name was George Kirby… His name was George Kirby…
Yeah, the UK is holding together very well. /sReplies: @martin_2, @yanouz
What is this, Reddit?
I said “decently,” not perfectly; Scotland and Wales have been stably British for centuries. French and English Canada have hung together for hundreds of years now. Italy and Spain, for all their problems, are similar. Iran and Russia (not the USSR–Russia) are also multiethnic and relatively stable over time.
One of the successes of 19th century nationalism was the creation and reinforcement of singular national identities bridging different cultures. That often means a specific “nation” winning out over the others within the coalition that is the state. Is that a good thing? If it’s well-executed, yes. Is it unavoidable? Unless and until the world magically transforms into a collection of Iceland-scale states, apparently so (and I’m sure some intra-Icelandic culture or region feels dominated by some other intra-Icelandic culture or region).
Nations are younger than tribes and older than empires. A good middling unit, but not always the end-all be-all of political, military, or economic organization–especially not for small nations in a world of empires that present themselves as assimilationist enterprises.
The thing I dislike most about the black takeover of American cities is the glorious pre 1945 residential architecture of the cities and the hideousness and horrible awful floor plans of post 1945 suburban houses. And they’re getting worse and worse as the years go on. I don’t mean mansions or middle class pre 1945 houses. Even the 1,000 sq ft 2 bedroom bungalows and apartments or 800 sq flats are infinitely more attractive easier to keep clean easier to furnish and decorate easier to raise kids in and just all around better than any house built after 1945.
The blacks drove us out of the cities by force fear and terrorism. We lost the great parks museums libraries shopping in small businesses instead of chain stores clubs associations public transportation and all the amenities of city life.Replies: @Steve Sailer, @Achmed E. Newman, @Anonymous, @Anon
Alden, regarding another comment of yours, I do agree with Mr. Akuleyev (like a stopped clock once in a while) on his disdain for ambulance-chasing lawyers. They are a drain on the economy and in general are scum-sucking human beings.
On this comment however, I will defer to your residential architectural knowledge and agree in general. Yes, the American cities were great places to be 60 years ago. Most American people can’t even IMAGINE that could be the case. The blacks have completely ruined city life for 1/2 a century. As Peak Stupidity wrote in “The current situation in gentrification nation, for your edification” just a day or so before Mr. Sailer’s post on the same subject, white (mostly) people have been taking back small parts of some American cities. However, that effort may have been set back another decade or two after these latest riots.
Yes, we’ve lost a lot.
Would have been a better vid with the guy in a MAGA hat with a lasoo and a few lawn jockeys near the stairs.
– J. Smollett
Her intended targets are representatives of a culture that used Africans as slave labor.
Not ancient Egypt!
If you charge at 2 people who possess and pistol and a semi auto rifle in an attempt to “beat their brains in”, they are going to shoot and kill you. That’s the whole idea. Leftists continue to have this loony idea when push comes to shove and worse they’re supermen and the BadWhites are going to give up. Guess again.
The Buschs on several occasions tried to buy Budvar to help with their hope for Euro expansion in the 1980s, but with no success. The Buschs also sold out altogether so it’s not even an American company anymore. You can get Budweiser in Ireland, but pretty much everywhere else in Europe it’s sold as Busch.
One hundred years ago, nay, fifty, the children would have been keen to emphasise their mother's genetic and social influence, even to the extent of changing their surname.
Now they do the opposite and proudly spell their given names in the Hebraic fashion so often used today in Israel.
The power shift could hardly be more clearly spelled out.Replies: @Jake, @Anonymous
That is what happens when the Junior partner in a firm attains unquestionable veto power over the Senior partner.
It’s sad that I remember this video from 2 years ago but it’s amusing and relates to the current generation gap (amongst certain segments.)
You’ve made a good point Newman. Most Gen X and Millennials never look past the “Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll” history of the 1960s. Yes, they slightly cover Civil Rights, Vietnam, and historical figures involved.
But they never examine the paradox that the Civil Rights Movement was so successful, that Blacks are more worse off then ever and require even more radical legislation. If you look at the recent NYT magazine they compare 1968 to 2020. Civil Rights solved everything yet things never changed.
A few kids are pulling a Winston Smith from “1984” and interrogating old drunks by asking if things were better before or after “The Party.” But they’re relatively few.
Jerry “Call Me Ahmaud” Taylor.
What’s their property being trespassed, or not?
Seems a pretty simple question to answer.
(I think she’s brandishing a PPK while he has a AR-15 with the sight-handle.) @Old Palo Altan, @Jane Plain, @Joe Stalin, @Twinkie, @earl hickey, @Colin Wright
When I view the video on YouTube, I have to sit through five seconds of some stupid advertisement.
Every time I do this the advertisement features a black actor. In this case it was a black actor and a white gay actor.
This is your future.
The beauty of healthy young white women, of heterosexual union, of normal family life, of Western Civilization is tossed aside ... in order to feature the ugly, the unhealthy, the disordered, the depraved.Replies: @Kronos, @Jane Plain, @Gordo
Oh yes, a lot has changed. Tens of thousands of White girls have been molested and raped due to the Really Smart People forcing integration in the 60s and especially 70s. But after all, segregation was so declasse.
Sure, a greasy factory guy might be in favor of segregation but certainly not a Really Smart academic or a spiffy big brained software guy groovin’ in Silicon Valley. They were making their own separate peace (or so they thought).
I know being a pox on both your houses type is considered uncool, but I find very little to admire in the McCloskeys showboating, sorry. They come off as panicky losers, not strong people.Replies: @anonymous, @Alec Leamas (hard at work), @AnotherDad
Wrong. Try reading the linked article. They turned a rundown, abused historic home into a museum piece. They had to bring a sandblaster inside that fucking house. I doubt you know what a shitshow that process would be in that context. They did an insane amount of work to a house that was basically a tear-down, and micro-managed the process themselves all along the way.
You try finding competent contractors to deal with the intricacies of that mansion. But you probably have problems cleaning up your room, much less rehabbing an old mansion with diverse interior structure, where “fixing” one problem can exacerbate another, at tremendous expense.
Those people weren’t “defending their home,” they were defending history, and nobody gives a fuck what you or the ignorant negroes think about it, except to know to stay away from it.
Also, apparently the moment the negroes breached those gates, they were on private property, not a public sidewalk or street. The owner “owned” the sidewalk they were walking on. That’s another reason he got hyper about the situation. The negroes no legal business being there, and their ignorance of that is not a legal defense.
Just because your life sucks doesn’t mean others doing better than you have to suck, if they want to take a hand in their destiny. Doesn’t matter if they’re personal injury lawyers. Doesn’t matter if the money to construct it was made on shit beer. They did an excellent job on that former moldy, abused, shitshow of a house. It’s a museum piece, and they have a right to defend it for themselves, and for posterity. They did. Kudos to them.
Thanks for that cartoon, Kronos.
This post is a knee-jerk response to an incident we have an incomplete picture of. Did any of the protesters try to enter the house? Why run out into the street, instead of staying inside? These people have made themselves a target, and could face serious consequences. They certainly didn’t seem to know how to handle their weapons.
The protesters broke down their gate and were standing in mass on their property chanting violent slogans. Given all we've seen in the past few months the couple's response was entirely reasonable. You can fault them for their obvious lack of experience with firearms but little else. Do you think the mob would hesitate to start looting if someone broke one of their windows? Do you think the police would come promptly if they called?
A song just for you for you:
Whatever you think of the McCloskeys, the clear villain in this situation is Mayor Krewson. It was a terrible move to "dox" the activists on Facebook, which was always going to escalate tensions. It was an unnecessary and potentially dangerous provocation, and she should be under immense pressure over this. @anon, @Father Coughlin
The firearm discipline of the lawyer couple was terrible, but I would, under no circumstances, be tempted to rush a man holding an AR-15. Unless I wanted my left ventricle to explode out of my back.
The next to last sentence in the article is rather ironic, given all of the detailed recollections which have preceded it.
(I think she’s brandishing a PPK while he has a AR-15 with the sight-handle.) @Old Palo Altan, @Jane Plain, @Joe Stalin, @Twinkie, @earl hickey, @Colin Wright
“(I think she’s brandishing a PPK while he has a AR-15 with the sight-handle.)”
This is why EVERY member of the family should have their own semi-auto rifle to supplement their pistol. The light-weight rifle is better at engaging multiple targets.
An even better example would be the old-fashioned triangular-cross-section bayonets; it's not remotely difficult to repurpose a classic (say, one designed for a Martini-Henry) without just duct-taping it to the rail. Adapters FTW.
For normal modern bayonets, there are adapters that enable AR15s to take a standard M7 bayonet. TripleR make one for AR barrels with a lug; Bushmaster make one for ARs with no lug. I think they're heavily dependent on barrel length and FSB. Dinzag make a range for both, and ones that fit non-NATO bayonets.
Frankly, if you're using a bayonet on a longarm, you let the other guy get waaaay too close and you're almost certainly going to die. Your overwatch guys need a kick in the arse (assuming they're not dead).Replies: @Anonymous
They do the same 'teehee, we're not advocating anything, however.' But the paragraph immediately before that sad disclaimer is: A since deleted paragraph that advised on how to use liquid nitrogen: Seems like Popular Mechanics is giddily supporting statue destruction to me. If you support something and want to give advice on not just the safest but the most effect means to do so, unbidden, isn't that being an advocate?
This is after similar actions by two female academics who went 'teehee, not advocating anything but here are the best ways to destroy monuments.'
Museum world rallies behind curator investigated for tweets on how to damage bronze statues
Replies: @res, @YetAnotherAnon, @BenKenobi, @Buffalo Joe
Profile of the author of the Popular Mechanics article is about what you would expect from the article, but what is he doing at Popular Mechanics?
Note that Appelbaum is the lead writer on business and economics for the Editorial Board of The New York Times”. The Editorial Board (the opinion page) is distinct from the news pages. The qualifications to write for the Editorial Board are more political than substantive. Of course the news side is starting to deteriorate also, but the rot is much deeper on the editorial side.
Unfiltered tweets also reveal how much our elites depend on behind the scenes editors to make themselves look good (or at least not look totally stupid). In one tweet, he makes spelling mistakes, he calls the Busch family the “Budweiser family” and he exhibits primitive thinking by blaming a building (which is no longer even owned by that family) for the “racism” of its former owners. See also Wolf Blitzer’s appearance on Jeopardy – the man is clearly an idiot. In the past the US had some formidable Jewish intellectuals but we are clearly dredging the shallow end of the gene pool now. The sad thing is that the black and Asian “public intellectuals” who will replace them are even less impressive. Idiocracy, here we come!
Blame his mother's side - I'm willing to, proud WASC though I may be.
(I think she’s brandishing a PPK while he has a AR-15 with the sight-handle.) @Old Palo Altan, @Jane Plain, @Joe Stalin, @Twinkie, @earl hickey, @Colin Wright
That’s pretty bad gun handling. It’s clear they have little to no experience in shooting. They really ought to take a few classes.
It's the "Harry Potter magic wand" school. Had a roommate who owned a guitar once. It didn't make him a guitarist, though.
They're just a couple of moronic lawyers; very smart in a tiny narrow niche, ignorant outside of it. Notice that nobody in the foreground is impressed? No surprise given the number of people we've seen in the last month with a rifle on a single point or multi point sling.
Those two prideful, puffed up dimwits have just put a "ROB US" sign on their house with their "How Not To Protect Anything" act.
Oh, yeah, if that guy is really left handed I hope he has an ambis-safety...but won't be surprised if he doesn't.Replies: @Twinkie
Someone needs to track ER data on rising accidental/self inflicted gunshot wounds across the US. @anon
They both have their origins in Bavarian pale lager, a version of which was developed into pilsner called by the German name "Urquell" meaning something like "original source". The Czechs copy this with a translated version called "Staropromen" (old spring). "Real" Budweiser couldn't have existed for 700 years because pale lager wasn't invented until the mid 1800s by the German Gabriel Sedlmayr. Sure beer was being brewed in Budějovice for centuries, it was being brewed all over Europe for centuries obviously. Wine has been made in Czechia for centuries also, but no one is clamoring to buy it or "steal" their brand names.
Adolphus Busch himself wasn't a brewer, his family was beer and wine wholesalers, he started working for this Bavarian style brewery and eventually took it over and built it into an empire. Both Budweiser and Budvar have their roots in mid 19th century Baravian breweries and the pale lager developed at the time, as do the famous Czech pilsners. Was the original Budweiser an inferior beer to what was being made in Bohemia? Who knows, but it was probably similar, being similar in provenance.
In case you've never been to České Budějovice, it's a town full of Czechs, the Germans who created and innovated there are long gone. In fact, AB was probably closer to it's Bavarian roots for longer than Budvar. The Czechs of course, want to take all the credit.
Is modern Budvar a better beer than Budweiser? Yes. But the idea that the Czech version is some 700 year old classic original that was stolen by this evil American is idiotic, but the shallow accepted version by most beer experts who read about it for five minutes.Replies: @Twinkie, @yarro
Many thanks for the informative comment!
BTW, Appelbaum really getting slaughtered in the responses to his tweet. I don’t think I saw one response that was favorable.
And is he related to Anne?
War is coming. Fueled by the envy of the lower elite for well, those wealthier or more powerful. And hatred of ordinary people having nice things.
Whites will surrender as yes we are weak with no fight in us. Look at how Biden is surging despite being dead and off the air.
That’s pretty bad gun handling. It’s clear they have little to no experience in shooting.
It’s the “Harry Potter magic wand” school. Had a roommate who owned a guitar once. It didn’t make him a guitarist, though.
They’re just a couple of moronic lawyers; very smart in a tiny narrow niche, ignorant outside of it. Notice that nobody in the foreground is impressed? No surprise given the number of people we’ve seen in the last month with a rifle on a single point or multi point sling.
Those two prideful, puffed up dimwits have just put a “ROB US” sign on their house with their “How Not To Protect Anything” act.
Oh, yeah, if that guy is really left handed I hope he has an ambis-safety…but won’t be surprised if he doesn’t.
People can be pretty dumb about guns.
The old elite live in Ladue and Clayton or further afield. Given the events of recent months, that "further afield' might end up as "out of state".Replies: @Oo-ee-oo-ah-ah-ting-tang-walla-walla-bing-bang, @Mr. Anon, @Alec Leamas (hard at work), @Hibernian
Agreed. This is perhaps the top dozen homes in the entire state and it’s less than a Palo Alto flop house
I wouldn’t be surprised if they just purchased the firearms a week before that confrontation. It’s bizarre, but some liberals/progressives/socialists at my workplace are purchasing firearms. They don’t know what to do and ask advice for gun ranges and gun clubs. They’re not Weatherman radicals, but more worried about potential dangers to themselves and/or property.
Someone needs to track ER data on rising accidental/self inflicted gunshot wounds across the US.
thinkingemoting as if nothing ever happened. OTReddit is on a tear again banning subreddits for "hate", including The_Donald. Shutdown of comm channels continues. Does this make Reddit a publisher? Can we take them out of CDA protection now? OT but very interesting:
India has just banned a number of Chinese apps including TikTok, supposedly over security concerns. Well, any software app from China generally comes with a free "phone home" feature it is true, however I wonder how much of this is just chest thumping associated with the border fights. @Polynikes
If it helps make more sense of why Nature et al have gone so crazy. PhDs in the sciences don’t dream of running these sites, those roles go to people with the proper ‘credentials’ ie, to humanities graduates who are insane and who don’t know much about the physical sciences or mathematics.
‘Science journalists’ are just the same people who become journalists, they’re not scientists.
This guy wants to be writing for Salon but didn’t make the cut so instead writes for his job as if he were at Salon. Now that the elite overproduction of such people has reached critical mass, the ones who don’t get positions writing polemics have drifted down and are now free with the culture change of so many of them working these roles to take their religion to the pages of Popular Mechanics and even real journals like Nature. That the upper middle classes of a different generation who manage them now also revel in this religion makes it even worse.
They both have their origins in Bavarian pale lager, a version of which was developed into pilsner called by the German name "Urquell" meaning something like "original source". The Czechs copy this with a translated version called "Staropromen" (old spring). "Real" Budweiser couldn't have existed for 700 years because pale lager wasn't invented until the mid 1800s by the German Gabriel Sedlmayr. Sure beer was being brewed in Budějovice for centuries, it was being brewed all over Europe for centuries obviously. Wine has been made in Czechia for centuries also, but no one is clamoring to buy it or "steal" their brand names.
Adolphus Busch himself wasn't a brewer, his family was beer and wine wholesalers, he started working for this Bavarian style brewery and eventually took it over and built it into an empire. Both Budweiser and Budvar have their roots in mid 19th century Baravian breweries and the pale lager developed at the time, as do the famous Czech pilsners. Was the original Budweiser an inferior beer to what was being made in Bohemia? Who knows, but it was probably similar, being similar in provenance.
In case you've never been to České Budějovice, it's a town full of Czechs, the Germans who created and innovated there are long gone. In fact, AB was probably closer to it's Bavarian roots for longer than Budvar. The Czechs of course, want to take all the credit.
Is modern Budvar a better beer than Budweiser? Yes. But the idea that the Czech version is some 700 year old classic original that was stolen by this evil American is idiotic, but the shallow accepted version by most beer experts who read about it for five minutes.Replies: @Twinkie, @yarro
“Buweiser” is the adjective of “Budweis,” the German name for Ceske Budejovice. It is thus at least a misnomer to brew a Budweiser in St. Louis. In the same way, Pilsner comes from Plzen. The acceptable compromise worked out by the courts, at least in Europe, is to let the Americans have Bud and Pils. Place names as trademarks are a settled issue in Europe and Asia, champagne must come from the eponymous region of France, same with Kobe beef. Where you come from is who / what you are; this should not be objectionable to conservatives.
This is why white people need full auto weapons. So they can send more Sarah Iskowitzes back home to Scarsdale in a body bag.
Please, please, please bring fists to a gun fight if you’re an antifa home-burner. I promise nothing will be waived.
Also what the hell kind of human being looks at a scared homeowner defending their property and wants to beat them up? Is that like a closeted burglar?
Sascha Baron-Cohen, easily the most noxious person alive whenever he pops up, has decided to leave his mansion in Golders Green during rioting to attack our Constitution, mock people scared of unpoliced rioting, and defame gun owners as racists (standard move: he is incapable of seeing how his favorite country, which is not the one he lives in or the one he defames people in, is susceptible to the same accusation).
Finally saw LA 92, which is crazily but ineffectively biased: it has so much good material in it that the “hurt feelings justifies murder” spin they try cannot work. It is notable that in Detroit in 1967 and in LA in 1992 the rioters were allowed to do what they wanted for an alarming amount of time. In Detroit, the federal government did everything it could to not help in any way. Michigan officials spent hours editing and re-submitting the same request because one of Lyndon Johnson’s goons kept finding technicalities and tones wrong with it. In LA the delay was supposedly because America fresh off the Gulf War could not find enough bullets in Southern California. In both cases the rioting effectively stopped once the thin green line appeared. It’s almost like we know exactly how to switch this thing off but don’t want to for some mysterious reason.
The old elite live in Ladue and Clayton or further afield. Given the events of recent months, that "further afield' might end up as "out of state".Replies: @Oo-ee-oo-ah-ah-ting-tang-walla-walla-bing-bang, @Mr. Anon, @Alec Leamas (hard at work), @Hibernian
Wow! Only $1.5 – 2 million for that place? That’s how much a 2,000 sq. ft. suburban tract home goes for in the mid-peninsula. It really is all about location, isn’t it?
They do the same 'teehee, we're not advocating anything, however.' But the paragraph immediately before that sad disclaimer is: A since deleted paragraph that advised on how to use liquid nitrogen: Seems like Popular Mechanics is giddily supporting statue destruction to me. If you support something and want to give advice on not just the safest but the most effect means to do so, unbidden, isn't that being an advocate?
This is after similar actions by two female academics who went 'teehee, not advocating anything but here are the best ways to destroy monuments.'
Museum world rallies behind curator investigated for tweets on how to damage bronze statues
Replies: @res, @YetAnotherAnon, @BenKenobi, @Buffalo Joe
“Liam Wiseman, a relationship manager for Arts Council England who oversees the funding body’s portfolio of museums in the east of England …”
Wiseman is black(ish) and “interested in decolonisation and transforming museums to be more inclusive“.
I commented on Ms Odent’s background (wealthy American married to City banker) and the fact that some wit took her advice and used bleach on the statue of a black playwright (of whom few have heard) here
They might have opened themselves up to charges by sweeping the guns around. Maybe even brandishing just by standing outside holding them, although they were on private property. I don’t know the law in Missouri.
Those stalwart right wingers over at Fox News are presenting this as “crazy violent white racists inexplicably use assault weapons to threaten peaceful protestors for justice peacefully walking by”
That’s FOX NEWS folks. It might as well be the NYTtimes.
waive(verb), gerund or present participle: waiving
To refrain from insisting on or using (a right or claim).
So while pro-2A people may wave their guns, Progressives waive their right to own them.
Any lawyers who are not left wing?
Smug half smile vs feral grin pretty much tells you all you need to know about the politics of the Taylor brothers.
Every time I do this the advertisement features a black actor. In this case it was a black actor and a white gay actor.
This is your future.Replies: @Mr. Anon, @Fluesterwitz, @Kronos, @AnotherDad
TV ads have really ramped up mixed-race couples and homosexuals. It started a few years ago, and they’re accelerating it now.
Natural Born Killers: the Middle-aged mansion-dwelling years.
Or Bonnie and Clyde have really let themselves go.
Or Dog Day Afternoon part deux, apres l’operation.
Kneel down and beg for forgiveness for the crime of being White? No wonder the White race is on the decline with Whites like you scorning Whites who dare to defend themselves. Are you antifa? You’re obviously a White hating democratReplies: @Ray P
No arrest:
A Southern California man captured on camera pointing a loaded AR-15 rifle at a group of advancing protesters has been arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon.
Jacob Daniel Bracken, 38, of Rancho Cucamonga, faces two counts of assault with a deadly weapon related to the incident in Upland on Monday, the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office said.
Arrested: @Anon, @Kratoklastes, @Father Coughlin
Lucas Gerhard, a 20-year old white college in Michigan, has been charged and is facing 20 years in prison for sending his buddies a SnapChat photo of himself with a newly purchased rifle with the comment, “Takin this bad boy up, this outta make the snowflakes melt, aye? And I mean snowflakes as in snow.” After some young white female saw the post she called police. Gerhard told the police by snowflakes he meant liberals and making snowflakes melt he meant minds melting [not that he planned to blow them away]. He was charged with making terrorist threats the next day.
Highlights multiple things:
Social media is not your friend.
Law enforcement is not your friend.
The politicized courts are not your friend.
Half the populace is not your friend.
Someone needs to track ER data on rising accidental/self inflicted gunshot wounds across the US. @anon
It’s bizarre, but some liberals/progressives/socialists at my workplace are purchasing firearms.
Not bizarre, standard. During the 1992 LA riots Hollywood actors were asking the late Charleton Heston if they could “borrow a gun”, while others were busy trying to buy one. This happens over and over. Libtards don’t think very far ahead, they are always surprised to find out they cannot just walk in like Borat and buy a gun – forms to fill out, ID’s to be checked, background checks to run, some states have waiting periods, Illinois requires a “Firearms Owner ID”, blah, etc. Libtards are always surprised to find out the laws they endorsed also apply to them.
If you care about any of them, at least show them basic safety. But don’t expect them to change their thinking. Once this crisis is passed most of them, maybe all of them, will revert back to their retarded
thinkingemoting as if nothing ever happened.OT
Reddit is on a tear again banning subreddits for “hate”, including The_Donald. Shutdown of comm channels continues. Does this make Reddit a publisher? Can we take them out of CDA protection now?
More OT but very interesting:
India has just banned a number of Chinese apps including TikTok, supposedly over security concerns. Well, any software app from China generally comes with a free “phone home” feature it is true, however I wonder how much of this is just chest thumping associated with the border fights.
Steve is the Jimmy Page of political riff-making. He’s effortlessly shed so many great bon mots and slogans off the top of his head you’d think they were dandruff. His only weakness is that he is sometimes like a writer writing mainly to impress other writers. In an interview the creator of BLACKADDER was almost in tears as he recalled the near-sublime excellence of THE LARRY SANDERS SHOW, but- let’s face it- it was the more anodyne and broad SEINFELD that left the way bigger mark on the culture and made the mondo bucks.
During the 90’s and up through the start of the Great Awokening, the damage done to great American cities by Civil Rights had started to be mended. The big three cities, and especially NYC, made the biggest recoveries. For smaller cities like Baltimore and Cleveland and St. Louis, though, renewal was spotty and ultimately superficial. Basically all theses smaller cities built a new ball park, renovated a waterfront or shopping center or two (in St. Louis’s case it was turning the venerable Union Station into a shiny new shopping mall) but ultimately everyone could tell it would all go up in flames as soon as the vice-grip of Giuliani-style law and order was relaxed.
This illusory urban renewal gave rise to the facile “creative class” sociological theories of one Richard Florida, though, so how about calling this new era de-Floridation?
I completely disagree. Steve has never 'borrowed' anothers work and passed it off, let alone copyrighted it, as his own. @Abe
Every time I do this the advertisement features a black actor. In this case it was a black actor and a white gay actor.
This is your future.Replies: @Mr. Anon, @Fluesterwitz, @Kronos, @AnotherDad
Why would you suffer commercials on YT? They can still be avoided easily.
Post 19 by Kronos provides a video to, at least preliminary, answer your questions.
Are the brothers more economic populist/Bernie Bro Antifa types, or venal anti-white/Woke Capital Antifa types? If the former, I think we need to build bridges with these guys. They are taking it to Bezos in DC right now (see other comment). I would love to man the barricades with these guys for that!
They do the same 'teehee, we're not advocating anything, however.' But the paragraph immediately before that sad disclaimer is: A since deleted paragraph that advised on how to use liquid nitrogen: Seems like Popular Mechanics is giddily supporting statue destruction to me. If you support something and want to give advice on not just the safest but the most effect means to do so, unbidden, isn't that being an advocate?
This is after similar actions by two female academics who went 'teehee, not advocating anything but here are the best ways to destroy monuments.'
Museum world rallies behind curator investigated for tweets on how to damage bronze statues
Replies: @res, @YetAnotherAnon, @BenKenobi, @Buffalo Joe
At this point it might be easier to keep a list of publications that do NOT require Hebdo-ing.
June 6: Jeff Bezos explains his support for Black Lives Matter
1 hour ago: Activists Set Up Guillotine In Front Of Jeff Bezos’s D.C. Home, Call For Amazon To Be Abolished
Bezos: Wake up brother…it’s mob rule right nowReplies: @BenKenobi, @SunBakedSuburb, @NOTA
“If he could be turned, he would be a powerful ally…”
The problem when it is 300:1 or 2 is that your head is on a swivel. You get the loud older obnoxious agitators closing up front and center and then the more aggressive ones come up from behind and cold cock you. These guys kept everyone off the porch and woe be to the first one that climbed up there.
I would also add that being inside during a home invasion might be the worst place possible because no one knows you are in there. I would rather take my chance on the porch.
Firing a gun is not necessarily a young mans sport, particularly something like an AR-15. I have known more than one affluent person that keeps a loaded gun at the ready, sometimes hidden close by in case of a home invasion. Lot of these guys have high quality guns and have spent some time on the range, enough to where they would not miss at 25 feet, especially with a gun that will shoot 20 rounds.
On a more serious note, I hate to think of what both the COVID-19 and the roving suburban riots will do to Halloween this year.
Did you mean his putative father?
What is this, Reddit?
I said "decently," not perfectly; Scotland and Wales have been stably British for centuries. French and English Canada have hung together for hundreds of years now. Italy and Spain, for all their problems, are similar. Iran and Russia (not the USSR--Russia) are also multiethnic and relatively stable over time.
One of the successes of 19th century nationalism was the creation and reinforcement of singular national identities bridging different cultures. That often means a specific "nation" winning out over the others within the coalition that is the state. Is that a good thing? If it's well-executed, yes. Is it unavoidable? Unless and until the world magically transforms into a collection of Iceland-scale states, apparently so (and I'm sure some intra-Icelandic culture or region feels dominated by some other intra-Icelandic culture or region).
Nations are younger than tribes and older than empires. A good middling unit, but not always the end-all be-all of political, military, or economic organization--especially not for small nations in a world of empires that present themselves as assimilationist enterprises.Replies: @Cloudbuster
44% of voters in Scotland recently voted for independence. Is that, “holding up well?” That’s a lot of dissatisfied people. Quebec separatists never seem to quite go away, Catalan Separatists in Spain. Even in polities as generally reasonable as these, those differences create persistent wedges. But I was speaking more of the UK’s previous incarnation as an empire and the ruin that has wrought upon its core due to the importation of former colonial subjects, and the more current multi-ethic immigration. There are multi-ethnic nations that are a little different that do OK, but when you get as radically ethnically different as the US, you don’t really have any points of commonality anymore. Scotland was joined to England by the Acts Of Union in 1707. The current Scottish 'National Anthem', Flower Of Scotland, is about the battle of Bannockburn in 1314.
Mind, it didn't help that, in the words of The Good Hitchens, the British Government answered resurgent Scottish Nationalism not with argument but with subsidy. What you subsidise you get more of.Replies: @anon
I know being a pox on both your houses type is considered uncool, but I find very little to admire in the McCloskeys showboating, sorry. They come off as panicky losers, not strong people.Replies: @anonymous, @Alec Leamas (hard at work), @AnotherDad
Perhaps it is true that you mustn’t be this or that, but you do reveal your beliefs by emphasizing certain details in this matter rather than looking at the thing straight on and taking a position. Contextually, this wasn’t the case of a spontaneous carnival marching out of nowhere, it in fact follows weeks of nationwide rioting, battery and arson and Municipal governments standing down their police forces in response. Certain aspects of the couple’s performance is cringe inducing, but I do believe that they had a reasonable belief and fear for their lives in that situation. FWIW, the mostly peaceful lives that matter marching on private property were chanting “Kill the Police.”
I think personal injury attorneys are necessary to compensate people for injuries which are the result of the wrongdoing of others. At the margins of cases on both sides there is mischief.
Personal injury attorneys became members of the patron class of the Democratic party, while simultaneously or even prior Republicans offered their corporate donors service in the form of attempting to diminish the value of personal injury lawsuits and protect their donors against liability. For the average man who gets rear ended by a ditzy sixteen year old girl snapchatting behind the wheel I don’t know whether these marginal cases are top of mind.
Imagine how much pot you’d have to smoke to lower your IQ that much.
It’s really weird that they both misspelled the same word.
Every time I do this the advertisement features a black actor. In this case it was a black actor and a white gay actor.
This is your future.Replies: @Mr. Anon, @Fluesterwitz, @Kronos, @AnotherDad
My Audible list of Best Seller books is going crazy. It’s full of “Black Lives Matter” stuff and John Bolton’s new book. So I’m being hounded in Black Supremacy and Neoconservatism. The algorithms know better, I won’t buy that trash. I have all the audiobooks of Pat Buchanan!
That's anti-environmental.
Is it the #Resistance to have something to light fires with?
"Mysterious heaps of John Bolton's "new book" have appeared on street corners and are providing flammable materials to peaceful activists. The New York Times building is already in flames, people are jumping out of windows trying to escape the searing heat! Oh, the subhumanity!"
(Seriously, how is that a "book". Has Bolt-on-Crankers suddenly discovered writing skills?)Replies: @Kronos
The window (which is in fact quite hideous) was installed in 1989: as good a measuring stick as any for the precipitous decline of our public polity and cultural sanity.
Statues and stained glass now, but soon the flesh and blood representatives of the same values and traditions.
Get ready to fight back before you die.Replies: @Buffalo Joe
Paleo, glorious stained glass windows, a classic art form that basked the great cathedrals in glorious light. So, I am guessing, Notre Dame in Paris doesn’t get restored. Don’t want to offend people who didn’t have windows in their mud huts.
The Woke mob has coerced big companies and now are pressing FaceBook from the Woke side calling for a boycott.
Note how this boycott may work: when Coke pulls advertising, it matters. When a million ordinary people withdraw, no one notices.
The various foundations such as Soros’s “Open society” and many others such as Ford are pouring money into the Only Black Lives Matter and it spills over into other places. This is a top-down funding waterfall for the color revo.
They do the same 'teehee, we're not advocating anything, however.' But the paragraph immediately before that sad disclaimer is: A since deleted paragraph that advised on how to use liquid nitrogen: Seems like Popular Mechanics is giddily supporting statue destruction to me. If you support something and want to give advice on not just the safest but the most effect means to do so, unbidden, isn't that being an advocate?
This is after similar actions by two female academics who went 'teehee, not advocating anything but here are the best ways to destroy monuments.'
Museum world rallies behind curator investigated for tweets on how to damage bronze statues
Replies: @res, @YetAnotherAnon, @BenKenobi, @Buffalo Joe
Altai, instructions in destruction for people who think these monuments were built by space aliens, because how else could they be built. So freaking sad.
Did he (Appelbaum) really work for a company that fixed bread prices, which a lot of replies allege?
And is he related to Anne?
Unfiltered tweets also reveal how much our elites depend on behind the scenes editors to make themselves look good (or at least not look totally stupid). In one tweet, he makes spelling mistakes, he calls the Busch family the "Budweiser family" and he exhibits primitive thinking by blaming a building (which is no longer even owned by that family) for the "racism" of its former owners. See also Wolf Blitzer's appearance on Jeopardy - the man is clearly an idiot. In the past the US had some formidable Jewish intellectuals but we are clearly dredging the shallow end of the gene pool now. The sad thing is that the black and Asian "public intellectuals" who will replace them are even less impressive. Idiocracy, here we come!Replies: @Old Palo Altan, @The Craw
Don’t feel too bad Jack. As I point out above, the man is only half Jewish.
Blame his mother’s side – I’m willing to, proud WASC though I may be.
Appelbaum is also an idiot. There is no "Budweiser" family, there is the Busch family and they have been in the bad graces of beer lovers for a long time. Real Budweiser is brewed in Budweis, Bohemia (now known as České Budějovice, Czechia) with over 700 years of tradition behind it. American "Budweiser" is a much crappier beer first brewed by Adolphus Busch in 1874. That would be fine, except for later attempts by Anheuser-Busch to appropriate and use the Budweiser name worldwide and foist their swill on ignorant foreigners.
The beauty of modern America is that there is so much to despise on both sides of the political divide.Replies: @The Alarmist, @(((They))) Live, @Alden, @Alden, @Thoughts, @Jan Banan, @Anon, @vinteuil, @SunBakedSuburb, @International Jew, @Kyle, @Alden, @Jane Plain, @Hibernian
These poor souls are getting piled on by the left because they dared to try to protect themselves against a potentially violent mob.
They are getting piled on by the right because they obviously don’t know how to use their weapons.
And they’re getting piled on by you, the most completely useless commenter on this site, because American Budweiser is a slightly worse beer than the Czech original.
There's a Jonathan Franzen character in whose mouth he puts this line (with an Austrian accent), "Oh, the dry has snob appeal, but to people who know their sekt, the sweet is preferred".
Which came first, the Busch family mansion or the “poor . . . black[s]?”
I’ve never been to St. Louis and I don’t know the precise history of the place, but my guess is that when the Busch family built their home there St. Louis wasn’t such a “poor and heavily black city.” Otherwise, the mansion probably wouldn’t have been built in St. Louis in the first place.
I suppose however that some of what is playing out here is intra-white status jockeying. Appelbaum no doubt lives a comfortable existence away from swarms of underclass blacks, but he’d never do something as gauche as brandishing an evil black rifle – which is a totem of the bad white class. Even if the McCloskeys are, as personal injury entrepreneurs, good liberals in the usual ways who donate to Democratic candidates and so forth, they’ve just marked themselves as being outside of the goodwhite class. Appelbaum and others in the Press now need to lead the charge to destroy them lest any other crackers get the idea that you’ll be permitted to defend your life, family and property with force against State-backed rioting mobs.
Sure Budweiser “employed few blacks” but that didn’t stop Jesse jackson from strong arming a lucrative Budweiser distributorship for his two sons. Did that get memory holed?
It also meant that Jackson was now bound by his own financial interests to support the company, something that a quick payoff could never have achieved. When you take into account who-ultimately-did-what-to-whom, you might agree with me when I say Anheuser-Busch had some clever chaps on their payroll.
Jerry has the right idea. As Jimmy Hoffa explained, you always charge a guy with gun. If he has a knife, you run away.
Couple defending home donated 4K to the Dems, and the lawyer guy defended a client against police brutality. Some people have to learn the hard way. If you’re in your 60s and still donating to the Democrats, you’re a fool.
"Say hello to my little friend."
They are getting piled on by the right because they obviously don't know how to use their weapons.
And they're getting piled on by you, the most completely useless commenter on this site, because American Budweiser is a slightly worse beer than the Czech original.Replies: @Stan Adams, @Art Deco
Snobbery always takes precedence over survival.
The problem when it is 300:1 or 2 is that your head is on a swivel. You get the loud older obnoxious agitators closing up front and center and then the more aggressive ones come up from behind and cold cock you. These guys kept everyone off the porch and woe be to the first one that climbed up there.
Lol. You know nothing.
Dude, if they wanted to be on the porch they would have gone there. Nobody was impressed by Joe Lawyer on the porch. Check the vid, watch the body language of the people in the foreground – they’re not all that worried.
Come on, just look at that guy: no spare magazines, no real eye protection, no hearing protection, his wife waving some popgun. If he’s left handed then he needs an ambi-safety, or to have drilled with flicking the safety using his dominant hand. If he’s left handed I hope the brass deflector is set up to keep him from getting hot cases in his face, too. If he gets bumrushed from two sides it’s over.
But really…he’s not ready to fight, he’s just waving a Harry Potter wand around, hoping for magic. Lucky for him nobody wanted a fight there and then, but he’s put a “ROB ME!” sign on his house in my opinion.
This is a crash course in “How not to defend anything”.
I would also add that being inside during a home invasion might be the worst place possible because no one knows you are in there. I would rather take my chance on the porch.
You are ignorant and foolish. Here’s two words for you to Google: “fatal funnel”. Learn something.
I agree that, were the two lawyers up against organized professionals willing to take casualties if the odds were right. they'd have lost.
They were in fact up against random street thugs, out for a walk in the sun and no more, an who listened to organizers. The organizers (blacksuit with the hand held transceiver) didn't want dead people this time. One magazine is less than I'd want in that situation, but 30 rounds is a lot for an organizer who doesn't want to risk any casualties.
So, this time, the lawyers got lucky. Fine by me.
Game. Set. Match.
The thing I dislike most about the black takeover of American cities is the glorious pre 1945 residential architecture of the cities and the hideousness and horrible awful floor plans of post 1945 suburban houses. And they’re getting worse and worse as the years go on. I don’t mean mansions or middle class pre 1945 houses. Even the 1,000 sq ft 2 bedroom bungalows and apartments or 800 sq flats are infinitely more attractive easier to keep clean easier to furnish and decorate easier to raise kids in and just all around better than any house built after 1945.
The blacks drove us out of the cities by force fear and terrorism. We lost the great parks museums libraries shopping in small businesses instead of chain stores clubs associations public transportation and all the amenities of city life.Replies: @Steve Sailer, @Achmed E. Newman, @Anonymous, @Anon
In general, those older home interiors and layouts are dingy, cramped, and uncomfortable. Most people don’t like them. People like older structures and exteriors, but if they have to actually live in all the rooms of the house and have kids and stuff, they remodel and update the interior. Or they’re single, couples, older couples like these Budweiser folks, or hipsters, who preserve the interiors as a project or can tolerate preserving them because they don’t use most of the interior space.
It’s much easier to train children to be tidy if there’s a front hall that doesn’t go through the awkward space but goes past a living room, dining room kitchen with walls around it directly to their rooms where they can deposit jackets backpacks homework shoes etc
And only brainwashed trailer trash proles borrow money to install $70,000 dollars worth of 20 by 15 foot kitchen in the awkward 20 by 30 space with a $300 IKEA couch and a TV. How in the world did refrigerators become a status symbol? Who eats dinner at a kitchen counter even though it has an $8,000 soapstone or even worse granite countertop? Trailer trash proles that’s who. Granite countertops as vulgar as a bar mitsvah.
Those hideous kitchens that overwhelm the awkward ugly main room are just the result of the idiot public falling for plumbing contractors and real estate agents conning the home buying public.
Rooms good. Badly proportioned awkward all purpose space bad badder worst. Interior walls good. I mean come on, how can one possible decorate an attractive living room with a kitchen in the middle of it?
Another bad floor plan is the huge master bedroom suite and tiny little kids rooms. Kids need decent size rooms for toys clothes sports equipment homework and the school projects.
You’ve probably never seen a well proportioned living room with beautiful furniture and fabrics that’s a real room that isn’t just a traffic way from front door to the rest of the house with a kitchen in the middle of it.
Stoves, sinks and refrigerators just don’t belong in the same room as beautiful furniture fabrics and art. Or even ikea and Living Spaces furniture.
Are you the person who does most of the cleaning and tidying in your house? If you are, you’d be shocked at how much faster and easier it is to keep a small kitchen with walls around it and 2 smaller rooms clean and tidy all the time than one huge multipurpose space that’s the only traffic way from the front door to the bedrooms.
Once people who’ve grown up in suburban houses with just one multipurpose main room see a real living room they know what I mean. Why do you think houses in San Francisco are so expensive compared to the suburbs? Real kitchens with walls and real properly proportioned living rooms that can be beautifully furnished.
Open plan started when a builder found he could save the cost of 3 pieces of sheet rock , 12 studs mud , tape half a day’s labor for 2 guys and make the place look bigger. So the trailer trash proles accepted it. But then since the kitchen was now part of the living room, the builders decided to vulgarize the kitchen and expand it into the living room area to the point there’s only room for a couch and TV
The trend is ending because of the need for home offices that are more than a stool at the kitchen counter and interior walls to hang the 6 ft TV screen on.
Another theory about huge kitchens that visually and physically overwhelm the main room. I think it’s these open kitchens that cause obesity. When the only way one can avoid looking at the kitchen is to in your bedroom it’s tempting to snack all day.
Whatever some people to look at their stove sink and dishwasher. I prefer to look at beautiful furnitureReplies: @HammerJack, @kaganovitch
They are getting piled on by the right because they obviously don't know how to use their weapons.
And they're getting piled on by you, the most completely useless commenter on this site, because American Budweiser is a slightly worse beer than the Czech original.Replies: @Stan Adams, @Art Deco
And they’re getting piled on by you, the most completely useless commenter on this site, because American Budweiser is a slightly worse beer than the Czech original.
There’s a Jonathan Franzen character in whose mouth he puts this line (with an Austrian accent), “Oh, the dry has snob appeal, but to people who know their sekt, the sweet is preferred”.
Appelbaum is also an idiot. There is no "Budweiser" family, there is the Busch family and they have been in the bad graces of beer lovers for a long time. Real Budweiser is brewed in Budweis, Bohemia (now known as České Budějovice, Czechia) with over 700 years of tradition behind it. American "Budweiser" is a much crappier beer first brewed by Adolphus Busch in 1874. That would be fine, except for later attempts by Anheuser-Busch to appropriate and use the Budweiser name worldwide and foist their swill on ignorant foreigners.
The beauty of modern America is that there is so much to despise on both sides of the political divide.Replies: @The Alarmist, @(((They))) Live, @Alden, @Alden, @Thoughts, @Jan Banan, @Anon, @vinteuil, @SunBakedSuburb, @International Jew, @Kyle, @Alden, @Jane Plain, @Hibernian
“there is so much to despise on both sides of the political divide”
Affirmative. Politically, I’m an orphan.
The thing I dislike most about the black takeover of American cities is the glorious pre 1945 residential architecture of the cities and the hideousness and horrible awful floor plans of post 1945 suburban houses. And they’re getting worse and worse as the years go on. I don’t mean mansions or middle class pre 1945 houses. Even the 1,000 sq ft 2 bedroom bungalows and apartments or 800 sq flats are infinitely more attractive easier to keep clean easier to furnish and decorate easier to raise kids in and just all around better than any house built after 1945.
The blacks drove us out of the cities by force fear and terrorism. We lost the great parks museums libraries shopping in small businesses instead of chain stores clubs associations public transportation and all the amenities of city life.Replies: @Steve Sailer, @Achmed E. Newman, @Anonymous, @Anon
Yes, those prewar interiors were fabulous:
It looks like the left is going to keep rioting, arson, and looting all the way up to the election. By that time, they will have worn out everyone’s patience and Trump will win the biggest landslide since Reagan.
June 6: Jeff Bezos explains his support for Black Lives Matter
1 hour ago: Activists Set Up Guillotine In Front Of Jeff Bezos’s D.C. Home, Call For Amazon To Be Abolished
Bezos: Wake up brother…it’s mob rule right nowReplies: @BenKenobi, @SunBakedSuburb, @NOTA
“Activists Set Up Guillotine In Front Of Jeff Bezos’s D.C. Home”
Maybe there’s hope for the white cult kids after all.
I have four kids, three of whom are right wing and one who has all the makings of a loony lefty. No real articulable reasons for their positions, they seem to think they are self -evidently correct.
If Binyamin’s mother believes in the importance of a “shared culture” why didn’t she name him Benjamin?
Appelbaum is also an idiot. There is no "Budweiser" family, there is the Busch family and they have been in the bad graces of beer lovers for a long time. Real Budweiser is brewed in Budweis, Bohemia (now known as České Budějovice, Czechia) with over 700 years of tradition behind it. American "Budweiser" is a much crappier beer first brewed by Adolphus Busch in 1874. That would be fine, except for later attempts by Anheuser-Busch to appropriate and use the Budweiser name worldwide and foist their swill on ignorant foreigners.
The beauty of modern America is that there is so much to despise on both sides of the political divide.Replies: @The Alarmist, @(((They))) Live, @Alden, @Alden, @Thoughts, @Jan Banan, @Anon, @vinteuil, @SunBakedSuburb, @International Jew, @Kyle, @Alden, @Jane Plain, @Hibernian
Well, ok, but the Budweiser brewery tour is well worthwhile, should you find yourself in St Louis.
As it happens, I found myself in St Louis six years ago and took a self-guided walking tour of the area that this lawyer couple might live in. Their house is in a class by itself, but there are hundreds of once-grand mansions around there.
One friendly homeowner gave me the inside scoop. He explained that for a while in the 60s to the 80s the whole neighborhood was largely abandoned due to crime.
But in the nineties, the city put notions of racial “justice” (or revenge) aside, in the interest of collecting some property tax. So it allowed homeowners to restrict access to their streets, run private security, and enjoy some grudging police protection from the city. Gradually, white people started moving back. But they do exist very much at the pleasure of the city’s politicians.
For the curious, point Google Streetview at Westmoreland Place, Portland Place… And again, I don’t know where the lawyer couple’s mansion is, so I’m not doxxing them. I’m just saying, look around there, the houses are pretty cool.
The puzzle is not where the wealth came from: St Louis was a power house from around 1840 till the first war at least. The puzzle is rather why was the newly rich class there so culturally sound. What was it about its members that they found and rewarded fine architects, and demanded real architectural distinction as opposed to mere lavish display? The Boston Brahmins prized discretion, and the New York grandees unashamed displays of wealth, while the St Louis rich prized distinction.
The answer I think is that so many of them were Catholic and German, like the Busch family. The Irish, ands there were many, were very significantly of a better class than those who stayed on the East Coast, particularly the Boston rabble. Their clergy were uniformly of a high standard, often born and bred in Europe, and also from good backgrounds. The French influence was more a question of respect for the past, and for the vision of a great French monarchy which had given the city its name, then any particular French presence after the city's beginnings. The families which boasted and still boast of descent from the Chouteaus, the founding family of the city, rarely themselves carry French surnames.
Whether the descendants of those families who made and once ruled St Louis still have the backbone necessary to defend it remains an open question, except for one point: they will get no help from today's decadent Church, despite brave young Fr Schumacher, because it is now in the hands of rank traitors, who hate what it was, and have thrown in their lot with the BLM madness; more, with the likes of George Soros and the Chinese Communists.
It is far more likely that Fr Schumacher will be silenced, even punished, than that the spokesmen for the archdiocese will breathe a word of criticism of black bodies, however violent those same bodies may decide to be.
St Louis named after a foreigner, and a king to boot? How undemocratic; what an offence against Equality, the new and only God.Replies: @Alden, @Not Raul
One thing that should be clear to everyone is that gated communities and doorman buildings mean approximately nothing when it comes to your family's safety.
They may be useful against a potential assailant or two but they are trivial impediments where the mob is concerned.Replies: @International Jew
From the article about the mansion. This feature might come in handy:
How likely is it, that the people rounding up 'gentlemen' were so lackadaisical that they didn't look inside wardrobes?
It's of a piece with the idea that Roman galleys were rowed by slaves: it makes not a lick of sense, since whoever's on the oars has to be fed, as do the soldiers they're transporting... and the slaves can't fight at the destination. Survivors have to be fed on the return journey. (Yet another massive plot hole in the fictional story of Ben Hur... at least the 1959 version)
Who the fcuck buys John Bolton’s new “book”?
That’s anti-environmental.
Is it the #Resistance to have something to light fires with?
“Mysterious heaps of John Bolton’s “new book” have appeared on street corners and are providing flammable materials to peaceful activists. The New York Times building is already in flames, people are jumping out of windows trying to escape the searing heat! Oh, the subhumanity!”
(Seriously, how is that a “book”. Has Bolt-on-Crankers suddenly discovered writing skills?)
Art, Thank you and I graciously accept my trophy.
IJ, I said it yesterday. Gated communities don’t work. You need a wide, deep moat for our buoyancy challenged friends.
Yes. Of course.
Bayonets are a strong deterrence especially in a civilian “breaking into your house” setting.
I also found these “what to buy” (and not) gun videos both informative and hilarious.
Thanks for vids. I'm working on my Boog loadout now.
Taking it in another direction, if AB had employed lots of blacks, like, say, Thomas Jefferson, they’d be castigated for exploiting the black man! It’s heads they win, tails we lose.
The Jerry Taylor tweet has been deleted. So has the Karen Attiah teeet.
I know being a pox on both your houses type is considered uncool, but I find very little to admire in the McCloskeys showboating, sorry. They come off as panicky losers, not strong people.Replies: @anonymous, @Alec Leamas (hard at work), @AnotherDad
I don’t have any love for personal injury lawyers, and we obviously need some big legal reforms to rein in these parasites. However that’s got absolutely nothing to do with this. The people involved could have made their money in any number of productive business endeavors–would be the same story.
This is about the right of people to defend their property from the–even more parasitic–minoritarian mob. That is fundamental to have a decent prosperous and free nation.
They were in such bad odor about 10 years ago that they changed their name to American Association for Justice.
Anyone got the screenshot?
Every time I do this the advertisement features a black actor. In this case it was a black actor and a white gay actor.
This is your future.Replies: @Mr. Anon, @Fluesterwitz, @Kronos, @AnotherDad
One of the notable things about the minoritarian project is how ugly and unpleasant it is.
The beauty of healthy young white women, of heterosexual union, of normal family life, of Western Civilization is tossed aside … in order to feature the ugly, the unhealthy, the disordered, the depraved.
I simply do not understand why any sane white person would support either NASCAR or the NFL. I understand how these things go back to childhood, but at a certain point, you put the things of childhood behind you.Replies: @The Last Real Calvinist
I capitulated and started paying for a YouTube monthly subscription years ago. The spiritual peace found in never watching really cheap video game ads is blissful.
This is about the right of people to defend their property from the--even more parasitic--minoritarian mob. That is fundamental to have a decent prosperous and free nation.Replies: @Jim Don Bob, @Twinkie, @HammerJack
The English Rule, aka loser pays, would put most of these snakes out of business, but it’s not gonna happen because the Association of Trial Lawyers of America is one of the largest donors to the D party.
They were in such bad odor about 10 years ago that they changed their name to American Association for Justice.
The old elite live in Ladue and Clayton or further afield. Given the events of recent months, that "further afield' might end up as "out of state".Replies: @Oo-ee-oo-ah-ah-ting-tang-walla-walla-bing-bang, @Mr. Anon, @Alec Leamas (hard at work), @Hibernian
I wouldn’t trust Zillow’s estimate of the value of the property in question, since IIRC it is an automated program which uses sales figures for comparable properties and there are probably few comparable properties in St. Louis and they sell infrequently.
In any event, stately places like that Busch family home are much more expensive to build (or restore) than the sales market would yield. It is for this reason that an astute insurance agent will counsel the purchaser of an older property to insure it for “replacement value,” which is the cost to rebuild what is there, rather than the market value.
I knew about one such fellow who had purchased a granite affair on the Mainline of Philadelphia for something in the neighborhood of $2 million. His agent persuaded him to insure it for replacement value, and when years later the home suffered a total fire loss the owner received a check for $9 million. He could go down the street, purchase an equivalent home for $2 million, and pocket the difference.
The beauty of healthy young white women, of heterosexual union, of normal family life, of Western Civilization is tossed aside ... in order to feature the ugly, the unhealthy, the disordered, the depraved.Replies: @Kronos, @Jane Plain, @Gordo
Back in the 1920s, some very wealthy and connected people already lived a post-1960s lifestyle in a very discreet way.
I forgot who said it, but it was akin to:
“Society will either catchup with us, or join us in the gutter.”
As an aficionado of grand domestic architecture I have to say that St Louis’s best examples take some beating. The streets are beautifully laid out too; often curved, they afford splendid vistas of the mansions marching into the distance.
The puzzle is not where the wealth came from: St Louis was a power house from around 1840 till the first war at least. The puzzle is rather why was the newly rich class there so culturally sound. What was it about its members that they found and rewarded fine architects, and demanded real architectural distinction as opposed to mere lavish display? The Boston Brahmins prized discretion, and the New York grandees unashamed displays of wealth, while the St Louis rich prized distinction.
The answer I think is that so many of them were Catholic and German, like the Busch family. The Irish, ands there were many, were very significantly of a better class than those who stayed on the East Coast, particularly the Boston rabble. Their clergy were uniformly of a high standard, often born and bred in Europe, and also from good backgrounds. The French influence was more a question of respect for the past, and for the vision of a great French monarchy which had given the city its name, then any particular French presence after the city’s beginnings. The families which boasted and still boast of descent from the Chouteaus, the founding family of the city, rarely themselves carry French surnames.
Whether the descendants of those families who made and once ruled St Louis still have the backbone necessary to defend it remains an open question, except for one point: they will get no help from today’s decadent Church, despite brave young Fr Schumacher, because it is now in the hands of rank traitors, who hate what it was, and have thrown in their lot with the BLM madness; more, with the likes of George Soros and the Chinese Communists.
It is far more likely that Fr Schumacher will be silenced, even punished, than that the spokesmen for the archdiocese will breathe a word of criticism of black bodies, however violent those same bodies may decide to be.
St Louis named after a foreigner, and a king to boot? How undemocratic; what an offence against Equality, the new and only God.
I’ve never been to St Louis but I’ve been to Chicago and that once glorious S Side neighborhood around the university.
Not just wonderful houses but 2 acre lots a few blocks from the subway 20 minute ride to downtown workplaces. Imagine that! there was a time when subway travel was safe , 100 years ago, I’ve been to the grand old German built neighborhoods in Milwaukee too. And now blacks are the biggest percentage in Milwaukee, 37 percent
Oakland was considered a better place to live than San Francisco because of much better weather more splendid views, bigger yards and bigger houses. Now it’s a crime ridden black ghetto that even sell armed well organized gay men can’t gentrify
I think I resent blacks driving us out of cities full of pre 1945 beautiful homes of all sizes and price range even more than I resent crime.
Can anyone think of one city over a million blacks have not destroyed? Is there even one city public school district in the country black thugs haven’t destroyed?
Same thought about bayonets.
Thanks for vids. I’m working on my Boog loadout now.
The Woke mob has coerced big companies and now are pressing FaceBook from the Woke side calling for a boycott.
Note how this boycott may work: when Coke pulls advertising, it matters. When a million ordinary people withdraw, no one notices.
The various foundations such as Soros's "Open society" and many others such as Ford are pouring money into the Only Black Lives Matter and it spills over into other places. This is a top-down funding waterfall for the color revo.Replies: @The Alarmist, @donut
This couple plus things like Coke et al trying to buy cheap grace with the mob reminds me of the funniest part of the Sack of Rome:
BIGOT!!! — he didn’t capitalize the b-word.
Bill in Glendale
4th shooting in CHAZ today. Protestors shot 2 people in a car.
This peaceful protest looks like a war zone in the Middle East.
News report:
One protestor complains that he ran out of bullets. He shot a 14-year old kid. The other was 16.
I’m with Joe Rogan: intentional or not, letting CHAZ play out is brilliant.
The AR-15 doesn’t have a bayonet stud though, does it? The military version, the M-16 does, and I assume the M-4 variants do too.
It depends on when the weapon was manufactured. My Colt AR-15 SP1 dates back decades and has the bayonet lug. Others manufactured later removed it. It has since returned until Colt discontinued manufacture. Most USA made "ARs" typically include them if they are of the G.I. configuration.
Never happened. A few houses were empty for a time; that’s as bad as it got. What’s coming up will likely be far worse.
One thing that should be clear to everyone is that gated communities and doorman buildings mean approximately nothing when it comes to your family’s safety.
They may be useful against a potential assailant or two but they are trivial impediments where the mob is concerned.
Is it like May 68 and DeGaulle?
In the end, the people were with him. He was stupid to run to Germany.
This isn’t exactly deep insight. I believe this was commonly understood by historians and political scientists in the “before time”. However, in today’s minoritarian intellectual desert this comes across as an oasis of sanity.
I’m sure Diana loves her kids, but i’d say she married poorly. Mixed her sensible intelligence with Jewish whiny-crazy.
In that NY Times story on Marty Baron and the Washington Post, Ben Smith stated that Post reporter Sydney Trent is black. Here is her Twitter page with photo.
Tweets by TrentPost
You could make a field-expedient bayonet, as did Brad Pitt in World War Z: a butcher knife duct-taped to the end of the barrel of his bolt-action rifle.
“Steve is the Jimmy Page of political riff-making. He’s effortlessly shed so many great bon mots and slogans off the top of his head you’d think they were dandruff.”
I completely disagree. Steve has never ‘borrowed’ anothers work and passed it off, let alone copyrighted it, as his own.
Does the “right of the people peaceably to assemble” admit of regulation, or may people assemble whenever and wherever they please, and for however long they please, and in any numbers they please, however great?
Type in “ peaceful assembly on private property owner orders assemblers to leave “ “ when does peaceful assembly on private property become criminal trespass”
You know the answer You’re just trying to be stupid
Let's battle-test a random sentence from her website:
"Nationhood is a pre-condition of liberal democratic government."
Liberal democracies are a pretty new thing, but there are examples of liberal democracies holding up decently well despite being cobbled together from separate nations (see: the UK). One might argue that the USA is likewise cobbled together from separate nations, with old and new tensions the result. If pressed, would she condone or even advocate radical devolution? How "liberal" is the liberal democratic order if something resembling comity is only achievable through various forms of compulsion, up to and including new restrictions on freedom of expression and accepted media?Replies: @Cloudbuster, @AnotherDad
You are lawyering her sociologically sound statement.
Apply a little actual thought:
The UK was formed by “cobbling” a couple “separate nations” of very closely related peoples, sharing reasonably common language and culture on to a much larger successful nation. By the time the governance was reasonably “democratic” the joint “British” nation was extremely successful nation state and identity. (People like being part of a winner.)
Now that the UK actually is a cobble of various peoples, and the “British” nation/identity is no longer a world striding winner, but pissed upon as “imperialist”, “colonialist”, “racist” … in fact the whole project does have issues and could be not long for this world.
America was never a cobble of separate nations. It was created with a clear Anglo-Protestant core–of a few different strands. The founding then layered on a new “American” identity and follow on groups–racially and culturally similar–were expected to assimilate to this “American” identity.
The problem of the large racially, culturally distinct black population was never resolved. And other non-European peoples were kept at reasonably low–essentially insignificant–levels.
And again, now in the wake of mass immigration and minoritarianism denigrating the actual American identity/nation … there is no common nation anymore. And we no longer have democratic governance that actually rules the nation. Nor do we have our historica Anglo-Saxon-American liberties.
I’d say your examples support her basic thesis pretty darn well. When you have a real nation–a common people and culture, and ergo high social trust–then you can have actual democracy with high liberty. When that erodes, you end up with a bossy, thuggish super-state telling people what they can and can not do, what they can and can not say in order manage/suppress ethnic trouble.
The 'ethnic trouble' is manufactured by elements of the professional-managerial class. Working-class blacks assent to it in various ways, but they're not the source of it. Higher ed apparatchiks, school apparatchiks, the faculty, the bar (especially the appellate judiciary), the HR apparat, the mental health and social work apparat, the media, the tech company woketards, Democratic pols are responsible for this. A great many of these people are zero-marginal-product employees.Replies: @Kratoklastes
Did white Southerners always think they shared a "common nation" with white Yankees? It isn't just down to race--we're still living downstream of Hamilton vs. Jefferson. If you think the Jeffersonian vision is necessarily tied to slaveholding, then I expect you to be cool with the elimination of all monuments to him.
You had Germans in pockets of Wisconsin and Texas Hill Country speaking various Deutsche dialects amongst themselves for generations; you still do among the Amish. Doesn't that present a problem for your idealized vision of the past?
There are problems with unfettered mass immigration to first world countries, particularly when those countries have generous social safety nets and fail to maintain border security. But from the very beginning, the US was founded on a less ethnonationalistic basis than, say, Japan. "Diversity is our strength" is vapid political rhetoric, but it has a grain of truth; the same openness that gives rise to diversity (ethnic, religious, ideological) is one of the modern West's core strengths. That's why it was weaponized so effectively.
Appelbaum is also an idiot. There is no "Budweiser" family, there is the Busch family and they have been in the bad graces of beer lovers for a long time. Real Budweiser is brewed in Budweis, Bohemia (now known as České Budějovice, Czechia) with over 700 years of tradition behind it. American "Budweiser" is a much crappier beer first brewed by Adolphus Busch in 1874. That would be fine, except for later attempts by Anheuser-Busch to appropriate and use the Budweiser name worldwide and foist their swill on ignorant foreigners.
The beauty of modern America is that there is so much to despise on both sides of the political divide.Replies: @The Alarmist, @(((They))) Live, @Alden, @Alden, @Thoughts, @Jan Banan, @Anon, @vinteuil, @SunBakedSuburb, @International Jew, @Kyle, @Alden, @Jane Plain, @Hibernian
You all call Budweiser swill yet every bar in Europe has Budweiser on tap. It’s quite mellow and good tasting. It’s nice on tap, maybe a bit chemically if you drink too many cans of the stuff. Somebody must be drinking it. Perhaps Nixon’s “silent majority.” I could never say no to a Budweiser on tap. It’s always a good choice.
If only John Wayne had been pro-Stalin………
Democrats want John Wayne Airport renamed after ‘I believe in white supremacy’ interview resurfaces
Unfiltered tweets also reveal how much our elites depend on behind the scenes editors to make themselves look good (or at least not look totally stupid). In one tweet, he makes spelling mistakes, he calls the Busch family the "Budweiser family" and he exhibits primitive thinking by blaming a building (which is no longer even owned by that family) for the "racism" of its former owners. See also Wolf Blitzer's appearance on Jeopardy - the man is clearly an idiot. In the past the US had some formidable Jewish intellectuals but we are clearly dredging the shallow end of the gene pool now. The sad thing is that the black and Asian "public intellectuals" who will replace them are even less impressive. Idiocracy, here we come!Replies: @Old Palo Altan, @The Craw
“…he exhibits primitive thinking by blaming a building (which is no longer even owned by that family) for the “racism” of its former owners.”
I’m sure the taint extends to the entire parcel
I guess Steve will have to add “racist dirt” to his lexicon.
The rise of Scottish Nationalism is a great illustration of Glubb Pasha’s thesis in The Fate Of Empires
Scotland was joined to England by the Acts Of Union in 1707. The current Scottish ‘National Anthem’, Flower Of Scotland, is about the battle of Bannockburn in 1314.
Mind, it didn’t help that, in the words of The Good Hitchens, the British Government answered resurgent Scottish Nationalism not with argument but with subsidy. What you subsidise you get more of.
Apply a little actual thought:
The UK was formed by "cobbling" a couple "separate nations" of very closely related peoples, sharing reasonably common language and culture on to a much larger successful nation. By the time the governance was reasonably "democratic" the joint "British" nation was extremely successful nation state and identity. (People like being part of a winner.)
Now that the UK actually is a cobble of various peoples, and the "British" nation/identity is no longer a world striding winner, but pissed upon as "imperialist", "colonialist", "racist" ... in fact the whole project does have issues and could be not long for this world.
America was never a cobble of separate nations. It was created with a clear Anglo-Protestant core--of a few different strands. The founding then layered on a new "American" identity and follow on groups--racially and culturally similar--were expected to assimilate to this "American" identity.
The problem of the large racially, culturally distinct black population was never resolved. And other non-European peoples were kept at reasonably low--essentially insignificant--levels.
And again, now in the wake of mass immigration and minoritarianism denigrating the actual American identity/nation ... there is no common nation anymore. And we no longer have democratic governance that actually rules the nation. Nor do we have our historica Anglo-Saxon-American liberties.
I'd say your examples support her basic thesis pretty darn well. When you have a real nation--a common people and culture, and ergo high social trust--then you can have actual democracy with high liberty. When that erodes, you end up with a bossy, thuggish super-state telling people what they can and can not do, what they can and can not say in order manage/suppress ethnic trouble.Replies: @Art Deco, @yanouz
When that erodes, you end up with a bossy, thuggish super-state telling people what they can and can not do, what they can and can not say in order manage/suppress ethnic trouble
The ‘ethnic trouble’ is manufactured by elements of the professional-managerial class. Working-class blacks assent to it in various ways, but they’re not the source of it. Higher ed apparatchiks, school apparatchiks, the faculty, the bar (especially the appellate judiciary), the HR apparat, the mental health and social work apparat, the media, the tech company woketards, Democratic pols are responsible for this. A great many of these people are zero-marginal-product employees.
The list ... ... is heavily overweight Red Sea Pedestrians.Replies: @Art Deco
Democrats want John Wayne Airport renamed after 'I believe in white supremacy' interview resurfaces @syonredux
Talk about a Thought Criminal….
(Aren't tweets reviewed by editors or something?)Replies: @yanouz, @Kronos, @Kratoklastes
Binyamin (בִּנְיָמִין) is straight-up Heeb that was Anglicised to ‘Benjamin’.
Actually… thinking about that: you have a point, since it’s actually pronounced Vinyamin (Heeb has no ‘B’ sound, which is weird since it ends with a B).
A lot of people think that the ‘Ys’ in Heeb names (Yakov, Yoshua, Yonatan) is because Yiddish is a swamp[1] version of German, so it turns Js into Ys. Not so – even though shtetl-dwellers were illiterate and spelt shit phonetically.
Fun fact: his brother’s name is Yonatan (shortened to Yoni, which hits the ear weirdly on two counts: in Hindi it means vagina; in regional aboriginal languages in Central Australia means ‘rock’). I like RockVulva as a nickname.
Likewise, their sister is Avigail (V instead of B, see?).
As Gilad Atzmon explained in a very very good talk (“The Cognitive Elite of Jewish History“), a very large proportion of the population of the Pale of Settlement were as dumb as a bag of dumb rocks. The cognitive elite fled to Western Europe in the mid-1800s, and the very smartest among them integrated and largely de-Heebed. So by 1951 it made all the sense in the world for Mr and Mrs Appelbaum to name their boy Paul Stuart.
Smart Jews started re-Heebing when they sniffed the wind and got whiff of the idea that being identifiably Jewish was good for social-climbing.
So Appelbaum – a psychosophaster – strongly stamped his kids with very-identifiable Heeb names so that there was no doubt that his kids pass the halachic bar (the mother converted: they’re all members of an OrthoHeeb franchise, albeit a liberal-OrthoHeeb one… WTF does that even mean?)[2]
[1] by “a swamp version of German“, I don’t mean a version of the language spoken by Swamp Germans (viz., Dutch).
[2] Their mother (“Dede” when she’s בֵּין חֲבֵרִים) is a Connecticut white-bread with no obvious halachic (matrilinear) Jewish roots – her mother went to Emma Willard and her mother’s obit reads like that of a typically high-functioning-bourgeois-Protestant. Since Dede’s a member of Ramath Orah, she obviously converted before Bibi and RockVulva were born (and little Avigail’s kiddies will be halachically Heeb even if she mates outside the Tribe).
‘Dede’ has publications – both with Hubby and without – about Jewish identitarian nonsense… oddly, the ones in JPost and Azure have been 404’d. The Azure one can be found on the Wayback Machine.
Some might find it odd to find authoritative musings on genetics where the two writers are a psychosophaster and a History major… I found it interesting that while generally rejecting genetics as a basis for land claims, they bent over backwards to try and paint the Ashkenazim as having a better genetic claim than the Palestinians. Pilpul.
Nah , letter 'Bet " with dagesh is pronounced like B. Without dagesh , it's pronounced like V. So the way you cited it "Binyamin (בִּנְיָמִין) " with dagesh (dagesh is the little dot inside the 'Bet') it is pronounced Binyamin.
I realize in Hebrew--perhaps in semitic languages generally it must mean something else. But i'm not a Semite, America isn't full of Semites, but people whose roots are Indo-European. There are about a billion native speakers of languages where it means something not very masculine.
(Note: i have very positive feelings about Yoni ... just not something i'd name a boy.)
The 'ethnic trouble' is manufactured by elements of the professional-managerial class. Working-class blacks assent to it in various ways, but they're not the source of it. Higher ed apparatchiks, school apparatchiks, the faculty, the bar (especially the appellate judiciary), the HR apparat, the mental health and social work apparat, the media, the tech company woketards, Democratic pols are responsible for this. A great many of these people are zero-marginal-product employees.Replies: @Kratoklastes
Are we saying “zero-marginal-product” instead of using ((())) now?
The list …
… is heavily overweight Red Sea Pedestrians.
Sure there are , they’re just not jews .
Article about how the leftist media is lying about Texas ICU capacity:
I watched the video I posted earlier again and noticed some new things…
If you watch it again, look for the tall blond woman (man?) in a all black pantsuit.
She shows up in the video at [0:43] in the far right hand corner. She is toeing lawn line. It’s the same person with the Walkie-Talkie from later on. Everyone else is dressed in Antifa rags yet she is dressed up with her hair done. I believe the person standing right next to her is her own camera guy?
She show’s up again at [1:43] walking with purpose with a walkie-talkie in her right hand. That’s very odd. Why would she use old tech instead of a modern cellphone?
1) Walkie-Talkie chatter is much harder to record. There isn’t any leftover data that might be found by journalists and/or discovery process in a lawsuit.
She might be the local lieutenant for that protester subgroup. (I smell Soros money…)
1) Walkie-Talkie chatter is much harder to record. There isn’t any leftover data that might be found by journalists and/or discovery process in a lawsuit. " So it would behoove anyone working under the radar to TURN OFF their cell phone.
My guess for the use of the Walkie-Talkies is communications with a look out to warn them if LE is around.Replies: @anon, @Kronos
Missouri embraces the castle doctrine, allowing the use of deadly force to defend private property. That took literally 30 seconds to look up.
He would have to learn to walk in high heels to hit 5’7″.
I guess he could get lessons from Giuliani (who was famously motorboated by #OrangeManBad in 2000; wasn’t the first time Rudi went that way).
Pizzagate is more plausible, the longer a person has paid the slightest attention to the degeneracy of the political class. Anyone who votes – for anyone, for whatever reason – is an accomplice.
What if they held a vote and nobody came?
That's anti-environmental.
Is it the #Resistance to have something to light fires with?
"Mysterious heaps of John Bolton's "new book" have appeared on street corners and are providing flammable materials to peaceful activists. The New York Times building is already in flames, people are jumping out of windows trying to escape the searing heat! Oh, the subhumanity!"
(Seriously, how is that a "book". Has Bolt-on-Crankers suddenly discovered writing skills?)Replies: @Kronos
The book is “resistance” porn. That’s why it’s traveling on the Black Live Matter Audible scroll page. It’s two books away from Michelle Obama’s book. I’m staring at both of them right now.
If it has a Picatinny rail you can just pick up one of these:
As I posted in response to another comment, Missouri embraces the castle doctrine and allows the use of deadly force to protect private property.
The protesters broke down their gate and were standing in mass on their property chanting violent slogans. Given all we’ve seen in the past few months the couple’s response was entirely reasonable. You can fault them for their obvious lack of experience with firearms but little else. Do you think the mob would hesitate to start looting if someone broke one of their windows? Do you think the police would come promptly if they called?
Seems a pretty simple question to answer.Replies: @sayless
Yes, their property was being trespassed. The protesters entered through a wrought-iron gate separating the property from the street.
Now I hear that a city official wants to investigate them.
Bring it on. These people seem pretty well-armored.
“The AR-15 doesn’t have a bayonet stud though, does it? The military version, the M-16 does, and I assume the M-4 variants do too.”
It depends on when the weapon was manufactured. My Colt AR-15 SP1 dates back decades and has the bayonet lug. Others manufactured later removed it. It has since returned until Colt discontinued manufacture. Most USA made “ARs” typically include them if they are of the G.I. configuration.
“You all call Budweiser swill yet every bar in Europe has Budweiser on tap.”
It’s cheap and heavily promoted. Young people will drink anything with alcohol in it.
“Eat s**t – 50 billion flies can’t be wrong.”
Are you retarded or trolling? Maybe both?
She show’s up again at [1:43] walking with purpose with a walkie-talkie in her right hand. That’s very odd. Why would she use old tech instead of a modern cellphone?
1) Walkie-Talkie chatter is much harder to record. There isn’t any leftover data that might be found by journalists and/or discovery process in a lawsuit.
Good catch! There are several radio comms that Antifa may be using, from the Family Radio Service FRS to some amateur or “ham” rigs. Some FRS systems also provide location to other handsets that have been paired. Hunters often use them to keep track of each other. Obvious use during peaceful demonstrations is obvious.
Assuming no fancy stuff it would be easy to scan the frequencies and record their comms. If we had a Federal bureau that was interested in investigation of crimes they could do it. Or if there was a Federal commission in charge of electromagnetic spectrum they could do it. Yeah.
Well, I guess that means ordinary people will have to start doing signal intercept.
She might be the local lieutenant for that protester subgroup. (I smell Soros money…)
Maybe just a volunteer or up-and-comer. In the NW Antifa leaders can be observed with a continuous group of bike messengers coming and going around them.
"Assuming no fancy stuff it would be easy to scan the frequencies and record their comms. "
Whistler offers scanner that have a built-in audio recorder. (WS-1095)
Interestingly, the Whistler site ( states ALL their police scanners are out of stock. I guess people are really, REALLY interested if the BLM is coming down the street to burn down their neighborhood. An electronic Paul Revere!
I think it is technically feasible to build small and cheap SDR receivers to record via digital swaths of frequencies and examine them later. They could put them in cop surveillance vehicles and park them in target areas.Replies: @Jack D
Appelbaum is also an idiot. There is no "Budweiser" family, there is the Busch family and they have been in the bad graces of beer lovers for a long time. Real Budweiser is brewed in Budweis, Bohemia (now known as České Budějovice, Czechia) with over 700 years of tradition behind it. American "Budweiser" is a much crappier beer first brewed by Adolphus Busch in 1874. That would be fine, except for later attempts by Anheuser-Busch to appropriate and use the Budweiser name worldwide and foist their swill on ignorant foreigners.
The beauty of modern America is that there is so much to despise on both sides of the political divide.Replies: @The Alarmist, @(((They))) Live, @Alden, @Alden, @Thoughts, @Jan Banan, @Anon, @vinteuil, @SunBakedSuburb, @International Jew, @Kyle, @Alden, @Jane Plain, @Hibernian
Well, well, well, the rifle toting NRA survivalist MEN OF UNZ who fantasize that someday they’ll fight off the ravening black hordes who invade their suburb or farm with their gun collection are now criticizing a White couple who did exactly that.
And here I thought it was only young White women victimized by black criminals the MEN OF UNZ hated. Now you even hate and criticize a White man who did exactly what all of you have been posting and fantasizing about for decades.
And if the rioters had invaded their home and injured or killed them; we all know what the comments would have been.
“ should have had guns should have had this or that shotgun or rifle”. “ Should carry a handgun even in the house and yard. “”Keep guns in each bedroom kitchen and next to all doors. “
Then lots of advice about sniping and shooting situational awareness, military combat tactics, including blast away while they’re on the public sidewalk and be charged with murder.
This is 2 Whites, one a man not a White woman you guys hate so much who did exactly what you guys fantasize about and it’s nothing but nitpicking criticism and even about their house and yard
Maybe you all work for Soros. I’m the only pro White commenter on the site.
Off Topic. For those of you who advocate retreat to rural areas to get away from blacks here’s an article in the latest issue of communist magazine Mother Jones. “ Whites own 98% of rural land. black farmers demand their share”
That could get really bad. BLM DNC and the rest could send busloads of antifa and BLM to farms kill the family and declare the farm a black farm. Often in rural areas the nearest cop is 40 miles away. The south, Illinois Wisconsin and Minnesota would be invaded first. They have big black liberal cities and farms. Plenty of blacks and liberals to attack the farmers.
And then what, especially on a livestock farm? Hilarity would ensue. They’d be afraid of the cows pigs sheep and even the chickens Imagine blacks and antifa attempting to operate the machinery in a milking barn. Cows are very placid and docile until their udders start hurting then they get real ornery. Lots of farmers have their own boars. Blacks are afraid of all animals
The article shows these riots are well organized events directed by the elite. I can’t remember any riots that went on more than about 5 days. Or any riots that invaded small towns like and suburbs like Santa Monica and Beverly Hills Ca.
And now the communist rag Mother Jones advocates driving Whites off their farms. S Africa Zimbabwe every African country The name should be changed to Harriet Tubman or Kashima Sawant because Mother Jones was White and horror of horrors was a labor union organizer for the loathsome deplorable White working class.
Wallow in your hatred and disdain of the McCloskeys, guys. And continue your fantasies about using your rifles to defend your homes against the ravening hordes. @Alden
Looks like a WINE AUNT OF UNZ reached the bottom of a box and has to go buy more but doesn't wanna.
All that big talk in days gone by about "I put men in jail", lol. Chairwarming commando much?
lolReplies: @Alden
Perry Mason and Matlock on MeTV.
Maybe there's hope for the white cult kids after all.Replies: @Kyle
This is the French Revolution after all. Heads will roll.
I completely disagree. Steve has never 'borrowed' anothers work and passed it off, let alone copyrighted it, as his own. @Abe
Even too-good-for-this-world/judgmental little pr*ck Kurt Cobain shamelessly stole (cf. the riff from Killing Joke’s EIGHTIES on COME AS YOU ARE).
I can say without braking stride that everything Page stole became a whole lotta better in his magical hands. You know the most indubitable proof of his rock godhood? The fact that like with any Olympian, when evidence of his manifold crimes emerge, our vaulting souls demand swift and savage punishment- of his mortal victim.
Page was even a better lyricist than goofball Jake Holmes. Compare one of the best couplets in hard rock:
“Lot of people talking, few of them know / Soul of a woman was created below”
To, well, this Dr. Suessy-sh!t:
“Give me a clue as to where I am at / Feel like a mouse and you act like a cat”
Good to see that they’re using an example with no serrations – last thing anyone needs is the fucking thing getting stuck between bones. Serrations have no place on trench knives.
An even better example would be the old-fashioned triangular-cross-section bayonets; it’s not remotely difficult to repurpose a classic (say, one designed for a Martini-Henry) without just duct-taping it to the rail. Adapters FTW.
For normal modern bayonets, there are adapters that enable AR15s to take a standard M7 bayonet. TripleR make one for AR barrels with a lug; Bushmaster make one for ARs with no lug. I think they’re heavily dependent on barrel length and FSB. Dinzag make a range for both, and ones that fit non-NATO bayonets.
Frankly, if you’re using a bayonet on a longarm, you let the other guy get waaaay too close and you’re almost certainly going to die. Your overwatch guys need a kick in the arse (assuming they’re not dead).
If you think you might be in such a close quarters situation (such as mob control), it's best to remove the sling. People who get close enough can grab the sling, and then have as much control over the rifle / shotgun as you do.
Ever heard of bing google yahoo? Just type in “reasonable restrictions on peaceful assembly” You’ll find dozens of explanations about permits, blocking streets trash pick up, when a peaceful assembly becomes not peaceful and then a riot.
Type in “ peaceful assembly on private property owner orders assemblers to leave “ “ when does peaceful assembly on private property become criminal trespass”
You know the answer You’re just trying to be stupid
(I think she’s brandishing a PPK while he has a AR-15 with the sight-handle.) @Old Palo Altan, @Jane Plain, @Joe Stalin, @Twinkie, @earl hickey, @Colin Wright
Maybe she has poor firearm skills, but I would not rush a scared person holding a semi auto firearm who has a partner with an even more lethal firearm. You could do it or Jerry could do but I would be behind. tree or eating dirt.
If you have any firearm, you should learn basic positioning technique and learn how to clean it. I believe nothing is more painful to see then a rusted gun.
It’s always the women . Always. It as if … White women were the eternal and inevitable enemies of White men.
“She show’s up again at [1:43] walking with purpose with a walkie-talkie in her right hand. That’s very odd. Why would she use old tech instead of a modern cellphone?
1) Walkie-Talkie chatter is much harder to record. There isn’t any leftover data that might be found by journalists and/or discovery process in a lawsuit. ”
So it would behoove anyone working under the radar to TURN OFF their cell phone.
My guess for the use of the Walkie-Talkies is communications with a look out to warn them if LE is around.
So it would behoove anyone working under the radar to TURN OFF their cell phone.
AOC's rule set for
rioterslooterspeaceful demonstrators included "put phone on Airplane mode" which in theory turns off the cellular radio, wifi radio and bluetooth. Location Services is supposed to be killed in that mode, the camera still works.Remember the Location track of students involved in Spring Break, way long ago back in March? All those tracks from Florida all over the east coast? Some of that may have been gathered over the peaceful protests.
My guess for the use of the Walkie-Talkies is communications with a look out to warn them if LE is around.
That would be the most basic use, but I'm certain Antifa does a lot more coordination via comms than just "da cops be on 2nd street". Flash mobs smashing Target windows don't just pop out of nowhere, and the Minnie police 3rd precinct was clearly taken over by a group with some strategy. There's even an after-action report of sorts out in the wilds of the web, I decline to point to it.
The list ... ... is heavily overweight Red Sea Pedestrians.Replies: @Art Deco
Your obsession, not mine.
Apply a little actual thought:
The UK was formed by "cobbling" a couple "separate nations" of very closely related peoples, sharing reasonably common language and culture on to a much larger successful nation. By the time the governance was reasonably "democratic" the joint "British" nation was extremely successful nation state and identity. (People like being part of a winner.)
Now that the UK actually is a cobble of various peoples, and the "British" nation/identity is no longer a world striding winner, but pissed upon as "imperialist", "colonialist", "racist" ... in fact the whole project does have issues and could be not long for this world.
America was never a cobble of separate nations. It was created with a clear Anglo-Protestant core--of a few different strands. The founding then layered on a new "American" identity and follow on groups--racially and culturally similar--were expected to assimilate to this "American" identity.
The problem of the large racially, culturally distinct black population was never resolved. And other non-European peoples were kept at reasonably low--essentially insignificant--levels.
And again, now in the wake of mass immigration and minoritarianism denigrating the actual American identity/nation ... there is no common nation anymore. And we no longer have democratic governance that actually rules the nation. Nor do we have our historica Anglo-Saxon-American liberties.
I'd say your examples support her basic thesis pretty darn well. When you have a real nation--a common people and culture, and ergo high social trust--then you can have actual democracy with high liberty. When that erodes, you end up with a bossy, thuggish super-state telling people what they can and can not do, what they can and can not say in order manage/suppress ethnic trouble.Replies: @Art Deco, @yanouz
If by “lawyering” you mean critically engaging with it instead of just coughing up alt-right talking points, then call me Dershowitz.
Did white Southerners always think they shared a “common nation” with white Yankees? It isn’t just down to race–we’re still living downstream of Hamilton vs. Jefferson. If you think the Jeffersonian vision is necessarily tied to slaveholding, then I expect you to be cool with the elimination of all monuments to him.
You had Germans in pockets of Wisconsin and Texas Hill Country speaking various Deutsche dialects amongst themselves for generations; you still do among the Amish. Doesn’t that present a problem for your idealized vision of the past?
There are problems with unfettered mass immigration to first world countries, particularly when those countries have generous social safety nets and fail to maintain border security. But from the very beginning, the US was founded on a less ethnonationalistic basis than, say, Japan. “Diversity is our strength” is vapid political rhetoric, but it has a grain of truth; the same openness that gives rise to diversity (ethnic, religious, ideological) is one of the modern West’s core strengths. That’s why it was weaponized so effectively.
I guess he could get lessons from Giuliani (who was famously motorboated by #OrangeManBad in 2000; wasn't the first time Rudi went that way).
Pizzagate is more plausible, the longer a person has paid the slightest attention to the degeneracy of the political class. Anyone who votes - for anyone, for whatever reason - is an accomplice.
What if they held a vote and nobody came?Replies: @Kyle
Pizza gate is more plausible to internet trolls sitting in their basement in the Ukraine. Or Australia. It’s not plausible to Americans whatsoever.
Video at httpsxx:// shows result of cities losing their economic base in the 1950s, and outlines the promise of what politically obtained government money was supposed to bring. Now it’s 2020 and we see what government support of urban areas really bought: slowed decay (but still decay) for the cities, depreciated physical plant, poverty everywhere else.
The Woke mob has coerced big companies and now are pressing FaceBook from the Woke side calling for a boycott.
Note how this boycott may work: when Coke pulls advertising, it matters. When a million ordinary people withdraw, no one notices.
The various foundations such as Soros's "Open society" and many others such as Ford are pouring money into the Only Black Lives Matter and it spills over into other places. This is a top-down funding waterfall for the color revo.Replies: @The Alarmist, @donut
“The Woke mob has coerced big companies” , the big companies are behind all this shit . Do you think that if the big companies wanted this shit to end they couldn’t snap their fingers and end it ? Those Motherf**kers must see an advantage in this chaos or they wouldn’t let it go on . No form of government has outlived Capitalism , it has been with us from the beginning . I’m not saying Capitalism is evil . I’m just saying that in all these thousands of years we have been unable to find a way to restrain it’s destructive tendencies . Communism did away with Capitalism and they failed and only lasted as long as they did because of Capitalism . Capitalism created civilization , trade , trade , trade that is how Archeologists track and define history . Homo Sapiens has been around for 200,000 years or more we evolved to live in small groups /clans /tribes . Unrestrained Capitalism will lead to a global collapse and deaths in the billions . And all that will be left is isolated groups of man as he was evolved to live . The idea that a man can outsmart nature is absurd . Man is a puny powerless thing that will decay in his grave under a tombstone that has one word on it : HUBRIS .
Communism i.e. forced labor dates to Sargon of Akkad at least and probably earlier. It's much older. It depends on slavery however.
The riots and Chaz must poll very well. Otherwise they'd be shut down. They will go on for years.Replies: @donut
The puzzle is not where the wealth came from: St Louis was a power house from around 1840 till the first war at least. The puzzle is rather why was the newly rich class there so culturally sound. What was it about its members that they found and rewarded fine architects, and demanded real architectural distinction as opposed to mere lavish display? The Boston Brahmins prized discretion, and the New York grandees unashamed displays of wealth, while the St Louis rich prized distinction.
The answer I think is that so many of them were Catholic and German, like the Busch family. The Irish, ands there were many, were very significantly of a better class than those who stayed on the East Coast, particularly the Boston rabble. Their clergy were uniformly of a high standard, often born and bred in Europe, and also from good backgrounds. The French influence was more a question of respect for the past, and for the vision of a great French monarchy which had given the city its name, then any particular French presence after the city's beginnings. The families which boasted and still boast of descent from the Chouteaus, the founding family of the city, rarely themselves carry French surnames.
Whether the descendants of those families who made and once ruled St Louis still have the backbone necessary to defend it remains an open question, except for one point: they will get no help from today's decadent Church, despite brave young Fr Schumacher, because it is now in the hands of rank traitors, who hate what it was, and have thrown in their lot with the BLM madness; more, with the likes of George Soros and the Chinese Communists.
It is far more likely that Fr Schumacher will be silenced, even punished, than that the spokesmen for the archdiocese will breathe a word of criticism of black bodies, however violent those same bodies may decide to be.
St Louis named after a foreigner, and a king to boot? How undemocratic; what an offence against Equality, the new and only God.Replies: @Alden, @Not Raul
Ironically Saint King Louis was an anti slavery crusader, European slaves, Muslim slave owners. Right up to the 1980s St Louis had the grandest debutante balls in the country. And St Louis University a private college, not the University of Missouri, was very very prestigious almost up to Northwestern and Michigan Ann Arbor. Now it’s probably a black remedial school.
I’ve never been to St Louis but I’ve been to Chicago and that once glorious S Side neighborhood around the university.
Not just wonderful houses but 2 acre lots a few blocks from the subway 20 minute ride to downtown workplaces. Imagine that! there was a time when subway travel was safe , 100 years ago, I’ve been to the grand old German built neighborhoods in Milwaukee too. And now blacks are the biggest percentage in Milwaukee, 37 percent
Oakland was considered a better place to live than San Francisco because of much better weather more splendid views, bigger yards and bigger houses. Now it’s a crime ridden black ghetto that even sell armed well organized gay men can’t gentrify
I think I resent blacks driving us out of cities full of pre 1945 beautiful homes of all sizes and price range even more than I resent crime.
Can anyone think of one city over a million blacks have not destroyed? Is there even one city public school district in the country black thugs haven’t destroyed?
The puzzle is not where the wealth came from: St Louis was a power house from around 1840 till the first war at least. The puzzle is rather why was the newly rich class there so culturally sound. What was it about its members that they found and rewarded fine architects, and demanded real architectural distinction as opposed to mere lavish display? The Boston Brahmins prized discretion, and the New York grandees unashamed displays of wealth, while the St Louis rich prized distinction.
The answer I think is that so many of them were Catholic and German, like the Busch family. The Irish, ands there were many, were very significantly of a better class than those who stayed on the East Coast, particularly the Boston rabble. Their clergy were uniformly of a high standard, often born and bred in Europe, and also from good backgrounds. The French influence was more a question of respect for the past, and for the vision of a great French monarchy which had given the city its name, then any particular French presence after the city's beginnings. The families which boasted and still boast of descent from the Chouteaus, the founding family of the city, rarely themselves carry French surnames.
Whether the descendants of those families who made and once ruled St Louis still have the backbone necessary to defend it remains an open question, except for one point: they will get no help from today's decadent Church, despite brave young Fr Schumacher, because it is now in the hands of rank traitors, who hate what it was, and have thrown in their lot with the BLM madness; more, with the likes of George Soros and the Chinese Communists.
It is far more likely that Fr Schumacher will be silenced, even punished, than that the spokesmen for the archdiocese will breathe a word of criticism of black bodies, however violent those same bodies may decide to be.
St Louis named after a foreigner, and a king to boot? How undemocratic; what an offence against Equality, the new and only God.Replies: @Alden, @Not Raul
They could rename the place St. Michael.
No arrest:
A Southern California man captured on camera pointing a loaded AR-15 rifle at a group of advancing protesters has been arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon.
Jacob Daniel Bracken, 38, of Rancho Cucamonga, faces two counts of assault with a deadly weapon related to the incident in Upland on Monday, the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office said.
Arrested: @Anon, @Kratoklastes, @Father Coughlin
Little known fact*: Jacob Bracken originally intended to live in Pismo Beach, but he took a left toin at Albuh-koi-kee.
* not a fact.
There are different ways to look at this.
I agree that, were the two lawyers up against organized professionals willing to take casualties if the odds were right. they’d have lost.
They were in fact up against random street thugs, out for a walk in the sun and no more, an who listened to organizers. The organizers (blacksuit with the hand held transceiver) didn’t want dead people this time. One magazine is less than I’d want in that situation, but 30 rounds is a lot for an organizer who doesn’t want to risk any casualties.
So, this time, the lawyers got lucky. Fine by me.
Binny Boy looks like he worked for Beria.
Sounds apocryphal.
How likely is it, that the people rounding up ‘gentlemen’ were so lackadaisical that they didn’t look inside wardrobes?
It’s of a piece with the idea that Roman galleys were rowed by slaves: it makes not a lick of sense, since whoever’s on the oars has to be fed, as do the soldiers they’re transporting… and the slaves can’t fight at the destination. Survivors have to be fed on the return journey. (Yet another massive plot hole in the fictional story of Ben Hur… at least the 1959 version)
LOL. Why?
A song just for you for you:
Coors Light, which tastes like watery dog piss to me, is #3 in Canada which has many fine local beers.
In a few short weeks they’ve already managed to get two Blacks killed (or is it three?). What’s the annualized per capita murder rate of CHAZ? I think New Guinea hunter-gatherers have lower homicide rates.
I’m with Joe Rogan: intentional or not, letting CHAZ play out is brilliant.
I met Jerry Taylor a couple times. Basically a big, clownish, country club oaf who was kept around to charm older versions of himself into donating money. No real ideals, though. Just another D.C. whore.
Excellent point. A walkie talkie also gives off no location data as well as being hard to record. Like you, I smell Soros.
That’s FOX NEWS folks. It might as well be the NYTtimes.Replies: @Charlotte
I have noticed Fox running more and more stories with a progressive slant. It’s like they remember they are supposed to be the conservative option for the big stories, but occasionally forget elsewhere.
And here I thought it was only young White women victimized by black criminals the MEN OF UNZ hated. Now you even hate and criticize a White man who did exactly what all of you have been posting and fantasizing about for decades.
And if the rioters had invaded their home and injured or killed them; we all know what the comments would have been.
“ should have had guns should have had this or that shotgun or rifle”. “ Should carry a handgun even in the house and yard. “”Keep guns in each bedroom kitchen and next to all doors. “
Then lots of advice about sniping and shooting situational awareness, military combat tactics, including blast away while they’re on the public sidewalk and be charged with murder.
This is 2 Whites, one a man not a White woman you guys hate so much who did exactly what you guys fantasize about and it’s nothing but nitpicking criticism and even about their house and yard
Maybe you all work for Soros. I’m the only pro White commenter on the site.
Off Topic. For those of you who advocate retreat to rural areas to get away from blacks here’s an article in the latest issue of communist magazine Mother Jones. “ Whites own 98% of rural land. black farmers demand their share”
That could get really bad. BLM DNC and the rest could send busloads of antifa and BLM to farms kill the family and declare the farm a black farm. Often in rural areas the nearest cop is 40 miles away. The south, Illinois Wisconsin and Minnesota would be invaded first. They have big black liberal cities and farms. Plenty of blacks and liberals to attack the farmers.
And then what, especially on a livestock farm? Hilarity would ensue. They’d be afraid of the cows pigs sheep and even the chickens Imagine blacks and antifa attempting to operate the machinery in a milking barn. Cows are very placid and docile until their udders start hurting then they get real ornery. Lots of farmers have their own boars. Blacks are afraid of all animals
The article shows these riots are well organized events directed by the elite. I can’t remember any riots that went on more than about 5 days. Or any riots that invaded small towns like and suburbs like Santa Monica and Beverly Hills Ca.
And now the communist rag Mother Jones advocates driving Whites off their farms. S Africa Zimbabwe every African country The name should be changed to Harriet Tubman or Kashima Sawant because Mother Jones was White and horror of horrors was a labor union organizer for the loathsome deplorable White working class.
Wallow in your hatred and disdain of the McCloskeys, guys. And continue your fantasies about using your rifles to defend your homes against the ravening hordes.Replies: @Hippopotamusdrome, @Kronos, @BenKenobi, @tyrone, @YetAnotherAnon, @anon
Yes. LOL. Move to Detroit or you’re chicken.
My 1911 bungalow has a much better layout than any modern home I’ve lived in. The only things I’d do differently if building the house today would be to add more closet space and an upstairs deck on the back.
Oh no, I’m not that brave to charge a person with a gun while unarmed. But watching how she held that handgun with the bent elbows and flimsy grip was painful.
If you have any firearm, you should learn basic positioning technique and learn how to clean it. I believe nothing is more painful to see then a rusted gun. @Alden, @newrouter
My decorating talents would spruce it up. Then I’d die of malnutrition and diphtheria leaving my 70 hour a week husband with 7 sickly kids under the age of 6.
This is about the right of people to defend their property from the--even more parasitic--minoritarian mob. That is fundamental to have a decent prosperous and free nation.Replies: @Jim Don Bob, @Twinkie, @HammerJack
Or any mob, not just minoritanian.
Capitalism dates from around 1300 or so and Italian banks. Money is only from about 700 BC of so.
Communism i.e. forced labor dates to Sargon of Akkad at least and probably earlier. It’s much older. It depends on slavery however.
The riots and Chaz must poll very well. Otherwise they’d be shut down. They will go on for years.
‘If I were in that march, and these racist lunatics were waiving guns at me, I’d like to think I’d rush them and beat their brains in. And I wouldn’t apologize for it for one goddam second.’
No, you wouldn’t have apologized. Those .223 rounds would have reduced you to so much cooling meat about two seconds after you stepped onto dude’s property.
‘That St. Louis mansion was built by the Budweiser family, which for decades employed few blacks. It sits on a gated street for the most affluent (white) residents of a poor and heavily black city. Point being, the guns aren’t new. They just usually don’t waive them around.’
Notice that Mr. Appelbaum can’t even spell. Things really are in decline.
St Louis ranks No. 1 for violent crime on various criteria, pretty impressive when you consider big-league competition such as Chicago and Baltimore
About 15% of the dense settlement in St. Louis is found in the core city. In that situation, the core city will consist of slum, with some agreeable enclaves here and there. You also see slum in suburban and exurban zones. East St. Louis across the border in Illinois is viperous, and Ferguson in St. Louis County is now ruined. Around Chicago, your suburban slums are found in Harvey, East Chicago, Gary, and parts of Hammond and these encompass about 15% of the slum population. About 1/3 of the whole metropolitan settlement is in the core city and about 40% of the core city consists of bad neighborhoods. In Baltimore, about 30% of the population lives in the core city and most of the core city is uninhabitable. I don't believe you have suburban slum in Baltimore. Around Washington, the slum extends over about half the District of Columbia and 2/3 of Prince George's County, with the former more dangerous than the latter. The rest of the Washington commuter belt is fine; just has lousy traffic engineering.Replies: @Jane Plain, @Known Fact, @Jack D, @AnotherDad
thinkingemoting as if nothing ever happened. OTReddit is on a tear again banning subreddits for "hate", including The_Donald. Shutdown of comm channels continues. Does this make Reddit a publisher? Can we take them out of CDA protection now? OT but very interesting:
India has just banned a number of Chinese apps including TikTok, supposedly over security concerns. Well, any software app from China generally comes with a free "phone home" feature it is true, however I wonder how much of this is just chest thumping associated with the border fights. @Polynikes
Reddit banned the hate crime hoaxes page too.
An even better example would be the old-fashioned triangular-cross-section bayonets; it's not remotely difficult to repurpose a classic (say, one designed for a Martini-Henry) without just duct-taping it to the rail. Adapters FTW.
For normal modern bayonets, there are adapters that enable AR15s to take a standard M7 bayonet. TripleR make one for AR barrels with a lug; Bushmaster make one for ARs with no lug. I think they're heavily dependent on barrel length and FSB. Dinzag make a range for both, and ones that fit non-NATO bayonets.
Frankly, if you're using a bayonet on a longarm, you let the other guy get waaaay too close and you're almost certainly going to die. Your overwatch guys need a kick in the arse (assuming they're not dead).Replies: @Anonymous
A visible mounted bayonet can discourage rushing. If you are rushing, it can enhance your strike’s lethality. Remember to recover properly (brace removal with your foot); in some cases it is necessary to fire a round to extract the bayonet.
If you think you might be in such a close quarters situation (such as mob control), it’s best to remove the sling. People who get close enough can grab the sling, and then have as much control over the rifle / shotgun as you do.
For the last week or so, I’ve been obsessively checking my normal news outlets looking for signs that the pushback against BLM has begun. I’m starting to get worried, cause I don’t see any sign of it, while I do see signs that the times are emboldening censorship of places and people that could push back. Where is any leadership?
Unfortunately, I think highly relevant and important truths are just not going to make into the arena. One thing I have seen break through, though, is the true point that the BLM movement is dishonestly representing itself, and is about much more than black lives. Three very different guests on the Joe Rogan podcast–Colion Noir (black Republican), Jocko Willink (white musclehead), and Bret Weinstein (Jewish liberal academic)–all gave varying forms of that argument. It may be the only way to critique BLM without getting cancelled, censored, or psychologically CrimeStopped.
I put this out there in hopes that you readers will think about this strategy and start posting and conversing in other forums than Unz.
The only other strategy I see right now is suggesting stuff people don’t want to hear but that is consistent with BLM. For example…
Likewise, the surest way to end the confrontation between police and community would be to have "community policing" instituted via a police draft.
Yeah, that's right a draft. Listen, arrogant woke dipshitser, if you think the problem is police racism, then you show us how the situation will turn around by serving yourself as an officer. You solve the problem by stepping up and taking responsibility.
(1) Standard volunteer police forces are reduced to a core of the best-scoring officers who don't have multip!e complaints. They would receive increased pay and increased ongoing training in de-escalation techniques, etc
(2)Every young person should have to spend 2 years bolstering the volunteer police, with whom they would be partnered. (Vetted to remove minor criminals, psychologically unstable, etc).
(3) Police forces would continue to be local, but the draft would be federally mandated and training would take place in federal bootcamps, after which newly trained officers would be sent to locales based on staffing needs, similar to the way doctors are sent out to needy communities. Those who wash out of bootcamp might have to serve in some other capacity, but for 3-4 years instead of two.
I'm pretty sure young people would recoil at the idea of having to do the job of police, but if the program were instituted, nobody in America would be blond anymore to the nature of criminality and disfunction in the US, which would forever change our politics for the better. It would also probably stop academics from being able to brainwash young people with their race claptrap.
On the other hand, he looks like a girl and that “college” has no business existing.
This is about the right of people to defend their property from the--even more parasitic--minoritarian mob. That is fundamental to have a decent prosperous and free nation.Replies: @Jim Don Bob, @Twinkie, @HammerJack
Was their property under attack? Was their response reasonable and proportionate? Was she prancing about in bare feet for some reason?
They are lawyers, so they should know that you can’t shoot someone even if they damage your property. I understand the frustration but the law is the law.
Mobs tend to be unruly. It’s in their nature. But this couple is mighty lucky that not one person from this mob advanced upon them.
Check the differences between open to the street lawn and yard, fenced with an open gate yard, fenced with a locked gate yard , sheds and outbuildings not attached to the house, garages carports porches leantos and other structures attached to a house and inside the house.
Then you can make an informed comment about the applicable Missouri laws.
The beauty of healthy young white women, of heterosexual union, of normal family life, of Western Civilization is tossed aside ... in order to feature the ugly, the unhealthy, the disordered, the depraved.Replies: @Kronos, @Jane Plain, @Gordo
They aren’t *all* ugly – but they are all black. Whites are being replaced in ads.
I simply do not understand why any sane white person would support either NASCAR or the NFL. I understand how these things go back to childhood, but at a certain point, you put the things of childhood behind you.
Sources: NBA, union plan to paint 'Black Lives Matter' on courts in OrlandoReplies: @Jane Plain
Thanks – I saw that film after I posted & the edit threshold had passed.
Now I hear that a city official wants to investigate them.
Bring it on. These people seem pretty well-armored.
The gate separates the private street from a public street. This is not a fine distinction. What is a fine distinction is that the couple are in fact part owners of the private street.
Or Bonnie and Clyde have really let themselves go.
Or Dog Day Afternoon part deux, apres l'operation.Replies: @Alden
So how would you handle an angry well organized mob that tore down your gate, criminally trespassed on your front yard and tried to invade your house?
Kneel down and beg for forgiveness for the crime of being White? No wonder the White race is on the decline with Whites like you scorning Whites who dare to defend themselves. Are you antifa? You’re obviously a White hating democrat
(I think she’s brandishing a PPK while he has a AR-15 with the sight-handle.) @Old Palo Altan, @Jane Plain, @Joe Stalin, @Twinkie, @earl hickey, @Colin Wright
‘That couple has the worst gun coordination I’ve ever seen. She repeatedly walks back and forth in front of his rifle barrel. She also waved her gun at the back of his head at least twice. I sure hope he knew how to use that rifle, because I’d wager the wife’s shooting posture and consequent aiming is terrible. Might be a good time to take a shooting class before the election.’
They probably haven’t had a whole lot of practice. Hopefully, they’ll review the video and conduct themselves more expertly next time.
For the last week or so, I've been obsessively checking my normal news outlets looking for signs that the pushback against BLM has begun. I'm starting to get worried, cause I don't see any sign of it, while I do see signs that the times are emboldening censorship of places and people that could push back. Where is any leadership?
Unfortunately, I think highly relevant and important truths are just not going to make into the arena. One thing I have seen break through, though, is the true point that the BLM movement is dishonestly representing itself, and is about much more than black lives. Three very different guests on the Joe Rogan podcast--Colion Noir (black Republican), Jocko Willink (white musclehead), and Bret Weinstein (Jewish liberal academic)--all gave varying forms of that argument. It may be the only way to critique BLM without getting cancelled, censored, or psychologically CrimeStopped.
I put this out there in hopes that you readers will think about this strategy and start posting and conversing in other forums than Unz.
The only other strategy I see right now is suggesting stuff people don't want to hear but that is consistent with BLM. For example...Replies: @Chrisnonymous, @ATBOTL
I have long thought that the surest way o end our forever wars in the middle east would be to institute a draft, which is why the military doesn’t want a draft.
Likewise, the surest way to end the confrontation between police and community would be to have “community policing” instituted via a police draft.
Yeah, that’s right a draft. Listen, arrogant woke dipshitser, if you think the problem is police racism, then you show us how the situation will turn around by serving yourself as an officer. You solve the problem by stepping up and taking responsibility.
(1) Standard volunteer police forces are reduced to a core of the best-scoring officers who don’t have multip!e complaints. They would receive increased pay and increased ongoing training in de-escalation techniques, etc
(2)Every young person should have to spend 2 years bolstering the volunteer police, with whom they would be partnered. (Vetted to remove minor criminals, psychologically unstable, etc).
(3) Police forces would continue to be local, but the draft would be federally mandated and training would take place in federal bootcamps, after which newly trained officers would be sent to locales based on staffing needs, similar to the way doctors are sent out to needy communities. Those who wash out of bootcamp might have to serve in some other capacity, but for 3-4 years instead of two.
I’m pretty sure young people would recoil at the idea of having to do the job of police, but if the program were instituted, nobody in America would be blond anymore to the nature of criminality and disfunction in the US, which would forever change our politics for the better. It would also probably stop academics from being able to brainwash young people with their race claptrap.
And here I thought it was only young White women victimized by black criminals the MEN OF UNZ hated. Now you even hate and criticize a White man who did exactly what all of you have been posting and fantasizing about for decades.
And if the rioters had invaded their home and injured or killed them; we all know what the comments would have been.
“ should have had guns should have had this or that shotgun or rifle”. “ Should carry a handgun even in the house and yard. “”Keep guns in each bedroom kitchen and next to all doors. “
Then lots of advice about sniping and shooting situational awareness, military combat tactics, including blast away while they’re on the public sidewalk and be charged with murder.
This is 2 Whites, one a man not a White woman you guys hate so much who did exactly what you guys fantasize about and it’s nothing but nitpicking criticism and even about their house and yard
Maybe you all work for Soros. I’m the only pro White commenter on the site.
Off Topic. For those of you who advocate retreat to rural areas to get away from blacks here’s an article in the latest issue of communist magazine Mother Jones. “ Whites own 98% of rural land. black farmers demand their share”
That could get really bad. BLM DNC and the rest could send busloads of antifa and BLM to farms kill the family and declare the farm a black farm. Often in rural areas the nearest cop is 40 miles away. The south, Illinois Wisconsin and Minnesota would be invaded first. They have big black liberal cities and farms. Plenty of blacks and liberals to attack the farmers.
And then what, especially on a livestock farm? Hilarity would ensue. They’d be afraid of the cows pigs sheep and even the chickens Imagine blacks and antifa attempting to operate the machinery in a milking barn. Cows are very placid and docile until their udders start hurting then they get real ornery. Lots of farmers have their own boars. Blacks are afraid of all animals
The article shows these riots are well organized events directed by the elite. I can’t remember any riots that went on more than about 5 days. Or any riots that invaded small towns like and suburbs like Santa Monica and Beverly Hills Ca.
And now the communist rag Mother Jones advocates driving Whites off their farms. S Africa Zimbabwe every African country The name should be changed to Harriet Tubman or Kashima Sawant because Mother Jones was White and horror of horrors was a labor union organizer for the loathsome deplorable White working class.
Wallow in your hatred and disdain of the McCloskeys, guys. And continue your fantasies about using your rifles to defend your homes against the ravening hordes.Replies: @Hippopotamusdrome, @Kronos, @BenKenobi, @tyrone, @YetAnotherAnon, @anon
Oh come on, most of the hate stems from jealously of that mansion. That is one beautiful building right there in St. Louis. Such magnificent buildings should be preserved and protected from Antifa rats.
One of the best renditions of a Southern plantation house in a video game is Braithwaite Manor in “Red Dead Redemption 2.” One of the best buildings in the entire game. So I still feel guilty for needing to [***Spoilers***] that fine manor. Historical treasures are nearly impossible to replace. Those Antifa dogs have destroyed enough statues as it is…
They already dressed the Seattle Lenin statue as a drag queen. No respect amongst that Antifa filth.
Yeah, the Clintons developed an obsession with Haiti, to include a para-honeymoon and an interruption of a presidential campaign to extract a woman arrested for child trafficking, not because of the potential for human trafficking or rice farm corruption, but because voodoo is real and Bill has been controlled by witch doctors for decades.
Good point. It’s not possible for arsonists to torch your property when you’re inside it.
One hundred years ago, nay, fifty, the children would have been keen to emphasise their mother's genetic and social influence, even to the extent of changing their surname.
Now they do the opposite and proudly spell their given names in the Hebraic fashion so often used today in Israel.
The power shift could hardly be more clearly spelled out.Replies: @Jake, @Anonymous
Astonishing what has happened in 1/2 of a century. And in Jewish tradition he is Gentile, since his mother in Gentile.
Hey, it ain’t my house, and I don’t live in that state. I hope those two lawyers had some inkling of the law before this. They clearly didn’t know much about how to hold a weapon.
And here I thought it was only young White women victimized by black criminals the MEN OF UNZ hated. Now you even hate and criticize a White man who did exactly what all of you have been posting and fantasizing about for decades.
And if the rioters had invaded their home and injured or killed them; we all know what the comments would have been.
“ should have had guns should have had this or that shotgun or rifle”. “ Should carry a handgun even in the house and yard. “”Keep guns in each bedroom kitchen and next to all doors. “
Then lots of advice about sniping and shooting situational awareness, military combat tactics, including blast away while they’re on the public sidewalk and be charged with murder.
This is 2 Whites, one a man not a White woman you guys hate so much who did exactly what you guys fantasize about and it’s nothing but nitpicking criticism and even about their house and yard
Maybe you all work for Soros. I’m the only pro White commenter on the site.
Off Topic. For those of you who advocate retreat to rural areas to get away from blacks here’s an article in the latest issue of communist magazine Mother Jones. “ Whites own 98% of rural land. black farmers demand their share”
That could get really bad. BLM DNC and the rest could send busloads of antifa and BLM to farms kill the family and declare the farm a black farm. Often in rural areas the nearest cop is 40 miles away. The south, Illinois Wisconsin and Minnesota would be invaded first. They have big black liberal cities and farms. Plenty of blacks and liberals to attack the farmers.
And then what, especially on a livestock farm? Hilarity would ensue. They’d be afraid of the cows pigs sheep and even the chickens Imagine blacks and antifa attempting to operate the machinery in a milking barn. Cows are very placid and docile until their udders start hurting then they get real ornery. Lots of farmers have their own boars. Blacks are afraid of all animals
The article shows these riots are well organized events directed by the elite. I can’t remember any riots that went on more than about 5 days. Or any riots that invaded small towns like and suburbs like Santa Monica and Beverly Hills Ca.
And now the communist rag Mother Jones advocates driving Whites off their farms. S Africa Zimbabwe every African country The name should be changed to Harriet Tubman or Kashima Sawant because Mother Jones was White and horror of horrors was a labor union organizer for the loathsome deplorable White working class.
Wallow in your hatred and disdain of the McCloskeys, guys. And continue your fantasies about using your rifles to defend your homes against the ravening hordes.Replies: @Hippopotamusdrome, @Kronos, @BenKenobi, @tyrone, @YetAnotherAnon, @anon
Alden, I like you. But that wasn’t a softball, it was a tee-ball. @Alden, @newrouter
Pre Spanish-American war photo
Big companies can’t stop it. They really are not that powerful, and they really are trying to pay their blackmailers with this loony support stuff. You want to know how vulnerable they are? What happened in Minneapolis? What happened in New York City during the riots? Businesses both big and small got torched and looted. They couldn’t be defended. Have businesses with CHAZ camping out on their property been able to get rid of squatters? Nope.
Companies cannot create their own laws. Companies do not have their own private armies to protect their buildings. Most buildings usually have no more than a single night watchman. Small businesses don’t even have that, just locks and bars across windows, and they can be easily broken into by anyone who doesn’t care about the cops.
The law, the mayor, the chief prosecutor, and the cops all must be on the side of the property owners for businesses to be able to defend themselves. Right now, in many US cities, only the cops are on the side of the property owners. The mayors, the prosecutors, and even the law is hampering the cops from doing their job.
You want to wipe out Bezos? It’s easy. How many Amazon distribution centers exist? All you have to do is send a mob to torch them. Bezos tries to build more? More mobs could wipe them out in a day. Amazon stock crashes, Bezos has no more billions. Mobs could attack all of Bezos’ houses and torch them to the ground in one day. Mobs could render him helpless.
Building something is hard. Destroying it is easy.
"Defund the police" would be more accurately rendered as "Bring back the Pinkertons."Replies: @HammerJack
Binyamin (בִּנְיָמִין) is straight-up Heeb that was Anglicised to 'Benjamin'.
Actually... thinking about that: you have a point, since it's actually pronounced Vinyamin (Heeb has no 'B' sound, which is weird since it ends with a B).
A lot of people think that the 'Ys' in Heeb names (Yakov, Yoshua, Yonatan) is because Yiddish is a swamp[1] version of German, so it turns Js into Ys. Not so - even though shtetl-dwellers were illiterate and spelt shit phonetically.
Fun fact: his brother's name is Yonatan (shortened to Yoni, which hits the ear weirdly on two counts: in Hindi it means vagina; in regional aboriginal languages in Central Australia means 'rock'). I like RockVulva as a nickname.
Likewise, their sister is Avigail (V instead of B, see?).
As Gilad Atzmon explained in a very very good talk ("The Cognitive Elite of Jewish History"), a very large proportion of the population of the Pale of Settlement were as dumb as a bag of dumb rocks. The cognitive elite fled to Western Europe in the mid-1800s, and the very smartest among them integrated and largely de-Heebed. So by 1951 it made all the sense in the world for Mr and Mrs Appelbaum to name their boy Paul Stuart.
Smart Jews started re-Heebing when they sniffed the wind and got whiff of the idea that being identifiably Jewish was good for social-climbing.
So Appelbaum - a psychosophaster - strongly stamped his kids with very-identifiable Heeb names so that there was no doubt that his kids pass the halachic bar (the mother converted: they're all members of an OrthoHeeb franchise, albeit a liberal-OrthoHeeb one... WTF does that even mean?)[2]
[1] by "a swamp version of German", I don't mean a version of the language spoken by Swamp Germans (viz., Dutch).
[2] Their mother ("Dede" when she's בֵּין חֲבֵרִים) is a Connecticut white-bread with no obvious halachic (matrilinear) Jewish roots - her mother went to Emma Willard and her mother's obit reads like that of a typically high-functioning-bourgeois-Protestant. Since Dede's a member of Ramath Orah, she obviously converted before Bibi and RockVulva were born (and little Avigail's kiddies will be halachically Heeb even if she mates outside the Tribe).
'Dede' has publications - both with Hubby and without - about Jewish identitarian nonsense... oddly, the ones in JPost and Azure have been 404'd. The Azure one can be found on the Wayback Machine.
Some might find it odd to find authoritative musings on genetics where the two writers are a psychosophaster and a History major... I found it interesting that while generally rejecting genetics as a basis for land claims, they bent over backwards to try and paint the Ashkenazim as having a better genetic claim than the Palestinians. Pilpul.Replies: @kaganovitch, @AnotherDad, @Jack D
Actually… thinking about that: you have a point, since it’s actually pronounced Vinyamin (Heeb has no ‘B’ sound, which is weird since it ends with a B).
Nah , letter ‘Bet ” with dagesh is pronounced like B. Without dagesh , it’s pronounced like V. So the way you cited it “Binyamin (בִּנְיָמִין) ” with dagesh (dagesh is the little dot inside the ‘Bet’) it is pronounced Binyamin.
Regarding the antiquarian fixation on Emmett Till, the fact is that the 1955 lynching was by then an anomalous event. It’s become not uncommon for conservatives to recognize that police killings of unarmed blacks are extremely rare and indeed occur at a disproportionately low rate considering the incidence of black homicide and violent crime. The next step would be to admit that lynchings in the era of Jim Crow were not as prevalent as you might have assumed from the mainstream media and college history textbooks.
From “The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture: Volume 4: Myth, Manners, and Memory”, Charles Edward Wilson, Volume Editor, 2006:
In other words, lynchings were in steep decline decades before the Civil Rights Era. Even without a Brown v. Board of Education or Civil Rights Act, the lynching of blacks would still have ended in the South.
The total number of lynchings (of all races – the above figures include white victims) are dwarfed by the litany of genocides in the 20th century. The black power revolution in Zanzibar in January, 1964 might well have killed more people (Arabs and South Asians), than blacks were lynched in the U.S. through the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
About 8:23pm PST somebody edited Jerry Taylor’s Wikipedia to say “[citation needed] He is also known for acting tough on twitter but in reality he is very small.”. Ha ha.
Freddie Mercury and his family barely escaped death in the Zanzibar Genocide.
It is widely believed that homosexuality can be caused by childhood sexual abuse.
Would these lyrics from 'Fat Bottomed Girls' be a cry for help?
Hey I was just a skinny lad
Never knew no good from bad
But I knew life before I left my nursery (huh)
Left alone with big fat Fanny
She was such a naughty nanny
Heap big woman, you made a bad boy out of me
But they didn’t did they? Perhaps the mob just targeted them and broke in to say hello.
But they did defend themselves and their home that they spent 30 years of their life building. Action means more than words even when come from from a brave man like Anon (295).
How easy would it have been for this to have gone very sour, with a dozen people including the homeowners dead and the cellphone video on the internet? How many times are we rolling those dice, and what does the country look like when they come up snake eyes?Replies: @anonymous
But they didn’t did they?
Nope. Obviously they did not want to do so. As I pointed out before, nobody in the foreground is showing any signs of anxiety. The minder with the radio gets even closer.
You're really bad at reading people's body language. Never too old to learn, though, try it!
Perhaps the mob just targeted them and broke in to say hello.
Lol, you're retarded. Learn how to use Google maps and look at the address. It's not the only house on that private street. Who lives in at least one of the other houses? But they did defend themselves and their home that they spent 30 years of their life building.
Lol, sure dude, "defended" from pink elephants. Did you see any pink elephants in the vid? No? Well, there you are! Total defense!
Action means more than words even when come from from a brave man like Anon (295).
Didja look up "fatal funnel" yet, perfesser?
lol @ ignorant "professors".
Bad news, Mr. Joe. This year, the prize is a case of Budweiser. Lite.
June 6: Jeff Bezos explains his support for Black Lives Matter
1 hour ago: Activists Set Up Guillotine In Front Of Jeff Bezos’s D.C. Home, Call For Amazon To Be Abolished
Bezos: Wake up brother…it’s mob rule right nowReplies: @BenKenobi, @SunBakedSuburb, @NOTA
They probably orderes the guillotine off Amazon….
>In other words, lynchings were in steep decline decades before the Civil Rights Era. Even without a Brown v. Board of Education or Civil Rights Act, the lynching of blacks would still have ended in the South.
Correct. The Till murder horrified people precisely because lynching was no longer the kind of spectacle you showed up with a barbecue and the kids to. The American public in the 1950s wasn’t the public of the 1990s, but it wasn’t the public of the 1910s, either. Casual racism against black people didn’t mean you wanted them barbarically murdered for whistling at the wrong woman.
What’s more: this was the age of TV. Things like Till or Bull Connor were now real-time events that you could watch live. That does make a difference. When combined with less barbaric attitudes toward blacks, it caused many whites to lose any kind of sympathy with segregationists. Then the riots and rise in urban crime came: you could see that on TV, too.
>The total number of lynchings (of all races – the above figures include white victims) are dwarfed by the litany of genocides in the 20th century. The black power revolution in Zanzibar in January, 1964 might well have killed more people (Arabs and South Asians), than blacks were lynched in the U.S. through the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Anybody who seriously puts lynching or even slavery-a system taken for granted by the overwhelming majority of human beings and civilizations in human history-in the same league as Generalplan Ost or the Holodomor or the Three Alls isn’t worth intellectually bothering with. But it doesn’t mean it wasn’t an ugly, evil blot on America’s historical record.
Mobs could do that a few times before every property worth defending had lots of armed private guards, or before the governors of each state found it very much in their interest to call out the national guard.
“Defund the police” would be more accurately rendered as “Bring back the Pinkertons.”
This story is a huge screaming warning sign.
How easy would it have been for this to have gone very sour, with a dozen people including the homeowners dead and the cellphone video on the internet? How many times are we rolling those dice, and what does the country look like when they come up snake eyes?
Also, in a situation like that, the general rule is, nobody wants to be the first to get shot. Or the second. That's what keeps people polite. If you know what you're doing, guns tend to cut the bullshit.
And here I thought it was only young White women victimized by black criminals the MEN OF UNZ hated. Now you even hate and criticize a White man who did exactly what all of you have been posting and fantasizing about for decades.
And if the rioters had invaded their home and injured or killed them; we all know what the comments would have been.
“ should have had guns should have had this or that shotgun or rifle”. “ Should carry a handgun even in the house and yard. “”Keep guns in each bedroom kitchen and next to all doors. “
Then lots of advice about sniping and shooting situational awareness, military combat tactics, including blast away while they’re on the public sidewalk and be charged with murder.
This is 2 Whites, one a man not a White woman you guys hate so much who did exactly what you guys fantasize about and it’s nothing but nitpicking criticism and even about their house and yard
Maybe you all work for Soros. I’m the only pro White commenter on the site.
Off Topic. For those of you who advocate retreat to rural areas to get away from blacks here’s an article in the latest issue of communist magazine Mother Jones. “ Whites own 98% of rural land. black farmers demand their share”
That could get really bad. BLM DNC and the rest could send busloads of antifa and BLM to farms kill the family and declare the farm a black farm. Often in rural areas the nearest cop is 40 miles away. The south, Illinois Wisconsin and Minnesota would be invaded first. They have big black liberal cities and farms. Plenty of blacks and liberals to attack the farmers.
And then what, especially on a livestock farm? Hilarity would ensue. They’d be afraid of the cows pigs sheep and even the chickens Imagine blacks and antifa attempting to operate the machinery in a milking barn. Cows are very placid and docile until their udders start hurting then they get real ornery. Lots of farmers have their own boars. Blacks are afraid of all animals
The article shows these riots are well organized events directed by the elite. I can’t remember any riots that went on more than about 5 days. Or any riots that invaded small towns like and suburbs like Santa Monica and Beverly Hills Ca.
And now the communist rag Mother Jones advocates driving Whites off their farms. S Africa Zimbabwe every African country The name should be changed to Harriet Tubman or Kashima Sawant because Mother Jones was White and horror of horrors was a labor union organizer for the loathsome deplorable White working class.
Wallow in your hatred and disdain of the McCloskeys, guys. And continue your fantasies about using your rifles to defend your homes against the ravening hordes.Replies: @Hippopotamusdrome, @Kronos, @BenKenobi, @tyrone, @YetAnotherAnon, @anon
Oh no ,the McCloskeys were in the right ,I would do the same thing .Burning businesses is one thing but invading someone’s home is another and the farmland and country side ….funny thing ,country folk are all armed and so are their neighbors…..ever been to a turkey shoot?
They’re not cramped and uncomfortable. There’s interior walls to display art, hang your TV have a table under for the black boxes put shelves to keep the place tidy and they are much easier to keep tidy than an awkwardly proportioned space that’s supposed to be a kitchen, dining area, living room for the adults play and homework area for the kids and serves none of those functions well.
It’s much easier to train children to be tidy if there’s a front hall that doesn’t go through the awkward space but goes past a living room, dining room kitchen with walls around it directly to their rooms where they can deposit jackets backpacks homework shoes etc
And only brainwashed trailer trash proles borrow money to install $70,000 dollars worth of 20 by 15 foot kitchen in the awkward 20 by 30 space with a $300 IKEA couch and a TV. How in the world did refrigerators become a status symbol? Who eats dinner at a kitchen counter even though it has an $8,000 soapstone or even worse granite countertop? Trailer trash proles that’s who. Granite countertops as vulgar as a bar mitsvah.
Those hideous kitchens that overwhelm the awkward ugly main room are just the result of the idiot public falling for plumbing contractors and real estate agents conning the home buying public.
Rooms good. Badly proportioned awkward all purpose space bad badder worst. Interior walls good. I mean come on, how can one possible decorate an attractive living room with a kitchen in the middle of it?
Another bad floor plan is the huge master bedroom suite and tiny little kids rooms. Kids need decent size rooms for toys clothes sports equipment homework and the school projects.
You’ve probably never seen a well proportioned living room with beautiful furniture and fabrics that’s a real room that isn’t just a traffic way from front door to the rest of the house with a kitchen in the middle of it.
Stoves, sinks and refrigerators just don’t belong in the same room as beautiful furniture fabrics and art. Or even ikea and Living Spaces furniture.
Are you the person who does most of the cleaning and tidying in your house? If you are, you’d be shocked at how much faster and easier it is to keep a small kitchen with walls around it and 2 smaller rooms clean and tidy all the time than one huge multipurpose space that’s the only traffic way from the front door to the bedrooms.
Once people who’ve grown up in suburban houses with just one multipurpose main room see a real living room they know what I mean. Why do you think houses in San Francisco are so expensive compared to the suburbs? Real kitchens with walls and real properly proportioned living rooms that can be beautifully furnished.
Open plan started when a builder found he could save the cost of 3 pieces of sheet rock , 12 studs mud , tape half a day’s labor for 2 guys and make the place look bigger. So the trailer trash proles accepted it. But then since the kitchen was now part of the living room, the builders decided to vulgarize the kitchen and expand it into the living room area to the point there’s only room for a couch and TV
The trend is ending because of the need for home offices that are more than a stool at the kitchen counter and interior walls to hang the 6 ft TV screen on.
Another theory about huge kitchens that visually and physically overwhelm the main room. I think it’s these open kitchens that cause obesity. When the only way one can avoid looking at the kitchen is to in your bedroom it’s tempting to snack all day.
Whatever some people to look at their stove sink and dishwasher. I prefer to look at beautiful furniture
While I like old houses quite a bit, the reason houses in Frisco are so expensive has nothing at all to do with kitchen walls.Replies: @Alden
1) Walkie-Talkie chatter is much harder to record. There isn’t any leftover data that might be found by journalists and/or discovery process in a lawsuit. " So it would behoove anyone working under the radar to TURN OFF their cell phone.
My guess for the use of the Walkie-Talkies is communications with a look out to warn them if LE is around.Replies: @anon, @Kronos
There’s also Stingrays which have been in use for years.
So it would behoove anyone working under the radar to TURN OFF their cell phone.
AOC’s rule set for
rioterslooterspeaceful demonstrators included “put phone on Airplane mode” which in theory turns off the cellular radio, wifi radio and bluetooth. Location Services is supposed to be killed in that mode, the camera still works.Remember the Location track of students involved in Spring Break, way long ago back in March? All those tracks from Florida all over the east coast? Some of that may have been gathered over the peaceful protests.
My guess for the use of the Walkie-Talkies is communications with a look out to warn them if LE is around.
That would be the most basic use, but I’m certain Antifa does a lot more coordination via comms than just “da cops be on 2nd street”. Flash mobs smashing Target windows don’t just pop out of nowhere, and the Minnie police 3rd precinct was clearly taken over by a group with some strategy. There’s even an after-action report of sorts out in the wilds of the web, I decline to point to it.
I believe the house is on Kingshighway near Lindell Boulevard.* The nearby stretch of Lindell between Skinker and Kingshighway, directly opposite Forest Park, is loaded with beautiful houses (and a few ugly modernist ones). I used to drive that stretch all the time on my way from Wash U to the Cathedral Basilica, which is even more beautiful than that house; one of the few churches in the US to really rival the great cathedrals of Europe.
*And no this isn’t doxxing. They had a gaggle of “protesters” on their front lawn yesterday, so I’m pretty sure plenty of people already know where they live.
Speaking of being "swept away": I rather fear that Glennonville and the Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital will soon be forced to change their names - the archbishop was a strong opponent of racial integration in either parishes or schools. He rightly called pressure in favour of it a "Jesuit ploy". This is exactly what it was, and has remained.
Not that those other "J's" weren't also at work.
But they didn’t did they?
Nope. Obviously they did not want to do so. As I pointed out before, nobody in the foreground is showing any signs of anxiety. The minder with the radio gets even closer.
You’re really bad at reading people’s body language. Never too old to learn, though, try it!
Perhaps the mob just targeted them and broke in to say hello.
Lol, you’re retarded. Learn how to use Google maps and look at the address. It’s not the only house on that private street. Who lives in at least one of the other houses?
But they did defend themselves and their home that they spent 30 years of their life building.
Lol, sure dude, “defended” from pink elephants. Did you see any pink elephants in the vid? No? Well, there you are! Total defense!
Action means more than words even when come from from a brave man like Anon (295).
Didja look up “fatal funnel” yet, perfesser?
lol @ ignorant “professors”.
Communism i.e. forced labor dates to Sargon of Akkad at least and probably earlier. It's much older. It depends on slavery however.
The riots and Chaz must poll very well. Otherwise they'd be shut down. They will go on for years.Replies: @donut
Well you maybe right Whisky . WTF even my high school diploma is fake . Like a small mammal that comes out at night I only smell prey and danger , and I smell danger .
How easy would it have been for this to have gone very sour, with a dozen people including the homeowners dead and the cellphone video on the internet? How many times are we rolling those dice, and what does the country look like when they come up snake eyes?Replies: @anonymous
Yep. That woman had zero training with a handgun. Broke every rule in the book. The little Paul Sorvino guy wasn’t much better. What kept that from going south was luck, and the fact the soy boy protesters weren’t in any way prepared for that. They thought they were going to a party.
Also, in a situation like that, the general rule is, nobody wants to be the first to get shot. Or the second. That’s what keeps people polite. If you know what you’re doing, guns tend to cut the bullshit.
Maybe I wasn’t clear Big companies don’t want to stop it . When they do it will stop .
1) Walkie-Talkie chatter is much harder to record. There isn’t any leftover data that might be found by journalists and/or discovery process in a lawsuit. " So it would behoove anyone working under the radar to TURN OFF their cell phone.
My guess for the use of the Walkie-Talkies is communications with a look out to warn them if LE is around.Replies: @anon, @Kronos
Someone on UNZ was talking about this “Stingray” technology a few months back. This stuff looks serious.
One thing that should be clear to everyone is that gated communities and doorman buildings mean approximately nothing when it comes to your family's safety.
They may be useful against a potential assailant or two but they are trivial impediments where the mob is concerned.Replies: @International Jew
Thanks. I was reporting what that friendly homeowner told me. I hope I can be excused for not fact-checking his claim before passing fake news here; checking “neighborhood abandoned in 1970s” isn’t easy at all. Are you from St Louis, or otherwise know it well?
I’m surprised that two lawyers, and obviously successful ones, acted like such dorks in public. All the lawyers I know are coolheaded and streetwise.
Speaking of Progressive Antiquarianism…
It’s much easier to train children to be tidy if there’s a front hall that doesn’t go through the awkward space but goes past a living room, dining room kitchen with walls around it directly to their rooms where they can deposit jackets backpacks homework shoes etc
And only brainwashed trailer trash proles borrow money to install $70,000 dollars worth of 20 by 15 foot kitchen in the awkward 20 by 30 space with a $300 IKEA couch and a TV. How in the world did refrigerators become a status symbol? Who eats dinner at a kitchen counter even though it has an $8,000 soapstone or even worse granite countertop? Trailer trash proles that’s who. Granite countertops as vulgar as a bar mitsvah.
Those hideous kitchens that overwhelm the awkward ugly main room are just the result of the idiot public falling for plumbing contractors and real estate agents conning the home buying public.
Rooms good. Badly proportioned awkward all purpose space bad badder worst. Interior walls good. I mean come on, how can one possible decorate an attractive living room with a kitchen in the middle of it?
Another bad floor plan is the huge master bedroom suite and tiny little kids rooms. Kids need decent size rooms for toys clothes sports equipment homework and the school projects.
You’ve probably never seen a well proportioned living room with beautiful furniture and fabrics that’s a real room that isn’t just a traffic way from front door to the rest of the house with a kitchen in the middle of it.
Stoves, sinks and refrigerators just don’t belong in the same room as beautiful furniture fabrics and art. Or even ikea and Living Spaces furniture.
Are you the person who does most of the cleaning and tidying in your house? If you are, you’d be shocked at how much faster and easier it is to keep a small kitchen with walls around it and 2 smaller rooms clean and tidy all the time than one huge multipurpose space that’s the only traffic way from the front door to the bedrooms.
Once people who’ve grown up in suburban houses with just one multipurpose main room see a real living room they know what I mean. Why do you think houses in San Francisco are so expensive compared to the suburbs? Real kitchens with walls and real properly proportioned living rooms that can be beautifully furnished.
Open plan started when a builder found he could save the cost of 3 pieces of sheet rock , 12 studs mud , tape half a day’s labor for 2 guys and make the place look bigger. So the trailer trash proles accepted it. But then since the kitchen was now part of the living room, the builders decided to vulgarize the kitchen and expand it into the living room area to the point there’s only room for a couch and TV
The trend is ending because of the need for home offices that are more than a stool at the kitchen counter and interior walls to hang the 6 ft TV screen on.
Another theory about huge kitchens that visually and physically overwhelm the main room. I think it’s these open kitchens that cause obesity. When the only way one can avoid looking at the kitchen is to in your bedroom it’s tempting to snack all day.
Whatever some people to look at their stove sink and dishwasher. I prefer to look at beautiful furnitureReplies: @HammerJack, @kaganovitch
It’s funny how much preaching you do, yet seem entirely unaware that any house of size and substance has a public entry and a private entry.
I guess that you’re unaware of the ‘fire entire staff so that PM could create at ‘hit-job/lie- about 9/11/2001?
The beauty of healthy young white women, of heterosexual union, of normal family life, of Western Civilization is tossed aside ... in order to feature the ugly, the unhealthy, the disordered, the depraved.Replies: @Kronos, @Jane Plain, @Gordo
Absolutely, look at their poetry and architecture.
Yes, I know that the perversity of Google Doodles has been a subject here for a while, and it's no news to any reader here that Google is run by sociopaths, but I still had to point that out.Replies: @Jack D, @Gordo
"Defund the police" would be more accurately rendered as "Bring back the Pinkertons."Replies: @HammerJack
I wish it were that simple. Armed private guards are not a law unto themselves. When confronted with a violent mob they can and will put up little more than a token resistance.
Encouraging and empowering the mobs, as our political and cultural leaders are now doing, is a catastrophic error which is going to play out much worse than it did in the 1960s.
Unlike most people here (and everywhere) I hope to God I’m wrong.
Kimberly Gardner is the local county prosecutor. She is a Soros installed prosecutor. She plans to investigate and if possible charge the McCloskeys with violating the 1st amendment civil rights of the mob. We can assume the civil rights unit of the DOJ is on the case too. Every black activist and revun in the country has their 800 number and email.
Wealthy attorneys let her try. Might shock the attorneys and residents of those gated neighborhoods that they can be targeted as well as the deplorable White trash and small business owners.
In Missouri, county courts are called circuit courts and her title is circuit attorney. Or Soros attorney.
I'll put you on ignore and hope it sticks.
Another White hating MAN OF UNZ. Don’t you belong on a BLM website? What exactly would you do if such a mob showed up on your front lawn. Kneel in submission and ask them to forgive you for being White? Wash their feet in an elaborate humiliation ritual? Call the police?
I simply do not understand why any sane white person would support either NASCAR or the NFL. I understand how these things go back to childhood, but at a certain point, you put the things of childhood behind you.Replies: @The Last Real Calvinist
You probably want to add the NBA to that list:
Sources: NBA, union plan to paint ‘Black Lives Matter’ on courts in Orlando
NASCAR on the other hand has tried and failed miserably to expand overseas. Last I checked they were trying to expand in Brazil & China. Wonder how that's going for them nowadays.
The NFL also does these hyped up games in London but I really don't thing that it appeals to Brits. Mostly the ticket holders are expat Yanks. At least, that's what I've been told. The few Brits who show up have been given comp tix. "Papering the house" is an old trick in show biz.
NASCAR and the NFL are such direct poison to the heart of white America, and American men can't seem to wean themselves off it. I can't get it.
But yes, I do see white guys wearing NBA merch and I always say to myself, "WHY?"Replies: @Ray P
I think the word “friends” should be in quotation marks as well.
Before you pontificate about laws about which you know nothing, I suggest you check the state of Missouri penal and civil codes Re; trespass criminal trespass criminal threat and defense of home business and real property.
Check the differences between open to the street lawn and yard, fenced with an open gate yard, fenced with a locked gate yard , sheds and outbuildings not attached to the house, garages carports porches leantos and other structures attached to a house and inside the house.
Then you can make an informed comment about the applicable Missouri laws.
Since you mention Freddy Mercury, wildy OT Mister Sailer, wildly:
It is widely believed that homosexuality can be caused by childhood sexual abuse.
Would these lyrics from ‘Fat Bottomed Girls’ be a cry for help?
Hey I was just a skinny lad
Never knew no good from bad
But I knew life before I left my nursery (huh)
Left alone with big fat Fanny
She was such a naughty nanny
Heap big woman, you made a bad boy out of me
Could be worse. He could go all Charles Taylor.
Liberia’s Taylor ordered cannibalism, court told
Charles Taylor told fighters to eat their enemies, court hears
It's the "Harry Potter magic wand" school. Had a roommate who owned a guitar once. It didn't make him a guitarist, though.
They're just a couple of moronic lawyers; very smart in a tiny narrow niche, ignorant outside of it. Notice that nobody in the foreground is impressed? No surprise given the number of people we've seen in the last month with a rifle on a single point or multi point sling.
Those two prideful, puffed up dimwits have just put a "ROB US" sign on their house with their "How Not To Protect Anything" act.
Oh, yeah, if that guy is really left handed I hope he has an ambis-safety...but won't be surprised if he doesn't.Replies: @Twinkie
I once ran into a guy who waved around a 1911. I disarmed him of it and a colleague of mine at the time admonished me, saying it was a very reckless thing to do. I told him, “No, I’m not that brave. The hammer was down on it. I bet you it’s not even chambered.” And it wasn’t.
People can be pretty dumb about guns.
Binyamin (בִּנְיָמִין) is straight-up Heeb that was Anglicised to 'Benjamin'.
Actually... thinking about that: you have a point, since it's actually pronounced Vinyamin (Heeb has no 'B' sound, which is weird since it ends with a B).
A lot of people think that the 'Ys' in Heeb names (Yakov, Yoshua, Yonatan) is because Yiddish is a swamp[1] version of German, so it turns Js into Ys. Not so - even though shtetl-dwellers were illiterate and spelt shit phonetically.
Fun fact: his brother's name is Yonatan (shortened to Yoni, which hits the ear weirdly on two counts: in Hindi it means vagina; in regional aboriginal languages in Central Australia means 'rock'). I like RockVulva as a nickname.
Likewise, their sister is Avigail (V instead of B, see?).
As Gilad Atzmon explained in a very very good talk ("The Cognitive Elite of Jewish History"), a very large proportion of the population of the Pale of Settlement were as dumb as a bag of dumb rocks. The cognitive elite fled to Western Europe in the mid-1800s, and the very smartest among them integrated and largely de-Heebed. So by 1951 it made all the sense in the world for Mr and Mrs Appelbaum to name their boy Paul Stuart.
Smart Jews started re-Heebing when they sniffed the wind and got whiff of the idea that being identifiably Jewish was good for social-climbing.
So Appelbaum - a psychosophaster - strongly stamped his kids with very-identifiable Heeb names so that there was no doubt that his kids pass the halachic bar (the mother converted: they're all members of an OrthoHeeb franchise, albeit a liberal-OrthoHeeb one... WTF does that even mean?)[2]
[1] by "a swamp version of German", I don't mean a version of the language spoken by Swamp Germans (viz., Dutch).
[2] Their mother ("Dede" when she's בֵּין חֲבֵרִים) is a Connecticut white-bread with no obvious halachic (matrilinear) Jewish roots - her mother went to Emma Willard and her mother's obit reads like that of a typically high-functioning-bourgeois-Protestant. Since Dede's a member of Ramath Orah, she obviously converted before Bibi and RockVulva were born (and little Avigail's kiddies will be halachically Heeb even if she mates outside the Tribe).
'Dede' has publications - both with Hubby and without - about Jewish identitarian nonsense... oddly, the ones in JPost and Azure have been 404'd. The Azure one can be found on the Wayback Machine.
Some might find it odd to find authoritative musings on genetics where the two writers are a psychosophaster and a History major... I found it interesting that while generally rejecting genetics as a basis for land claims, they bent over backwards to try and paint the Ashkenazim as having a better genetic claim than the Palestinians. Pilpul.Replies: @kaganovitch, @AnotherDad, @Jack D
I find the “Yoni” thing amusing to.
I realize in Hebrew–perhaps in semitic languages generally it must mean something else. But i’m not a Semite, America isn’t full of Semites, but people whose roots are Indo-European. There are about a billion native speakers of languages where it means something not very masculine.
(Note: i have very positive feelings about Yoni … just not something i’d name a boy.)
The street is heavily Jewish too, as indicated by the public record search. Would Benyamin aver that it’s
“on a gated street for the most affluent (Jewish) residents of a poor and heavily black city. “.?
Oh I get it .. white is synonymous with “bad guy”.
he is what passes for libertarian these days, How he squares that with NAP, I dont know.
No arrest:
A Southern California man captured on camera pointing a loaded AR-15 rifle at a group of advancing protesters has been arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon.
Jacob Daniel Bracken, 38, of Rancho Cucamonga, faces two counts of assault with a deadly weapon related to the incident in Upland on Monday, the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office said.
Arrested: @Anon, @Kratoklastes, @Father Coughlin
The cops are done. Thats been the most shocking part of this.
In the case of these particular homeowners, I would have urged them to flee. It’s clear they possess zero firearm handling skills, let alone actual gun fighting skills. They were liable to shoot each other under stress more than anyone else. Behaviors of mobs and crowds are unpredictable – they might flee and disperse at the first sound of gunfire or they might become enraged and overrun those homeowners.
If it were me, I’d have formed a small militia with my fellow homeowners, establish good overwatches, barricaded the major points of entry into the community, except a funnel into which to channel any aggressors, and establish a small reaction force with volunteers who knew at least the basics of small unit tactics to deal with those who made into the funnel. And have at least a doctor or a trauma nurse around. I wouldn’t let a mob “show up on my front lawn” in the first place. Things have gone wrong already at that point.
If I had a good intel on the size of the “protesters” and suspected they would be armed in sufficient numbers, I’d evacuate with my family long before they showed up. I like my property, but I love the lives of my wife and children much more.
So again; you live in one of the highest crime blackest cities in the country. The city government is very pro black criminals anti victim of crime anti police because most of the voters are black Crime is so bad the city allowed homeowners to create private communities with locked gates. A couple years ago the mob destroyed the nearby town of Ferguson. The Dt Floyd of the 6 felonies riots have been going on for 3 weeks all over the country.
You and wife are eating dinner. An angry crowd breaks through the locked gates gets on your front lawn screaming and threatening to break in. You have rifle and a hand gun in the house.
Tell me, where’s your militia that you haven’t created yet?
What would you do? Call the police? Or get your guns and protect your lives?
This is allegedly a conservative anti crime site. Yet every time an article appears about a black criminal and a White victim all you guys jump in like a bunch of gossipy old ladies criticizing the White victim for being outside where they could be attacked by blacks.
Here is a couple who used the guns you guys all brag about to defend themselves and it’s just endless criticism. And a lot f what they should have done straight out of gun magazines.
I belong to the NRA too. I read the same articles about hardening your home security and what guns to have as the criticizing nit pickers posted as their own ideas.
Try forming a neighborhood self defense militia or any neighborhood group even as simple as cleaning up after your dog. It’s not that easy to organize a neighborhood group.
And it’s too late to organize a neighborhood militia when a mob shows up on your front lawn.Replies: @Twinkie
Wow. Why did the police even pursue this?
Highlights multiple things:
Social media is not your friend.
Law enforcement is not your friend.
The politicized courts are not your friend.
Half the populace is not your friend.
There’s plenty of replies on this thread, so I’ll just add that the McCloskeys’ behaviour seems to have been a combination of booze (Lady McCloskey in particular seems to be tanked), and a reptilian-brain fear mechanism.
Whatever you think of the McCloskeys, the clear villain in this situation is Mayor Krewson. It was a terrible move to “dox” the activists on Facebook, which was always going to escalate tensions. It was an unnecessary and potentially dangerous provocation, and she should be under immense pressure over this.
I wonder how much of the decline is via the internet: social media turbo-charging retarded liberalism; making it easier to organize riots/immigration; enabling even more autonomous living at the expense of worrying about maintaining brick and mortar; etc.
Wealthy attorneys let her try. Might shock the attorneys and residents of those gated neighborhoods that they can be targeted as well as the deplorable White trash and small business owners.
In Missouri, county courts are called circuit courts and her title is circuit attorney. Or Soros attorney.Replies: @Mike Pierson, Davenport Rector, Midfielder
Most of your interminable posts contradict one another.
I’ll put you on ignore and hope it sticks.
Homicide rates in core cities are inversely correlated with the proportion of the urban settlement the core city captures.
About 15% of the dense settlement in St. Louis is found in the core city. In that situation, the core city will consist of slum, with some agreeable enclaves here and there. You also see slum in suburban and exurban zones. East St. Louis across the border in Illinois is viperous, and Ferguson in St. Louis County is now ruined. Around Chicago, your suburban slums are found in Harvey, East Chicago, Gary, and parts of Hammond and these encompass about 15% of the slum population. About 1/3 of the whole metropolitan settlement is in the core city and about 40% of the core city consists of bad neighborhoods. In Baltimore, about 30% of the population lives in the core city and most of the core city is uninhabitable. I don’t believe you have suburban slum in Baltimore. Around Washington, the slum extends over about half the District of Columbia and 2/3 of Prince George’s County, with the former more dangerous than the latter. The rest of the Washington commuter belt is fine; just has lousy traffic engineering.
Built at the confluence of two major rivers. Has some of the most magnificent architecture you could want.,_Illinois)
A cesspool.
Now I know that wise old Art Deco will accuse me of hyperventilating, but this could be the future of the entire American enterprise if we don't get our #2 together.Replies: @Art Deco, @Johann Ricke
US News ranks St Louis a dismal 81st out of 125 US cities on general quality of life, but again it's not clear how wide an area they include in evaluating each city. Just imagine how crappy you'd need to be to rank below St Louis.
I won't even begin to compare St. Louis to the sprawling cities like LA that grew up in the 2oth century.
Imagine say St. Louis, Denver, Dallas, Nashville, Raleigh, Cincinnati, Minneapolis, Salt Lake, Seattle and San Diego cleared of minorities and serving as just a "reservation" for white gentiles. Since diversity is our strength! ... hellholes no doubt. But then minorities would be safe without dangerous whites around in Memphis, Houston, Miami, NYC, Miami, Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, New Orleans and Atlanta.
I can't understand why the Democrats/leftists aren't proposing this disposition to the deplorable problem.
And here I thought it was only young White women victimized by black criminals the MEN OF UNZ hated. Now you even hate and criticize a White man who did exactly what all of you have been posting and fantasizing about for decades.
And if the rioters had invaded their home and injured or killed them; we all know what the comments would have been.
“ should have had guns should have had this or that shotgun or rifle”. “ Should carry a handgun even in the house and yard. “”Keep guns in each bedroom kitchen and next to all doors. “
Then lots of advice about sniping and shooting situational awareness, military combat tactics, including blast away while they’re on the public sidewalk and be charged with murder.
This is 2 Whites, one a man not a White woman you guys hate so much who did exactly what you guys fantasize about and it’s nothing but nitpicking criticism and even about their house and yard
Maybe you all work for Soros. I’m the only pro White commenter on the site.
Off Topic. For those of you who advocate retreat to rural areas to get away from blacks here’s an article in the latest issue of communist magazine Mother Jones. “ Whites own 98% of rural land. black farmers demand their share”
That could get really bad. BLM DNC and the rest could send busloads of antifa and BLM to farms kill the family and declare the farm a black farm. Often in rural areas the nearest cop is 40 miles away. The south, Illinois Wisconsin and Minnesota would be invaded first. They have big black liberal cities and farms. Plenty of blacks and liberals to attack the farmers.
And then what, especially on a livestock farm? Hilarity would ensue. They’d be afraid of the cows pigs sheep and even the chickens Imagine blacks and antifa attempting to operate the machinery in a milking barn. Cows are very placid and docile until their udders start hurting then they get real ornery. Lots of farmers have their own boars. Blacks are afraid of all animals
The article shows these riots are well organized events directed by the elite. I can’t remember any riots that went on more than about 5 days. Or any riots that invaded small towns like and suburbs like Santa Monica and Beverly Hills Ca.
And now the communist rag Mother Jones advocates driving Whites off their farms. S Africa Zimbabwe every African country The name should be changed to Harriet Tubman or Kashima Sawant because Mother Jones was White and horror of horrors was a labor union organizer for the loathsome deplorable White working class.
Wallow in your hatred and disdain of the McCloskeys, guys. And continue your fantasies about using your rifles to defend your homes against the ravening hordes.Replies: @Hippopotamusdrome, @Kronos, @BenKenobi, @tyrone, @YetAnotherAnon, @anon
“well, well, the rifle toting NRA survivalist MEN OF UNZ who…”
Come on. Mr Akuleyev isn’t representative of the generic Unz commenter, if such a thing there be.
I think they should get our full support.
There seem to be two Alden’s, a sensible one and then the switch gets flicked and ITS ALL CAPS ALDEN.
Sources: NBA, union plan to paint 'Black Lives Matter' on courts in OrlandoReplies: @Jane Plain
Could not agree more, but I do believe – correct me if I’m wrong – that the NBA has indeed lost significant white support in the US. They thrive on overseas money. Basketball is truly a world sport.
NASCAR on the other hand has tried and failed miserably to expand overseas. Last I checked they were trying to expand in Brazil & China. Wonder how that’s going for them nowadays.
The NFL also does these hyped up games in London but I really don’t thing that it appeals to Brits. Mostly the ticket holders are expat Yanks. At least, that’s what I’ve been told. The few Brits who show up have been given comp tix. “Papering the house” is an old trick in show biz.
NASCAR and the NFL are such direct poison to the heart of white America, and American men can’t seem to wean themselves off it. I can’t get it.
But yes, I do see white guys wearing NBA merch and I always say to myself, “WHY?”
Today, the Google Doodle was of a black drag queen who came to a bad end.
Yes, I know that the perversity of Google Doodles has been a subject here for a while, and it’s no news to any reader here that Google is run by sociopaths, but I still had to point that out.
I could see his statue taking the place of Lincoln.Replies: @Jane Plain
And yet in a way laughable that the diseased and demented are their emblems.
About 15% of the dense settlement in St. Louis is found in the core city. In that situation, the core city will consist of slum, with some agreeable enclaves here and there. You also see slum in suburban and exurban zones. East St. Louis across the border in Illinois is viperous, and Ferguson in St. Louis County is now ruined. Around Chicago, your suburban slums are found in Harvey, East Chicago, Gary, and parts of Hammond and these encompass about 15% of the slum population. About 1/3 of the whole metropolitan settlement is in the core city and about 40% of the core city consists of bad neighborhoods. In Baltimore, about 30% of the population lives in the core city and most of the core city is uninhabitable. I don't believe you have suburban slum in Baltimore. Around Washington, the slum extends over about half the District of Columbia and 2/3 of Prince George's County, with the former more dangerous than the latter. The rest of the Washington commuter belt is fine; just has lousy traffic engineering.Replies: @Jane Plain, @Known Fact, @Jack D, @AnotherDad
Look up Cairo, Illinois.
Built at the confluence of two major rivers. Has some of the most magnificent architecture you could want.,_Illinois)
A cesspool.
Now I know that wise old Art Deco will accuse me of hyperventilating, but this could be the future of the entire American enterprise if we don’t get our #2 together.,_Illinois#2010_census
The moral? Wherever problems exist, the usual markers jump out at you.Replies: @Jane Plain
Kneel down and beg for forgiveness for the crime of being White? No wonder the White race is on the decline with Whites like you scorning Whites who dare to defend themselves. Are you antifa? You’re obviously a White hating democratReplies: @Ray P
You are coming across like Granny off the Beverly Hillbillies.
"on a gated street for the most affluent (Jewish) residents of a poor and heavily black city. ".?
Oh I get it .. white is synonymous with "bad guy".Replies: @anon
Wonder how many people noticed that the building next door to the lawyer couple’s house is a 🕍 temple…
Whatever you think of the McCloskeys, the clear villain in this situation is Mayor Krewson. It was a terrible move to "dox" the activists on Facebook, which was always going to escalate tensions. It was an unnecessary and potentially dangerous provocation, and she should be under immense pressure over this. @anon, @Father Coughlin
She appears to be out of her depth anyway.
Built at the confluence of two major rivers. Has some of the most magnificent architecture you could want.,_Illinois)
A cesspool.
Now I know that wise old Art Deco will accuse me of hyperventilating, but this could be the future of the entire American enterprise if we don't get our #2 together.Replies: @Art Deco, @Johann Ricke
I tiny town at the southern tip of Illinois, a place that has been in a ruined state for 50 years, is ‘the future of the entire American enterprise’?
Appelbaum is also an idiot. There is no "Budweiser" family, there is the Busch family and they have been in the bad graces of beer lovers for a long time. Real Budweiser is brewed in Budweis, Bohemia (now known as České Budějovice, Czechia) with over 700 years of tradition behind it. American "Budweiser" is a much crappier beer first brewed by Adolphus Busch in 1874. That would be fine, except for later attempts by Anheuser-Busch to appropriate and use the Budweiser name worldwide and foist their swill on ignorant foreigners.
The beauty of modern America is that there is so much to despise on both sides of the political divide.Replies: @The Alarmist, @(((They))) Live, @Alden, @Alden, @Thoughts, @Jan Banan, @Anon, @vinteuil, @SunBakedSuburb, @International Jew, @Kyle, @Alden, @Jane Plain, @Hibernian
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This sentence is both unfactual and irrational. The words before “since” have been disproven, and the words after “since” don’t follow from the words before “since.”
The city officials are now going to investigate *them.* Some publicity stunt. Talk about over-interpreting. I like a contrarian POV – I provide many of them here. But this is not contrarian. It’s perverse.
Yup, they should have stayed in the house, using the muzzles of their weapons to break through a pair of window panes, making a swirling motion to clear enough shards to get a good firing port.
“George, you ain’t takin’ us alive!” they should have shouted.
Maybe this would have gotten the crowd to scatter and run instead of stick around and “debate”?
Better yet, the dude could have stood in the front door with the pistol to “reason” with the mob, and his wife could have taken up a “high ground” sniper position from an upstairs window?
Not the point that his versions were ‘better’ – which is moot with Jansch anyway. He snaffled the stuff without credit – and copyrighted it himself!
No denying LZ were a great band. No denying they were very bad to those they borrowed from (polite phrase). What gets me is the pettiness – they were millionaires from LZII onwards, they didn’t need the money – whereas their victims did.
You are quite correct, both as to where the house is and as to the magnificence of the Catholic cathedral. It is due to the good taste and scholarly interest of Archbishop John Glennon (one of that better sort of Irishman which St Louis was blessed with) that it was built. The old cathedral still stands, the only building not swept away in the late 1930’s to make way for what turned out to be the rather pointless Gateway Arch.
Speaking of being “swept away”: I rather fear that Glennonville and the Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital will soon be forced to change their names – the archbishop was a strong opponent of racial integration in either parishes or schools. He rightly called pressure in favour of it a “Jesuit ploy”. This is exactly what it was, and has remained.
Not that those other “J’s” weren’t also at work.
For the last week or so, I've been obsessively checking my normal news outlets looking for signs that the pushback against BLM has begun. I'm starting to get worried, cause I don't see any sign of it, while I do see signs that the times are emboldening censorship of places and people that could push back. Where is any leadership?
Unfortunately, I think highly relevant and important truths are just not going to make into the arena. One thing I have seen break through, though, is the true point that the BLM movement is dishonestly representing itself, and is about much more than black lives. Three very different guests on the Joe Rogan podcast--Colion Noir (black Republican), Jocko Willink (white musclehead), and Bret Weinstein (Jewish liberal academic)--all gave varying forms of that argument. It may be the only way to critique BLM without getting cancelled, censored, or psychologically CrimeStopped.
I put this out there in hopes that you readers will think about this strategy and start posting and conversing in other forums than Unz.
The only other strategy I see right now is suggesting stuff people don't want to hear but that is consistent with BLM. For example...Replies: @Chrisnonymous, @ATBOTL
I’m worried by the lack of fight in conservatives. They seem to be reacting to the second round of BLM riots by pandering to blacks even harder and doubling down on “the Democrats are the real racists” type rhetoric, much more so than happened in 2014. Conservative media is downplaying the racial aspects of these riots and a voice like Colin Flaherty, who covers black on white crime as an ongoing story, went from being featured all over the conservative internet in 2014 to being censored. Breitbart has really pandered to blacks hard. One day early in the riots, I saw three articles on the BB front page that were pandering to blacks by trying o claim some kind of groundswell of black support for Trump. Many of these boomers seem to really believe that Trump will win reelection on a surge of black support that will tip all the swing states Red. It’s a bizarre delusion, but it has been spreading in conservative circles for several years now and seems to just keep getting bigger and crazier.
Then he had a dork from something called American Conservative on. The dork went in and on about what Republicans would do for blacks. Bring the factories back and place them in Baltimore and Detroit. More money for black schools would help the retards. More good jobs for blacks. Strengthen the black family.
FYI the factories were in Detroit and Baltimore. Baltimore had a huge port and was a major industrial business city 200 years ago. It was the blacks that drove the factories and all the other businesses away.
But American Conservative spokes dork just kept going on and in about what the Republicans should do for blacks.
I’m so sick of it All my life nothing but what Whites should do for blacks and after 60 years they’re worse than they were in 1960. And they may be just tools but they’re the leaders of a serious anti White revolution.
I think the media is hiding what’s happening. Nothing’s happened in my neighborhood but I hear sirens 5 to 10 times a day. I look on the internet and watch the 10 pm news and there’s nothing.
It’s much easier to train children to be tidy if there’s a front hall that doesn’t go through the awkward space but goes past a living room, dining room kitchen with walls around it directly to their rooms where they can deposit jackets backpacks homework shoes etc
And only brainwashed trailer trash proles borrow money to install $70,000 dollars worth of 20 by 15 foot kitchen in the awkward 20 by 30 space with a $300 IKEA couch and a TV. How in the world did refrigerators become a status symbol? Who eats dinner at a kitchen counter even though it has an $8,000 soapstone or even worse granite countertop? Trailer trash proles that’s who. Granite countertops as vulgar as a bar mitsvah.
Those hideous kitchens that overwhelm the awkward ugly main room are just the result of the idiot public falling for plumbing contractors and real estate agents conning the home buying public.
Rooms good. Badly proportioned awkward all purpose space bad badder worst. Interior walls good. I mean come on, how can one possible decorate an attractive living room with a kitchen in the middle of it?
Another bad floor plan is the huge master bedroom suite and tiny little kids rooms. Kids need decent size rooms for toys clothes sports equipment homework and the school projects.
You’ve probably never seen a well proportioned living room with beautiful furniture and fabrics that’s a real room that isn’t just a traffic way from front door to the rest of the house with a kitchen in the middle of it.
Stoves, sinks and refrigerators just don’t belong in the same room as beautiful furniture fabrics and art. Or even ikea and Living Spaces furniture.
Are you the person who does most of the cleaning and tidying in your house? If you are, you’d be shocked at how much faster and easier it is to keep a small kitchen with walls around it and 2 smaller rooms clean and tidy all the time than one huge multipurpose space that’s the only traffic way from the front door to the bedrooms.
Once people who’ve grown up in suburban houses with just one multipurpose main room see a real living room they know what I mean. Why do you think houses in San Francisco are so expensive compared to the suburbs? Real kitchens with walls and real properly proportioned living rooms that can be beautifully furnished.
Open plan started when a builder found he could save the cost of 3 pieces of sheet rock , 12 studs mud , tape half a day’s labor for 2 guys and make the place look bigger. So the trailer trash proles accepted it. But then since the kitchen was now part of the living room, the builders decided to vulgarize the kitchen and expand it into the living room area to the point there’s only room for a couch and TV
The trend is ending because of the need for home offices that are more than a stool at the kitchen counter and interior walls to hang the 6 ft TV screen on.
Another theory about huge kitchens that visually and physically overwhelm the main room. I think it’s these open kitchens that cause obesity. When the only way one can avoid looking at the kitchen is to in your bedroom it’s tempting to snack all day.
Whatever some people to look at their stove sink and dishwasher. I prefer to look at beautiful furnitureReplies: @HammerJack, @kaganovitch
Why do you think houses in San Francisco are so expensive compared to the suburbs? Real kitchens with walls and real properly proportioned living rooms that can be beautifully furnished.
While I like old houses quite a bit, the reason houses in Frisco are so expensive has nothing at all to do with kitchen walls.
But because it has a proper floor plan and real rooms, the smaller house is actually more functional and infinitely more attractive because of the proportions. A big reason the Chinese like San Francisco so much is the 12 ft ceilings They accommodate triple instead of double bunk beds. So they can put 4 sets of triple bunk beds in a 10 by 10 bedroom and crowd 12 people in instead of 8.
I remember so many tenants. We went in they looked to the right, saw the real living room with good proportions, palladium windows and fireplace and said we’ll take it.
Whatever you think of the McCloskeys, the clear villain in this situation is Mayor Krewson. It was a terrible move to "dox" the activists on Facebook, which was always going to escalate tensions. It was an unnecessary and potentially dangerous provocation, and she should be under immense pressure over this. @anon, @Father Coughlin
It was publicly requestable information, they had been charged with crimes and no harm had/has come to them because of the release of the names.
Yes, I know that the perversity of Google Doodles has been a subject here for a while, and it's no news to any reader here that Google is run by sociopaths, but I still had to point that out.Replies: @Jack D, @Gordo
Another hero for our times, along with Valerie Solanas. Look, there are going to be a lot of empty pedestals around once they take down all the statues of white people (and I mean ALL of them) and they are going to have to fill them up with somebody. It was bad enough when they were putting up statues of womanizers and plagiarists like MLK but now they are going to move on to the TRUE crazies. I don’t know how much lower they can go – they are really plumbing the depths, but the Left continues to surprise me so I’m sure that they can do even “better”. Maybe General Buck Naked?
I could see his statue taking the place of Lincoln.
“… coming from Boston—we just didn’t let the blacks destroy our neighborhoods”
Frequent traveler to Boston here, and a native of Chicago. The difference between the two cities in how blacks seem to fit into the landscape is quite remarkable. I assume there must be at least one no-go zone in Boston, but I haven’t seen it. Chicago has miles and miles of them.
OTOH, I’ve also never seen such pervasive kneeling/foot washing aesthetics as I did in Cambridge last week, with house after house displaying a professionally printed BLM sign in their front yards.
I started to wonder if there’s a relationship between the two phenomena somehow.
Coming out in the open like they did was a really bad idea. The mob could have rushed them. There were people in the mob who were also armed.
This is specifically why the Democrats are using BLM as their main vehicle to mobilize voters this fall. Nothing is coincidental. It simultaneously gins up turnout while paralyzing the right. The Democrats could be leading with their nominee and his policies (what ever they are) but he is a disaster and would get killed in a normal election. The politicians, media, corporations, the virus perps, and liberals understand that this is their last and only chance to win so all assets are deployed.
About 15% of the dense settlement in St. Louis is found in the core city. In that situation, the core city will consist of slum, with some agreeable enclaves here and there. You also see slum in suburban and exurban zones. East St. Louis across the border in Illinois is viperous, and Ferguson in St. Louis County is now ruined. Around Chicago, your suburban slums are found in Harvey, East Chicago, Gary, and parts of Hammond and these encompass about 15% of the slum population. About 1/3 of the whole metropolitan settlement is in the core city and about 40% of the core city consists of bad neighborhoods. In Baltimore, about 30% of the population lives in the core city and most of the core city is uninhabitable. I don't believe you have suburban slum in Baltimore. Around Washington, the slum extends over about half the District of Columbia and 2/3 of Prince George's County, with the former more dangerous than the latter. The rest of the Washington commuter belt is fine; just has lousy traffic engineering.Replies: @Jane Plain, @Known Fact, @Jack D, @AnotherDad
That’s a good point — crime stats can be affected and even actively massaged by where you draw the city’s borders. Jacksonville’s already lousy numbers would balloon if not for the huge incorporated area that includes some quieter neighborhoods.
US News ranks St Louis a dismal 81st out of 125 US cities on general quality of life, but again it’s not clear how wide an area they include in evaluating each city. Just imagine how crappy you’d need to be to rank below St Louis.
Frequent traveler to Boston here, and a native of Chicago. The difference between the two cities in how blacks seem to fit into the landscape is quite remarkable. I assume there must be at least one no-go zone in Boston, but I haven’t seen it. Chicago has miles and miles of them.
OTOH, I’ve also never seen such pervasive kneeling/foot washing aesthetics as I did in Cambridge last week, with house after house displaying a professionally printed BLM sign in their front yards.
I started to wonder if there’s a relationship between the two phenomena somehow.Replies: @Steve Sailer
My impression from attending downtown fireworks displays in 1986 in Chicago and Boston is that whites are scared of blacks in Chicago and blacks are scared of whites in Boston. The idea that the intellectual part of the Boston area is dependent upon the non-intellectual part of white Boston seems pretty plausible to me.
As recently as the early aughts (and maybe even now, I don't know) it was common knowledge that no Blacks could rent in the North End. Whites could rent at below market rate compared to Back Bay, South End, etc. Italians from the neighborhood could rent at waaay below market rate although the Italian american community had the same birthrate collapse/diffusion as everybody else so there weren't a ton of young renters.
This was because of the Mafia, of course. I knew several nice cornfed young ladies from the rural midwest who were aware of the reality of the situation and were quite pro-mafia, strange as that may sound.
Not sure if the Irish mob did something similar in their neighborhoods but I assume so.Replies: @JohnnyWalker123
About 15% of the dense settlement in St. Louis is found in the core city. In that situation, the core city will consist of slum, with some agreeable enclaves here and there. You also see slum in suburban and exurban zones. East St. Louis across the border in Illinois is viperous, and Ferguson in St. Louis County is now ruined. Around Chicago, your suburban slums are found in Harvey, East Chicago, Gary, and parts of Hammond and these encompass about 15% of the slum population. About 1/3 of the whole metropolitan settlement is in the core city and about 40% of the core city consists of bad neighborhoods. In Baltimore, about 30% of the population lives in the core city and most of the core city is uninhabitable. I don't believe you have suburban slum in Baltimore. Around Washington, the slum extends over about half the District of Columbia and 2/3 of Prince George's County, with the former more dangerous than the latter. The rest of the Washington commuter belt is fine; just has lousy traffic engineering.Replies: @Jane Plain, @Known Fact, @Jack D, @AnotherDad
St. Louis is unusual in that the municipality of St. Louis is only the downtown core. The city only covers 66 square miles (vs. 234 sq. miles for Chicago, for example). Most cities in the 19th century (NYC, Philadelphia, etc.) incorporated their inner ring neighboring municipalities such as Brooklyn but St. Louis didn’t. So the suburbs begin much sooner. Wash. U. is only 7 miles from the Arch but it is already in a different municipality. Ferguson is only 10 miles. In Philadelphia when you are 7 miles from the riverfront at the center of the city you are still inside the city in almost all directions (except toward the river) and toward the northeast you can go ANOTHER 7 miles and still be inside the city.
I won’t even begin to compare St. Louis to the sprawling cities like LA that grew up in the 2oth century.
Or they could have just not swept each other with the muzzles of their firearms.
The GOP is, unsurprisingly, AWOL. Tucker Carlson and, to a lesser degree, Laura Ingraham are pointing out the duplicity of BLM and at least hinting at what’s behind a lot this, but without the racial angle. At least Carlson isn’t going on about how much Trump has done for black America (Carlson doesn’t really seem to like Trump, and it shows). But a lot of conservatives have bought into this delusion that the black vote is in play. It’s folly. I bet Biden will get at least 90%, as virtually every Democrat has for the last sixty years. Republicans might as well campaign in Belgium to turn out the belgian vote for all the good it will do them.
I do. @Ray P
The French gangster’s moll needs a beret and string of onions around her neck. A pencil skirt with a slit would have been good.
“Say hello to my little friend.”
I wonder if the ban on the sale of the wideband Walkie-Talkie “popular Baofeng UV-5R”:
was because LE was scared of the public having access to a large swath of frequencies from which to use in case of urban mayhem?
“Assuming no fancy stuff it would be easy to scan the frequencies and record their comms. ”
Whistler offers scanner that have a built-in audio recorder. (WS-1095)
Interestingly, the Whistler site ( states ALL their police scanners are out of stock. I guess people are really, REALLY interested if the BLM is coming down the street to burn down their neighborhood. An electronic Paul Revere!
I think it is technically feasible to build small and cheap SDR receivers to record via digital swaths of frequencies and examine them later. They could put them in cop surveillance vehicles and park them in target areas.
I don't think that they are really enforcing this - the BaoFeng stuff still seems to be available, even on Amazon. I don't know whether they've locked the relevant frequencies out in the newer versions. Since these radios seem to be programmable it would probably just be a matter of reprogramming them but I don't care enough to find out. Surely there are sellers in China on aliexpress who don't give a damn about FCC requirements.Replies: @Joe Stalin
NASCAR on the other hand has tried and failed miserably to expand overseas. Last I checked they were trying to expand in Brazil & China. Wonder how that's going for them nowadays.
The NFL also does these hyped up games in London but I really don't thing that it appeals to Brits. Mostly the ticket holders are expat Yanks. At least, that's what I've been told. The few Brits who show up have been given comp tix. "Papering the house" is an old trick in show biz.
NASCAR and the NFL are such direct poison to the heart of white America, and American men can't seem to wean themselves off it. I can't get it.
But yes, I do see white guys wearing NBA merch and I always say to myself, "WHY?"Replies: @Ray P
In the middle of the nineteen eighties, I knew several English college undergraduates who were big NFL fans so there is a minority following in the country. The BBC even puts on a weekly late night NFL show of match highlights and it broadcasts the Superbowl live every year in the early hours of the morning. SKY Sports in the UK (which is subscription-based) shows the regular season games and the playoffs.
NFL and NASCAR fandom is, largely, a job only Americans will do.
So let's do it guys. Destroy 'em.
Read its history.
Key word is minority. I’ve know Brits who were experts at college football, as well as NFL. But it’s not a major sport, never will be. The point being that the NFL and NASCAR can’t replace lack of American fan support.
NFL and NASCAR fandom is, largely, a job only Americans will do.
So let’s do it guys. Destroy ’em.
I could see his statue taking the place of Lincoln.Replies: @Jane Plain
Shero, sir.
From Diana Muir:
I’m willing to believe that. But with nationhood, “electoral systems … are manipulated by the wealthy,” too.
I think it all comes down to the Iron Law of Oligarchy:
"Assuming no fancy stuff it would be easy to scan the frequencies and record their comms. "
Whistler offers scanner that have a built-in audio recorder. (WS-1095)
Interestingly, the Whistler site ( states ALL their police scanners are out of stock. I guess people are really, REALLY interested if the BLM is coming down the street to burn down their neighborhood. An electronic Paul Revere!
I think it is technically feasible to build small and cheap SDR receivers to record via digital swaths of frequencies and examine them later. They could put them in cop surveillance vehicles and park them in target areas.Replies: @Jack D
No, it was because Ham radio hobbyists didn’t want equipment that was capable of transmitting in “their” frequencies in the hands of the general public.
I don’t think that they are really enforcing this – the BaoFeng stuff still seems to be available, even on Amazon. I don’t know whether they’ve locked the relevant frequencies out in the newer versions. Since these radios seem to be programmable it would probably just be a matter of reprogramming them but I don’t care enough to find out. Surely there are sellers in China on aliexpress who don’t give a damn about FCC requirements.
Not a chance in hell is that true. The true spirit of ham radio is creating and modifying equipment to operate on the ham frequencies. Listen to the VHF/UHF ham frequencies on a scanner; pretty much scarcely used. Ham equipment many times is easily modifiable to make them operate out-of-band, via manufacture provided jumpers to be cut for MARS operation. The hams welcome easily modified equipment because it makes it easier to get commercial equipment on the air. The BaoFengs and the like were easily converted to operate for, like 460 Mhz, Chicago Police Department frequencies and have the requisite CTCSS tones such that, if you wanted to, interfere with CPD comms.Replies: @Jack D
I don't think that they are really enforcing this - the BaoFeng stuff still seems to be available, even on Amazon. I don't know whether they've locked the relevant frequencies out in the newer versions. Since these radios seem to be programmable it would probably just be a matter of reprogramming them but I don't care enough to find out. Surely there are sellers in China on aliexpress who don't give a damn about FCC requirements.Replies: @Joe Stalin
“No, it was because Ham radio hobbyists didn’t want equipment that was capable of transmitting in “their” frequencies in the hands of the general public. ”
Not a chance in hell is that true. The true spirit of ham radio is creating and modifying equipment to operate on the ham frequencies. Listen to the VHF/UHF ham frequencies on a scanner; pretty much scarcely used. Ham equipment many times is easily modifiable to make them operate out-of-band, via manufacture provided jumpers to be cut for MARS operation. The hams welcome easily modified equipment because it makes it easier to get commercial equipment on the air. The BaoFengs and the like were easily converted to operate for, like 460 Mhz, Chicago Police Department frequencies and have the requisite CTCSS tones such that, if you wanted to, interfere with CPD comms.
+1 very accurate.
As recently as the early aughts (and maybe even now, I don’t know) it was common knowledge that no Blacks could rent in the North End. Whites could rent at below market rate compared to Back Bay, South End, etc. Italians from the neighborhood could rent at waaay below market rate although the Italian american community had the same birthrate collapse/diffusion as everybody else so there weren’t a ton of young renters.
This was because of the Mafia, of course. I knew several nice cornfed young ladies from the rural midwest who were aware of the reality of the situation and were quite pro-mafia, strange as that may sound.
Not sure if the Irish mob did something similar in their neighborhoods but I assume so.
Most Whites are basically apolitical. They just want to be left alone to make money, go shopping, watch tv, and enjoy life. They do have a vague desire to see fairness, but they have a much more urgent demand for safety and middle-class opportunity.
If local mafias could provide low-cost all-white housing in good areas, most Whites would jump at the chance. Very few people would complain. They wouldn't defend the practice, but they'd certainly take advantage of it. Yes, they did. Then in the late 80s, the Boston Housing Authority was sued for discrimination. Then they had to start bringing in Black and Puerto Rican renters to Southie projects, like Old Colony, Mary Ellen MacCormack, etc.Replies: @Twinkie
About 15% of the dense settlement in St. Louis is found in the core city. In that situation, the core city will consist of slum, with some agreeable enclaves here and there. You also see slum in suburban and exurban zones. East St. Louis across the border in Illinois is viperous, and Ferguson in St. Louis County is now ruined. Around Chicago, your suburban slums are found in Harvey, East Chicago, Gary, and parts of Hammond and these encompass about 15% of the slum population. About 1/3 of the whole metropolitan settlement is in the core city and about 40% of the core city consists of bad neighborhoods. In Baltimore, about 30% of the population lives in the core city and most of the core city is uninhabitable. I don't believe you have suburban slum in Baltimore. Around Washington, the slum extends over about half the District of Columbia and 2/3 of Prince George's County, with the former more dangerous than the latter. The rest of the Washington commuter belt is fine; just has lousy traffic engineering.Replies: @Jane Plain, @Known Fact, @Jack D, @AnotherDad
Since deplorables like me are oppressing various minorities–blacks, Jews, Mexicans, muslims, Asians–with our terrible mind rays, it would be goodness if we could be isolated–quarantined–in a few cities or states, away from minorities to keep them safe.
Imagine say St. Louis, Denver, Dallas, Nashville, Raleigh, Cincinnati, Minneapolis, Salt Lake, Seattle and San Diego cleared of minorities and serving as just a “reservation” for white gentiles. Since diversity is our strength! … hellholes no doubt. But then minorities would be safe without dangerous whites around in Memphis, Houston, Miami, NYC, Miami, Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, New Orleans and Atlanta.
I can’t understand why the Democrats/leftists aren’t proposing this disposition to the deplorable problem.
I’d man a roof with you any day.
I’ve read its history. There are 30,000 or more municipalities in this country. You’re bound to have a few outliers.
I don’t know who coined the term but old Whiskey uses it…..”woke capital”
Built at the confluence of two major rivers. Has some of the most magnificent architecture you could want.,_Illinois)
A cesspool.
Now I know that wise old Art Deco will accuse me of hyperventilating, but this could be the future of the entire American enterprise if we don't get our #2 together.Replies: @Art Deco, @Johann Ricke
The future of the American enterprise is a 71.5% black population (in 2010), up from 61.7% in 2000?,_Illinois#2010_census
The moral? Wherever problems exist, the usual markers jump out at you.
Not a chance in hell is that true. The true spirit of ham radio is creating and modifying equipment to operate on the ham frequencies. Listen to the VHF/UHF ham frequencies on a scanner; pretty much scarcely used. Ham equipment many times is easily modifiable to make them operate out-of-band, via manufacture provided jumpers to be cut for MARS operation. The hams welcome easily modified equipment because it makes it easier to get commercial equipment on the air. The BaoFengs and the like were easily converted to operate for, like 460 Mhz, Chicago Police Department frequencies and have the requisite CTCSS tones such that, if you wanted to, interfere with CPD comms.Replies: @Jack D
From the Survival Blog link that you gave:
And here I thought it was only young White women victimized by black criminals the MEN OF UNZ hated. Now you even hate and criticize a White man who did exactly what all of you have been posting and fantasizing about for decades.
And if the rioters had invaded their home and injured or killed them; we all know what the comments would have been.
“ should have had guns should have had this or that shotgun or rifle”. “ Should carry a handgun even in the house and yard. “”Keep guns in each bedroom kitchen and next to all doors. “
Then lots of advice about sniping and shooting situational awareness, military combat tactics, including blast away while they’re on the public sidewalk and be charged with murder.
This is 2 Whites, one a man not a White woman you guys hate so much who did exactly what you guys fantasize about and it’s nothing but nitpicking criticism and even about their house and yard
Maybe you all work for Soros. I’m the only pro White commenter on the site.
Off Topic. For those of you who advocate retreat to rural areas to get away from blacks here’s an article in the latest issue of communist magazine Mother Jones. “ Whites own 98% of rural land. black farmers demand their share”
That could get really bad. BLM DNC and the rest could send busloads of antifa and BLM to farms kill the family and declare the farm a black farm. Often in rural areas the nearest cop is 40 miles away. The south, Illinois Wisconsin and Minnesota would be invaded first. They have big black liberal cities and farms. Plenty of blacks and liberals to attack the farmers.
And then what, especially on a livestock farm? Hilarity would ensue. They’d be afraid of the cows pigs sheep and even the chickens Imagine blacks and antifa attempting to operate the machinery in a milking barn. Cows are very placid and docile until their udders start hurting then they get real ornery. Lots of farmers have their own boars. Blacks are afraid of all animals
The article shows these riots are well organized events directed by the elite. I can’t remember any riots that went on more than about 5 days. Or any riots that invaded small towns like and suburbs like Santa Monica and Beverly Hills Ca.
And now the communist rag Mother Jones advocates driving Whites off their farms. S Africa Zimbabwe every African country The name should be changed to Harriet Tubman or Kashima Sawant because Mother Jones was White and horror of horrors was a labor union organizer for the loathsome deplorable White working class.
Wallow in your hatred and disdain of the McCloskeys, guys. And continue your fantasies about using your rifles to defend your homes against the ravening hordes.Replies: @Hippopotamusdrome, @Kronos, @BenKenobi, @tyrone, @YetAnotherAnon, @anon
Well, well, well, the rifle toting NRA survivalist MEN OF UNZ
Looks like a WINE AUNT OF UNZ reached the bottom of a box and has to go buy more but doesn’t wanna.
All that big talk in days gone by about “I put men in jail”, lol. Chairwarming commando much?
You guys live 100 miles from the nearest black criminal, own a few guns, fantasize about shooting down black criminals But a White couple does what you all fantasize about and you just brag how you would have done it better.Replies: @No Recent Commenting History Scotland was joined to England by the Acts Of Union in 1707. The current Scottish 'National Anthem', Flower Of Scotland, is about the battle of Bannockburn in 1314.
Mind, it didn't help that, in the words of The Good Hitchens, the British Government answered resurgent Scottish Nationalism not with argument but with subsidy. What you subsidise you get more of.Replies: @anon
Scots seem to be showing less love to the monarch in unconventional ways:
Don’t diss granny – she could shoot the flea off a beagle at 100 yards.
TBH I would not want that lady behind me with any kind of firearm at all.
FourOneSeven, what no Rolling Rock?
So, I guess we’ve found a solution for gentrification. Between massive urban riots, plague, police taking to the donut shops, and lots of companies allowing people to work from home, how many people with any choices are going to move to the city?
A terrible story involving BudweiserReplies: @Anonymous
Am I the only one who has been told (and told more than once) that drinking one’s own urine really is strongly preferable to drinking Budweiser?
Guns, you say? One of these would have kept the crowd moving:,_Illinois#2010_census
The moral? Wherever problems exist, the usual markers jump out at you.Replies: @Jane Plain
No Johann, that wasn’t my point. Go back further. Cairo wasn’t always majority black.
I prefer Pabst, best of the bad beers. Budweiser’s too sweet.
Appelbaum is also an idiot. There is no "Budweiser" family, there is the Busch family and they have been in the bad graces of beer lovers for a long time. Real Budweiser is brewed in Budweis, Bohemia (now known as České Budějovice, Czechia) with over 700 years of tradition behind it. American "Budweiser" is a much crappier beer first brewed by Adolphus Busch in 1874. That would be fine, except for later attempts by Anheuser-Busch to appropriate and use the Budweiser name worldwide and foist their swill on ignorant foreigners.
The beauty of modern America is that there is so much to despise on both sides of the political divide.Replies: @The Alarmist, @(((They))) Live, @Alden, @Alden, @Thoughts, @Jan Banan, @Anon, @vinteuil, @SunBakedSuburb, @International Jew, @Kyle, @Alden, @Jane Plain, @Hibernian
Thanks for representing the Antifa point of view, Mr. Akuleyev.
They were overtly threatened by the mob.
The old elite live in Ladue and Clayton or further afield. Given the events of recent months, that "further afield' might end up as "out of state".Replies: @Oo-ee-oo-ah-ah-ting-tang-walla-walla-bing-bang, @Mr. Anon, @Alec Leamas (hard at work), @Hibernian
The only out of state areas in commuting distance are in Illinois (my own state), enough said. Further out in the countryside in Missouri would be a better option.
But I was thinking more of the families at the same level as the Busch's (who built this house for a son-in-law.)
These skip wholes states in their search for peace and quiet, and were generally the first to abandon their magnificent inner city mansions. A Busch descendent went so far as to buy a ranch of well over 300,000 acres in New Mexico, so desirous was he to get away from it all.
Anyone can apply for a rules change for the FCC. LE in particular doesn’t like people to have equipment that transmits on their frequencies. I remember reading an article where a ham operator used his walkie-talkie to call for help on police frequencies and the police grabbed his walkie-talkie. He had to point out that the FCC explicitly allows you to use any frequency to call for help when people’s lives are in danger. He got his equipment back.
I will also point out that “boot-licking sycophants within the ham community that pushed for this rule change” includes police. Members of law enforcement have amateur radio licenses, especially those that are involved in radio communications. Some of the knowledgeable police contribute to the police scanner community. For some, being a cop undoubtedly exceeds allowing people to have wideband RF communications gear. It’s could be a way for cops to get what they want under the subterfuge of ‘protecting my ham frequencies.’ It doesn’t even have to be cops presenting the proposal.
You probably have a more complete picture of events (which, admittedly, I did not follow closely), but it seemed to me that the distributorship (lucrative though it was) was a sop given to Jackson by Anheuser-Busch. Here is a brief account someone else has set down concerning how the AB people set about dealing with Jackson:
Based on the above, I formed the impression that the distributorship was a bone of the “you had better like what we’re giving you, because that’s all you’ll be getting out of us” sort.
It also meant that Jackson was now bound by his own financial interests to support the company, something that a quick payoff could never have achieved. When you take into account who-ultimately-did-what-to-whom, you might agree with me when I say Anheuser-Busch had some clever chaps on their payroll.
Binyamin (בִּנְיָמִין) is straight-up Heeb that was Anglicised to 'Benjamin'.
Actually... thinking about that: you have a point, since it's actually pronounced Vinyamin (Heeb has no 'B' sound, which is weird since it ends with a B).
A lot of people think that the 'Ys' in Heeb names (Yakov, Yoshua, Yonatan) is because Yiddish is a swamp[1] version of German, so it turns Js into Ys. Not so - even though shtetl-dwellers were illiterate and spelt shit phonetically.
Fun fact: his brother's name is Yonatan (shortened to Yoni, which hits the ear weirdly on two counts: in Hindi it means vagina; in regional aboriginal languages in Central Australia means 'rock'). I like RockVulva as a nickname.
Likewise, their sister is Avigail (V instead of B, see?).
As Gilad Atzmon explained in a very very good talk ("The Cognitive Elite of Jewish History"), a very large proportion of the population of the Pale of Settlement were as dumb as a bag of dumb rocks. The cognitive elite fled to Western Europe in the mid-1800s, and the very smartest among them integrated and largely de-Heebed. So by 1951 it made all the sense in the world for Mr and Mrs Appelbaum to name their boy Paul Stuart.
Smart Jews started re-Heebing when they sniffed the wind and got whiff of the idea that being identifiably Jewish was good for social-climbing.
So Appelbaum - a psychosophaster - strongly stamped his kids with very-identifiable Heeb names so that there was no doubt that his kids pass the halachic bar (the mother converted: they're all members of an OrthoHeeb franchise, albeit a liberal-OrthoHeeb one... WTF does that even mean?)[2]
[1] by "a swamp version of German", I don't mean a version of the language spoken by Swamp Germans (viz., Dutch).
[2] Their mother ("Dede" when she's בֵּין חֲבֵרִים) is a Connecticut white-bread with no obvious halachic (matrilinear) Jewish roots - her mother went to Emma Willard and her mother's obit reads like that of a typically high-functioning-bourgeois-Protestant. Since Dede's a member of Ramath Orah, she obviously converted before Bibi and RockVulva were born (and little Avigail's kiddies will be halachically Heeb even if she mates outside the Tribe).
'Dede' has publications - both with Hubby and without - about Jewish identitarian nonsense... oddly, the ones in JPost and Azure have been 404'd. The Azure one can be found on the Wayback Machine.
Some might find it odd to find authoritative musings on genetics where the two writers are a psychosophaster and a History major... I found it interesting that while generally rejecting genetics as a basis for land claims, they bent over backwards to try and paint the Ashkenazim as having a better genetic claim than the Palestinians. Pilpul.Replies: @kaganovitch, @AnotherDad, @Jack D
Whoever transliterated עִבְרִית (Ivrit, which is how you say Hebrew in Hebrew) into the English word “Hebrew” had the same confusing you do. As Kaganovitch explained, B and V are represented in Hebrew by the same letter except that if you put a dot in the middle of it, the V sound shifts to B. Whoever did it in Russian didn’t have the same confusion because in Russian the word for Jew is еврей (Yevray). B and V are closely related sounds and in many languages B is pronounced V (Russian) or vice versa (Spanish).
Of course it could be worse – (Français,French).
I really know nothing about this personally and am going entirely by what Survival Blogger said (and he sounded as if he did know what he was talking about). I assume that if this was really an LE move in disguise he would not have hesitated to say so but he pointed squarely at the Ham community and even gave what he thought were the reasons why. This seems to be of a piece with other Ham behaviors such as insisting on Morse code proficiency as a licensing requirement for decades after Morse code had any real world use, just as a way of raising the bar for the rif-raff.
I’ve heard about it. One street, I think it’s Grand Central Parkway was known as the Jewish Park Avenue. A famous world class zoo, Fordham university great public libraries a famous botanical garden
Your recommendations are all after it happened, not when they saw a nasty crowd invading their property.
So again; you live in one of the highest crime blackest cities in the country. The city government is very pro black criminals anti victim of crime anti police because most of the voters are black Crime is so bad the city allowed homeowners to create private communities with locked gates. A couple years ago the mob destroyed the nearby town of Ferguson. The Dt Floyd of the 6 felonies riots have been going on for 3 weeks all over the country.
You and wife are eating dinner. An angry crowd breaks through the locked gates gets on your front lawn screaming and threatening to break in. You have rifle and a hand gun in the house.
Tell me, where’s your militia that you haven’t created yet?
What would you do? Call the police? Or get your guns and protect your lives?
This is allegedly a conservative anti crime site. Yet every time an article appears about a black criminal and a White victim all you guys jump in like a bunch of gossipy old ladies criticizing the White victim for being outside where they could be attacked by blacks.
Here is a couple who used the guns you guys all brag about to defend themselves and it’s just endless criticism. And a lot f what they should have done straight out of gun magazines.
I belong to the NRA too. I read the same articles about hardening your home security and what guns to have as the criticizing nit pickers posted as their own ideas.
Try forming a neighborhood self defense militia or any neighborhood group even as simple as cleaning up after your dog. It’s not that easy to organize a neighborhood group.
And it’s too late to organize a neighborhood militia when a mob shows up on your front lawn.
This was me about a month ago:
And that was possible, because I got to know my neighbors very well and have earned their trust. I've demonstrated over the years that I care about their well-being and that I'd unhesitatingly take a bullet to protect their children as I would my own. I also taught several of the neighbors and their children shooting. My immediate neighbors trust me with their house keys and alarm codes (when they are on vacation, I bring in their packages and put them inside the house). So when I talk to them, they take me seriously.
I also maintain an excellent relationship with some of the local law enforcement officers, who often let me know of ongoing law enforcement issues in the area. They were the ones who let me know about the planned protest in my area. They were very, very lucky. And speak for yourself on bragging. Because they acted like fools and looked like complete buffoons (the wife would have smacked herself on the face with her pistol if she fired it, at minimum, and they likely would have shot each other under stress, considering that they swept each other repeatedly with the muzzles of their firearms). Had the mob turned violent, they were not in a position to defend themselves effectively at all. A determined or an enraged mob would have overrun them, killed them both, and torched their house. You don't fend off a large group of possibly armed aggressors with two people in the open. That's just pure dumbness - an easy ticket to the afterlife.Replies: @Alden, @Anon, @Johann Ricke
Looks like a WINE AUNT OF UNZ reached the bottom of a box and has to go buy more but doesn't wanna.
All that big talk in days gone by about "I put men in jail", lol. Chairwarming commando much?
lolReplies: @Alden
I did put black criminals in jail.
You guys live 100 miles from the nearest black criminal, own a few guns, fantasize about shooting down black criminals But a White couple does what you all fantasize about and you just brag how you would have done it better.
Surrre you did, from behind a desk maybe. I know 20-something security guards who have better tactical sense than you do.
You guys live 100 miles from the nearest black criminal, own a few guns, fantasize about shooting down black criminals
Lol, you don't know who or where anyone on this site is, or what they are like. That doesn't stop you from raving like a drunk being escorted out of a bar sometimes. Self control is a virtue. Try it!
But a White couple does what you all fantasize about and you just brag how you would have done it better.
I've never had the fantasy of being that foolish. Never.
You really are just raving at this point, demonstrating your ignorance and inability to reason.
PS: I just reviewed the vid and noticed in addition to all the other mistakes, the lawyer-man does not have a sling or carrying strap on his carbine. That's a lesser blunder vs. everything else, but it is just another indicator that he didn't have a clue what he was doing. They were lucky, this time, with their Harry Potter wands. That's all. Lucky.
While I like old houses quite a bit, the reason houses in Frisco are so expensive has nothing at all to do with kitchen walls.Replies: @Alden
Yes the floor plans good proportions etc is what makes San Francisco so expensive. One can buy a 3,000 sq ft house with a big yard and sunshine 4 miles from the San Mateo San Francisco border for less that a 1,500 sq ft house right up on the sidewalk with a tiny back yard in the city.
But because it has a proper floor plan and real rooms, the smaller house is actually more functional and infinitely more attractive because of the proportions. A big reason the Chinese like San Francisco so much is the 12 ft ceilings They accommodate triple instead of double bunk beds. So they can put 4 sets of triple bunk beds in a 10 by 10 bedroom and crowd 12 people in instead of 8.
I remember so many tenants. We went in they looked to the right, saw the real living room with good proportions, palladium windows and fireplace and said we’ll take it.
So again; you live in one of the highest crime blackest cities in the country. The city government is very pro black criminals anti victim of crime anti police because most of the voters are black Crime is so bad the city allowed homeowners to create private communities with locked gates. A couple years ago the mob destroyed the nearby town of Ferguson. The Dt Floyd of the 6 felonies riots have been going on for 3 weeks all over the country.
You and wife are eating dinner. An angry crowd breaks through the locked gates gets on your front lawn screaming and threatening to break in. You have rifle and a hand gun in the house.
Tell me, where’s your militia that you haven’t created yet?
What would you do? Call the police? Or get your guns and protect your lives?
This is allegedly a conservative anti crime site. Yet every time an article appears about a black criminal and a White victim all you guys jump in like a bunch of gossipy old ladies criticizing the White victim for being outside where they could be attacked by blacks.
Here is a couple who used the guns you guys all brag about to defend themselves and it’s just endless criticism. And a lot f what they should have done straight out of gun magazines.
I belong to the NRA too. I read the same articles about hardening your home security and what guns to have as the criticizing nit pickers posted as their own ideas.
Try forming a neighborhood self defense militia or any neighborhood group even as simple as cleaning up after your dog. It’s not that easy to organize a neighborhood group.
And it’s too late to organize a neighborhood militia when a mob shows up on your front lawn.Replies: @Twinkie
NRA is a racket. I gave up the membership a long time ago (and I know some of the top executives there). I only support my local, grassroots gun rights organization.
So do it before.
That’s right. It takes organization and forethought. Try some.
This was me about a month ago:
And that was possible, because I got to know my neighbors very well and have earned their trust. I’ve demonstrated over the years that I care about their well-being and that I’d unhesitatingly take a bullet to protect their children as I would my own. I also taught several of the neighbors and their children shooting. My immediate neighbors trust me with their house keys and alarm codes (when they are on vacation, I bring in their packages and put them inside the house). So when I talk to them, they take me seriously.
I also maintain an excellent relationship with some of the local law enforcement officers, who often let me know of ongoing law enforcement issues in the area. They were the ones who let me know about the planned protest in my area.
They were very, very lucky. And speak for yourself on bragging.
Because they acted like fools and looked like complete buffoons (the wife would have smacked herself on the face with her pistol if she fired it, at minimum, and they likely would have shot each other under stress, considering that they swept each other repeatedly with the muzzles of their firearms). Had the mob turned violent, they were not in a position to defend themselves effectively at all. A determined or an enraged mob would have overrun them, killed them both, and torched their house. You don’t fend off a large group of possibly armed aggressors with two people in the open. That’s just pure dumbness – an easy ticket to the afterlife.
It’s pretty obvious you live at least 100 miles from the nearest black. And all your advice is based on all those armed citizen stories and survivalist fantasies. I’ve read them too.
The essential fact about the incident is that the McCloskeys didn’t haven’t any back up from the neighbors. The police would take time to get there. So the McCloskeys used their guns to defend themselves.
But you the safe from blacks country boy heaps much hate and nitpicking on them because they did exactly what NRA and all those armed citizen tales tell us to do. Pick up your gun and defend yourself and your wife.
Half the men on this site are as anti White as BLM and the democrats.
If you have as much scorn and disdain for everybody as you have for the McCloskeys who’d want to join your militia? You’re all talk and no action. Get back to me after you’ve successfully defended yourself against 3 black robbers car jackers home invaders.
Then you can give advice about self defense.Replies: @Twinkie
I watched Carlson this evening. He started out well. The riots are not just riots but prelude to a real revolution. Then he spoke against affirmative action. I was shocked as conservatives never do that.
Then he had a dork from something called American Conservative on. The dork went in and on about what Republicans would do for blacks. Bring the factories back and place them in Baltimore and Detroit. More money for black schools would help the retards. More good jobs for blacks. Strengthen the black family.
FYI the factories were in Detroit and Baltimore. Baltimore had a huge port and was a major industrial business city 200 years ago. It was the blacks that drove the factories and all the other businesses away.
But American Conservative spokes dork just kept going on and in about what the Republicans should do for blacks.
I’m so sick of it All my life nothing but what Whites should do for blacks and after 60 years they’re worse than they were in 1960. And they may be just tools but they’re the leaders of a serious anti White revolution.
I think the media is hiding what’s happening. Nothing’s happened in my neighborhood but I hear sirens 5 to 10 times a day. I look on the internet and watch the 10 pm news and there’s nothing.
This was me about a month ago:
And that was possible, because I got to know my neighbors very well and have earned their trust. I've demonstrated over the years that I care about their well-being and that I'd unhesitatingly take a bullet to protect their children as I would my own. I also taught several of the neighbors and their children shooting. My immediate neighbors trust me with their house keys and alarm codes (when they are on vacation, I bring in their packages and put them inside the house). So when I talk to them, they take me seriously.
I also maintain an excellent relationship with some of the local law enforcement officers, who often let me know of ongoing law enforcement issues in the area. They were the ones who let me know about the planned protest in my area. They were very, very lucky. And speak for yourself on bragging. Because they acted like fools and looked like complete buffoons (the wife would have smacked herself on the face with her pistol if she fired it, at minimum, and they likely would have shot each other under stress, considering that they swept each other repeatedly with the muzzles of their firearms). Had the mob turned violent, they were not in a position to defend themselves effectively at all. A determined or an enraged mob would have overrun them, killed them both, and torched their house. You don't fend off a large group of possibly armed aggressors with two people in the open. That's just pure dumbness - an easy ticket to the afterlife.Replies: @Alden, @Anon, @Johann Ricke
Twinkie you still haven’t said what you would do if a mob showed up at your house, you have a couple guns and no back up from neighbors who might not even be home.
It’s pretty obvious you live at least 100 miles from the nearest black. And all your advice is based on all those armed citizen stories and survivalist fantasies. I’ve read them too.
The essential fact about the incident is that the McCloskeys didn’t haven’t any back up from the neighbors. The police would take time to get there. So the McCloskeys used their guns to defend themselves.
But you the safe from blacks country boy heaps much hate and nitpicking on them because they did exactly what NRA and all those armed citizen tales tell us to do. Pick up your gun and defend yourself and your wife.
Half the men on this site are as anti White as BLM and the democrats.
If you have as much scorn and disdain for everybody as you have for the McCloskeys who’d want to join your militia? You’re all talk and no action. Get back to me after you’ve successfully defended yourself against 3 black robbers car jackers home invaders.
Then you can give advice about self defense.
You are correct: the opulent suburbs have always gone in that direction.
But I was thinking more of the families at the same level as the Busch’s (who built this house for a son-in-law.)
These skip wholes states in their search for peace and quiet, and were generally the first to abandon their magnificent inner city mansions. A Busch descendent went so far as to buy a ranch of well over 300,000 acres in New Mexico, so desirous was he to get away from it all. @Alden
Thanks, loved the house in the game.
It’s pretty obvious you live at least 100 miles from the nearest black. And all your advice is based on all those armed citizen stories and survivalist fantasies. I’ve read them too.
The essential fact about the incident is that the McCloskeys didn’t haven’t any back up from the neighbors. The police would take time to get there. So the McCloskeys used their guns to defend themselves.
But you the safe from blacks country boy heaps much hate and nitpicking on them because they did exactly what NRA and all those armed citizen tales tell us to do. Pick up your gun and defend yourself and your wife.
Half the men on this site are as anti White as BLM and the democrats.
If you have as much scorn and disdain for everybody as you have for the McCloskeys who’d want to join your militia? You’re all talk and no action. Get back to me after you’ve successfully defended yourself against 3 black robbers car jackers home invaders.
Then you can give advice about self defense.Replies: @Twinkie
That’s like saying “Twinkie, what would you do if you suddenly found several armed men in your bedroom?”
It ain’t going to happen. I think ahead. I have several layers of defense any intruder has to go through (and some of those are not passive, e.g. dogs).
A mob doesn’t form spontaneously, quietly, and instantly and just materialize in front of someone’s lawn. If you wait to do something until one shows up at your front door, you didn’t prepare. Unprepared people are prey.
Go back and read my earlier comment, including the first sentence. People who are not prepared to fight back properly and effectively should flee.
Don’t confuse good luck with sound judgment and action.
I don’t get my expertise from “The American Rifleman” magazine. And person-to-person armed counters and home invasions are very different from dealing with a large group of organized aggressors.
If you weren’t so obtuse, you’d realize that I have considerable experience in this from what little I wrote and revealed (e.g. instead of simply attempting to preclude access into the area, creating a funnel into which to channel the attackers).
As recently as the early aughts (and maybe even now, I don't know) it was common knowledge that no Blacks could rent in the North End. Whites could rent at below market rate compared to Back Bay, South End, etc. Italians from the neighborhood could rent at waaay below market rate although the Italian american community had the same birthrate collapse/diffusion as everybody else so there weren't a ton of young renters.
This was because of the Mafia, of course. I knew several nice cornfed young ladies from the rural midwest who were aware of the reality of the situation and were quite pro-mafia, strange as that may sound.
Not sure if the Irish mob did something similar in their neighborhoods but I assume so.Replies: @JohnnyWalker123
You’ll find that most Whites (at least 75-85%) are quite practical about these sort of things. While most Whites are against racism in theory, they’re far more pragmatic in reality.
Most Whites are basically apolitical. They just want to be left alone to make money, go shopping, watch tv, and enjoy life. They do have a vague desire to see fairness, but they have a much more urgent demand for safety and middle-class opportunity.
If local mafias could provide low-cost all-white housing in good areas, most Whites would jump at the chance. Very few people would complain. They wouldn’t defend the practice, but they’d certainly take advantage of it.
Yes, they did. Then in the late 80s, the Boston Housing Authority was sued for discrimination. Then they had to start bringing in Black and Puerto Rican renters to Southie projects, like Old Colony, Mary Ellen MacCormack, etc.
This was me about a month ago:
And that was possible, because I got to know my neighbors very well and have earned their trust. I've demonstrated over the years that I care about their well-being and that I'd unhesitatingly take a bullet to protect their children as I would my own. I also taught several of the neighbors and their children shooting. My immediate neighbors trust me with their house keys and alarm codes (when they are on vacation, I bring in their packages and put them inside the house). So when I talk to them, they take me seriously.
I also maintain an excellent relationship with some of the local law enforcement officers, who often let me know of ongoing law enforcement issues in the area. They were the ones who let me know about the planned protest in my area. They were very, very lucky. And speak for yourself on bragging. Because they acted like fools and looked like complete buffoons (the wife would have smacked herself on the face with her pistol if she fired it, at minimum, and they likely would have shot each other under stress, considering that they swept each other repeatedly with the muzzles of their firearms). Had the mob turned violent, they were not in a position to defend themselves effectively at all. A determined or an enraged mob would have overrun them, killed them both, and torched their house. You don't fend off a large group of possibly armed aggressors with two people in the open. That's just pure dumbness - an easy ticket to the afterlife.Replies: @Alden, @Anon, @Johann Ricke
You live in Kirkland?
This was me about a month ago:
And that was possible, because I got to know my neighbors very well and have earned their trust. I've demonstrated over the years that I care about their well-being and that I'd unhesitatingly take a bullet to protect their children as I would my own. I also taught several of the neighbors and their children shooting. My immediate neighbors trust me with their house keys and alarm codes (when they are on vacation, I bring in their packages and put them inside the house). So when I talk to them, they take me seriously.
I also maintain an excellent relationship with some of the local law enforcement officers, who often let me know of ongoing law enforcement issues in the area. They were the ones who let me know about the planned protest in my area. They were very, very lucky. And speak for yourself on bragging. Because they acted like fools and looked like complete buffoons (the wife would have smacked herself on the face with her pistol if she fired it, at minimum, and they likely would have shot each other under stress, considering that they swept each other repeatedly with the muzzles of their firearms). Had the mob turned violent, they were not in a position to defend themselves effectively at all. A determined or an enraged mob would have overrun them, killed them both, and torched their house. You don't fend off a large group of possibly armed aggressors with two people in the open. That's just pure dumbness - an easy ticket to the afterlife.Replies: @Alden, @Anon, @Johann Ricke
They might been following Hollywood protocol. One of the ways (bad/lazy) script writers crank up viewer angst/tension is by making characters that they’ve gotten the audience to like/identify with, do stupid things. One of these things is for these characters to diminish the standoff advantage that a gun offers by not simply getting within arm’s length of the villains who would do them harm, but actually running to narrow that distance. Another is to break cover and move out into the open to make it easier for the villains to accurately draw a bead on them. In some ways, the old Westerns were more accurate, in the sense that characters used to shoot from behind obstacles that would at least slow down their adversaries’ bullets in the event that they found their mark, thereby reducing wound severity.
There’s a big difference between bringing and brandishing.
Families with a firearms tradition (like the middle class Michigan protestors) know the difference. Progressive lawyers in St. Louis, apparently, do not know the difference. Neither does a progressive lawyer in Delaware, Joe Biden, who recommends shooting a warning shot in the suburbs if bad guys approach.
You guys live 100 miles from the nearest black criminal, own a few guns, fantasize about shooting down black criminals But a White couple does what you all fantasize about and you just brag how you would have done it better.Replies: @No Recent Commenting History
I did put black criminals in jail.
Surrre you did, from behind a desk maybe. I know 20-something security guards who have better tactical sense than you do.
You guys live 100 miles from the nearest black criminal, own a few guns, fantasize about shooting down black criminals
Lol, you don’t know who or where anyone on this site is, or what they are like. That doesn’t stop you from raving like a drunk being escorted out of a bar sometimes. Self control is a virtue. Try it!
But a White couple does what you all fantasize about and you just brag how you would have done it better.
I’ve never had the fantasy of being that foolish. Never.
You really are just raving at this point, demonstrating your ignorance and inability to reason.
PS: I just reviewed the vid and noticed in addition to all the other mistakes, the lawyer-man does not have a sling or carrying strap on his carbine. That’s a lesser blunder vs. everything else, but it is just another indicator that he didn’t have a clue what he was doing. They were lucky, this time, with their Harry Potter wands. That’s all. Lucky.
Most Whites are basically apolitical. They just want to be left alone to make money, go shopping, watch tv, and enjoy life. They do have a vague desire to see fairness, but they have a much more urgent demand for safety and middle-class opportunity.
If local mafias could provide low-cost all-white housing in good areas, most Whites would jump at the chance. Very few people would complain. They wouldn't defend the practice, but they'd certainly take advantage of it. Yes, they did. Then in the late 80s, the Boston Housing Authority was sued for discrimination. Then they had to start bringing in Black and Puerto Rican renters to Southie projects, like Old Colony, Mary Ellen MacCormack, etc.Replies: @Twinkie
Not just “most whites” – most people.
Many of the posters here seem to feel that Whites are uniquely afflicted by guilt and empathy, but my experience has always been that Whites are generally like people of other races. They just want to be left alone to live life, not caring much about the broader world around them.
I do think that Whites have a somewhat stronger sense of fairness and complying with rules than other races, but not to the extent that it'd ruin the quality of their own lives.
Blacks, Jews, and some White liberals will tell you that Whites are uniquely evil, racist, and hate-filled. The posters here often go to the opposite extreme, portraying Whites as being Christ-like, ready to sacrifice themselves for the good of humanity.
For whatever reason, these race-related discussions seem dominated by socially autistic people with severe neuroses.
It's always been obvious to me that Whites are, generally speaking, not that dissimilar to people of other races, especially Hispanics and Asians. Whites are basically normal people.
If White societies function in weird ways these days, it's not because Whites have a desire to sacrifice themselves for the good of humanity. It's because White societies, at the elite level, are dominated by a (((tribe))) who don't share the ethnic interests of the masses.
You'll notice that nobody in Israel is promoting mass immigration to dilute Jewish demographic dominance. As much as they believe in diversity and mass immigration, not even Democratic and Republican leaders dare speak a word against the Jewish supremacism and fascism in Israel.Replies: @Twinkie, @nebulafox
Many of the posters here seem to feel that Whites are uniquely afflicted by guilt and empathy, but my experience has always been that Whites are generally like people of other races. They just want to be left alone to live life, not caring much about the broader world around them.
I do think that Whites have a somewhat stronger sense of fairness and complying with rules than other races, but not to the extent that it’d ruin the quality of their own lives.
Blacks, Jews, and some White liberals will tell you that Whites are uniquely evil, racist, and hate-filled. The posters here often go to the opposite extreme, portraying Whites as being Christ-like, ready to sacrifice themselves for the good of humanity.
For whatever reason, these race-related discussions seem dominated by socially autistic people with severe neuroses.
It’s always been obvious to me that Whites are, generally speaking, not that dissimilar to people of other races, especially Hispanics and Asians. Whites are basically normal people.
If White societies function in weird ways these days, it’s not because Whites have a desire to sacrifice themselves for the good of humanity. It’s because White societies, at the elite level, are dominated by a (((tribe))) who don’t share the ethnic interests of the masses.
You’ll notice that nobody in Israel is promoting mass immigration to dilute Jewish demographic dominance. As much as they believe in diversity and mass immigration, not even Democratic and Republican leaders dare speak a word against the Jewish supremacism and fascism in Israel.
It’s crazy how much ordinary people take as examples depictions of violence in Hollywood.
Finding cover is nice, but even concealment is a giant improvement over being in the open. That should be obvious to all but the dimwitted, right?
In reality, even untrained people instinctively seek cover or concealment under fire. That seems to be programmed into most human beings. But therein lies the problem. Untrained people seek cover and concealment and stay there, because they confuse temporary safety with real safety that usually requires neutralization of the threat (or safe evasion/disengagement). They don’t want to expose themselves again. That’s how they die.
The basics of small unit tactics is that, whether on the attack or retreat, you need at least two elements working in tandem – one providing an overwatch/suppressive fire, the other in movement/maneuver and then switching roles (known as “bounding overwatch”). In general, you shouldn’t stay in fixed locations unless heavily fortified and supported by other elements (emplaced machine guns, indirect artillery, air support, etc. – and even then the defended positions should be mutually supported, not isolated) and are sitting on something worth risking lives. Seek cover, fire, move, and rinse and repeat… and you need at least two elements to do it in relative safety.
Many of the posters here seem to feel that Whites are uniquely afflicted by guilt and empathy, but my experience has always been that Whites are generally like people of other races. They just want to be left alone to live life, not caring much about the broader world around them.
I do think that Whites have a somewhat stronger sense of fairness and complying with rules than other races, but not to the extent that it'd ruin the quality of their own lives.
Blacks, Jews, and some White liberals will tell you that Whites are uniquely evil, racist, and hate-filled. The posters here often go to the opposite extreme, portraying Whites as being Christ-like, ready to sacrifice themselves for the good of humanity.
For whatever reason, these race-related discussions seem dominated by socially autistic people with severe neuroses.
It's always been obvious to me that Whites are, generally speaking, not that dissimilar to people of other races, especially Hispanics and Asians. Whites are basically normal people.
If White societies function in weird ways these days, it's not because Whites have a desire to sacrifice themselves for the good of humanity. It's because White societies, at the elite level, are dominated by a (((tribe))) who don't share the ethnic interests of the masses.
You'll notice that nobody in Israel is promoting mass immigration to dilute Jewish demographic dominance. As much as they believe in diversity and mass immigration, not even Democratic and Republican leaders dare speak a word against the Jewish supremacism and fascism in Israel.Replies: @Twinkie, @nebulafox
First of all, don’t go frog-Nazi. Just write “Jews” instead of using the silly parentheses. You are not going to be banned or look out of place.
I am likewise critical of Jews – they are disproportionately in the elite class, and they haven’t been very benevolent elites and have not displayed noblesse oblige. However, I do not think that is unique to the Jews alone.
I think the rise of so-called meritocracy has created an elite class that believes in the power of the individuals (that is to say, they) to succeed on their own and are thusly not beholden to anyone or anything. Not to tradition, not to community, and not to any shared sense of destiny. People with such an ideology are more likely to look down on their economic or academic inferiors also as moral inferiors who deserve their increasingly downtrodden lot (which in turn makes them virtue-signal even more to mask their contempt for the lower classes).
To some extent, I do think the exaggeration of the very uniquely American mythology of the “rugged individual” who conquered the wilderness led to this. Some commenters on Unz tend to blame Jews for the destruction of this shared sense of community, but I tend to think that Jews (and other cognitively high profile segments of the population) rode this particular wave than being creators of it.
That doesn’t excuse elite Jewish cultural traits or behaviors, but it also follows that simply criticizing Jews or even marginalizing them would not restore this lost sense of community either.
Many of the posters here seem to feel that Whites are uniquely afflicted by guilt and empathy, but my experience has always been that Whites are generally like people of other races. They just want to be left alone to live life, not caring much about the broader world around them.
I do think that Whites have a somewhat stronger sense of fairness and complying with rules than other races, but not to the extent that it'd ruin the quality of their own lives.
Blacks, Jews, and some White liberals will tell you that Whites are uniquely evil, racist, and hate-filled. The posters here often go to the opposite extreme, portraying Whites as being Christ-like, ready to sacrifice themselves for the good of humanity.
For whatever reason, these race-related discussions seem dominated by socially autistic people with severe neuroses.
It's always been obvious to me that Whites are, generally speaking, not that dissimilar to people of other races, especially Hispanics and Asians. Whites are basically normal people.
If White societies function in weird ways these days, it's not because Whites have a desire to sacrifice themselves for the good of humanity. It's because White societies, at the elite level, are dominated by a (((tribe))) who don't share the ethnic interests of the masses.
You'll notice that nobody in Israel is promoting mass immigration to dilute Jewish demographic dominance. As much as they believe in diversity and mass immigration, not even Democratic and Republican leaders dare speak a word against the Jewish supremacism and fascism in Israel.Replies: @Twinkie, @nebulafox
>You’ll notice that nobody in Israel is promoting mass immigration to dilute Jewish demographic dominance.
Israeli Jews are not American Jews, often racially, almost always psychologically…
Funny story: I once showed a blue-collar Malay guy-i.e, Muslim with less than flattering views of Jews, but based primarily on Israel rather than the USA-a video of a bunch of American college leftists at the most recent Islamophobia protest. When I mentioned that Jews tended to be over-represented at these kinds of events, he took one look at their obese or pierced pasty visages, and he told me that I had to be joking. Everybody knew that Jews were these tough soldier guys (and girls) who hated Muslims and would krav maga the crap out of you for crossing them.
“No, man, that’s just the Israelis…”
(More intellectually sophisticated foreign Muslims tend to be more aware that American Jews are a different breed from Israelis, but are unable to accept that they still aren’t connected somehow, given American’s political relationship with Israel and Jewish affluence in the United States. Surely no matter what sort of PC nonsense they spout for political advantage, in practice, they take the side of their co-religionists, right? Which, in fairness, might have been true in 1967, but hardly is the case anymore, especially amongst the young who view Israelis as vaguely Afrikaner-ish.
It’s a fascinating glimpse at how genuinely hard it is for many people from the developing world to grasp “WEIRD” notions of a world where tribe is simply a much more vicious, gossipy fashion identity.)
Yes, I know that the perversity of Google Doodles has been a subject here for a while, and it's no news to any reader here that Google is run by sociopaths, but I still had to point that out.Replies: @Jack D, @Gordo
Yes grotesque by design, all part of a war of demoralisation against us.
And yet in a way laughable that the diseased and demented are their emblems.
I worked with Sabras in the past. They are not “men without chests” that Diaspora Jews are.
You are correct, JimDandy. And, 25 years ago, I used to think better of him. Live and learn.
Does Trauss include the apostrophe in it’s?